Have you been swindled by a "coach"?

21 replies
I want to learn how to make an honest living online and don't mind paying for the knowledge to do it. Do you or anyone you know offer this service that won't try to shuffle me into a pyramid scheme?

Thanks peeps =]
#coach #honest #mentor #swindled
  • Profile picture of the author elusian

    I have studied with Jon Keel and Johnathen Mizell. Both are pricey but were excellent.
    If you want to know about launching a product on the warrior forum then go with Matthew Olson, his rates are pretty reasonable and he is great about staying in contact and answering questions.

    [$1000 Commissions] Watch this webinar to find out how to earn $1000 Commissions straight to Your Paypal Account.. http://www.BUYDFYCOM
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  • Profile picture of the author writeaway
    Basically, you're trying to avoid upsells? Well, the best way to avoid such shenanigans is to enter a 'coaching system' that costs quite a bit of money. You already paid upfront. No need for them to milk you for further cash. With that said, I'd steer clear of coaches. If they were so successful, they'd use that information themselves. Clear?

    There's no shortage of blogs and high authority sites you can use to get the knowledge you need.

    One of the main reasons people use 'coaches' is because they think these people will give them MOTIVATION to succeed or a SYSTEM of success. Sorry to break this to you but YOU provide that. It comes from within. Too many people complain that coaches 'ripped them off' because they didn't take the necessary action. Let's be honest. Who's at fault here? You can't BUY success. You can learn information and you need to take ACTION. And no, taking action doesn't mean whipping out your credit card. No coach can help you if you can't take action.

    Note: this isn't directed 'you' per se. I just use the second person for better engagement with the reader.
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    • Profile picture of the author MrJoeRed
      You have a very valid point.. I guess I was asking this because I met a guy who is a MOBE promoter. He was extremely genuine but I realized that MOBE was a scam and it threw me off. I am mostly hoping to learn a proven system that I can replicate and become very good at.

      The information was very helpful and informative so I thank you for that =]
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  • Profile picture of the author tristatemedia
    hi my favorite subject: after being scammed many times on this forum and other forums:
    rules to live by:
    1. never pay full amount at once, ask to pay coach fee every 2 weeks or every month.
    2. make sure you use credit card so you can file dispute if coach scams you
    3. make sure coach is active on this forum with alot of good feedback. one coach scammed me and finally gave me my money back when i started asking for my money on the forum
    4. always negotiate their fee
    any more questions please pm me
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    • Profile picture of the author joshril
      Originally Posted by tristatemedia View Post

      hi my favorite subject: after being scammed many times on this forum and other forums:
      rules to live by:
      1. never pay full amount at once, ask to pay coach fee every 2 weeks or every month.
      2. make sure you use credit card so you can file dispute if coach scams you
      3. make sure coach is active on this forum with alot of good feedback. one coach scammed me and finally gave me my money back when i started asking for my money on the forum
      4. always negotiate their fee
      any more questions please pm me
      These are all good points...

      I personally charge a monthly fee for coaching for an initial term of 90 days... In other words, the 90 day fee is broken into 3 monthly payments with the ability to cancel at anytime. Within 90 days, you will be seeing success, so the option is there to continue if you want additional accountability, help ramping up, etc.

      If you can't start seeing results within 30-90 days, you might want a different coach.

      Coaching is great, and the accountability piece to coaching is huge.

      Having a coach/mentor is what got me pointed in the right direction a few years back, so it's very valuable if you find the right coach.

      One more thing beyond avoiding getting scammed...

      Find someone that you get along with well and feel comfortable with...


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    • Profile picture of the author James Foster
      Originally Posted by tristatemedia View Post

      hi my favorite subject: after being scammed many times on this forum and other forums:
      rules to live by:
      1. never pay full amount at once, ask to pay coach fee every 2 weeks or every month.
      2. make sure you use credit card so you can file dispute if coach scams you
      3. make sure coach is active on this forum with alot of good feedback. one coach scammed me and finally gave me my money back when i started asking for my money on the forum
      4. always negotiate their fee
      any more questions please pm me
      I would never take this guy on as a coaching client.

      In fact, I wouldn't work with anyone who followed this advice.

      Here's what any serious business coach hears when they read the above:

      (I'll use his own number system to make this easy)

      1) Make it so I don't have to commit to actually doing what you tell me.
      2) If I don't follow his instructions, or I'm not willing to do what it takes to succeed, I can get my money back and call him a scam artist so I don't have to face the fact it's me who's not willing to put in the work.
      3) I want a coach who spends a lot of time posting in forums instead of actually doing what he teaches.
      4) I'm going to show him how big of a pain in the *** I am to work with right up front. That way when I act the same way when he coaches me, he will know he shouldn't have ever let me join in the first place.

      Following this mentality is a great way to nearly guarantee you're never successful. Good luck to anyone who does the above.
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  • Profile picture of the author Brent Stangel
    Basically, you're trying to avoid upsells?
    You got that from this?

    try to shuffle me into a pyramid scheme?
    I know exactly what you are talking about. It's become very common. You can't promote things like EN anywhere, so they lead you in with a lot of promises and low cost products. They are behind all this one cent click nonsense, and are to be avoided at all costs.

    I'd steer clear of coaches. If they were so successful, they'd use that information themselves. Clear?
    There are legit coaches who make a lot of money online. Go to the WSO forum and watch Kelly Felix's videos. I promote a lot of coaches as an affiliate. I wouldn't promote them if I thought for a second they didn't "use the information themselves'" Clear?

    Be very careful who you listen to. There, some free coaching! (;
    Get Off The Warrior Forum Now & Don't Come Back If You Want To Succeed!
    All The Real Marketers Are Gone. There's Nothing Left But Weak, Sniveling Wanna-Bees!
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    • Profile picture of the author kindsvater
      Originally Posted by Brent Stangel View Post

      I know exactly what you are talking about. It's become very common. You can't promote things like EN anywhere, so they lead you in with a lot of promises and low cost products. They are behind all this one cent click nonsense, and are to be avoided at all costs.
      Yep. Whether its MOBE, MTTB, or whatever creative initials are used next month to promote EmpowerNet, it's not coaching and in my book a scam.

      If the product / coaching had value money would be made from people applying the knowledge to their niche. Such as selling dog biscuits. Instead, the money is in getting signups, which is why it is a pyramid.

      There is a lot of good coaching, and it is available at all price ranges. If the coaching leads to anything related to EN I would look elsewhere.

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  • Profile picture of the author DavidAllenNeron
    There's lots of great coaches out there, the best way to find the coach you're looking for is to find someone doing something you admire (and have skills in) then ask them how. The best coach for you might not even advertise.

    I guess my point is to ask people doing stuff you are interested in and not just go after the 'coaches' that advertise.

    I was 'swindled' by a coach (not mentioning any names) but the experience left a sour taste in my mouth.
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  • Profile picture of the author Gavin Stephenson
    Its easy...

    Do your own research and ask questions before you buy.

    The quality of the questions is key here of course.

    A good coach will have testimonials... possibly even video testimonials people making money and or getting results.

    All good coaches that have experience charge $3000 - $25,000 or MORE!

    Honestly I don't see why a coach would charge less than that unless they are pretty new to coaching, or they are money orientated rather than results orientated...

    it doesn't add up in my book to charge small and work with more people.

    From experience working with less people and charging more gives customer a better experience and best of all fantastic results

    Stay away from FREE so called coaching! nothing is free.
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  • Profile picture of the author internetmarketer1
    If possible, you don't need to go to a coach and pay thousands for their help.

    There is always more than enough information you can find on this forum that can help get you on the right track.

    And there are even tons of other people who can answer your questions on this forum alone.

    Trial and error, I believe, are the best "coaches" in my opinion.

    If you feel like you really need somebody to help you, I guess my best piece of advice is to speak with them beforehand and get a good feel for what they do. Are they easy to connect with? Do they rally reply with helpful answers?

    And again, find somebody reputable who has already helped tons of others.
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    • Profile picture of the author Gavin Stephenson
      Originally Posted by internetmarketer1 View Post

      Trial and error, I believe, are the best "coaches" in my opinion.
      I understand you're coming from a good place an all.

      Theres a huge problem with that

      1. Misguided information

      2. I just surveyed my list today as it goes...

      Heres the results:

      68% of them have been trying internet marketing for 4-6 years and failing badly.

      That tells me figuring things out for yourself, researching forum, blogs and buying $7.00 WSO's isn't working for most people.

      Yes its possible but its not quick.

      Life is short... and time is money

      The question people have to ask themselves is...

      "Do you want to waste time and money or do you want to fast-track your results by hiring someone who has done it and have them show you how to do it?"

      Oprah has 5 coaches... she's a billionaire and success leaves clues.

      We have to be-careful what we say here on the forum because a newbie will see this and waste a lot of time and money figuring things out and get lost in this HUGE arena called internet marketing.

      I don't know about you but 4-6 years is a long time to see little results.

      If someone wants to simply speed up the learning curve and hire someone to show them the mistakes and things that don't work along the way... so they avoid losing time and money figuring it out for themselves.. get a coach

      You can ask people on this forum questions but most of them have no idea what they are talking about. It's mostly just regurgitated information

      That my opinion anyway.

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  • Profile picture of the author oda
    A lot of people that feel as if they have been scammed do so because they failed to follow their coaches ideas and plans.

    No amount of coaching will help you if you aren't willing to take action and do what you are taught.

    We live in the information age, literally anything you want to know is at your fingertips.
    Just go find what you want to know about.

    But remember it won't matter how much you know, no-one can teach you take action.

    Coaches just give you guidance they don't do the work for you.

    I think people need a motivator more than a coach as they know what they need to do, they just refuse to let themselves do it.
    A good kick in the pants from a motivational coach every now and then would probably bring more benefit in the long run.

    Take Care

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  • Profile picture of the author cherrytom
    Thanks MrJoeRed for posting your interesting question. MOBE -- yes, I was scammed! And by MTTB, I think it's called (My Top Tier Business?) Both run by the same people. But it wasn't just those. Over the years I've spent thousands of dollars looking for something that would work for e and make me a lot of money. Some of the opportunities I tried were legit, and they would have worked for me if I worked at them, but I was always distracted by the next shiny object. Finally, I realized I wasn't going to get anywhere without a mentor or a coach. Feel free to PM me for details. Keep smiling!

    Is this the easiest way to make money online?



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  • Profile picture of the author Trey Morgan
    Originally Posted by MrJoeRed View Post

    I want to learn how to make an honest living online and don't mind paying for the knowledge to do it. Do you or anyone you know offer this service that won't try to shuffle me into a pyramid scheme?

    Thanks peeps =]

    Find somebody who is involved in a business model that you're interested in. Then find out if he/she is willing to teach you what they're doing. Most successful marketers are willing to teach you exactly what they're doing, but if you want high quality coaching, it won't be cheap.
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  • Profile picture of the author ryanga
    HI MrJoeRed

    MOBE is not a scam. I am part of this system and highly recommend that. I am more than happy to speak with you . Just shoot me a pm

    I too thought was a scam when researching. But when you go through all the FAKE SCAM reviews you will there that there is 1 particular company that bad mouths MOBE for their own benefit to promote their business model.

    That to me is unethical and a scam.
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    • Profile picture of the author discrat
      Originally Posted by ryanga View Post

      HI MrJoeRed

      MOBE is not a scam. I am part of this system and highly recommend that. I am more than happy to speak with you . Just shoot me a pm

      I too thought was a scam when researching. But when you go through all the FAKE SCAM reviews you will there that there is 1 particular company that bad mouths MOBE for their own benefit to promote their business model.

      That to me is unethical and a scam.
      And others could say the same thing about what you are doing right here !!

      Please, NO PM promotion here. !

      The purpose of this Forum is to share your info. openly for anyone and everyone here to see and learn from.

      No need for the PM unless it is totally on his own accord

      - Robert Andrew
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  • Profile picture of the author ZanyZebra
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    • Profile picture of the author agmccall
      I personally think coaches are a waste of time and money, but, to each his own.

      With that said. You should really do some research and learning on your own first. The search function here as well as google and youtube can unearth copious amounts of valuable information

      Then just come here and ask detailed questions. Then you can make an informed decision as to weather you want or need a coach and what type of coach you want


      "Opportunity is missed by most people because it is dressed in overalls and looks like work." Thomas Edison

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      • Profile picture of the author heavysm
        A good coach can cut your learning curve down significantly. Those who say they can go about using trial and error...yep, that's 100% true. I did that with my first business and while things worked out it took ages to find traction and see consistent success.

        When speaking of good coaches, however, I am talking about a coach who is completely worth their fee, whatever that may be, so lets set that factor aside for a moment.

        If you just want to learn from those who have been there and done that, and you would like to copy their success, a coach could be the way to go. The only person to decide either way is you. It's your money so research like your life depended on it to see if investing in that direction makes sense for you.

        My very first coach was a load of crap, which led to me doing things on my own for many years. And while i did become successful, i eventually chose to break into another industry, one in which i had no expertise. So i did my research and found a coach to show me what his business looked like from foundation to managing finances, hiring employees, VA's etc and it's worked out well for me.

        I am one of those odd cases where i actually wasted money on my first coach, but I'm pretty persistent so I went solo until i had good cash flow then went back on the coaching wagon with entirely satisfying result.
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  • Profile picture of the author expressg
    Trial and error works well for some, while getting a solid plan and direction from a coach will work better for others. When I first started out years ago I went through a lot of trial/error. While I took away a good deal of valuable information and built myself a solid foundation on it, getting a coach was what got me profitable in the end.

    That said, had I continued on doing what I was doing and using what I had learned from the trial/error I would have turned a regular profit very soon.

    Getting some coaching fast tracked everything for me. And answered some of the questions that I still wasn't completely clear on, regarding process implementation. Putting those questions/answers aside my coach gave me two other things:

    An accountability buddy: Daily Skype calls to ensure that I hit my checklist for the day and to resolve any questions that popped up. This kept me motivated and focused.

    Access to his list: All said and done his promotion of my products to his buyers, his affiliates, and introducing me to his network was the real gold here.

    I could have saved a good amount of time and spent my investment money much wiser if I went with a coach first thing. But on the flip side of that coin the foundation that I built on my own from trial/error was and still is invaluable to me.
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  • Profile picture of the author Rory Singh
    Forget the coach. What you need is to be 'willing' to fail...forward just like another poster said above...by 'trial' and error.

    There are people in MOBE and Empower who make money (and yes most people who will try any income opportunity will fail).


    Because most people are not willing to put in the required work, effort and be uncomfortable for their 'growth' period. PERIOD!
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