Noticed the recent AWeber changes?

by bwh1
17 replies
I noticed a few days ago that my email noticfitaion for signups changed.

I received an email based on my listname whenever a new lead signed up.

Now, all I got was an email from

So I send a ticket and here's what I got as answer

We recently made changes to our notification emails so that the emails
now come from This is due to changes Yahoo and AOL
made to their sending policies which were affecting the deliverability of
notification emails.

Yahoo and AOL now reject emails that do not originate from their servers.
Therefore, any notification emails that were sent from AWeber on behalf of
subscribers signing up with a Yahoo or AOL address were not being delivered.

The following article provides more information on these recent changes:

Please let me know if you have any other questions, thank you!
I don't know if I overreact but I have 3 lists which go to the same gmail email, which I then separated inside Gmail. Now I won't see what list someone subscribed to and have to open each single one to put it into the correct folder.

Sucks a bit IMO. What's your opinion here?

I ain't see any way to bypass that system so I know again which list get's subscribers.

#aweber #noticed #recent
  • Profile picture of the author XponentSYS
    I get what you're saying. But, take peace of mind knowing that Aweber is "on their game" with deliver ability issues.

    THATS the most important thing.
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  • Profile picture of the author gesman
    I wish Aweber would have better API set. Tons of opportunities to make amazing email marketing and autoresonder integrations and the biggest player sucks in this game.
    {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[9161900].message }}
    • Profile picture of the author tkulzer
      Originally Posted by gesman View Post

      I wish Aweber would have better API set. Tons of opportunities to make amazing email marketing and autoresonder integrations and the biggest player sucks in this game.
      We do iterate regularly upon specific suggestions if there's something specific you find missing.

      Tom Kulzer
      CEO & Founder
      AWeber Communications, Inc.

      {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[9162067].message }}
      • Profile picture of the author gesman
        Originally Posted by tkulzer View Post

        We do iterate regularly upon specific suggestions if there's something specific you find missing.
        Via API I need:

        - Ability to create and send newsletters via API.
        - Ability to add, modify, remove customer from list via API.
        - Ability to do initiate transactional email via API (think mandrill)

        PS: make blog broadcast way more responsive. Hours to catch-up with new blog posts to do blog broadcast is unacceptable.
        We need minutes, not hours.
        You lost customer 2 weeks ago because of that.

        Aweber API today is like Mailchimp in reverse.
        Aweber - exceptional facilities for email marketing business - sucky API.
        Mailchimp - exceptional API, sucky approach to businesses (encouraging 90% of business models to stay away).

        {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[9162082].message }}
        • Profile picture of the author tkulzer
          Originally Posted by gesman View Post

          - Ability to create and send newsletters via API.
          That's on our roadmap.

          Originally Posted by gesman View Post

          - Ability to add, modify, remove customer from list via API.
          We already have that.

          Note: move and update methods

          Note: create method

          Originally Posted by gesman View Post

          - Ability to do initiate transactional email via API (think mandrill)
          That's a totally different business model, not just an API feature.

          Originally Posted by gesman View Post

          PS: make blog broadcast way more responsive. Hours to catch-up with new blog posts to do blog broadcast is unacceptable.
          We need minutes, not hours.
          RSS feeds are a pull function, note a push function. Polling for updates from tens of thousands of blogs every few minutes in the off chance that they updated their blog would be incredibly wasteful of our resources as well as those of the blog owners we are polling. We poll for updates every 1-2 hours currently. If there's a usage scenario where you need to be sending out updates immediately, I'd suggest creating the broadcast content directly.

          Tom Kulzer
          CEO & Founder
          AWeber Communications, Inc.

          {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[9162285].message }}
  • Profile picture of the author tkulzer
    Originally Posted by bwh1 View Post

    I noticed a few days ago that my email noticfitaion for signups changed.
    I don't know if I overreact but I have 3 lists which go to the same gmail email, which I then separated inside Gmail. Now I won't see what list someone subscribed to and have to open each single one to put it into the correct folder.
    Sign up notification messages have the list name in the subject line.
    They come in the format of:

    Subject: AWeber listname.adtracking: Subscriber Name <>

    The only change we made was the FROM address which shouldn't have changed any filtering you may have done based on the list name people are subscribing to.

    Tom Kulzer
    CEO & Founder
    AWeber Communications, Inc.

    {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[9162065].message }}
    • Profile picture of the author gesman
      Originally Posted by tkulzer View Post

      Sign up notification messages have the list name in the subject line.
      They come in the format of:

      Subject: AWeber listname.adtracking: Subscriber Name <>

      The only change we made was the FROM address which shouldn't have changed any filtering you may have done based on the list name people are subscribing to.
      Tom, I need bigger montlhy affiliate check from Aweber!
      Give me API, i'll flood you with customers.

      {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[9162070].message }}
    • Profile picture of the author bwh1
      Originally Posted by tkulzer View Post

      Sign up notification messages have the list name in the subject line.
      They come in the format of:

      Subject: AWeber listname.adtracking: Subscriber Name <>

      The only change we made was the FROM address which shouldn't have changed any filtering you may have done based on the list name people are subscribing to.
      Hi Tom

      thanks to step in and you are correct, I have to apologize.

      What changed is that the sender is not anymore the name of the lead, has been changed to the default aweber email.

      The subject has now the senders name and email included.

      What does not work anymore is the REPLY button as the sender changed.

      Not that big of a problem.

      Can't comment on API, don't use it that much but maybe there is room for improvements.

      What I would love to see as a improvement is a graphic editor inside the Form setup wizard where we could customize the forms you offer to suit our designs in a better way.


      Affiliates Wanted! Make anywhere from 42,- to $72 in commissions. Simply Recommend the Best QuickBooks Pro Video Course available at Clickbank.

      {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[9162295].message }}
      • Profile picture of the author tkulzer
        Originally Posted by bwh1 View Post

        The subject has now the senders name and email included.

        What does not work anymore is the REPLY button as the sender changed.
        Correct, we already have a trouble ticket for that and are adding a reply-to header so replies will go back to the new subscriber.

        Originally Posted by bwh1 View Post

        What I would love to see as a improvement is a graphic editor inside the Form setup wizard where we could customize the forms you offer to suit our designs in a better way.
        "improve" is always kind of nebulous and open to interpretation. One person's improvement, is another person's step backwards. Is there something specific you'd like to be able to do?

        Tom Kulzer
        CEO & Founder
        AWeber Communications, Inc.

        {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[9162308].message }}
        • Profile picture of the author bwh1
          Originally Posted by tkulzer View Post

          "improve" is always kind of nebulous and open to interpretation. One person's improvement, is another person's step backwards. Is there something specific you'd like to be able to do?
          Thanks for asking.

          Pick a template of yours, change colors to what I need over a picker to fit my site and add my own product graphics PNG image is what comes into my mind.

          I purchased lately several graphic APP's which let me make ECovers, FB graphics, video overlays etc. all online, no need to download any software. You maybe could incorporate some like this into your form setup section to customize them to our liking.

          Now the customization is very basic from a graphical point of view.

          Then (you may have a reason for that) I really miss the EXIT LIGHTBOX POPUP. It was the only Popup I used and it really worked well to present some kind of Offer when someone leaves the site.

          You can argue that people which leave want to leave but fact is that an exit popup does convert more traffic then having non.


          Affiliates Wanted! Make anywhere from 42,- to $72 in commissions. Simply Recommend the Best QuickBooks Pro Video Course available at Clickbank.

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  • Profile picture of the author amuro
    Originally Posted by bwh1 View Post

    I noticed a few days ago that my email noticfitaion for signups changed.

    I received an email based on my listname whenever a new lead signed up.

    Now, all I got was an email from

    So I send a ticket and here's what I got as answer

    I don't know if I overreact but I have 3 lists which go to the same gmail email, which I then separated inside Gmail. Now I won't see what list someone subscribed to and have to open each single one to put it into the correct folder.
    Originally Posted by bwh1 View Post

    Sucks a bit IMO. What's your opinion here?

    I ain't see any way to bypass that system so I know again which list get's subscribers.

    Yes, I do notice the changes too.

    But so long as it did not affect the delivery of messages to my subscribers, that should be ok.

    Apparently Aweber has gone through some maintennance and update changes in recent months.

    Same with Getresponse.
    {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[9162402].message }}
    • Profile picture of the author tkulzer
      Originally Posted by amuro View Post

      Apparently Aweber has gone through some maintennance and update changes in recent months.
      We have 100+ team members, 50 of whom are engineers. We're constantly adding new features and updating things, it's not just a periodic thing.

      Tom Kulzer
      CEO & Founder
      AWeber Communications, Inc.

      {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[9162888].message }}
  • Profile picture of the author kencalhn
    Hey Tom, congrats on the business growth, I'd have thought you'd be a 5-6 person company. Excellent video, and +1 for continuing to show up here to respond personally (bonus +1 for showing up on a sunday, especially as it's Star Wars Day today, "May the 4th" be with you). Epic win. Longtime customer here since 2005, I use aweber all the time, works great.

    back to my star wars marathon,

    {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[9162970].message }}

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