by dee4d
23 replies
"We fear beginnings, we fear endings. We fear changing, we fear getting stuck. We fear success, we fear failure. We fear living, we fear dying" - Susan Jeffers in Feel the Fear

What do u fear?
#dealing #fear
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  • Profile picture of the author Kay King
    I guess that's the perfect quote for someone who writes books about fear....but sounds defeatist to me. Being afraid does not mean you have to stop or back up or run away - there is a reason it's called 'conquering your fear'.

    Oddly, the best antidote to 'being afraid' is admitting it to yourself. Cognitive therapy - to overcome a negative emotion, accept that you FEEL it. That takes the power away from the fear or anger or....

    To me, focusing energy on your 'fears' is like spending time re-analyzing your's not time well spent.
    Saving one dog will not change the world - but the world changes forever for that one dog
    Don't count the days - Make the days count
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    • Profile picture of the author discrat
      Originally Posted by Kay King View Post

      Oddly, the best antidote to 'being afraid' is admitting it to yourself. Cognitive therapy - to overcome a negative emotion, accept that you FEEL it. That takes the power away from the fear or anger or....

      Exactly Kay !! I know for instance with intrusive ocd thoughts the best thing you can do is ; drumroll please NOTHING !! Because when you try to desperately stop the thought or 'think it through' you assign it to be a high value thought and it will just get worse and worse!

      A favorite YT psychologist says to invite the intrusive thoughts to your little party and tell him is welcome to stay lol I really got a kick out of that.

      Basically , just casually observe and watch the "floats" go by as they continue on down the street
      out of sight and out of Mind
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  • Profile picture of the author Odahh
    Originally Posted by dee4d View Post

    "We fear beginnings, we fear endings. We fear changing, we fear getting stuck. We fear success, we fear failure. We fear living, we fear dying" - Susan Jeffers in Feel the Fear

    What do u fear?
    I fear eating undercook meat and getting food poisoning. Do I need to conquer this fear as I have had Minor cases of food poisoning. Or am I fearing an actual threat.

    When there was a snake rattling it's tail in the dark a few feet from me I stood up and walked away.

    Are we fearing actual thing or are we letting our imagination tell us scary stories.

    The boss calls at midnight. If I don't pick up I'll get fired and end up losing everything and being homeless holding a sign.

    Generally people fear the unlikely thing and leave themselves open to easily avoidable disasters because they think others are keeping them safe.

    If it's a real fear you can prepare or take precautions if it is your imagination scaring the crap out of you because of the news you are watching and other social media. Maybe stop listening to people who want to scare you so you need the stuff sold too you during commercials
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  • Profile picture of the author DWolfe
    I prefer this quote instead "The only thing we have to fear is fear itself" by Franklin D. Roosevelt
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  • Profile picture of the author Jonathan 2.0
    For me fear is an opportunity to practice Courage and Self-Belief.

    That thought applies to some fear(s) ... Not all of them.

    Originally Posted by Kay King View Post

    To me, focusing energy on your 'fears' is like spending time re-analyzing your's not time well spent.
    Good point Kay. I agree that analyzing "failures" too much probably isn't a good thing. However a certain amount of it can definitely be helpful ... Depending on the "failure" though ― it's not always easy.

    "Each problem has hidden in it an opportunity so powerful that it literally dwarfs the problem. The greatest success stories were created by people who recognized a problem and turned it into an opportunity."―Joseph Sugarman
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  • When I was a kid, I was very afraid of heights. So I would stand on the edge of a roof, looking down. I forced myself to get over the fear. I just hated being controlled by that fear.

    I was afraid of thunder as a kid, so during storms, I made myself stand in front of the bay window, and watch the storm play out.

    When I was a young adult, I practiced Kung Fu. I tended to flinch when a punch came toward my face. My instructor spent about half an hour throwing punches to my face (No real contact), and every time I flinched, he slapped me.

    Of course, I got really angry. But I stopped flinching.

    The way to deal with fear is to overcome it.

    But I know some fears are beyond our control. I'm not afraid of death.

    That's not bravery, just indifference. But I am afraid of my wife going before I do.
    One Call Closing book

    What if they're not stars? What if they are holes poked in the top of a container so we can breath?
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  • Profile picture of the author dee4d
    Whenever you are control of your conscious mind, you become a winner and overcome fear. We just need to take control of our thoughts, emotions and behavior.
    I believe in affirmation and reframing of our thoughts, and that is definitely what makes a warrior!
    Stay Healthy all your Life, and Avoid Lifesty Diseases Later in Life. Enjoy life to the fullest.
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    • Profile picture of the author Odahh
      Originally Posted by dee4d View Post

      Whenever you are control of your conscious mind, you become a winner and overcome fear. We just need to take control of our thoughts, emotions and behavior.
      I believe in affirmation and reframing of our thoughts, and that is definitely what makes a warrior!
      If you are unhealthy with a diet of modern ultra processed food. All those chemicals in the food along with the chemicals given off by your gut Flora. Will be more in control of your thoughts and behaviors . Than what you can pull off from affirmations.

      Then people tend to say their affirmations when in the most negative mood. When part of your consious mind is calling bulls#$_$. After you say the affirmations the little voice in your head adds a butt..

      If you go the affirmations route before you say your affirmations get your self in the best mood you can. Then ate the end of the affirmations add a because and let the little voice explain.

      I'd go also with throwing out to do list and starting a done list. If you are into that.

      The main actual fear people are dealing with is the fear of criticism of others. The eazy way to deal with that fear is not to tell anyone when you are trying something new to improve your self . Don't talk about it with everyone and seek approval or support just start working on it. And no need to find the best or most effective way just start.

      I'll explain later why I have come to this view in the last 6-10 months.
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  • Profile picture of the author Kay King
    Don't talk about it with everyone and seek approval or support

    I'll explain later why I have come to this view

    Do you see a disconnect there?
    Saving one dog will not change the world - but the world changes forever for that one dog
    Don't count the days - Make the days count
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    • Profile picture of the author Odahh
      Originally Posted by Kay King View Post

      Do you see a disconnect there?
      Here is different. The mind forum use to be the place to do it. And I still make the mistake of doing that every few ewhen we have the rare time s a thread is active.
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  • Profile picture of the author Jamell
    To each is own but having fear is normal .To me it's how we deal with fear that matters the most .

    Some people don't fear failure and some people do .

    The conversation I'd have with a person that fears failure would be different than it would if I was having a conversation with a person that fears failure .
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    • Profile picture of the author Odahh
      Originally Posted by Jamell View Post

      To each is own but having fear is normal .To me it's how we deal with fear that matters the most .

      Some people don't fear failure and some people do .

      The conversation I'd have with a person that fears failure would be different than it would if I was having a conversation with a person that fears failure .
      The DSM the book with the list of all medical and mental disorder. Does it actually have a mental disorder the fits this appearent wide spread or common condition of fear of failure.

      Or is that one of those things we can talk about in the mind warrior section and the motivational community. Because it actually does not exist.

      Are people over weight and obese because of fear of failure. Or because diet after diet fails as it does for close t 99 present of people in the long term.

      But if I am telling someone trying to get me to join their MLM why I'm not interested. It apparently is because of a fear of failure.
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  • Originally Posted by dee4d View Post

    "We fear beginnings, we fear endings. We fear changing, we fear getting stuck. We fear success, we fear failure. We fear living, we fear dying" - Susan Jeffers in Feel the Fear

    What do u fear?
    Lame generalizations get evrywan spooked.

    If'n we all go crazy on this basis,ain't no dealin' with NUTHIN'.

    Lightin' fuses is for blowin' stuff togethah.

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  • Profile picture of the author Odahh
    Originally Posted by dee4d View Post

    "We fear beginnings, we fear endings. We fear changing, we fear getting stuck. We fear success, we fear failure. We fear living, we fear dying" - Susan Jeffers in Feel the Fear

    What do u fear?
    I fear death but not that I will die. It's the long drawn out withering and decaying process people go through in modern times.

    I fear being disabled in pain all the time with no hope of things getting better and nothing working to relieve the pain.

    You can use real fear to drive personal change that lead to positive Short and long term effects on your life.

    Other types of fear if you really want to do something you will ignore fears and move forward.

    So many of the problem people say they have. The need for motivation, the overcoming fears. The procrastination. The excuses. Are rooted in trying to do stuff you think you really don't care to do. That mostly no one else cares if you do or don't do.
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    • Originally Posted by Odahh View Post

      I fear death but not that I will die. It's the long drawn out withering and decaying process people go through in modern times.
      Gotta figure how fear ain't no kinda mindset or mental event; nor is it always focused on the here an' now.

      It is evidenced in the ravage ofya mortal flesh as wrenchesa gut, diminishmenta momentum, an' loopsydoopsy base survival chemickyools squirtin' through yr veins like free cocktails in a dream bar.

      That is why I speak so freely of my love for Yogic flahpout.

      Ain't bcs I lazy or no speshly blitzed out kinda ditz.

      It is bcs if'n I can still muh muscles to like semi-jelly, they cain't be twangin' like horrah movie myoosic plucked on the Zithah of Terror.

      Feels less like fear bcs the material fearstuffs are stilled to inconsequence 'longside the mental turmoil.

      Course'n, when I 60sumthin', could be the forces of evil dun BANNED yogah bcs intrinsickly Satanic or nuthin'.

      So that FREE FLOW would invite RISK ... an' you would have all kindsa existential uncertainty gowin' on.

      Which reminds me: which kinda fear is the greatah fear?

      Recoil from the (distinctly horrible) inevitabyool?

      Or panic in the face of the (unseen ... intangible ... uncertain) unknown?

      Always when we are frightened we are frightened OF sumthin' -- an' it may be 100% defined or 100% undefined.

      That is why funeral parlors play their advertisin' straight, an' anywan tellsya you LOST AS A HOOMAN without OUR MIRACLE PRODUCT/SERVICE X gaht more freedom to shit you out.

      You would wish always for your fear to be CLEAR.

      Evry guru, evry celeb, evry perfect person who says they perfect -- yurps, they brownin' out their thongs real regulah simply bcs they imperfect hoomans in an evolvin Caaahsmaaahs.

      Thing is to say IMA SHITTIN' MUSSELF BCS ...

      Bcs even this diresta proto-oblivions is preferable to the actschwl oblivion wherein youwain't gaht no clue what is happnin'.

      I guess that is why all advertisin', all friendships, all meaningful linkups, thrive on REASSURANCE.

      You seen the charity ads for people figurin' sooicide.

      An' you seen alla the stuff 'bout how the next noo Smartwatch can keepya breathin' undah control asya pound through the neighborhood like sum possessed frickin' moron.

      Fear is kinda paralysis regardin' any an' all fyootyoore steps.

      Evry successful ad you evah seen givesya a glimmah of hope.

      Into the hapless void of your suffrin' an' terrah comes ... myoosical shoes.

      Anywan bought a pair?

      Tellya, they are so frickin' cool.

      Style. Heels. USB.

      I gaht sumthin' orchestral gowin' on now.

      Dunno what it is, but there are plenty flutes an' stuff.

      An' I love that so much.

      "Why trudge around your apartment in a state of terminal despair when you can reconnect with your happiness and purpose c/o MUSICAL SHOES?"

      Could be 99.9%a evrywan don't give no frick 'bout no kinda SHOES.

      But do these babies spare you FEAR?

      Whenya slip 'em on ... ain't life gonna be OK?

      How canya evah be paralyzed with fear when you dancin' out in shoes perfectly fit your skipsy feet?

      Reassurance is life energy gold dust.

      Let it flow outta ya till'n yr bones turn to ash.

      Lightin' fuses is for blowin' stuff togethah.

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  • Profile picture of the author Kay King
    Out of the mouths of babes....or 4 yr olds...

    When his friend's son was afraid of a new dog on the street, my Atlanta son took him to meet the dog (who loved kids). After the boy (Matteo) decided the pooch was a new friend, my son said 'see, now you aren't afraid any more'.

    Teo's comment: "The scared will just spurt out again - i'm afraid of a lot of things, you know".

    As good an explanation as any, I guess.
    Saving one dog will not change the world - but the world changes forever for that one dog
    Don't count the days - Make the days count
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    • Originally Posted by Kay King View Post

      Out of the mouths of babes....or 4 yr olds...

      When his friend's son was afraid of a new dog on the street, my Atlanta son took him to meet the dog (who loved kids). After the boy (Matteo) decided the pooch was a new friend, my son said 'see, now you aren't afraid any more'.

      Teo's comment: "The scared will just spurt out again - i'm afraid of a lot of things, you know".

      As good an explanation as any, I guess.
      Likely it is sweet always to posit a genrs response to bein' surprised, if'n you can.

      The whisperspace between surprises an' shocks is so deafeningly terribyool.

      That is why I so Intrinsic Smoochie Gal.

      I ain't no whore; jus' don't wanna we all cast into oblivion bcs'n we fearsy a-holes.

      Gotta figure fear persists as a natchrl consequence of bein' no mortal an' vulnrbyool hooman ...

      same as PRIDE figures we may also wish to be impossibly reckless sumtimes ...

      so you gotta stance it out, I guess.

      Like Satan husself once said, "95% of terror is mostly admin. Anyways, gotta sleep now, so if folks are looking for more stupid quotes, get the imps on this till morning, k?"

      Lightin' fuses is for blowin' stuff togethah.

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  • Profile picture of the author palmandolive
    I think we've all felt that fear of the unknown at some point. For me personally, I tend to fear failure and disappointing others the most. But what I've learned is that being paralyzed by fear will only hold you back from doing things that could bring you happiness. These days I'm trying to take baby steps outside my comfort zone and accept that it's normal to feel afraid sometimes. Hope we can both keep working to overcome our fears - life's too short not to, right?
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  • Profile picture of the author art72
    One of the biggest fears I've yet to conquer is TIME, as it may be a sign that I'm getting older and 'looking back' on prior experiences, influences, and a combination of small wins and a ton of failures.

    Thereto, when we enter into a mindset whereas time seems irrelevant, such as is often discussed in meditation or doing something you love doing... time either flies by... or... doesn't seem to matter all that much.

    BUT... when you feel constrained, constricted, or limited on time and your brain is scrambling to get everything done... or... complete a specific task in a small window of time, things do not always go according to plans.

    For example... the past 2 weeks the rain has been coming down, the 4-5 projects I had planned to complete last week, all got delayed. Nobody was complaining or blowing up my phone... they know it has been raining... stalling progress.

    However... the minute the sun reared it's head and the clouds spread open - everyone of them called yesterday wondering; "when are you going to be here?" - Mind you there's 5 of them and only 1 of me...

    So, I start freaking out, trying to get everyone back on schedule, and handle the new clients that are calling wanting work done... the moral of the story being, TIME moves even when we cannot or do not utilize it wisely...

    I literally hate TIME CLOCKS, being told YOU NEED TO BE HERE @6am... or what have you!

    To me, the fear of death is inevitable - dying doesn't really scare me, but not knowing how much time we actually have remaining?... that is a fear I've yet to overcome.

    Lastly, those who've had near death experiences or profess their TRUTH via; death bed confessions - all seem to realize; what truly matters in life wasn't their income, job, business, or material possessions... they all wish they had more time to spend with those they truly loved, admired, or respected in this realm.

    I think we; (*the majority) often THINK; "time is money, don't waste time" - but for most people that time is exhausted chasing money, trading time for money, and we seldom stop to realize; time is a VALUABLE ASSET... IF (*or when) we leverage it properly or find a balance between work and play.
    Atop a tree with Buddha ain't a bad place to take rest!
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    • Profile picture of the author GordonJ
      Time and money.

      Today the snow plows and snow blowers are loud and busy in Northeast Ohio, and a lot of the country. I see a social media war between the "pros" who charge 30 to 50 bux for their drives to be cleared vs. the cheap guys, for 10 or 15...the difference is usually the insurance, licensed, bonded issue where the pros DO have insurance and the guys just wanting to make some cash, don't.

      But, right now, it is a FEAST T I M E for the snow removal folks.

      Everyone is working around the clock to get the snow removed, Buffalo has a volunteer force of thousands to clear their football stadium, I wonder if they have to sign waivers? Hmm.

      As long as the planes are flying, I'm good, about to head to warmer climes where NO ONE is making any moolah with snow stuff. Only skiing I want is a jet ski and a beach full of bikinis.

      Over the last couple of decades it is clear to see these CYCLES that so many Warriors go through, the feast or famine cycle is just one.

      IF doing is the business model and there isn't any leverage (other people doing), it becomes a cycle of grind and making money while the sun shines, which is quite literal in this case. It is a common thing in almost all contract work.

      Contractors like to book jobs to keep busy, and often overbook, because they have to...and unless there is a time deadline built into the contract, and the job gets done and done right, not usually a problem.

      If there is any sort of a secret, and there isn't one...just all in the choice made as to the money making vehicle to begin with...but it might be considered a better option would be to get businesses that have built in repeat business, and/or get leverage on the efforts.

      The path to having more free time and more money is pretty beaten down and clearly marked. It just requires clear eyes and a steady march in the right direction.

      Time. Can't make more of it, it is a finite supply, can only spend it, not sack it away for the future.


      Originally Posted by art72 View Post

      One of the biggest fears I've yet to conquer is TIME, as it may be a sign that I'm getting older and 'looking back' on prior experiences, influences, and a combination of small wins and a ton of failures.

      Thereto, when we enter into a mindset whereas time seems irrelevant, such as is often discussed in meditation or doing something you love doing... time either flies by... or... doesn't seem to matter all that much.

      BUT... when you feel constrained, constricted, or limited on time and your brain is scrambling to get everything done... or... complete a specific task in a small window of time, things do not always go according to plans.

      For example... the past 2 weeks the rain has been coming down, the 4-5 projects I had planned to complete last week, all got delayed. Nobody was complaining or blowing up my phone... they know it has been raining... stalling progress.

      However... the minute the sun reared it's head and the clouds spread open - everyone of them called yesterday wondering; "when are you going to be here?" - Mind you there's 5 of them and only 1 of me...

      So, I start freaking out, trying to get everyone back on schedule, and handle the new clients that are calling wanting work done... the moral of the story being, TIME moves even when we cannot or do not utilize it wisely...

      I literally hate TIME CLOCKS, being told YOU NEED TO BE HERE @6am... or what have you!

      To me, the fear of death is inevitable - dying doesn't really scare me, but not knowing how much time we actually have remaining?... that is a fear I've yet to overcome.

      Lastly, those who've had near death experiences or profess their TRUTH via; death bed confessions - all seem to realize; what truly matters in life wasn't their income, job, business, or material possessions... they all wish they had more time to spend with those they truly loved, admired, or respected in this realm.

      I think we; (*the majority) often THINK; "time is money, don't waste time" - but for most people that time is exhausted chasing money, trading time for money, and we seldom stop to realize; time is a VALUABLE ASSET... IF (*or when) we leverage it properly or find a balance between work and play.
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  • Originally Posted by art72 View Post

    I literally hate TIME CLOCKS, being told YOU NEED TO BE HERE @6am... or what have you!
    Originally Posted by GordonJ View Post

    Time. Can't make more of it, it is a finite supply, can only spend it, not sack it away for the future.

    Can we all kinda agree on 2 things here?

    1) Time gonna puursist long aftah we all (an' alla our persnl POVs) are gone -- less'n, yanno, we kinda jus' blow shit as a species c/o alla the doobious HOW TO books whose plans we don't gotta neithah read nor'n implumment (plus also ignorance, if'n they gaht that in yr local library).

    2) If'n we gonna excel at pulsin' out through time -- bcs we eithah a billion dollah entreprenoor gooroo or a trained frickin' donkey -- we gotta honor the essential rules regardin' the passage of time, which is kinda WE CHANGE + SHIT CHANGES + THE TOUCHPOINT BUTTWEEN OUR CHANGES AN STUFF CHANGES is potentially infinitely weirsdy.

    I guess life is like the FLUFFY BUNNY at the CARNY you figure you can WIN, if'n only you can SHOOT STRAIGHT.

    Prahblem is, the guy runnin' the show is a serially priapic MONSTAH, an' jus' asya raise yr faux rifle, he gets the hots (bcs you, bcs sum niche perverzchwaan gal or quadrooped standin' directly behind you, or simply bcs his balls dun their X minutes/days/years cyclic swirl round the inside of his scroteydumps an' he cain't help himself. *My scenario: naht yours.* Thing is, distractschwaahns take all kindsa forms whenya linin' up to shoot, an' mosta 'em're circumstanschwaahl or reactions to same. Anyways, you puttin' me off my shaht now, you fkrs) an' his jeans kinda tear apart accidentally all Hulk style in the groin areah, yeah yeah so I was RIGHT aftah all.

    So what is cyclic (an' eithah predictabyool or unpredictabyool) an' what is constant (or 'evahgreen' if'n you dyin' yr fanjfluffs)?

    What diffrence exists buttween the inevitabyool an' the momentary?

    Jus' wanna sit Art72 an' GordonJ's observayschwaahs togethah here, see what we gaht.

    Thing is, when the a priori of eithah the inevitabyool or the transitorially delish meets inspirayschwaahn, that is BEST EVAH MOMENT TO SHAHP FOR BRAS.

    You don't gotta bullieve Moi, but rn it is TIME to say YOU MUST!

    Lightin' fuses is for blowin' stuff togethah.

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    • Profile picture of the author GordonJ
      Blame it on the SEEKERS: Hulks behind the games, kept me out of the fun houses, and fluffy bunnies gave me a rash.

      And although We change along with the shite, the carny never does, I swear the bearded lady is the same one from the 50's.

      And it is indeed, the TOUCHPOINT where we either converge or are thrown in different directions as opposing forces may do to one another.

      We see it here, the young Warrior has a touchpoint of TV InforGurus with boats laden with bikini clads, and a Rolls in the mansion driveway...or a grotto in the backyard (gosh, I miss my days with Hugh and the girls next door).

      A Warrior with many years of work under their belt relates more to the treadmill and endless circles of effort getting him nowhere.
      Joe Karbo wrote, "most people are too busy earning a living, they don't have any time to make money"...and we see it here...again and again.

      We have Warriors coming back after a decade to once again begin their journey, and maybe having been dulled in the tumbler of time, may be a bit less ambitious than they once were, because, well we change, shit changes...along with touchpoints.
      .What doesn't change is the concept of TIME vs. MONEY.

      Having money expedites the quest for more of it. Having money is really the only shortcut to getting more of it. The how much is needed to free the time, depends much time you want freed, and what will you do with it?

      Which is why so many people believe in pursuing passions, knowing at least, they will get some time satisfaction if the monetary goal isn't working.

      Most people know it. They see it. Have seen it in their parents, friends, society in general...the trading of time for dollars. Mostly without any leverage. And it creates a hand to mouth existence, without getting ahead as the past generations were able to do maybe because they didn't have the desire for a lifestyle??

      Money comes to anyone via transactions; size and shape are within our control.

      All the answers are found in the questions which should be asked surrounding those things; transactions, size and shape..

      Even as a kid, it was my preference to BUY the bunny (or shoot it for food) than to try to deal with Carny folk (they felt too much like relatives).


      Originally Posted by Princess Balestra View Post

      Can we all kinda agree on 2 things here?

      1) Time gonna puursist long aftah we all (an' alla our persnl POVs) are gone -- less'n, yanno, we kinda jus' blow shit as a species c/o alla the doobious HOW TO books whose plans we don't gotta neithah read nor'n implumment (plus also ignorance, if'n they gaht that in yr local library).

      2) If'n we gonna excel at pulsin' out through time -- bcs we eithah a billion dollah entreprenoor gooroo or a trained frickin' donkey -- we gotta honor the essential rules regardin' the passage of time, which is kinda WE CHANGE + SHIT CHANGES + THE TOUCHPOINT BUTTWEEN OUR CHANGES AN STUFF CHANGES is potentially infinitely weirsdy.

      I guess life is like the FLUFFY BUNNY at the CARNY you figure you can WIN, if'n only you can SHOOT STRAIGHT.

      Prahblem is, the guy runnin' the show is a serially priapic MONSTAH, an' jus' asya raise yr faux rifle, he gets the hots (bcs you, bcs sum niche perverzchwaan gal or quadrooped standin' directly behind you, or simply bcs his balls dun their X minutes/days/years cyclic swirl round the inside of his scroteydumps an' he cain't help himself. *My scenario: naht yours.* Thing is, distractschwaahns take all kindsa forms whenya linin' up to shoot, an' mosta 'em're circumstanschwaahl or reactions to same. Anyways, you puttin' me off my shaht now, you fkrs) an' his jeans kinda tear apart accidentally all Hulk style in the groin areah, yeah yeah so I was RIGHT aftah all.

      So what is cyclic (an' eithah predictabyool or unpredictabyool) an' what is constant (or 'evahgreen' if'n you dyin' yr fanjfluffs)?

      What diffrence exists buttween the inevitabyool an' the momentary?

      Jus' wanna sit Art72 an' GordonJ's observayschwaahs togethah here, see what we gaht.

      Thing is, when the a priori of eithah the inevitabyool or the transitorially delish meets inspirayschwaahn, that is BEST EVAH MOMENT TO SHAHP FOR BRAS.

      You don't gotta bullieve Moi, but rn it is TIME to say YOU MUST!
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  • Profile picture of the author Just Jess
    Yeah, lack of proverbial guts is gone missing these days.

    Fear gets the best of people when they could be doing so much better.

    Shying away from your dreams means lost opportunity.

    Instead you could flick the switch... and make that change.
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  • Profile picture of the author dogsauce
    Perhaps I fear missed opportunities, but not enough to stop me from doing what I feel is best
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