The Sweet Smell of Success!

by wesawu
9 replies
Hello Warriors,

I want to thank this forum for so much! It has been a long and arduous road but I launched my first WSO yesterday and it was a great success. I had an 11% conversion rate but was expecting only 3%. So far no refunds! I am working on my second WSO to be released next week. Thanks Warrior Forum and all the members! I have learned a lot and have much more learn to but more than willing to do so! Thank you, thank you, thank you!!!
#smell #success #sweet
  • Profile picture of the author he_august
    that's great, Wesawu...

    success story always motivational...

    keep up the good work, and can't wait to hear your 2nd launch success

    Warm regards,
    Hendy August
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  • Profile picture of the author garyt
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  • Profile picture of the author sbucciarel
    Well congratulations to you. A success story is great to hear. Good luck on your next one.
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  • Profile picture of the author John J M
    Good job. I'm sure you are learning from the experience too. You always learn a lot when you take the first step.
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  • Profile picture of the author alexnob
    Congrat buddy, wish you will have big big success in the future.
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  • Profile picture of the author Ricardo Furtado
    Great stuff, keep up the awesome work. All the best. Regards

    Ricardo Furtado

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  • Profile picture of the author Stefan Shields
    Congratulations and good luck for the future

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    Survey Link

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    • Profile picture of the author Michael Shook
      Rock On. Its a lot of fun when it works well. Congratulations.

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      • Profile picture of the author Adorer
        The Sweet Smell of Success! I immediately opened the thread. I need the motivation and encouragement. Yesterday I was reading an article about the richest people in the world and one of the entrepreneur said that he failed more than a thousand times with no encouragement from friends or family. But, he kept going and one day: Bam!!!

        I am struggling here, but I am not focusing on my failures just on what I see ahead and I am working towards it and hopefully it will succeed. At any rate, I will die trying.

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