6 replies
Hello Everyone,

This is my first post to say hello and start getting stuck in to what seems like an awesome resource.

A bit about me;
Very much a newbie and have been working on a Sitesell site for a month or so but really struggling with the content production. It doesn't seem to be doing anything for me and I'm finding it hard to write ORIGINAL content instead of using existing articles.
Just recently I've been looking at using article writing to sell affiliate products by following the basic principles of the Bum Marketer. Only a couple of days in but encouraging that my 3 articles have been requested by about 20 people already. Will see what happens.

My problem is sifting through the VAST amount of information on IM and not getting sidetracked. I find it hard to know what methodology to concentrate on and what works best for an absolute newbie. I was thinking of following Ed Dales 30 Day Challenge later this year to get a good understanding. Does anyone have any input on this?

I reckon I could write a good targeted ebook product on several niche topics but have no idea what to do after that. Do I get my own domain, offer it on clickbank through affiliates only or what? I am even stuck at the basic sales page and stuff like that.

I think I just need a push in right direction to focus myself. I've got loads of good ideas but don't know what to do with them to realise my goals.

I would really appreciate any information or a 'roadmap to success' from those who have been there and succeeded (I have had a look in the newbie sticky at the links there and found some useful info but some of that is over my head too.

Many thanks in advance and I look forward to your replies,

  • Profile picture of the author Ken Troyer
    Hi James,

    Welcome to the forum!

    You are not alone in your problem. Information overload is what we call it. - it kills production.

    What you need to decide....is which direction do you want to take, and then focus on JUST that, and do it better than anyone else. If you just browse around, you will be sucked into anything that comes along, because EVERYTHING sounds good.

    Here are the main ways to make money online....

    1.) Sell info products as your own. (text, audio, video) - Requires upfront work.
    2.) Sell other people's products as an affiliate. (easier way to start)
    3.) Website flipping...either create a site, and sell it. Or else buy one, improve it, and sell it.
    4.) Create a service of your own...and do it better, cheaper than everyone else.

    Most beginners choose affiliate marketing when they start because it's so darn easy....but there are a lot of pitfalls in any method....so it's best to find someone experienced that you can confide in....and work out a business plan before you just go crazy doing what everyone else is doing.

    I hope that makes sense.

    Take care,
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  • Profile picture of the author TLTheLiberator
    Don't get me wrong but...

    Does not site sell supply you with plenty of step by step that you already paid for?

    Seems like you're already sidetracked by forgoing site sell's step by step plan for
    creating an online business.

    Site sell has a great rep and a solid step by step plan.

    Here's a thread with site sell users...


    Hope This Helps!!


    Ps. You can always simply purchase your content.

    "It's easier to fool people than to convince them that they have been fooled. -- Mark Twain

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    • Profile picture of the author housefinder
      I am still learning myself and can surely relate to being overwhelmed. Take it one step at a time and you will do well. There are a number of things I would suggest. Bryan Zimmerman's wso is great. It is 20 dollars I believe but is well worth it as it offers a 30 day plan. Michael Franklin has a great free ebook and Angela who does the backlinks also has a short free great ebook. Hope this helps.
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    • Profile picture of the author trotters
      Yes, Sitesell is great in terms of the info provided and backup in the forum but my problem is lack of content. I'm struggling to get pages up. At the moment I have 2 fully written pages but they suggest you have 250! It has taken me ages just to write 2 pages so it will take months to get a full site. I feel this is not the type of system that is going to work for me as I work full time at the moment and want to start earning decent money ASAP.
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  • Profile picture of the author Michael Franklin
    Hi James!


    30 Day Challenge is a great resource. Signing up for it wouldn't hurt. You will learn a lot during that time.

    Better yet, while you do the 30 day challenge, I would also work on bum marketing every day. If you follow the guidelines in Travis' course you will be fine. As you get into bum marketing, you will probably have questions like "spinning articles" or "affiliate links in EzineArticles"...Just search for the answers on this forum. They are all out there for you.

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  • Profile picture of the author DigiTips
    Keep browsing the warrior forums, and picking up tips, but dont go buying too much stuff, it's easy to do on here!
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