Why Biz Opp/Get Rich Quick Seekers Never Earn Anything Online
In fact, it's why Biz Opp/Get Rich Quick Seekers are inherently destined to fail.
It's because their mindset is based on selfish thinking.
See, what YOU want in the "make money" equation doesn't matter as much as the value you can provide others.
If you want to make more money... help more people.
Your income is directly related to how many people you help, and add value to.
The richest people in the world simply add massive value to the most people.
Movie stars, star athletes, top musicians... Google, Apple, Amazon, Facebook...
All add value to people on a large scale, and as a result... money follows.
Money comes as a RESULT of giving value first. You can't make money without first helping a lot of others.
But again, the first thing a Biz Opp Seeker will think? "I need to make a lot of money fast"
But the universe doesn't work that way.
If you want to make more money... help more people. Find ways to help more people on a larger scale. Use systems and automation to add value to people.
Think "How can I help the most people in the fastest way possible"... that's when the money will follow...
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Brian B.