Spambots Tried Spamming My Forum -- Then Wound Up Building Backlinks For Me...

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This is wild and crazy and cool.

Ok, so I have this forum I set up and left alone and eventually, spam robots came through and started spamming it. I controlled most of it, and then I forgot about the site again and then went to check it in the serps today to see it had 1700 backlinks. 1700 backlinks from the same exact spam bots that were trying to spam me...

The backlinks were on other forums, they were backlinking to their posts on MY forum... (even after those threads were gone). How interesting is that? I had never thought of or even considered this to happen, so I was pretty shocked.

There are some cool ways you could use this to... set up a site that attracts spam and let them build thousands of backlinks for you :p
#backlinks #building #forum #spambots #spamming #wound

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