Powerfull Yet Simple Technique To Focus And Get Things Done

by origin
7 replies
I have found the ability to focus the NUMBER ONE reason for getting things done online.

And this from someone who suffers from ADHD and who battled with procrastination for years! What I want to share below works like a charm! (but only if you have a plan...)

When it comes to product creation, web creation, traffic generation, in fact any online activity, the ability to focus will help drive away confusion, break procrastination and help you get things done which invariably leads to results!

And nothing motivates like getting results!

Once you get some results, it starts building upon itself, you get more confident, you focus some more and you get more things done. More results, more success. Isn't that great???

Now focus is a wide subject and I can fill a whole eBook on the topic. But I just want to show you how you can start to focus on getting things done as it pertains to the Warrior Forum and getting started on creating a business online.

First, you need something to focus on! You need a plan!

If you have a step by step recipe on how to bake say, chocolate cake, you are going to focus on step 1, then step 2, then step 3 and so on. Easy if you have a recipe.

Have you ever followed a recipe? Did you do step 3 first, then step 5 followed by step 1 and then 4 and 2? How did that turn out for you? Or even worse, did you try and bake chocolate cake without a recipe??? What a disaster!

Well, once you have a recipe that you can follow then you have something to focus on. But I know from hard won experience that even if you have a recipe, it is so easy to lose focus and wander of on a tangent. The average online marketer's attention span whilst online is not much longer than a fly's!

So here is what I do, and it works. Seems simple, but that is why it works, it will help you focus your online business building activity 100% and help you get things done.

(however long it takes which is up to you)

Say you are at step 5 of the recipe, creating your email autoresponder (that is if step 5 is creating an autoresponder for you) , then take a big A4 piece of blank paper, no lines, printing paper will do, and write down the step you are busy with, nice and BIG at the top.

It must be done on paper, not MS Notepad, not as part of an excel spread sheet, not as an email to yourself, not printed quickly on copy paper, not in MS Word and saved.

Write it down in your own hand writing on a piece of blank A4 paper nice big at the top.

Now you are locked in. Clear all bits of other paper in front of you. Just have that one sheet in front of you. Now you may not do ANYTHING else that is not directly related to getting that step done.

You are not going to buy a course on traffic generation, you are not going to place adds on Facebook, you are not going to jump to step 7 quickly and create an eBook cover, no, you are ONLY going to do whatever it takes to get done what is written on that piece of paper.

You can break it down for you in simpler steps to get it done on the same piece of paper, but you CANNOT start doing other stuff that does not have a 100% bearing on getting the thing you have written down done. You may not move on to the next step in the recipe until what is on this piece of paper is done.

Whether you then focus on the task for 3 minutes, one hour or if it takes you a week to get it done, your focus, your being, will be directed to getting this done. You are locked into "setup autoresponder" mode and everything you do must be focused on this step to get it done.

FORGET about all the other things that need be done on the recipe. They do not exist!. All that exists in your world is what is written on this piece of paper.

If you spend an hour on it now and have to go and eat, and then go to work the next day etc, that is all right, when you get back to your PC to work on your online BUSINESS, then in front of you, you will find a piece of paper written down "setup autoresponder".

You may not move on to the next step, you may not throw away this piece of paper until this step is done.

You may wander off, go online and read the news, watch some TV or whatever you want to do to procrastinate or to live the rest of your life, but in terms of working on your online business you only focus on getting done what is written down in front of you.

I tell you, this helps you get things done, because there is no bigger punishment for a procrastinator than keeping them from doing "other stuff" in the business.

For us procrastinators it forces us to get things done, because we LOVE to procrastinate by being "busy with stuff" other than what needs to get done. We love to move ahead of the process and be busy with step 9 for a few hours and then jump back to step one and go play with that image file a bit again. No! You may only do what is on that piece of paper in front of you, you may not go and "play" in other parts of your so called "online business" until this is done.

I tell you what, it stops procrastination in its tracks dead! Now you suddenly get things done so you can move on to the "next exciting part" and go and play in you shiny new business!

And getting things done means you get results, and results motivate us to get more things done, which if we do it correctly means we are making more money!
#focus #powerfull #simple #technique #things
  • Profile picture of the author azizuz
    I remember when I started in IM. My focus and energy was everywhere. When I latched onto one thought and one idea of how to make it work for me, I felt the change within me and soon enough I started seeing results


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  • Profile picture of the author Mr Bill
    I agree, not enough people understand the value of writing down things on paper. The physical act of taking a piece of paper and a pen (regardless of your feelings toward the poor squids and unfortunate trees) and writing down things you want to do is very powerful.

    In my talks I have a particularly powerful formula I want people to remember. It's so important that I insist on people writing it down physically and I demand to hear the paper rustling or a photo sent to me over skype to prove it was done before continuing.

    Tests reveal that months and sometimes years later of all the things people remember about my talk was that one single formula. Animal liberationists and tree huggers be damned! Use ink on paper and you'll be miles ahead compared to using digital text which is not good enough and never will be. I've been known to stop the talk at that point and refund money because one person refused to do as I ask with this. They thought I was a complete idiot and I never heard back from them - which was a good thing.

    It's THAT important.
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  • Profile picture of the author Abe Archer
    It's very simple when you lay it out like that.. but there are some steps you're missing that this simply won't work if you don't implement
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    • Profile picture of the author Mr Bill
      Originally Posted by Abe Archer View Post

      It's very simple when you lay it out like that.. but there are some steps you're missing that this simply won't work if you don't implement
      So Abe, tell us; what are the steps that you think are missing?
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  • Profile picture of the author Abe Archer
    Well coming from a former chronic procrastinator who has overcome it... I can say that most people's problems with getting things done and producing results isn't with the techniques they use (although important.. like picking what to focus on as origin detailed here) but the inner motivations.


    What's your purpose?
    WHY do you want to do the work?

    There's a whole method you can use to discover this for yourself (and when you do it's a light-a-fire-under-your-ass motivation) and I may write an article here about it soon. Look for it!
    {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[9599568].message }}
    • Profile picture of the author origin
      Originally Posted by Abe Archer View Post

      Well coming from a former chronic procrastinator who has overcome it... I can say that most people's problems with getting things done and producing results isn't with the techniques they use (although important.. like picking what to focus on as origin detailed here) but the inner motivations.


      What's your purpose?
      WHY do you want to do the work?

      There's a whole method you can use to discover this for yourself (and when you do it's a light-a-fire-under-your-ass motivation) and I may write an article here about it soon. Look for it!
      Hi Abe! You are 100% correct! The inner motivation is super important. I am also working on a post regarding this.

      There are many techniques on focusing your energy and actions, and this is one of them.

      You may be super motivated and still lack focus, because you are jumping from one thing to the next, and fear of success / failure may hold you back even though you really want to "break through" and stop procrastinating, hence putting it on paper "clears your mind" in a way and forces you to focus on getting just the next step done. You do not feel so 'overwhelmed' then when you only have to do the ONE thing that is written down in front of you.
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  • Profile picture of the author shami
    absolutely fantastic writing your goals or task and place it in front of you and having things done no matter what without being distracted is the most important thing in your online business

    Originally Posted by origin View Post

    I have found the ability to focus the NUMBER ONE reason for getting things done online.

    And this from someone who suffers from ADHD and who battled with procrastination for years! What I want to share below works like a charm! (but only if you have a plan...)

    When it comes to product creation, web creation, traffic generation, in fact any online activity, the ability to focus will help drive away confusion, break procrastination and help you get things done which invariably leads to results!

    And nothing motivates like getting results!

    Once you get some results, it starts building upon itself, you get more confident, you focus some more and you get more things done. More results, more success. Isn't that great???

    Now focus is a wide subject and I can fill a whole eBook on the topic. But I just want to show you how you can start to focus on getting things done as it pertains to the Warrior Forum and getting started on creating a business online.

    First, you need something to focus on! You need a plan!

    If you have a step by step recipe on how to bake say, chocolate cake, you are going to focus on step 1, then step 2, then step 3 and so on. Easy if you have a recipe.

    Have you ever followed a recipe? Did you do step 3 first, then step 5 followed by step 1 and then 4 and 2? How did that turn out for you? Or even worse, did you try and bake chocolate cake without a recipe??? What a disaster!

    Well, once you have a recipe that you can follow then you have something to focus on. But I know from hard won experience that even if you have a recipe, it is so easy to lose focus and wander of on a tangent. The average online marketer's attention span whilst online is not much longer than a fly's!

    So here is what I do, and it works. Seems simple, but that is why it works, it will help you focus your online business building activity 100% and help you get things done.

    (however long it takes which is up to you)

    Say you are at step 5 of the recipe, creating your email autoresponder (that is if step 5 is creating an autoresponder for you) , then take a big A4 piece of blank paper, no lines, printing paper will do, and write down the step you are busy with, nice and BIG at the top.

    It must be done on paper, not MS Notepad, not as part of an excel spread sheet, not as an email to yourself, not printed quickly on copy paper, not in MS Word and saved.

    Write it down in your own hand writing on a piece of blank A4 paper nice big at the top.

    Now you are locked in. Clear all bits of other paper in front of you. Just have that one sheet in front of you. Now you may not do ANYTHING else that is not directly related to getting that step done.

    You are not going to buy a course on traffic generation, you are not going to place adds on Facebook, you are not going to jump to step 7 quickly and create an eBook cover, no, you are ONLY going to do whatever it takes to get done what is written on that piece of paper.

    You can break it down for you in simpler steps to get it done on the same piece of paper, but you CANNOT start doing other stuff that does not have a 100% bearing on getting the thing you have written down done. You may not move on to the next step in the recipe until what is on this piece of paper is done.

    Whether you then focus on the task for 3 minutes, one hour or if it takes you a week to get it done, your focus, your being, will be directed to getting this done. You are locked into "setup autoresponder" mode and everything you do must be focused on this step to get it done.

    FORGET about all the other things that need be done on the recipe. They do not exist!. All that exists in your world is what is written on this piece of paper.

    If you spend an hour on it now and have to go and eat, and then go to work the next day etc, that is all right, when you get back to your PC to work on your online BUSINESS, then in front of you, you will find a piece of paper written down "setup autoresponder".

    You may not move on to the next step, you may not throw away this piece of paper until this step is done.

    You may wander off, go online and read the news, watch some TV or whatever you want to do to procrastinate or to live the rest of your life, but in terms of working on your online business you only focus on getting done what is written down in front of you.

    I tell you, this helps you get things done, because there is no bigger punishment for a procrastinator than keeping them from doing "other stuff" in the business.

    For us procrastinators it forces us to get things done, because we LOVE to procrastinate by being "busy with stuff" other than what needs to get done. We love to move ahead of the process and be busy with step 9 for a few hours and then jump back to step one and go play with that image file a bit again. No! You may only do what is on that piece of paper in front of you, you may not go and "play" in other parts of your so called "online business" until this is done.

    I tell you what, it stops procrastination in its tracks dead! Now you suddenly get things done so you can move on to the "next exciting part" and go and play in you shiny new business!

    And getting things done means you get results, and results motivate us to get more things done, which if we do it correctly means we are making more money!
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