Change target URL for hop link in Clickbank?

by LeonT
15 replies
I got the Hoplink from clickbank....But it brings me to the homepage of the Vendor's website. But I want my hoplink to go directly to the specific product's page - an inner page.

Can I do that? If so, how?

#change #clickbank #hop #hoplink #link #target #url
  • Profile picture of the author .X.
    Originally Posted by LeonT View Post

    I got the Hoplink from clickbank....But it brings me to the homepage of the Vendor's website. But I want my hoplink to go directly to the specific product's page - an inner page.

    Can I do that? If so, how?

    I sell a tool called Soda Popper that will do that.

    If you want to do it manually, then -

    1. Create a blank HTML page
    2. Create a meta redirect that goes to the page you want to send people to; use a 2 second delay.
    3. In the page insert a 1x1 pixel image. Replace the image url with with your affiliate link.

    The users browser will attempt to load the "image", your affiliate url, initiating the cookie action.

    Then the page redirects where you want the clicker to go.
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    • Profile picture of the author newbee99
      Originally Posted by .X. View Post

      I sell a tool called Soda Popper that will do that.

      If you want to do it manually, then -

      1. Create a blank HTML page
      2. Create a meta redirect that goes to the page you want to send people to; use a 2 second delay.
      3. In the page insert a 1x1 pixel image. Replace the image url with with your affiliate link.

      The users browser will attempt to load the "image", your affiliate url, initiating the cookie action.

      Then the page redirects where you want the clicker to go.
      whooaahhh... thank you!! it works!!
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    • Profile picture of the author KinneyJ2014
      Originally Posted by .X. View Post

      I sell a tool called Soda Popper that will do that.

      If you want to do it manually, then -

      1. Create a blank HTML page
      2. Create a meta redirect that goes to the page you want to send people to; use a 2 second delay.
      3. In the page insert a 1x1 pixel image. Replace the image url with with your affiliate link.

      The users browser will attempt to load the "image", your affiliate url, initiating the cookie action.

      Then the page redirects where you want the clicker to go.

      I like that technique
      Set S.M.A.R.T. goals
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  • Profile picture of the author awledd
    Some products in CB have different landing pages and I think it is upto the vendor to create deep linking to his product.
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  • Profile picture of the author Najat Engineer
    Get the landing page you want to link to, then create a web page on your site with the following code:

    <div style="display: none">
    <embed src='' width='1' height='1'></embed>
    <META HTTP-EQUIV="Refresh" CONTENT="0;url=">
    {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[9445380].message }}
    • Profile picture of the author Phil Steptoe
      Originally Posted by Najat Engineer View Post

      Get the landing page you want to link to, then create a web page on your site with the following code:

      <div style="display: none">
      <embed src='' width='1' height='1'></embed>
      <META HTTP-EQUIV="Refresh" CONTENT="0;url=">
      That should work. Remember that you can also change the timing by changing the "CONTENT='0'" value the desired number of seconds.
      {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[9445553].message }}
    • Profile picture of the author hardworker2013
      Originally Posted by Najat Engineer View Post

      Get the landing page you want to link to, then create a web page on your site with the following code:

      <div style="display: none">
      <embed src='' width='1' height='1'></embed>
      <META HTTP-EQUIV="Refresh" CONTENT="0;url=">
      Yes this script should work, it sends you to the landing page you want while your clickbank url loads in the background and drops an affiliate cookie giving you credit for any sales made
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  • Profile picture of the author faisalmaximus
    As .X. said, you can use redirection instruction to do this.
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  • Profile picture of the author LeonT
    Okay thanks for the help guys.

    Let me see if I understand.

    So here is what clickban gives me as a URL:
    Learn To Dance DVDs - How To Dance Socially At Clubs, Weddings, Parties

    which bring me to the homepage. But I want it to go to HipHop DVD page right away, this one:
    Learn How to Dance Hip Hop | Hip Hop Dance Moves | Learn Club Dance |

    So I make a new page and put this code on it???:
    <div style="display: none">
    <embed src='' width='1' height='1'></embed>
    <META HTTP-EQUIV="Refresh" CONTENT="0;url=">

    Is this correct??

    I do not see the ?hop=my affiliatename at the end of the URL, so how can I check
    that this actually works?

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    • Profile picture of the author Alexa Smith
      I confess this thread absolutely baffles me. It has done since it started. (That's now been aggravated partly because I'm such a non-techie and haven't got a clue what most people are talking about, admittedly ).

      I'll offer my own perspective, as a very active ClickBank affiliate, anyway, though I'm not sure it will interest anyone.

      If I'd used the "get a hoplink" gadget at ClickBank, and the page to which it linked wasn't the product's sales-page, I'd simply send an email to the vendor saying "Hey, Matey, WTF's going on here? Do you want affiliates, or not?!" (except I wouldn't really say it in those words at all, but that would be what I'd be thinking).

      In other words, why is this the affiliate's problem at all?!

      It wouldn't be, if I were the affiliate, and vendor wanted me to sell his product.

      Of course, I would already have been in contact with him at least once before this stage, to get a copy of the product, check that he's alive, and make sure he knows how to reply to an email from a prospective business associate, and so on - because I can't possibly recommend his product to my subscribers if he doesn't - I can predict what his "after-sales" will be like only too easily .

      Please excuse my butting into the thread, but somebody needed to point out that something's seriously wrong here, and it isn't the affiliate's fault and it shouldn't be the affiliate's problem to fix it, either!

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    • Profile picture of the author SunilTanna
      To test:

      1. Clear all cookies
      2. Go vendor site directly
      3. Find cb order form, and check your nickname is not at bottom
      4. Clear all cookies
      5. Go to vendor site via this redirect page
      6. Find cb order form, and check your nickname is now at bottom

      That said, I do not think this approach reliably works. It will only work if the embed loads faster than the refresh. So it may worK sometimes, and other times not, more or less randomly, depending on how close the user is to their rEspective web hosts, network performance, server speed, etc.

      This approach may also be a technical violation of cb's terms of service since they don't like their sites being loaded in a frame or a hidden pixel. You would need to check carefully their terms of service, and/or ask them to confIrm.

      The better answer is to get the vendor to install a script which automatically redirects the visitor to a page of your choice immediately after they go thru the hop link. There are several such scripts on the Market, including the on I developed, cbmultilink, Turbo-Charge Your ClickBank Affiliate Program - CBMultiLink allows you to offer your affiliates a choice of landing pages, cloaking, and more.

      The re
      ClickBank Vendor?
      - Protect Your Thank You Pages & Downloads
      - Give Your Affiliates Multiple Landing Pages (Video Demo)
      - Killer Graphics for Your Site
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  • Profile picture of the author LeonT
    In the bottom of the order form in chrome is see [ affiliate = none]
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  • Profile picture of the author LeonT
    I agree Alexa I did send an email...and so far no reply...

    So for now I am just trying to figure out how to make it work anyways...
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    • Profile picture of the author Alexa Smith
      Originally Posted by LeonT View Post

      I agree Alexa I did send an email...and so far no reply...
      Not encouraging?

      I'd be on the phone to ClickBank, next, maybe?

      I still wouldn't be trying to make it work, myself.

      (Do you think this product has no other affiliates at all? Is it "zero-gravity"? I'm not suggesting that would stop me from promoting it, of course, if I had a "niche" for it. Have you heard from the vendor at all? Sorry, I'm just being nosey, now. I only really wanted to make one point and I made it already ).

      Good luck with this, anyway!

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      • Profile picture of the author Harvey Segal
        Originally Posted by LeonT View Post

        I do not see the ?hop=my affiliatename at the end of the URL
        Maybe it should be ?hiphop=my affiliatename.

        It has probably not occurred to the vendor that affiliates may want to select a specific dance step to promote. Even then he might still prefer them to link only to the home page as it offers general content applicable to all steps and allows the customer to make the selection.

        If he does agree to provide separate links he could use tools such as HopGuard or CBMultiLink.

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