High Ticket Affiliate Progs - a Lesson Learned
I promote a high ticket cpa - when I started with this one the commission was £250 per successful sign up. .. I never had any real success and was about to throw the towel in on it, when I received an email from my affiliate manager, notifying me that the company concerned was for the next 3 months Doubling the commission to £500
Sounds too good to pass over, even though I had had little success before. So i decided to throw some money at it with a ppc campaign .. I don't have a big budget so it was a relatively small campaign.
Within 3 days I was notified of sales and commissions generated.

Wrong! .. a few days later I received notifications of commission reversals .. the money I had earned before was all gone..

I contacted my affiliate manager for confirmation of the reversals.. the product I am promoting gives the consumer what they want instantly and on this basis I did not think reversals would apply, given the niche.
There are two things to take from this little story and I am sure most would agree.
1. Don't count your chickens before they hatch and spend the money before you get it.
2. Check the terms of your affiliate agreement regarding reversals etc... you may not like what you read.
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All The Real Marketers Are Gone. There's Nothing Left But Weak, Sniveling Wanna-Bees!