Is there a way to record webinars instead of them being live?

3 replies
I want to start coaching clients on confidence, etc. Things in the self-help niche. I want to host a webinar that all of the people who'll sign up to watch it. I want that webinar to be not live but make it look like it is live. In that webinar I'll talk about what they struggle with, some free ebooks which can help them out and then I'll talk about the 1-on-1 coaching. The 1-on-1 coaching obviously will be all live.. Should I do those on skype or is there a way to do them on webinars, somewhere else too?

Thank you.
#live #record #webinars
  • Profile picture of the author Nassime
    You can use gotowebinar ;-)
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  • Profile picture of the author infomom
    Originally Posted by Gina Heer View Post

    I want to start coaching clients on confidence, etc. Things in the self-help niche. I want to host a webinar that all of the people who'll sign up to watch it. I want that webinar to be not live but make it look like it is live. In that webinar I'll talk about what they struggle with, some free ebooks which can help them out and then I'll talk about the 1-on-1 coaching. The 1-on-1 coaching obviously will be all live.. Should I do those on skype or is there a way to do them on webinars, somewhere else too?

    Thank you.
    Hi Gina,
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  • Profile picture of the author Billy The Kid
    I have an account with clickfunnels which allows me to pre-record webinars and host them at dates and times of my choosing. It's very easy to set up. As already mentioned, gotowebinar and easy webinar are also good options, as is google hangouts. Hope that helps
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