simple formula for getting rich or two simple formulas
that is not the formula but the explanation of why the formulas work .
so first formula build the skill to learn how to spend 1 dollar and make 2 dollars ..then keep building those skills so you spend 1 dollar and can return 3 4 5 or more dollars ..rich and wealthy people don't work for money they work getting their money to work for them ..
the second formula works with the first learn you success to fail rate ..this goes beyond 80/20 though say you try 5 thing to make money but only one of them work.. or 5 things to increase income and only one works ..stop doing the 4 that don't work keep doing the 1 that does then try 10 or 20 or thirty things to increase income .keep those that work and cut away he stuff that does not .
to make this work you have to properly budget money and time over 5 ,10 or 20 thing to attempt.. most people go all in on one or two things and fail .. then stop trying new things
Brian B.