Choice of Life after Schooling Years could be so different

7 replies
When we look back in life, sometimes we might think: "Wow, what an adventure that led to now." or "Wow, nothing much happened and time flew so fast."

After the schooling years, the different choices of life will take us to different places. Not much could have prepared for what we have been through.

The important question is "What am I doing now and is it relevant to the future we want?"

Life experience has taught me that the answer to this question requires a very firm "Yes."

Because otherwise might risk us going "Wow, nothing much happened and time flew so fast."

Which have you chosen?

"Wow, what an adventure that led to now." or
"Wow, nothing much happened and time flew so fast."

Either is fine, whichever suits your way of life
#choice #life #schooling #years
  • I think that if you find your master, your questions will go poof out of the window.

    And you will be left with answers. In awe.

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  • Profile picture of the author beat ship
    Your question "What am I doing now and is it relevant to the future we want?" should be asked more often. Among the two answers I'd choose, "Wow, nothing much happened and time flew so fast."

    This mentality would give me the sense of urgency I need to reduce procrastination. After school, we seem not to hold ourselves accountable to deadlines in achieving our personal goals. After school, it is more important than ever for us to create our own plan or calendar to replace the school curriculum that used to run our time.

    We need to identify the activities we need to do that would lead to our financial success (such as building a business aside from being an employee) to live purposefully and avoid wasting time/our life.
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  • I'd choose "Wow, what an adventure that led to now." What is most important for me is to live life fully and more courageously (or put in the effort to get out of my comfort zone often).

    My fave quote related to this is Richard Banson's “If somebody offers you an amazing opportunity but you are not sure you can do it, say yes – then learn how to do it later!”

    I would have a goal but instead of doing things procedural (like in school), I would give myself permission to get out of the box, do something new, take more risks, and make more mistakes.
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  • Profile picture of the author SamNuku
    This here was mine until about 5 months ago:
    "Wow, nothing much happened and time flew so fast."

    At this point i lost my wife because other then working i'd lost alot of passion in life.

    I've worked hard & long. but i feel like nothing much happened & indeed time flew fast.

    BUT i'm happy in the sense that I have enjoyed my life thus far despite where i'm & what i've been thru i'm on the verge of major major break thru's due to what the past 15yrs have made me.

    its all attitude & perspective.
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  • Profile picture of the author Odahh
    well see to answer the question .. and to prevent time from just flying by..

    you have to educate yourself and do things to learn skills to have the life you want ..the schooling years actually do not teach you that much to live life..k-12 teaches you what you need to go to college and college years teach you some junk ok lots of junk and some stuff to have a career ..

    you go through schooling years you get a job and you live the life you can based off what you earn at that job ..

    untill you sit down and flesh out the life you really want.. it is hard to actually do anything to get it are just bouncing through life taking what you can get ..
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  • My reaction: "Wow, what an adventure that led to now."

    I just tried everything to see if it suits me. It led me astray a few times but I never regretted the wealth of experience I gathered. Being open to adventure has made me smarter and wiser beyond my years.
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  • Profile picture of the author 3wCorner
    Your the master of your own journey. What you way you take today will decide your future.
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