Why Biz Opp/Get Rich Quick Seekers Never Earn Anything Online

11 replies
If your mindset is always "I want to make a lot of money"... you're already preventing yourself from making money.

In fact, it's why Biz Opp/Get Rich Quick Seekers are inherently destined to fail.
It's because their mindset is based on selfish thinking.

See, what YOU want in the "make money" equation doesn't matter as much as the value you can provide others.

If you want to make more money... help more people.

Your income is directly related to how many people you help, and add value to.

The richest people in the world simply add massive value to the most people.

Movie stars, star athletes, top musicians... Google, Apple, Amazon, Facebook...
All add value to people on a large scale, and as a result... money follows.

Money comes as a RESULT of giving value first. You can't make money without first helping a lot of others.

But again, the first thing a Biz Opp Seeker will think? "I need to make a lot of money fast"

But the universe doesn't work that way.

If you want to make more money... help more people. Find ways to help more people on a larger scale. Use systems and automation to add value to people.

Think "How can I help the most people in the fastest way possible"... that's when the money will follow...
#biz #earn #online #opp or get #quick #rich #seekers
  • Profile picture of the author Kaupo Tomson
    That is more or less the absolute truth about being successful in life!

    I just recently posted this quote in another thread as well, but I think it was Anne Frank who said it best: "Give and you shall receive, much more that you ever thought possible. Give and give again. People who give will never be poor!"

    No one has ever become poor by giving.

    But I can understand where they are coming from. People don't necessarily have to be greedy or bad, they might actually be genuinely good people but be at a bad place financially and are looking for a way out. I know I've had a mindset like that before.

    But, the harsh reality is, that if You don't change your mindset and start focusing on adding value, chances are, You might not make it.

    So flip the switch, start providing value! I believe everybody can do it!
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    • Profile picture of the author Odahh
      well i agree that adding the most value you can is essential to success..

      the key in your mindset really depends on how big you want to be ..if you have a way to add enough value to get 10,000 dollars a year from them.. you only need to work with 100 people in a year to earn 1 million .

      yes if you want to build a Facebook or google or a multi billion dollar company you will want to serve millions or tens of millions of people ..

      a farmer can raise a million chicken a year .. but because of the infrastucture and lebor need .. that farmer might not make any money .. where someone raising 500 chickens a year in small cages on pasture can come close to earning as much as the farmer raising a million chickens ..

      the key to success is both adding a huge chunk of value and capturing as much of that value as possible .

      this is why wages in most jobs are stagnant ..even if the employees are more productive.. pretty much all the increase comes from investment in tech by the companies ..not in the employees actually doing anything to make themselves more valuable .

      to survive and thrive in the coming world people will need to add real value and probably own the tools as they become much cheaper ..i am sure at some point there will a universal basic income . but i don't really want the government deciding what i am worth .
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  • Profile picture of the author tagiscom
    Originally Posted by shawnlebrun View Post

    If your mindset is always "I want to make a lot of money"... you're already preventing yourself from making money.

    In fact, it's why Biz Opp/Get Rich Quick Seekers are inherently destined to fail.
    It's because their mindset is based on selfish thinking.

    See, what YOU want in the "make money" equation doesn't matter as much as the value you can provide others.

    If you want to make more money... help more people.

    Your income is directly related to how many people you help, and add value to.
    Gee, my goal has always been "Make a S***load ASAP".

    And l know how to create wealth now, but l still do the best job l can for each product.

    PS l am the most negative person on the planet, apparently, so don't trust me.
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  • Profile picture of the author onlineworker11
    So true. By helping others you are helping yourself in the end by earning more money.

    Turn $1 into unlimited $197 Click this.

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  • Profile picture of the author Sonny Tee
    You get what you want by helping others get what they want is one of the most accurate quotes I've ever seen
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  • Profile picture of the author REIGN FOREVER
    "If you want to make more money... help more people."
    Awesome man! Like my mentor has already been instilling this in me, but to read this post it definitely has motivated to do just that plus more. Great Stuff
    Learn what they DIDN'T tell you about Affiliate Marketing Click Here For Free Video!!!
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  • Profile picture of the author Time Transporter
    What didn't I think of that?
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  • Profile picture of the author hardraysnight
    God helps those who help themselves
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  • Profile picture of the author AL Hummel
    Metaphysically, I think that feeling in alignment with money, emotionally evoking the true sensation of what it would be like "as if the moment of success has already manifest" is equally as important. In this way the Universe (God) can synchronize and guide me in a direction with purpose where I can truly help others best. I so wish to help others in the most positive way and get paid for it... finding my true purpose is what I pray for most. The rest, like money, will fall into place.
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  • Profile picture of the author jamaica225
    Great advice. I wish I would have figured this out years ago. I wasn't until I realized this that things started changing for me.

    Brian B.

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  • Profile picture of the author Kenji M
    Very simple but inspiring and to the point advice!
    And I was very impressed by this sentence; "But the universe doesn't work that way."
    Thanks for the great article!
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