How to drive traffic on my blog?
Hi people. Recently (10 days ago), I started building my first blog. I really like designing stuff, so I pick a WordPress, instal new Twenty Thirteen theme and do a nice design. I have no problems about designing, and I never had one. I have problems with driving traffic to my blog. I know it is still early to talk about bigger traffic because I start working on my blog 10 days ago, but I'm receiving only about 15-30 visitors a day. In the next two months I would like to have arround 500-1000 visitors to my website in one day. Is that possible? I know everything depends how much I work but still I don't know how to do that.
I start promoting my blog on Twitter (I have about 2000 twitter followers), but I'm getting low traffic. Two days ago I start using Facebook also, but since I only receive few likes, I guess I can't expect some big traffic from this network. I'm trying to expand my social profiles using JustRetweet and EmpireAvenue. I found them very useful.
I'm writting my own articles (I guess that is better for SEO), I'm using best wordpress plugins (for SEO and other), so should I expect some organic traffic from Search Engines soon?
From Social Bookmarking sites I use Reddit and Digg, I also start Forum Marketing (Warrior Forum, SitePoint, Wicked Fire, and Digital Point from today). I bookmark few best blogs in my niche and start doing blog commenting on them.
That is well everything I'm doing to get traffic
What should I expect? What should I start using that I didn't? Why? How to use it? If anyone have some good tips, I would appreciate help.
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