High Ticket Affiliate Progs - a Lesson Learned

13 replies
I just thought I would post this as a cautionary note to anyone thinking of promoting high ticket progs.

I promote a high ticket cpa - when I started with this one the commission was £250 per successful sign up. .. I never had any real success and was about to throw the towel in on it, when I received an email from my affiliate manager, notifying me that the company concerned was for the next 3 months Doubling the commission to £500

Sounds too good to pass over, even though I had had little success before. So i decided to throw some money at it with a ppc campaign .. I don't have a big budget so it was a relatively small campaign.

Within 3 days I was notified of sales and commissions generated. Needless to say I was elated and doing my math, decided to increase my spend on my ppc campaign to more than I could afford, but hey, I had my commissions to look forward to which would take care of my overspend right!

Wrong! .. a few days later I received notifications of commission reversals .. the money I had earned before was all gone... the reason given..... consumer error!

I contacted my affiliate manager for confirmation of the reversals.. the product I am promoting gives the consumer what they want instantly and on this basis I did not think reversals would apply, given the niche.

There are two things to take from this little story and I am sure most would agree.

1. Don't count your chickens before they hatch and spend the money before you get it.
2. Check the terms of your affiliate agreement regarding reversals etc... you may not like what you read.
#affiliate #high #learned #lesson #progs #ticket
  • Profile picture of the author RogueOne
    2. Check the terms of your affiliate agreement regarding reversals etc
    This should be #1
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  • Profile picture of the author entrepreneurjay
    So did you make anything? Were they all reversed? Sounds like they are running some kind of scam and they just want free traffic and do not intend to pay any affiliates.

    Well lesson learned just move on all you really can do.

    P.S. Sorry to hear that
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  • Profile picture of the author Sean DeSilva
    the mistake you made with overspending after seeing big commissions is obvious in retrospect, but most of us probably would've done the same thing under similar circumstances. I'm sorry to hear about the reversals, hopefully you can find a better affiliate program than the one you're using now so that won't happen again.
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  • Profile picture of the author Sayan777
    Originally Posted by Graham Maddison View Post

    I just thought I would post this as a cautionary note to anyone thinking of promoting high ticket progs.

    I promote a high ticket cpa - when I started with this one the commission was £250 per successful sign up. .. I never had any real success and was about to throw the towel in on it, when I received an email from my affiliate manager, notifying me that the company concerned was for the next 3 months Doubling the commission to £500

    Sounds too good to pass over, even though I had had little success before. So i decided to throw some money at it with a ppc campaign .. I don't have a big budget so it was a relatively small campaign.

    Within 3 days I was notified of sales and commissions generated. Needless to say I was elated and doing my math, decided to increase my spend on my ppc campaign to more than I could afford, but hey, I had my commissions to look forward to which would take care of my overspend right!

    Wrong! .. a few days later I received notifications of commission reversals .. the money I had earned before was all gone... the reason given..... consumer error!

    I contacted my affiliate manager for confirmation of the reversals.. the product I am promoting gives the consumer what they want instantly and on this basis I did not think reversals would apply, given the niche.

    There are two things to take from this little story and I am sure most would agree.

    1. Don't count your chickens before they hatch and spend the money before you get it.
    2. Check the terms of your affiliate agreement regarding reversals etc... you may not like what you read.
    Good warning,
    What the network? If it is not a secret.
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    • Profile picture of the author planetlubs
      Alot of money is made promoting high ticket items. It is said that it takes the same effort to sale a low ticket item as it takes to sell a high ticket item.

      What is important though from you lesson is not to count your chicken before they hatch, but should not stop one from promoting high ticket items. You just need to pick a reputable network, vendor, not to spend above your limits and to read the affiliate guidelines to ascertain if they are favorable to your plans and expectations.

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  • Profile picture of the author Ricardo Furtado
    Sorry to hear about this. Thanks for the lesson.

    BUT – most CPA networks do this kind of crap.

    All the best. Regards.

    Ricardo Furtado

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  • Profile picture of the author Graham Maddison
    Thanks for the replies, but my post was not intended to get sympathy, but more of a lesson to others.

    I have no problem with the Cpa company or their terms and conditions, the fault is mine for not doing my homework properly .. my fault entirely and it is a hard lesson learned.

    I took for granted that if someone signs up to get an instant loan, there would be no reversals .... just a warning to others who are thinking about promoting similar cpa's.
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    {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[8908275].message }}
    • Profile picture of the author nik0
      Originally Posted by Graham Maddison View Post

      Thanks for the replies, but my post was not intended to get sympathy, but more of a lesson to others.

      I have no problem with the Cpa company or their terms and conditions, the fault is mine for not doing my homework properly .. my fault entirely and it is a hard lesson learned.

      I took for granted that if someone signs up to get an instant loan, there would be no reversals .... just a warning to others who are thinking about promoting similar cpa's.
      I suppose the commission gets rewarded before the full financial check of the customer is completed and thus it leads to many reversals as most people who apply don't have the credit to back it up.
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  • Profile picture of the author purpleon
    It's very important lesson I think .
    ''2. Check the terms of your affiliate agreement regarding reversals etc... you may not like what you read. ''
    Thanks for very helpful warning
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  • Profile picture of the author dsuitor
    So true .... It's nit money until it's in your bank account ... I've made this mistake many times in the past... I'm not a big fan of high ticket sales... In the mmo niche ... Ive made most of my money with CPA that being said there is ALOT of money with hts. Just make sure you always do your research.
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  • Profile picture of the author RogueOne
    I have no problem with the Cpa company or their terms and conditions, the fault is mine for not doing my homework properly .. my fault entirely and it is a hard lesson learned.
    It's refreshing to hear someone take responsibility and not blame it on everything else.
    Get Off The Warrior Forum Now & Don't Come Back If You Want To Succeed!
    All The Real Marketers Are Gone. There's Nothing Left But Weak, Sniveling Wanna-Bees!
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    • Profile picture of the author taffie
      Even though you where not seeking sympathy, its just annoying and I am sure everyone know how painful it is to lose your little hard earned money you where hoping to get you on the right track financially can be.

      It's a lesson, like has been said, move on if you may, all companies are not the same. The really comforting thing with this whole online thing is at least you can start small?

      Imagine if it where some big venture that required thousands? Having said that, I think it's also beautiful to start with nothing as your chances of spending would be maximised if you had much, making it possible to lose more through online marketing.

      So when you don't have, you will be forced learn free ways of doing the business and that way you get the opportunity to learn from experiences of others as we are doing right here.

      Thanks for sharing your experience.
      Coach | Mentor | Consultant | I work with business owners, marketers, experts, or coaches/ and mentors who want to understand new media or digital marketing better http://tinyurl.com/tdmentorspace
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  • Profile picture of the author DubDubDubDot
    There is no such thing as a program that doesn't reverse your sales as the result of a refund or chargeback. Nobody is going to let you just keep a $500 commission or even a $50 one.
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