Daily safelists or subsequent day safelists

2 replies
when and if you use safe-lists, do you prefer to be in the one that allow you to mail daily or the ones that allow you to mail subsequently.

The daily mailers, i seriously just delete those emails. I am not goign to click anyone of them, WAY TOO MUCH!!!
#daily #day #safelists #subsequent
  • Profile picture of the author kevin timothy
    I prefer the safelists that allow you to send emails
    daily. The ones that only allow a weekly mailout
    aren't of any lesser value, though.

    Regardless of which you go with you want
    to be sure that they are getting opened,
    and (ultimately) clicked through.

    It's about numbers so the more you're able
    to send out emails the better. If you're
    receiving too many emails your best bet
    is to use Gmail's organization features.

    They may be too many emails but those
    are all potential credits.

    As one other poster stated, create a
    schedule and don't let the emails overwhelm
    you. Read the emails from your mobile
    device if you have to - just pace yourself.
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  • Profile picture of the author ALI BENLARBI
    when you create an account in safe-lists. purchase a solo ads from them , don't use a free mailing
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