22 replies
While it might be true that life is difficult and you need to work harder and harder as each day passes just to be able to stay in one place without slipping backward,

it might also be true that life is simple, that the entire Universe is lined up ready and waiting to support you in your every thought and that life just keeps getting more awesome each day,

it really depends on what you think. Thank goodness you are able to create your own thoughts to be exactly what you want them to be.
#law of attraction #positive thinking #reality #true
  • Profile picture of the author C G
    Originally Posted by Michael Shook View Post

    That the entire Universe is lined up ready and waiting to support you in your every thought and that life just keeps getting more awesome each day,
    Agree with this statement. I find that you are happier and achieve more when you believe that everyone is trying to do you good. But that's not an excuse to procrastinate


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    • Profile picture of the author Michael Shook
      Originally Posted by C G View Post

      Agree with this statement. I find that you are happier and achieve more when you believe that everyone is trying to do you good. But that's not an excuse to procrastinate


      Interestingly, I have found that the Universe supports me if I am putting out procrastination vibes. I try not to do that too often.

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  • Profile picture of the author DZM
    Nice share! It's a good reminder

    I don't want think we do hard things every day to stay the same. I like to think we work hard to be better and move forward.
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    • Profile picture of the author Michael Shook
      Originally Posted by DZM View Post

      Nice share! It's a good reminder

      I don't want think we do hard things every day to stay the same. I like to think we work hard to be better and move forward.
      I have found there are people whose goal is to work hard. Not to move ahead, but merely to work hard. Sometimes they get satisfaction from doing that, and sometimes their lives just suck.

      Lots of societies teach that hard work in and of itself is a virtue, but it has been my experience that when I really like what I am doing, it feels like almost no work at all.

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      • Profile picture of the author DZM
        Originally Posted by Michael Shook View Post

        I have found there are people whose goal is to work hard. Not to move ahead, but merely to work hard. Sometimes they get satisfaction from doing that, and sometimes their lives just suck.
        Is something to respect. Always depends on the mindset.

        Lots of societies teach that hard work in and of itself is a virtue, but it has been my experience that when I really like what I am doing, it feels like almost no work at all.
        Like the old saying: "find a job you love and you'll never work a day in your life"

        And here's another I try to apply everyday: " Life is 10% what happens to you and 90 % how you react to it"

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  • Profile picture of the author tobyjensen
    Ummm, well, yeah, I guess so. But I think we can do a little better than that.

    If you do what it takes you get what you want every single time.

    Often I hear about, “Well, I did my best!” Which is good in that you can feel good about your performance. But if you didn’t get what you wanted then, well, at least you can feel good, eh?

    I have never met anyone or heard anyone that was incredibly successful say that every moment of every day was always easy and fun. You just don’t hear that (at least not very often or with any credibility). There are times where success takes work. Just plain hard work. Oh, you can whistle while you work but it slows down productivity. Is it worth it? Absolutely!

    Sometimes life is just hard and pretending to an ideal that it is my own fault because I don’t think positive enough can be insulting. Bad things happen to good people sometimes that has nothing to do with karma, synchronicity, coincidence, intention, law of attraction, or faith. Asking why in those circumstances or trying to find some hidden meaning can be very confusing.

    It is extremely important to know the difference.

    The rest of the time?


    Toby Jensen - Invest in what works this time

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    • Profile picture of the author Michael Shook
      Originally Posted by tobyjensen View Post

      Ummm, well, yeah, I guess so. But I think we can do a little better than that.

      If you do what it takes you get what you want every single time.

      Often I hear about, "Well, I did my best!" Which is good in that you can feel good about your performance. But if you didn't get what you wanted then, well, at least you can feel good, eh?

      I have never met anyone or heard anyone that was incredibly successful say that every moment of every day was always easy and fun. You just don't hear that (at least not very often or with any credibility). There are times where success takes work. Just plain hard work. Oh, you can whistle while you work but it slows down productivity. Is it worth it? Absolutely!

      Sometimes life is just hard and pretending to an ideal that it is my own fault because I don't think positive enough can be insulting. Bad things happen to good people sometimes that has nothing to do with karma, synchronicity, coincidence, intention, law of attraction, or faith. Asking why in those circumstances or trying to find some hidden meaning can be very confusing.

      It is extremely important to know the difference.

      The rest of the time?

      I absolutely agree that if a person is pretending that everything is their fault, then that can definitely be an issue. I think more along the lines of being responsible for all of our thoughts and our actions.

      I don't know this for sure, but I would guess that there are very few hidden meanings to anything, maybe with the exception of things somebody hid on purpose from somebody else.

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  • Profile picture of the author NeedBucksNow
    Good post & reminds me of something my dad had on a file binder. It said "The harder I work, the luckier I get"


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    • Profile picture of the author Michael Shook
      Originally Posted by NeedBucksNow View Post

      Good post & reminds me of something my dad had on a file folder. It said "The harder I work, the luckier I get"
      That sounds good :-)

      I have found that the more ideas I am willing to consider, the more interesting things show up in my life.

      Can't say as I grew up like that for sure, but now it sure is a lot different for me. And awesomely so.

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  • Profile picture of the author LV1203
    So true… so much of life and the success and happiness one achieves is based on their own mind frame. I personally don't quite believe in anti-depressant drugs for one (in most cases) because so much of one's life is dependent on what they spend most their time meditating on… are you a positive thinker or a negative one? Most don't know they have control over the thoughts they choose to sit and fester in their minds.
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    • Profile picture of the author Michael Shook
      Originally Posted by LV1203 View Post

      So true... so much of life and the success and happiness one achieves is based on their own mind frame. I personally don't quite believe in anti-depressant drugs for one (in most cases) because so much of one's life is dependent on what they spend most their time meditating on... are you a positive thinker or a negative one? Most don't know they have control over the thoughts they choose to sit and fester in their minds.
      I never understood about this idea when I was growing up. Our house ran on the 99% rule. "Today sucks, and tomorrow is only going to be 99% as good as today"

      It took me a long time to realize I was the only one thinking in my own mind and if I wanted to have something different in my life, I needed to start with thinking different thoughts. You need to take some action, for sure, but changing starts with what we think and how we think.

      A lot of time, we think in habitual patterns. Even here in the WF, when you read enough posts, you can see the habits of the ways people think. Some people come here, for instance, and find support for the idea that life is tough, you need to pull yourself up by your bootstraps, and soldier on, buying one thing after another, and eventually you will quit and do something else.

      Other people come and read some posts and realize that the internet is the most awesome one-to-many communication device ever invented and they will take that idea and make themselves a small fortune providing people what they want.

      Plenty of threads and posts to support both those viewpoints and a few thousand ones in between.

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  • Profile picture of the author ravising
    Hello Folks, everything is in our mind. the success, failure, happiness virtually everything. We form thought patters in our mind which create our reality. The situation in itself is not good or bad, e.g. 2 persons will react differently in the same situations. E.g. if there is a financial loss one person will feel dejected, another simply learn a lesson and move on. Life is simply an opprtunity to observe each experience without any judgement. If you become an observer, and open your heart, you will realize how wonderful life is. Dear Friends, mindpower, sprituality, coaching and helping people to live their dream lives is one of my passion and this is one of the reason why I joined this forum, my vision is to spread this message around and hence though of internet marketing to promote the same.
    I am a bit confused with too much information out here. Can somebody help me with this?
    I can share a lot of valuable content in this regard


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  • Profile picture of the author Odahh
    i am not a fan of hard work as and mesure of real advancement ..you can do the same hard work every day..in a job ..and get no where ..

    i have had to rebuild my mental state regain much of mt health ..completly change what where fundamental aspects of who i was .

    I do not have much money right now ..and i work hard for the little i get ..

    it is really hard work to start out bad at something and put in the effort to get better and better ..to fail ..adjust and try again

    your poor peasent farming ancestors could not risk their crops failing..and any excess they created was taken by landlords or who ever owned the land .

    we where trained in school..as where our parents and their parent to be employees who did what we where told and took no risks ..

    you can work very hard and the only risk you are taking is one day you go to work and you are informed ..you are no longer needed .

    or you can take risk or manage them and fail ..improve get better and better over time..

    that is the kind of hard work that leads to success ..a continued process of sucking less
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  • Profile picture of the author lincolndesigns
    Personally, I believe in Compatibilism. I believe that the general idea of our lives is set up for us but within what we are given and our surroundings its up to us what we make of it. This way I don't just stop trying just because some things are meant to happen no matter what I do, I do my best everyday without pressuring myself too much.
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  • Profile picture of the author LeonardoAlvarez
    Life is hard if you don't make it simple, the difficult in your life only depends on you.

    If you have the right mindset there's nothing you can't do, and the same way goes with having the wrong mindset, if you just wait to things come your way you will get nowhere in your life.

    If you can imagine it, you can achieve it !

    The thing is that no ones likes to work hard, and just expect things to come easily, that's the problem.
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  • Profile picture of the author Odahh
    there is no easy way to climb mount everest ..most who try fail and many die ..and many try several times ..

    there is no point in doing it..because it has been done..but if is because it is so hard..that people do it ..

    you develop and build skills to challenge and over come greater and greater problems ..

    the average person who work .. earns 50 k a year ..so they are earning a few hundred a day..and then over time have to work harder to keep earning ..

    if you run a business ..you challenge is to increase what you make every day ..on a regular basis ..
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  • Profile picture of the author Priki
    Why the most of the people think that life is hard!? I don't agree with that!

    Life is a choice of thoughts that you are creating, so what kind of thoughts you will create, that will be your life, it is simple! Only you and no one else is responsible for your own destiny and by complaining that life is a hard you will never make a progress.
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    • Profile picture of the author Odahh
      Originally Posted by Priki View Post

      Why the most of the people think that life is hard!? I don't agree with that!

      Life is a choice of thoughts that you are creating, so what kind of thoughts you will create, that will be your life, it is simple! Only you and no one else is responsible for your own destiny and by complaining that life is a hard you will never make a progress.
      failures complain life is hard and turn to some method to hide frm doing anything about it ..

      people who succeed over a lifetime .. work hard on themselves to make what is hard ..or even seemingly impossible ..much easier for them ..

      you want hard ..live in the USa and drink nothing with high fructose corn syrup in it .. and greatly reduce the amount of highly processed packaged food you eat ..have a mostly real food diet ..

      it can be hard to learn how to cook your own food.. but a whole world opens up to you when you learn how ..
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  • Profile picture of the author Alex II
    Life in itself is not hard at all.
    But getting to the place where you want to go can be hard. Progress or change in general is hard, because of our paradigms trying to resist change.
    Our ancient brains are programmed to resist change as a protection.
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    • Profile picture of the author Odahh
      Originally Posted by Alex II View Post

      Life in itself is not hard at all.
      But getting to the place where you want to go can be hard. Progress or change in general is hard, because of our paradigms trying to resist change.
      Our ancient brains are programmed to resist change as a protection.
      from my experience ..the easier life is for people the harder it is for them to be happy ..and oddly the harder it is for them to have real fun ..

      you also have to watch out for being someones farm animal.. because on a properly run farm..not the industrial nightmares that feed us today .. but on a tradition farm..where the farmer protects his /her animals, houses them, feeds them keeps things clean for them ,, it is really easy.until there is one bad day..or there is milking and or sheering like sheep

      you should not make things harder than they need to be that is opposite of progress ..

      progress is when you make what was hard easier ....if you put in hard work day to day..the same hard work ..and you get the same result every day..you are not making progress ..

      now on the other hand .. say you want a very attracktive lover..but you live somewhere..that has slim pickings ..so you might have to work very very hard for a lover you find very attractive..or you just give up and go with easier less attractive prospects..who are never really easier because they will constantly remind you of their imperfections ..and draw your attention to it..blah blah blah..maybe thats just my experience ..

      anyway or you can travel to those places with many very attractive prospects.. and you might have to learn another language ..
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  • Profile picture of the author JenniferGiacoppo
    Life can be tricky, however when you get back to simplicities then life responds in kind.

    I know I have days that feel like I am floating on a summer breeze with the wind beneath me, supporting me.

    And then I have those days that are the opposite.

    It is definitely all up to ourselves, because we have the power to choose our thoughts in every moment.

    WE also have the power to change them whenever we want.


    "Attitude is everything. Your mind-set is your attitude. It is the difference between success and the lack of it!"http://www.jennifergiacoppo.com

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  • Profile picture of the author art72
    As of the late, I have been of the mindset to prepare for the worst, whilst focusing on creating a more positive mindset that centers on benefitting the whole. Despite several 'outside influences' trying to shift my thinking... to question; "what makes people so content to sabotage both themselves and others?"

    As in the movie; Blood Diamond - the man helping reform the children who were programmed to kill was asked; "do you believe people are good?"

    He responded; " in my heart, I believe people are good... But, my experience tells me otherwise."

    While I try to stay positive and support the greater good, the more I do; it seems the negative rears its head and challenges me to stay on point, and not surrender to the ignorances abroad.

    But, I've often believed being outside ones comfort zone requires courage, and acknowledging the rewards of pushing through the negative is a never ending challenge to overcome.

    Maybe Newton's "Law of Motion" applies to life too...

    "Too apply force to one object (positive thought) creates equal resistance from another (negative thought)".

    In essence, my conscious is always clear and positively charged, yet my surroundings seem to attract the negative... Which challenges me daily not to procrastinate, give up, or give into the intrusions that obstruct the path leading to the destination I aim to reach eventually.
    Atop a tree with Buddha ain't a bad place to take rest!
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