A Powerful Focus builder for those with short Attention spans

33 replies
Sometimes I get frustrated when I talk to people and they don't seem to be able to hold their attention for long. It seems that virtually anything will take their attention off of what I'm saying. It can be someone walking by or their phone going off. I've looked for attention builders on the internet, but all of them list the same information that doesn't seem to work for me.

So what I've come up with is my own method that has helped me build my attention span. I believe it will work for others too if their serious about it. Here it goes.

Write a word down on a piece of paper that means a lot to you. Next look at the word without having your eyes move away from the word. Time how long you can do this and write it down. The first time will be your measuring stick. Keep doing it and trying to increase the time you can stare at the word without looking away. Don't move your head or eyes in any way. Your eyes must stay focused on the word. There can be no eye shifting of any sort. No looking up, down, left or right. Also quiet your mind as this tends to help.

This is very simple and it's an actual technique unlike what I've found when looking on the internet. It seems simple, but you'd be surprised at how hard it is to do. If done consistently it will help you build your attention span and you'll be able to focus better. Try it. feel free to write what your first few attempts were in terms of the time you lasted.
#attention #builder #focus #powerful #short #spans
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  • Profile picture of the author Kay King
    when I talk to people and they don't seem to be able to hold their attention for long
    What you mean is "I don't seem to be able to hold their attention"....

    Could it be if you are saying something interesting - people will pay attention?
    Saving one dog will not change the world - but the world changes forever for that one dog
    2024 Patriot's Award for Service to Veterans
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  • Profile picture of the author pheonix44
    That could be the case, but these days it seems like even the wind blowing hard takes away most people's focus. Plus I would imagine that even if you're the most entertaining person in the world it's going to be hard to compete with that little device in their hands. If you've ever walked down the street at specific times it almost seems like the zombie apocalypse, everyone with their heads down staring blankly.
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    • Profile picture of the author Odahh
      Originally Posted by pheonix44 View Post

      That could be the case, but these days it seems like even the wind blowing hard takes away most people focus. Plus I would imagine that even if you're the most entertaining person in the world it's going to be hard to compete with that little device in their hands. If you've ever walked down the street at specific times it almost seems like the zombie apocalypse, everyone with their heads down staring blankly.
      yeah yeah.. and before this cellphone thing .. or beside this cellphone thing.. when people do talk to other random people out in the world..it's about politics, the kardashians or sports ..

      How well did you interact with most strangers before the cellphone thing ..or is the cellphone thing just the new thing people can complain about .

      of course you can always talk about the dumbing down of society or people .. like there was this golden age when everyone walking around the streets was a genius and could tell you about physics or the latest in biology or science ..

      well there was a time people new about cars and could fix them themselves without a degree ..and would talk about cars with others into cars ..

      but that the key being able to find people interested in the subjects you find interesting ..and not just writing people off as zombies because they are not interested in what you are interested in and would rather look at their phone untill you get the hint and go away ..
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  • Profile picture of the author Jessica Ambos
    You're unable to do this to people who have something wrong with their brains like ADHD. There are hormones that simply doesn't work their potential or is deficit that they aren't able to hold their attention on one thing for long.

    Indeed this technique is difficult especially if one has a lot on their minds and is so stressed out but it is definitely easy for someone who has all the time in the world.
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    • Profile picture of the author pheonix44
      Originally Posted by Jessica Ambos View Post

      You're unable to do this to people who have something wrong with their brains like ADHD. There are hormones that simply doesn't work their potential or is deficit that they aren't able to hold their attention on one thing for long.

      Indeed this technique is difficult especially if one has a lot on their minds and is so stressed out but it is definitely easy for someone who has all the time in the world.
      I have ADHD. It was the reason why I was looking for help. Also the method is designed to be quite fast. Usually lasting seconds or at the best minutes as you get better at it.
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      • Profile picture of the author Odahh
        Originally Posted by pheonix44 View Post

        I have ADHD. It was the reason why I was looking for help. Also the method is designed to be quite fast. Usually lasting seconds or at the best minutes as you get better at it.
        Adhd.. in other words you have a shit load of trouble paying attention to stuff you are not interested in.. while the thing you are interest in you can compulivly do for 10-20 hours a day weeks at a time ..

        treatment for adhd ..do more stuff that interests you
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      • Profile picture of the author Jessica Ambos
        I'm sorry about that. Has this technique worked for you in the long run? I mean did it last? Were you able to gradually increase your attention span? As far as I know, medicine is the traditional way in treating or should I say inhibiting the symptoms of ADHD.
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  • Profile picture of the author pheonix44
    well there was a time people new about cars and could fix them themselves without a degree ..and would talk about cars with others into cars
    A lot of people still do and you'll find that most who do don't have a degree, but learned the skills themselves or from someone else. Also it's not about people being interested in what I have to say, but about getting people to train themselves to not have the attention span of a gnat.
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  • Profile picture of the author pheonix44
    in other words you have a shit load of trouble paying attention to stuff you are not interested in
    Who would this not apply to? Unless you were in a position where you have no choice but to pay attention to something that doesn't interest you.
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    • Profile picture of the author Odahh
      Originally Posted by pheonix44 View Post

      Who would this not apply to? Unless you were in a position where you have no choice but to pay attention to something that doesn't interest you.
      well it is called being a student compelled to go to school ..suffering from boredom ..being in a broken system designed to turn people into factory workers..

      in any case there are over 7 billion people on this planet ..and there are places people go to talk about the subjects you are interested in..and then the gauntlet of the rest of the world you are trying to get through with as little interruption or slowing down ..

      the best violinist in the world can't get people rushing to catch their subway train .. to stop and listen to him play in a subway station and risk being late to work or what ever the repercussions to them would be .. nothing wrong with society .. just the wrong place to play the violin . (failed to put the youtube video in .. just search josh bell subway

      you probably have many interesting things to talk about.. it just a matter of going where other people are who are interested or learning to pick them out in the crowd.. and not just randomly try to chat with people on the street and expect a long conversation
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  • Profile picture of the author pheonix44
    I've actually spun it into a variation of methods in order to make it more challenging. For instance take any word in this text and come up with a word for each individual letter. Time yourself on this and see how fast you can do it. try to beat your previous time. I have dozens and dozens of these hacks, because no matter how hard I tried I would find the same rehashed information on improving focus/concentration.
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  • Profile picture of the author pheonix44
    well it is called being a student compelled to go to school ..suffering from boredom ..being in a broken system designed to turn people into factory workers..
    Compelled. When you say this do you mean college? In other words there's external pressure on you to focus in order to get through it. It would also be an investment of a lot of money. High school would be a different story. This is why these days the basis of a lot of education is edutainment.
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    • Profile picture of the author Odahh
      Originally Posted by pheonix44 View Post

      Compelled. When you say this do you mean college? In other words there's external pressure on you to focus in order to get through it. It would also be an investment of a lot of money. High school would be a different story. This is why these days the basis of a lot of education is edutainment.
      I am strictly referring to the USA with this ..but in much of the country unless you are being homeschooled and can prove it..under 16 years of age i believe is the line ..you generally have no choice but to go to school or you and your parents are in vilation of the law ..

      so you are compelled to go to school .. even if because of adhd or dyslexia you or because you have a 200 iq and the school your in is design for people with about 100 iq .. to it is like being 7 feet tall but being forced to be in a building with 6 foot ceilings ...

      People with Adhd .. every one i have met and myself included ... all have things we can pay so much attention to over long periods say 12-16 hours a day weeks month at a time ..

      you can probably name 3-12 things you can put huge amounts of attention into .. well there are a 1000 things that a goldfish would win in the attention contest
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  • Profile picture of the author pheonix44
    People with Adhd .. every one i have met and myself included ... all have things we can pay so much attention to over long periods say 12-16 hours a day weeks month at a time ..
    The funny thing is that if something is mechanical and doesn't require much brain work I can focus for hours easily. I get into trouble when my mind starts to drift. If something is simple and laid out in a step by step way it's easy for me to focus on even the most boring things.
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    • Profile picture of the author Odahh
      Originally Posted by pheonix44 View Post

      The funny thing is that if something is mechanical and doesn't require much brain work I can focus for hours easily. I get into trouble when my mind starts to drift. If something is simple and laid out in a step by step way it's easy for me to focus on even the most boring things.
      Are you sure it doesn't require much brain work.. or is it just that your brain doesn't have to work as much ..there are probably a huge number of people who would have to put effort in to the things you find do not take much work for you ..

      Instead of looking at it as a personal strength .. the tendency is to think well if it comes easy to me it should come easy to everyone.. and people who can't pay attention to more mechanical presentations of information.. must have something wrong with them .

      human are built to have a social ecosystem where long term survival of the group is based off specialization of tasks ..not every person doing the same stuff ..and society is shifting from the masses being factory workers ..to the demand for specialization in an ever growing number of different things .

      You might think your ability to focus on more mechanical activity ..take very little brain power ..but it could be you brain and talent set are tuned to specialize in such things.. and of course when facing stuff that is not laid out like that that may be easy for other ..you get bored and find a hard time holding interest ..and get labeled with having a problem

      In essence you have a major strength or talent set .. that probably is of great value in many areas.. but has been written off as a weakens or even a problem by the educational system that was designed to train factory workers .. who where basically just supposed to do the repetitive mechanical tasks ..the machines could not do yet .
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    • Profile picture of the author davestrees
      Exactly the way it is for me too!
      I just happened across this topic (obviously) from WF as I am a subscriber too.
      Just scrolling around on WF only when I rec'v an email from them.
      Intriguing, if reading all I can... at that moment!
      Sooo many emails!,... distracting... where's my goal?, what was/is my goal??
      Is it really ADHD?, or the high tech age we live in now that NO ONE can really focus on what they need/want to do?
      Just a few words I wanted to put in.
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  • Profile picture of the author pheonix44
    Yeah nowadays it's nearly impossible unless its a close friend, relative, or significant other.

    Associates, coworkers, bosses or even complete strangers don't care about what you have to say unless it's benefiting them..
    Exactly. I just believe people aren't conditioned to focus the way they used to. I believe those who can are the ones who can be successful.
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    • Profile picture of the author Odahh
      Originally Posted by pheonix44 View Post

      Exactly. I just believe people aren't conditioned to focus the way they used to. I believe those who can are the ones who can be successful.
      you keep suggesting the it is other people problem that they can't focus on what you have to say .. have you ever had a full time job..where you commuted an hour each way .. so you spent 50-60 hours a week 50 weeks a year either at work or going to work .

      the problem here is not other people in ability to focus .. it is most likely that you are not going to places like coffee shops where people are sitting and having a coffee and chatting with people.. or other such places where people are open to talking with others ..

      there are places out there you can go and find conversation with other people .. if you have interesting stuff to them to talk about .. it is part of your job to both be interesting and learn how to tell if people are interested in the subjects ..

      you may not understand it is not a focus issue .. it is a self defense issue ..as right now at least in The USA there are armed camps on the far left and the far right in political views .. and all to often the stranger on the street trying to strike up a conversation ..is trying to see where you are in that.. and the vast majority of people in the middle .. want to stay out.. so it is not safe to talk to random people on the street .
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  • Profile picture of the author hardraysnight
    ill finish reading it tomorrow
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  • Profile picture of the author ChrisBa
    Originally Posted by pheonix44 View Post

    Sometimes I get frustrated when I talk to people and they don't seem to be able to hold their attention for long. It seems that virtually anything will take their attention off of what I'm saying. It can be someone walking by or their phone going off. I've looked for attention builders on the internet, but all of them list the same information that doesn't seem to work for me.

    So what I've come up with is my own method that has helped me build my attention span. I believe it will work for others too if their serious about it. Here it goes.

    Write a word down on a piece of paper that means a lot to you. Next look at the word without having your eyes move away from the word. Time how long you can do this and write it down. The first time will be your measuring stick. Keep doing it and trying to increase the time you can stare at the word without looking away. Don't move your head or eyes in any way. Your eyes must stay focused on the word. There can be no eye shifting of any sort. No looking up, down, left or right. Also quiet your mind as this tends to help.

    This is very simple and it's an actual technique unlike what I've found when looking on the internet. It seems simple, but you'd be surprised at how hard it is to do. If done consistently it will help you build your attention span and you'll be able to focus better. Try it. feel free to write what your first few attempts were in terms of the time you lasted.
    In what context are we talking here, is this happening in your personal life or are you talking when you are trying to pitch them something?
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  • Profile picture of the author Jonathan 2.0
    Something that (generally) helps me is to focus on the other Person and listen to them. (Really listen.)

    Most People don't actually listen to the other Person they just wait for their turn to talk. Usually I can either find out something interesting to converse about or simply (many times) emphasize/agree with them.

    I don't know if that's helpful: Just thought I would post it in case. The book "How To Win Friends And Influence People" is a good read and worth checking out.

    Good Luck.
    : )
    "Each problem has hidden in it an opportunity so powerful that it literally dwarfs the problem. The greatest success stories were created by people who recognized a problem and turned it into an opportunity."―Joseph Sugarman
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  • Profile picture of the author pheonix44
    I don't know if that's helpful: Just thought I would post it in case. The book "How To Win Friends And Influence People" is a good read and worth checking out.

    I think I can actually find this book on Google for free in PDF version. Just did a check and here it is:

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    • Profile picture of the author Jonathan 2.0
      Well I hope it helps: It's a good book/eBook
      "Each problem has hidden in it an opportunity so powerful that it literally dwarfs the problem. The greatest success stories were created by people who recognized a problem and turned it into an opportunity."―Joseph Sugarman
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    • Profile picture of the author Jonathan 2.0
      I think your exercise/technique about holding attention could work wonders. The more you can stay "present" when chatting/conversing with People ... The more likely the conversation will go well.
      "Each problem has hidden in it an opportunity so powerful that it literally dwarfs the problem. The greatest success stories were created by people who recognized a problem and turned it into an opportunity."―Joseph Sugarman
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  • Profile picture of the author pheonix44
    It might look simple, bu it's actually pretty tough to do. This is the idea. In the age of short attention spans you having an edge in any way can mean the difference between winning and losing.
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    • Profile picture of the author Jonathan 2.0
      With all the Modern Day Technology (etc.) ... More than ever People want (and crave) real human-to-human contact. If you can take an interest in People (generally) they will appreciate it. As for Picking Up Women ... There's a whole load of information Online.

      (That said -- don't lose yourself in pursuit of it.)

      "Each problem has hidden in it an opportunity so powerful that it literally dwarfs the problem. The greatest success stories were created by people who recognized a problem and turned it into an opportunity."―Joseph Sugarman
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  • Profile picture of the author Kay King
    I remembered this thread this afternoon. Ran into someone I used to know - and quickly remembered why 'used to' is the keyword phrase.

    He held my attention for a few minutes - but only because I don't like to be rude to people. After about 10 minutes of pure boredom I was able to get away.

    Is that a problem with my attention span? Don't think so. It's a problem with my patience level - I don't tolerate boring crap for long. BUT I was not raised to think what I want or think is the be-all-end-all for other people so I try to be well mannered about it. If good manners don't work - I move on to plan b.

    A simple trick to 'holding people's attention' - talk about them instead of yourself...works every time.

    Edit: I have a personal rule about those who want to talk to me while still trying to maintain their FB and Twitter and answer their phone at the same time. I walk away.
    Saving one dog will not change the world - but the world changes forever for that one dog
    2024 Patriot's Award for Service to Veterans
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    • Profile picture of the author Odahh
      Originally Posted by Kay King View Post

      I remembered this thread this afternoon. Ran into someone I used to know - and quickly remembered why 'used to' is the keyword phrase.

      He held my attention for a few minutes - but only because I don't like to be rude to people. After about 10 minutes of pure boredom I was able to get away.

      Is that a problem with my attention span? Don't think so. It's a problem with my patience level - I don't tolerate boring crap for long. BUT I was not raised to think what I want or think is the be-all-end-all for other people so I try to be well mannered about it. If good manners don't work - I move on to plan b.

      A simple trick to 'holding people's attention' - talk about them instead of yourself...works every time.

      Edit: I have a personal rule about those who want to talk to me while still trying to maintain their FB and Twitter and answer their phone at the same time. I walk away.
      Usually i find that if i get into a conversation with someone for more than 2 minutes ..that person has several bits of information there for me to dig out with the way the conversation might go ..

      I may have a lot of information.. which makes having long conversations easier .. but in many areas it is pretty easy to run into people who know a lot more than me..but don't get a chance to talk all that often ..

      There are no average people .. everyone has a much different past.. i tend to use most people as a description.. because i understand the system we are in and that it is design to get most people to act a certain way ..much of the time .

      yeah it can sound like blaming the system or making excuses .. but there are billions being spent every day ..
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  • Profile picture of the author FreedomBlogger
    Originally Posted by pheonix44 View Post

    Sometimes I get frustrated when I talk to people and they don't seem to be able to hold their attention for long. It seems that virtually anything will take their attention off of what I'm saying. It can be someone walking by or their phone going off. I've looked for attention builders on the internet, but all of them list the same information that doesn't seem to work for me.

    So what I've come up with is my own method that has helped me build my attention span. I believe it will work for others too if their serious about it. Here it goes.

    Write a word down on a piece of paper that means a lot to you. Next look at the word without having your eyes move away from the word. Time how long you can do this and write it down. The first time will be your measuring stick. Keep doing it and trying to increase the time you can stare at the word without looking away. Don't move your head or eyes in any way. Your eyes must stay focused on the word. There can be no eye shifting of any sort. No looking up, down, left or right. Also quiet your mind as this tends to help.

    This is very simple and it's an actual technique unlike what I've found when looking on the internet. It seems simple, but you'd be surprised at how hard it is to do. If done consistently it will help you build your attention span and you'll be able to focus better. Try it. feel free to write what your first few attempts were in terms of the time you lasted.

    That's an interesting technique!

    Thanks for sharing that.

    I like to use Mel Robbins neuroscience techniques to keep me focus and productive.

    The one technique I love is the 5-second rule. This is where you train your brain to keep focus on tasks that you would procrastinate on the most.

    You have to activate all of the neuro-connections and nervers in your brain that have never really been activated before. We are creatures of habit, we can do tasks on autopilot without even really thinking much (like driving a car for instance). So, our brain gets lazy, for a lack of a better word.

    Counting backwards is something your brain is most likely not very used to. So, when you do it right before you are about to tackle a task, everything in your brain fires up and gets ready for something new. If you do this consistently, your brain adapts and you adapt a new habit. This is how I have been able to keep super productive working online.

    I also like to activate everything in my brain by using my opposite hand (I'm a righty). I brush my teeth with my left hand in the morning, at the beginning is super hard but it gets a little easier. You'll be surprised at how long it takes you to actually get comfortable doing things with your other hand.

    Now, I'm practicing writing with my left hand, and this is having a huge impact inmy brain and productivity levels. I can focus a lot better and pay attention for longer. It is a huge challenge for my entire brain and body to practice writing with my left hand. I can feel my brain working so hard to do this new challenge. It works so well, I would highly recommend it.

    You gotta understand this, if you want to improve your mind whether it is for higher productivity levels or better attention spans, you have to challenge your brain every single day. Use your opposiste hand and use neuroscience to help you with all of this. I highly recommend looking into Mel Robbins teachings!

    Hope this is helpful!
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  • Profile picture of the author pheonix44
    I like to use Mel Robbins neuroscience techniques to keep me focus and productive.

    Can you provide some link information so I can learn more about this? It sounds interesting and I'm always trying to find new methods to help me build my attention span and focus levels.
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  • Profile picture of the author Master Blake
    You have to find what causes a short attention span.

    In a plethora of cases it's lack of self-fulfillment.

    You've just had enough - up to your neck - and are not easily impressed anymore.

    That makes you tend to want to shuffle things fast and feel like binging for information,
    just in case you find answers. The power of the will is in entropy, totally jeopardized.

    The solution? Eliminate those bad boys from the mental grid
    and snatch the keys to the kingdom (the subconscious).

    {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[11336035].message }}
  • Profile picture of the author pheonix44
    You have to find what causes a short attention span.

    In a plethora of cases it's lack of self-fulfillment.

    You've just had enough - up to your neck - and are not easily impressed anymore.

    That makes you tend to want to shuffle things fast and feel like binging for information,
    just in case you find answers. The power of the will is in entropy, totally jeopardized.

    The solution? Eliminate those bad boys from the mental grid
    and snatch the keys to the kingdom (the subconscious).
    I liked what you said. Is there any reading material you can point me in the direction of to help with this?
    {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[11336042].message }}
  • Profile picture of the author Master Blake
    I am an avid candidate of hypnosis - this is where
    one resorts for answers. All the knowledge already
    resides within you. One must make the conscious
    decision that he's after change and pursuit with
    zeal. Then things will start falling into place.

    The entire philosophy comes in digital form and
    is decanted in the subconscious. And dare I say
    is incalculably prized by our inner mind.

    The mind tends to progress and the remnants of
    the pitiful past, eradicate. I am referring to
    Cosmic Master Hypnosis in particular. Consider
    it like a good Jack makes a good Jill so to speak.

    The mind is susceptible at a great many things.

    What if you deliberately gave more room for growth
    and threw excuses out of the equation? Wait, you're
    not done yet. This is where you come with a clean
    slate to realize magnificence and prudently craft
    your future. Consider yourself "Tabula Rasa" - an
    empty canvas right before you program the mind and
    embrace change.

    No required reading here - no material.

    Just as good as it gets forum posting.
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