Press release - does it work?

by jkiley
7 replies
I have a software and I want to do submit to press release websites. I have few questions around it

1. Do press releases work? what can i expect in return?
2. How much will it cost?
3. Do I just pay for submission and wait and hope and pray that people will read it and then come to my site?
4. Is there any place where I can read more information about press release sites?

#press #release #work
  • Profile picture of the author Tom2009
    Well i just began using this service, i mean PR, from TwoBelivers , and once i get the results i will keep you updated , on how PR really affects your site

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  • Profile picture of the author Jamie Iaconis

    I have done some press releases in the past and I
    can say that the links you get from them are good!

    While they may not give you lots of immediate traffic, the
    long-term benefits are what you are looking at!


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  • Profile picture of the author Dana Forsythe
    I remember I did a PR way back when and I didn't get any traffic from it. However I didn't know anything about article writing or SEO at the time haha
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  • Profile picture of the author Gunter Eibl
    Press releases work VERY well. There are huge price differences, for example you can get one done professionally at $16, see my sig.

    Many marketers still don't use press releases that's why it works so well.

    Most don't know that also does press release submission.

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  • Profile picture of the author Ron569
    I paid for a professional release and ended up being listed on the top 10 pages of Google as a result. Not bad for a first release, wait until I start adding products to those pages.
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  • Profile picture of the author Franck Silvestre
    Yes, press releases work, but this is a long term marketing strategy.

    I just made a blog post with some samples of my own press releases as well: How To Write an Seo Press Release To Ramp Up Traffic And Sales | Internet Marketing Mentor

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    Winson Yeung said: "...Definitively A++ recommended WSO"
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  • Profile picture of the author Dana_W
    Here's the link to a press release that I did for a client:

    Economy Puts Relationships at Highest Risk in Decades, According to Experts

    It was picked up by tons of legitimate outlets, including Breitbarts, Reuters, etc. and drove a whole lot of traffic.

    Where you submit the press release to makes ALL the difference in the results you get. (This is assuming you've written your press release correctly in the first place.)

    As for getting a story written about your press release - I can tell you, as a former newspaper reporter, that you really need to make telephone calls to the newspaper, radio station or TV station, and pitch your story to have a hope of that happening.
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