"internet marketing" vs "im" in a domain name?

22 replies
If you where going to setup a new site that is going to be in the internet marketing niche... Would you go with the long version like internetmarketingblahblahblah.com or the short version imblahblahblah.com?

Personally I'm leaning towards the long version since not everyone knows the meaning of "im".

Thoughts on this?

Rob Whisonant
#domain #internet marketing
  • Profile picture of the author ViViD
    I would go with what is catchy and memorable even if internet marketing is not in the domain. Short, brandable, memorable.
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  • Profile picture of the author Mogly
    go for a brand name -- maybe your personal name.

    it won't help you much to have the whole "internet marketing" in there in terms of seo, only a small benefit-- and that's going to be annoyingly long.. probably to the point of losing traffic and users because of it.
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  • Profile picture of the author Rob Whisonant
    Brandable was not an option to my question. Was looking at internet marketing vs im only.

    Sorry if I confused anyone.

    Rob Whisonant
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  • Profile picture of the author jeffreyhuan
    I would go with im. Internet marketing is just too long.
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    • Profile picture of the author Rob Whisonant
      Originally Posted by jeffreyhuan View Post

      I would go with im. Internet marketing is just too long.
      im is nice and short and quick to type. But do people just wanting to get into internet marketing know what im stands for? That's my main concern with it.

      Rob Whisonant
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  • Profile picture of the author Miguelito203
    Originally Posted by Rob Whisonant View Post

    If you where going to setup a new site that is going to be in the internet marketing niche... Would you go with the long version like internetmarketingblahblahblah.com or the short version imblahblahblah.com?

    Personally I'm leaning towards the long version since not everyone knows the meaning of "im".

    Thoughts on this?

    Rob Whisonant
    If you're planning to build a larger site, so that you can promote multiple products, I don't think it makes such of a difference. Once you build up a relationship with your audience, your readers will come back. It really just depends what names you come up with. I wouldn't make the name too long, something memorable and that's a dot com.

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  • Profile picture of the author blackli0n
    "internet marketing" is by far the better option. IM doesn't blend well into the domain name and doesn't sound good when you say it out loud.

    SomethingInternetMarketing sounds much better than SomethingIM.
    wpjohnny.com - Make Money with Wordpress
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  • Profile picture of the author Mark Singletary
    I am about to unleash my newest thing and I went with IM instead of the longer version. The first thing someone said to me was IM is instant messenger. :confused:

    However, I'm keeping it because in the end I don't think it comes down to the name at all but what you do with the name.

    No one knows what a Google, Yahoo, Amazon, or Ebay is and would have no clue what was being sold if they just saw the domain name. The people running these billion dollar companies, though, are making billions of dollars because of their marketing, their value, their strategy, etc.

    My early failures online have NOTHING whatsoever to do with the domain name but everything with not doing the marketing, not getting the message right, etc.

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    • Profile picture of the author blackli0n
      Originally Posted by Mark Singletary View Post

      I am about to unleash my newest thing and I went with IM instead of the longer version. The first thing someone said to me was IM is instant messenger. :confused:

      However, I'm keeping it because in the end I don't think it comes down to the name at all but what you do with the name.

      No one knows what a Google, Yahoo, Amazon, or Ebay is and would have no clue what was being sold if they just saw the domain name. The people running these billion dollar companies, though, are making billions of dollars because of their marketing, their value, their strategy, etc.

      My early failures online have NOTHING whatsoever to do with the domain name but everything with not doing the marketing, not getting the message right, etc.


      If you don't believe in the initials IM, then take that out of your domain name!!!
      wpjohnny.com - Make Money with Wordpress
      Passive income since 2007. Trying to consistently crack 5-figures/month. find what you love - dream big - work hard
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      • Profile picture of the author Steve B

        I've had the same dilemma in choosing the "best" domain name in other markets. I think Gene's comment above is the most appropriate for your question. It all depends upon the purpose of your site and whether the targeted audience you want to attract will recognize "IM" as Internet marketing.

        I'm not sure what Google thinks about EMDs. There's lots of speculation on that front - but can anyone say for sure? If Google has weighed in on the topic, I've never seen their "official" response. If someone knows where it can be found, please share it with us.

        Anywhere that search engine results are displayed and people click on a link, the domain name won't much matter. Aside from that, however, there is a reason to like the longer name.

        Sometimes you see a domain without an active link (in a book, magazine, ad, billboard, editorial, or even hear a name in a conversation, etc). In such cases, having the full wording "Internet marketing ..." alerts the viewer/listener to what the site is about, certainly moreso than "IM ..." I personally like domains that describe what the business is all about.

        Obviously you will have to decide for yourself, after weighing all the options, what works best for you. Shorter is good, brandable is good, but so is being descriptive, and so is being specific to Internet marketing (as talked about in the "instant messaging" comment above).

        Here's a thought: if you decide to go with the IM initials, pick something that flows well with IM (as in the contraction for "I am"). So if your marketing site was about how to advertise your business, go for a domain name like IMAdvertising. Sounds kind of cool, huh?

        Good luck in your quest and let us know what your choose.


        Steve Browne, online business strategies, tips, guidance, and resources

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  • Profile picture of the author auseek
    Either way Rob.
    Long - possibly good for SEO..
    but apart from that..
    no biggy !

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  • Profile picture of the author BonganiS
    Originally Posted by Rob Whisonant View Post

    If you where going to setup a new site that is going to be in the internet marketing niche... Would you go with the long version like internetmarketingblahblahblah.com or the short version imblahblahblah.com?

    Personally I'm leaning towards the long version since not everyone knows the meaning of "im".

    Thoughts on this?

    Rob Whisonant
    I would go for the short one for anyone to easily remember. Then use other strategies for ES optimization.
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  • Profile picture of the author KevinChapman
    Out of IM and internet marketing, I'd go for internet marketing, IM could mean a lot of things!
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  • Profile picture of the author Gene Pimentel
    It all depends on the purpose of the domain. If it's a domain that will be used to attract people who are not intimately involved in this business, "IM" won't make any sense to them and cause confusion. If it is primarily to be used within the small world of internet marketers, then "IM" would be great. Otherwise, use the full words.
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  • Profile picture of the author Chosen2013
    I'd go for Internet Marketing - IM is mostly known as abbreviature for Instant Messenging.
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  • Profile picture of the author John P
    I would go for a brand name but as i see that is not an option for you then i would go with internet marketing.
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  • Profile picture of the author Volcano
    Depends on your project I'd say. I you want to attract lots of newbies Internet Markering would obviously be the better choice. If not, I would go with IM. Basically everybody who has spent more than ten minutes reading about internet marketing should know what IM stands for.
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  • Profile picture of the author PeterMFL
    I would go for a .com since everyone is used to it...
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  • Profile picture of the author hirithk
    Go with the brand name or personal name. No one will be knowing the short form, if keep our brand name means branding also improves, when people used to search the website the full name will come and it attracts visitors
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  • Profile picture of the author tritrain
    Originally Posted by Rob Whisonant View Post

    If you where going to setup a new site that is going to be in the internet marketing niche... Would you go with the long version like internetmarketingblahblahblah.com or the short version imblahblahblah.com?

    Personally I'm leaning towards the long version since not everyone knows the meaning of "im".

    Thoughts on this?

    Rob Whisonant
    Keyword-rich domains have very little value these days, since the changes with Google. Don't bother with the longer domain. It's more about "brand" now.

    Just go with IMxxxxxx.com and think more on the title and content. Memorable is more important than the domain name explaining the purpose of the site.
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    • Profile picture of the author JohnMcCabe
      Here's the thing. With the devaluation of EMDs, there's little advantage to having the longer domain.

      In any context besides SEO, your prospects are not going to see the domain in a vacuum. They'll have a minimum (serps) of the site name, the URL and a few words of description. You'll have opportunities to clear up any confusion. Even Adwords gives ~80 characters.

      Nowadays, with bit.ly and other link shorteners used commonly, I don't think the domain name is going to make that much difference. If your gut tells you to go one way or the other, go with it...
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  • Profile picture of the author kevin timothy
    I would definately use "internet marketing" in the domain because that's what the masses search for. As for "IM".....although I believe that it's increasing in popularity, only a relative few understand what that is. Think how a search engine user would think.
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