You know more than you think

by Zeus66
8 replies
This might belong in the Mind Warriors section, but I think it relates directly to making money, so I'm posting it here. Sue me.

I coach a lot of people about making info products, sales funnels, and building lists, and one of the most common refrains I hear is the worry that "I don't know enough yet." I also get a lot of this one: "I'm not making lots of money online yet."

Let me explain why both of those worries are usually irrelevant...

It all comes down to who your target audience is. Think of a ladder. The "gurus" are on the top rung. Totally inexperienced newbies are on the bottom rung, with one foot still on the ground.

Very few people who know about this forum are truly bottom-rung newbies. Almost everyone has SOME experience and is therefore on at least the 2nd rung of the IM ladder.

Guess who your target audience (who you should sell to) is, regardless of where you are on the ladder? Yep - the people just below you (or well below you).

If you use that as your basis for deciding what to create and sell (regardless of the niche you're in), there are always info products you can create and sell. And you don't have to worry about your own evaluation of your experience level or the amount of money you're making.

In fact, I argue that the best people to teach those just below them on the learning ladder are those who have most recently gone through it. It's still fresh in your mind, including the no-no's.

Of course, the higher up the ladder you progress, the bigger your potential audience of buyers. That's one of the perks of improving yourself!

But it's all about positioning and choosing the right audience. If you're still on just the 2nd or 3rd rung and not quite confident of your knowledge and ability to teach others, think about what you were like just a short time ago. Those are your people! Talk to them... when you write or record your info product, that's who you're helping.

I hope this gives those of you who are actually ready right now to become product creators some hope and a little push to go for it!

  • Profile picture of the author William2010
    True, knowing who and how to target your audience is the difference between 2 sales a day and 200 sales per day on your product..The things is most of the people when they sell their product want to target everybody..and in most of the cases 99,99% they are wrong.. because they don t focus on only one problem to resolve they want to resolve all problems.. and they end up having lower sales, than people who made some research first.
    Hope that this makes sense
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  • Profile picture of the author Ernesto1
    I wrote a short Spanish PDF ebook about self-improvement a while back, and at first I felt like I wasn't a Guru so why should I be writing this?? I felt like I wasn't "high status" enough or a VIP on the subject, but slowly after seeing people's response to my techniques and how much they loved it, I started to feel like a REAL authority. Sometimes is ok to feel like you're over your head or unworthy, because eventually you will GROW into your role. As long as you're always real and genuine with who you are and sharing that with people, you start accepting your new "teacher" status in that field or niche.

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    • Profile picture of the author tony14
      Originally Posted by Ernesto1 View Post

      I wrote a short Spanish PDF ebook about self-improvement a while back, and at first I felt like I wasn't a Guru so why should I be writing this?? I felt like I wasn't "high status" enough or a VIP on the subject, but slowly after seeing people's response to my techniques and how much they loved it, I started to feel like a REAL authority. Sometimes is ok to feel like you're over your head or unworthy, because eventually you will GROW into your role. As long as you're always real and genuine with who you are and sharing that with people, you start accepting your new "teacher" status in that field or niche.
      Hi Ernesto I am spanish and see you may speak spanish. I have a blog
      Gana dinero ya that it's just started (3 month ago). Can you give me you opinion about it and if you have this free pdf I would appreciate you to send me to
      Thanks and good luck searching Financial Freedom..
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  • Profile picture of the author Zeus66
    I couldn't agree more, Ernesto! You make some excellent points and your experience is a perfect example of what I was getting at.

    Too many people think far too little of themselves in terms of what they actually know that others would also like to know. Share what you know and you'll discover that there are lots of people who appreciate that you took the time to help them. It never fails.
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  • Profile picture of the author Stuart Walker
    It's fine not to be an expert and teach people who know less than you but when people who haven't made any money are promising other people who are not making any money they'll make $10,000 per month by following their advice it gets a bit dodgy.
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  • Profile picture of the author Zeus66
    Of course. I'm certainly not advocating such a thing. It brings up another point... Too many people in the IM niche think everything has to be about direct ways to make money. Often, the processes we all have to learn before we can even think about making money are the very things others really want to learn: how to use Wordpress, how to write a good blog post, how to make a simple video, etc. If you know how to do any of that, regardless of how much money it's earned you, you've got the knowledge to create and sell an info product that others will find valuable.
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  • Profile picture of the author Stuart Walker
    Indeed you can be in the IM niche and teach people things that need to be done in order to get to the making money stage but aren't the "do this and make $10,000" sorta stuff.
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  • Profile picture of the author i58biz
    I tend to agree with the initial post that those "just up the ladder" are best placed to teach those just below them.

    Generally speaking, those up the ladder, the guru's so to speak do not want to be bothered by a lot of stuff that they left years ago and are chasing different objectives and goals and are thinking on a whole different level.

    So yes, if you have been in the game a while, you can always teach something, even if its a small part of what internet marketing is about - a part that you may have learned well eg: how to write a good article
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