2 replies
Sandra's seen a leprechaun,

Eddie touched touched a troll,

Laurie danced with witches once,

Charlie found some gold.

David heard a mermaid sing,

Susie spied an elf,

But all the magic I have know...

I've had to make myself.

(found on reddit)

Joe Mobley
  • Profile picture of the author rosario1990
    What is this one? I think it's poem right?
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  • Profile picture of the author Rose Anderson
    I often compare my work as a writer to my former work as a magician.

    I sit down at a blank screen, add words, and I've suddenly created something of value. Something people will pay money to acquire.

    Of course, I also use my career as a ventriloquist to compare to ghostwriting. It was great training to learn how to talk in someone else's voice

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