How To Become The Complete Package?

12 replies

I have a kind of odd question.

I do very well in my career however, I believe I am not the Complete Package. My Boss for example I believe is. We really don't use terms like Boss because our company is more of a Team oriented company. I just wanted to use the most basic term that most people would understand quickly.

I could go on for hours about different topics here, but I want to be brief.

Essentially, I want to learn about the following and how to play the following well:

3-Being Extremely Courteous
4-Remember People's Family
5-Genuinely Care

I want to become the complete package but have a hard time devoting enough time if any to become well versed in society at large. I am in my 30's so I still believe I have plenty enough time to do this. For example, I could still pick up golf and play for 40 years if I want to. However, I also find myself forgetting about prospects and accounts family members, etc. because I do not believe I put enough importance on those topics. Its like I am a machine or something.

I just feel at sometimes there is so much to learn in such a short amount of time I get lost trying to start new things.

My main question is, do I stick to what I know best or try any of the above 5 things? I mean my personality is more of keep your head down and work hard. I mean don't get me wrong I can open up and have fun however, I would rather get the job done right. I am a bit of a perfectionist and extremely competitive. I realize to take my career to the ultimate level I need to be the best of the best and well versed in all levels/walks of life.

I could go on and on however I will just end here. What does everyone think? I believe you get the point.
#complete #package
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  • Profile picture of the author Kay King
    I could go on for hours about different topics here, but I want to be brief.

    You know this is a marketing forum, right?

    Essentially, I want to learn about the following and how to play the following well:

    Then do it...take lessons from a pro..spend time on the course. Learn it.

    How do you 'play at' killing things? Why is that a goal? How does that 'complete' your 'package'?

    3-Being Extremely Courteous
    That's a choice. Easy for some, takes more thought for others.

    4-Remember People's Family
    5-Genuinely Care

    You can train yourself to remember to ask people about family - or to appear to care....but if you are not an empathetic/sympathetic person it will never come naturally to you.

    Sounds to me like you are trying to model someone you admire - and that won't work. You are you and need to focus on being the best YOU instead of trying to become a 'package'.

    In your 30s you have your own style, your own habits - you can take up new hobbies, work on being a better version of yourself.
    Saving one dog will not change the world - but the world changes forever for that one dog
    2024 Patriot's Award for Service to Veterans
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  • Profile picture of the author ryanbiddulph
    One question: why do you want to be the complete package?

    Answer that honestly and you will find out something neat: you feel lacking, not enough, less than, and, incomplete. Feel those less than feelings, clear them, and when you feel more whole and complete, you will be happy doing what you love doing, whatever that is.
    Ryan Biddulph helps you to be a successful blogger with his courses, manuals and blog at Blogging From Paradise
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  • Profile picture of the author GreggWellz
    Hi There,

    I read you post and it sounds like you are doing a lot of "comparing yourself to others".

    It also sounds like you have a lot of strengths of your own.

    We never seem to do ourselves any justice when we compare ourselves to others. Instead focus on the things that you want to do and focus on what you want and what brings you joy.

    Focusing on learning new skills is always a good way to push yourself out of your own comfort zone but instead of thinking I want to learn to golf maybe think I want to go and golf and experience it.

    Trust me there are lots of first time golfers out on golf courses every day.

    Want to be extremely courteous ? Then just try to be extremely courteous to the best of your ability for two days.

    Don't get stuck in the planning stage for too long. Sometimes, things that can be done quite easily can look daunting if you try to plan out every single detail.

    Hope this helps and have a good day !


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  • Profile picture of the author Odahh
    well my long distance eyesight is not that good .. i almost didn't make it through basic training because i couldn't aim and hit the targets with an m16. and to be a good hunter or ethical you have to in my opinion be able ti kill the animal with one shot.. and have an honest need for the food ..being able to butcher and preserve store and prepare the meat I did end up getting through basic training .. but my knees went bad during ait so i ended up out of the military anyhow ..

    i played golf when i was 19 or 20 .. i wasn't bad for a beginner but the eyesight thing meant i lost track of shots shortly after i hit them.. so i lost part of the jooy of watching a good shot go through the air,,

    so hunting is out and playing golf is out for me can't help you with the full package..

    I think you should work on number 5 though and Fill your day with stuff actually genuinely care to do well..not stuff you feel you should do because others are doing it stuff you have a reason to care to do..

    do things you care about doing and do those things with people who care about doing those things .. or who do things well you can't do all that well..but need someone to do well so you can do what you genuinly care about doing well .. and be great full those people are there ..and not so hard on yourself because you can't do what they do as well as they do ..
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  • Profile picture of the author Master Blake
    Great question.

    You start by making fundamental changes to the crux of the subconscious mind.

    Important: a lot of people stay aloof to this process due to social conditioning.

    Have a resolute will with a crystal clear intention to the small changes.

    Remember. Small changes = big results.

    Last but not least, adhere with the highest, the most inglorious image of yourself.

    Visualize daily. And trust your intuition.
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  • Profile picture of the author GordonJ
    Originally Posted by nextlevelnetworking View Post


    I have a kind of odd question.

    I do very well in my career however, I believe I am not the Complete Package. My Boss for example I believe is. We really don't use terms like Boss because our company is more of a Team oriented company. I just wanted to use the most basic term that most people would understand quickly.

    I could go on for hours about different topics here, but I want to be brief.

    Essentially, I want to learn about the following and how to play the following well:

    3-Being Extremely Courteous
    4-Remember People's Family
    5-Genuinely Care

    I want to become the complete package but have a hard time devoting enough time if any to become well versed in society at large. I am in my 30's so I still believe I have plenty enough time to do this. For example, I could still pick up golf and play for 40 years if I want to. However, I also find myself forgetting about prospects and accounts family members, etc. because I do not believe I put enough importance on those topics. Its like I am a machine or something.

    I just feel at sometimes there is so much to learn in such a short amount of time I get lost trying to start new things.

    My main question is, do I stick to what I know best or try any of the above 5 things? I mean my personality is more of keep your head down and work hard. I mean don't get me wrong I can open up and have fun however, I would rather get the job done right. I am a bit of a perfectionist and extremely competitive. I realize to take my career to the ultimate level I need to be the best of the best and well versed in all levels/walks of life.

    I could go on and on however I will just end here. What does everyone think? I believe you get the point.
    THE most complete package on this forum (BF-Optie) is on hiatus, and he would be glad to tell you his secrets to his perfection and being a total package...but since he isn't here, I'll take his role, considering myself to be an understudy.

    Which is what you are. You are an understudy, the guy in the wings watching the main guy perform so effortlessly, you are in awe...and doubt your own ability, maybe even hoping you don't have to go on stage and follow in his footlights.

    So, start with GOLF. My expertise. Instead of hunting for sport, unless you eat what you kill, then make the range/course your stage.

    When you go golfing, become a hunter. Hunt for the flowers, trees, the foilage adding one new thing every hole. Hunt for birds, use your range finder and carry a scorecard. You will develop skills similar to the hunter, mostly being aware of your environment, your surroundings and your playing companions.

    Golf has rules, mostly evolved from ETIQUETTE, so you can practice your courtesy on the course. You will also see guys who have the complete package off the course turn into big babies and bigger A-holes, with their anger, throwing clubs, cheating and maybe you will realize that what you think of as the complete package, might need to be reexamined.

    I had a golf shop filled with affluent guys, and they have great store fronts of personality, but get them on the course, and you see them without the smoke and mirrors. Not all, of course, but too many are big jerks, wouldn't cross the street to say hi to any of them.

    On the course, you engage in polite conversation, so you have a chance to hone your skills of being interested, asking about family and trying to remember names, carry a small notebook in your pocket and right after the convo, write down the names, lots of time on the course when you are alone, in the woods, or looking for your scribble some notes when out there.

    Golf courses must be maintained, so the rules cover that too, like replacing a divot or repairing ball and spike marks on the green...and you carry this CARING with you, if you are going to care about a piece of dirt, then it shouldn't be hard to care about people.

    Make remembering important enough to learn a system (I studied Harry Lorayne over 50 years ago, and still remember his keys for remembering).

    I think others have hit the nail on your head.

    You are a bit internal, and you need to get out there, in the external world (golf course) so you can clearly see the many imperfections we all carry in our bags, and that the complete package only exists in your mind.

    It takes 2 years to learn to play golf well enough (break 90) if you have a good instructor, or about 9 years with the PGA pro method...because it isn't suited to the average "athlete".

    So start with a putter in the living room carpet knocking a ball into a glass. You may never become the COMPLETE package, even I aspire to be like Optie, which keeps me
    coming back to this course called the Warrior Forum.

    Good luck in your quest.

    GordonJ (the INcomplete packman, but still ticking)
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  • Profile picture of the author ERIC BLACKWOOD
    I listen to CM
    All is good then.
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  • Profile picture of the author jmosticc22
    3,4 and 5 are mostly effort, the will to do these things has to come from within yourself. Golf and hunting are similar, they take time with practice and patience. Not many people are born good golfers, they need lessons and time to create a skill.
    -It can be hard but a skill that I think is important is being able to get out of your comfort zone and do things you haven't done before.
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  • Profile picture of the author Jeffery
    When I read your post the first thing that came to my mind was and still is..

    follow Kay King.

    Scrolled down and there she is. Your a luck man!
    In the minute it took me to write this post.. someone died of Covid 19. RIP.
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  • Profile picture of the author Yusei Imafuku
    His programs helped me a lot like overcoming life's hurdles and transmuting into an efficacious person that reckons no limits.

    Of course you have to have the propensity for personal growth and that is all she wrote.
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  • Profile picture of the author palmtreelife
    I think the "complete package" is a matter of perspective and it's important to have the right perspective in life. In your perspective, your boss is the complete package. However, you probably don't realize that YOU are already the complete package to someone else.

    A lot of us in this forum are trying to improve our general skill set in marketing. I think a lot of us would say we are also trying to improve in other areas of our lives as well. It's a natural feeling to always want to improve and get better.

    However, we will never be the best at everything....and that's where perfectionists struggle. I was a pretty good golfer when I was younger. I was ok as I got older, but the reason I was just ok and not pretty good was because I went from playing 3 rounds per week to playing maybe 10 rounds a year. Now I have a hard time picking up a club because I know I won't be good unless I know I'm going to play at least a couple times per week. And I'm sure you're well aware of how frustrating golf can be when you're not very good!

    I think it's great you want to improve in those 5 areas of your life, but when that happens, then what? I think you'll find yourself hungry for more skills, and that never ending cycle can create a sense of never feeling good enough (by your perfectionist standards).

    Your question about focusing on 1 skill vs 5 is hard for any of us to answer. Some believe becoming a MASTER of one skill is the key to a successful life. Others believe being "good" at many skills is the key. It's a personal preference. Happiness can be found down both of those roads.

    Enjoy the journey and the process. Whether or not you become a master in any of those 5 areas, the process you take to get there is more important than reaching the actual goal.
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