What can I learn / understand in 15 minutes right now that could be helpful for the rest of my life?

11 replies
Dear Warriors,

Do you have any life hack, trick, enlightening wisdom or life skills that anyone or most people can learn in around 15 minutes that could be useful for someone for the rest of their life (or useful during some situations) ?

While not every response here may relate to or be useful to everyone, there's a chance that some of it could be quite important or perhaps even life changing to someone else.

#alexander skyheart #helpful #learn #life #lifehack #lifehacks #minutes #rest #understand
  • Profile picture of the author ZanyZebra
    Well, i've just this minute written this in another thread but it applies here. Hope it helps:


    There is no internet marketing.

    That is, no one thing. It's made up of a variety of different business models and operational methods.

    Importantly, these different business models return hugely different outcomes to the participants. This is the one thing that most entering IM do not realise (and also the one thing that many who are currently participants do not recognise either).

    It is the single most important success factor by a very, very long way. I know because I spent well over a decade trying them all (with only sporadic poor-to-moderate success until a couple of years ago).

    For example the affiliate marketing business model is structured in a way to minimise the outcome for those acting as the affiliates. Many, many affiliates make very little money in return for a lot of hard work and heartache. It's not necessarily because they are bad at it (although they may be) it's because the industry is structured to heavily favour the product owner.

    Another example is ecommerce (my own final resting place in my journey around IM). If done in a certain way you can easily tip the whole 'game' in your own favour. It's almost the mirror opposite of the affiliate game. It can be structured to heavily favour yourself. I can see all of this very clearly now that I have been in ecommerce for a while earning significantly.

    So, internet marketing success depends upon which business model you choose more than anything else.

    Good luck with your ventures.
    Want Straight Answers About ASM? (Amazing Selling Machine). Go To:

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    • Profile picture of the author The Niche Man
      One key to success is to make yourself 'necessary'. And the best way to do that is to "Look for and Do Things Most People (or competitors) Don't Like To Do". The Benefits?

      1. You'll stand out from the crowd and eliminate a lot of competition.
      2. You'll be more memorable.
      3. You'll be harder to replace.
      4. You'll be more in demand.
      5. You'll be more appreciated.
      6. You'll get better referrals and reccomendations.
      7. You'll make yourself necessary in times when people are cutting back downsizing or trying to decide who to layoff, etc.

      Time to Learn? The amount of time it took you to read this.
      Download "Free 80 Page E-Book"
      "201 Ways To Live Better On Less Money".
      "Because The Easiest Way To Make Money is ... ... By Saving Some First!"
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  • Profile picture of the author Jonathan S
    Here is my take - to change the mindset in less than 15 minutes! Everything starts from the mind.

    Wealth has a shortcut and can be enjoyed while young and vibrant. The traditional road to wealth that we've learned over and over again is like sailing along the horn of South America - i.e. study, get good grades, finish your education, get a high paying job, invest savings in mutual fund or stock market, max up 401K or any retirement package, work for over 40 years then someday at the age of 65 or so you'll be rich or at least have a comfortable life! How can you enjoy life when you're too old to enjoy it? What's the excitement of being the richest man in the retirement home? Yet many people are subscribed to this old school crap! There's a shortcut road to a comfortable life and this is by crossing the Panama Canal - "entrepreneurship". Entrepreneurs or business people are using the shortcut, they build businesses that serve as surrogate to their working time so they don't work a day in their lives again while enjoying the fruit of their virtual money tree (business systems that give them millions). Focus the mind to becoming an entrepreneur and enjoy life while young like Mark Zuckerberg, Dustin Moskovits, Andrew Mason, Naveen Selvadurai and countless of these young internet entrepreneurs below 30's who had no specific talent but somehow made it big.
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  • Profile picture of the author C G
    The Action Myth

    Success in IM like anything in life is simple. Find a working model, build a plan and take action.

    The hardest part is action. Most people fail because they don't take enough action. They procrastinate. They come up with all sort of excuses.

    One of the greatest things that I learnt about action is that you don't need to feel motivated or want to do something to actually do it. This is one of the biggest misconception that people have. They believe it's ok not to do something if you don't feel like it. Or if you are not motivated. So they watch motivational videos. Read books to try finding the thing that will finally make them motivated instead of simply taking action.

    That's complete BS. You need to take action whether you feel like it or not. The cool part is that sometimes. The feeling of motivation will come once you start taking action.


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    • Originally Posted by The Niche Man View Post

      One key to success is to make yourself 'necessary'. And the best way to do that is to "Look for and Do Things Most People (or competitors) Don't Like To Do". The Benefits?

      1. You'll stand out from the crowd and eliminate a lot of competition.
      2. You'll be more memorable.
      3. You'll be harder to replace.
      4. You'll be more in demand.
      5. You'll be more appreciated.
      6. You'll get better referrals and reccomendations.
      7. You'll make yourself necessary in times when people are cutting back downsizing or trying to decide who to layoff, etc.

      Time to Learn? The amount of time it took you to read this.
      Great to see you The Niche Man Always a pleasure to see your answers.
      An irreplaceable answer like yours rocks

      Originally Posted by Jonathan S View Post

      Here is my take - to change the mindset in less than 15 minutes! Everything starts from the mind.

      Wealth has a shortcut and can be enjoyed while young and vibrant. The traditional road to wealth that we've learned over and over again is like sailing along the horn of South America - i.e. study, get good grades, finish your education, get a high paying job, invest savings in mutual fund or stock market, max up 401K or any retirement package, work for over 40 years then someday at the age of 65 or so you'll be rich or at least have a comfortable life! How can you enjoy life when you're too old to enjoy it? What's the excitement of being the richest man in the retirement home? Yet many people are subscribed to this old school crap! There's a shortcut road to a comfortable life and this is by crossing the Panama Canal - "entrepreneurship". Entrepreneurs or business people are using the shortcut, they build businesses that serve as surrogate to their working time so they don't work a day in their lives again while enjoying the fruit of their virtual money tree (business systems that give them millions). Focus the mind to becoming an entrepreneur and enjoy life while young like Mark Zuckerberg, Dustin Moskovits, Andrew Mason, Naveen Selvadurai and countless of these young internet entrepreneurs below 30's who had no specific talent but somehow made it big.
      Problem and solution at one go

      Originally Posted by jordand870 View Post

      Learn to focus your mind to live in the present moment. It's called mindfulness.

      Kids are the most mindful because they don't worry about the past or the future. Instead, they focus on making the most of right now.

      Next time you're outside, gaze at the clouds in the sky and feel the wind hitting your soul.

      Embrace all you can right now, and you will live a fulfilling life.

      Smile warriors,

      Jordan S. Daniels
      Smile to you too Jordan! Yes, definitely making the most of right now. The power of Now is indeed powerful

      Originally Posted by The Niche Man View Post

      Learn and Do Power Poses. Check it Out.

      Amy Cuddy Power Poses - YouTube

      Originally Posted by C G View Post

      The Action Myth

      Success in IM like anything in life is simple. Find a working model, build a plan and take action.

      The hardest part is action. Most people fail because they don't take enough action. They procrastinate. They come up with all sort of excuses.

      One of the greatest things that I learnt about action is that you don't need to feel motivated or want to do something to actually do it. This is one of the biggest misconception that people have. They believe it's ok not to do something if you don't feel like it. Or if you are not motivated. So they watch motivational videos. Read books to try finding the thing that will finally make them motivated instead of simply taking action.

      That's complete BS. You need to take action whether you feel like it or not. The cool part is that sometimes. The feeling of motivation will come once you start taking action.


      Thanks again C.G. Delighted to see your answers, always straightforward and direct to the point.

      Reminded me of a recent flashback: What is a professional? A professional is one who does things even when they do not feel like doing it.
      Hi there, I am Alexander SkyHeart, pleasure to meet you.
      Do feel free to comment and I'll be thankfully delighted to chat with you on the forum threads. Cheers!
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  • Profile picture of the author SuccesfulIideas
    You Don’t Need a Lot of Time

    In fact, I wouldn’t suggest carving out more than 15 minutes for your morning ritual—at least in the beginning—so that you don’t overwhelm yourself with yet another thing to do. But, I suggest you set your alarm for earlier than usual, instead of trying to cram those 15 minutes into your already-packed morning schedule. It’ll give you a better chance of actually doing it.

    Do it First Thing

    The point of a morning ritual is to anchor in some peace and calm before the chaos sets in. If you let the chaos get to you first (by, say, reading your emails), you’ll dilute the experience. When you prioritize your sanity, you’ll realize that everything else can, in fact, wait a few minutes.

    Keep it Simple

    If you’re not sure what to actually do as your morning ritual, hone in on something that will help you get
    grounded—and don’t overthink it. For example, take a few deep breaths, make your favorite green smoothie or oatmeal, write down your #1 goal, or read your favorite blog. It doesn’t have to be complicated—it just has to work.

    Don’t Do More Than 1–2 Things

    You want to give yourself enough space to enjoy and be fully present in each activity. After a few weeks, if you find that you have an extra few minutes and want to add in another element, go for it.
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  • Profile picture of the author stpdna67
    Learn the skill of delegating and leveraging other people's time
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  • Profile picture of the author Odahh
    google search thing people over 100 have in common you could read 3-4 list in 15 minutes and get a good idea what people who reach old age happy health and mobile ..do on a daily basis .

    and then you can spend a few years making the adjustment to your lifestyle .
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  • Profile picture of the author rohitratnakumar
    For me, its the "acres of diamonds" story. You have unique voice and talents and situations in life that are extremely valuable. Look inside and appreciate and do something with whats already inside.. Wow, got really excited by typing this
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