New Searching For Positivity

2 replies
Hello guys, I am new and i have stumbled across this forum a couple times. As i am a current college student looking to go into business, i have been following this forum since i first landed on it. I am new to marketing let alone being online even though its everywhere i go. I am trying to look for some guidance or opinions on what would be a good starting place, i am a very motivated entrepreneur. I am eager to learn more about this kind of stuff. Any feedback would be great! Thank You.
#positivity #searching
  • Profile picture of the author Barry Cross
    A great starting place is to make money online with your passion. You have knowledge, experience & are always happy to talk about it.

    Learn these 4 steps for success

    1) How to drive masses of targeted traffic both paid & free
    2) How to build a list & relationship with your list
    3) Start a blog
    4) Find products that convert into sales & ones that earn you a monthly residual income for time freedom.

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  • Profile picture of the author Time Transporter
    Without seeing your work, you will be doing "okay" within the next eight years. If that's not enough don't marry your future wife named SUZIE because it will be counter intuitive to upcoming and promising ventures.
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