Here's Why Your NOT Making Money Online...

26 replies
So here are my top ten reasons that most poeple are not making a dime building a business on the internet.

Hope you enjoy.

1. Your Lazy
2. You Procrastinate
3. Your un productive
4. You check Your email 25 times a day.
5. You spend to much time "Chatting" on social media.
6. Again...Your Lazy
7. You don't "have time" to work
8. You treat your business as a hobby
9. You spend to much time "getting ready to get ready"
10. You don't understand Sacrifice
11. Your too busy with you "J.O.B"
12. You don't take any action
13. Again...Your tooooo Lazy.

Well i guess there is 13 but 3 of them are the same... ~

I can guarantee that the majority of people who are on this forum and this industry in general that fall under one of those 13 situations.

If you do fall withing these things. You need to change.
You need to change:

1. Your habits.
2. Your thoughts
3. Your beliefs
4. You life

Hope this gives you some real thoughts on where you stand in your business.

Jeff Mitchell
#making #money #online
  • Profile picture of the author Dennis Gaskill
    ...and there goes a smart bomb right down a few chimneys. I wonder if there will be a counter assault?

    Just when you think you've got it all figured out, someone changes the rules.

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  • Profile picture of the author Tamer
    14- You are doing today, what you've been doing yesterday!

    15- You are jumping from one "opportunity" to another without finalizing what you already started!

    16- Your hard desk is full of 65 gigabytes of Internet marketing materials/courses/ebooks/dvds...etc.. and you haven't "applied" anything of what you've purchased.

    My $0.02

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    • Profile picture of the author JeffMitchell
      Originally Posted by timtim2500 View Post

      14- You are doing today, what you've been doing yesterday!
      15- You are jumping from one "opportunity" to another without finalizing what you already have in your hand.
      16- Your hard desk is full of 65 gigabyte of Internet marketing materials/courses/ebooks/dvds...etc.. and you haven't "applied" any thing of what you've purchased.

      My $0.02


      Right on...Most def on number 16. I know people who have purchased every course made and don't apply 1% to make the money to pay back what they spend. haha.

      Jeff Mitchell

      HELP NEEDED! My Mother And Her Brother have been taking care of the mother with the help of Hospice. He just had a Massive Heart Attack while taking a short vacation. My mother had to go to Florida from Indiana to be with her brother and is not financially stable from being off work to be with grandma. Any Help Would Be Appreciated.

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  • Profile picture of the author GSX Enterprises
    #17 You don't test and optimize. Find something working and make it better. Test. Test. Test.
    #18 Scalability. Only get into ventures that are scalable and don't have a foreseeable cap.
    #19 You beat a dead horse. If it doesn't work and it's not paying off. Find a new way.

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    • Profile picture of the author JeffMitchell
      Well lets keep these going and I may have enough to make a full blog post about...

      You guys are great. keep the numbers going. I will also throw in a link to your blogs from mine.

      Jeff Mitchell

      HELP NEEDED! My Mother And Her Brother have been taking care of the mother with the help of Hospice. He just had a Massive Heart Attack while taking a short vacation. My mother had to go to Florida from Indiana to be with her brother and is not financially stable from being off work to be with grandma. Any Help Would Be Appreciated.

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  • Profile picture of the author tryinhere
    Fear of failure , as many options require capital, combined with many people who have read the make money while you sleep / give me a penny and i will make you a pound type ads.

    With this people are reluctant to throw in what little money they do have to test out the option / risk what they have left.

    I also see a lot of misinformation / old or outdated e books that are freebies or handed around that may not be directly related to failure but following a train going no where is not a good thing.

    Many people start out and want just good quality no fluff guides, what happens after that initial starting point is a deluge of information that is at best OK, this causes Internet chatter to set in, creating confusion and their own eventual demise that was created by the initial thirst to achieve in IM.

    In many ways it IM has its own self destruction option built in and unless you wake up and slap it silly it will devour you and spit you out the back end and say next please.
    | > Choosing to go off the grid for a while to focus on family, work and life in general. Have a great 2020 < |
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  • Profile picture of the author simplenfun
    4. You check Your email 25 times a day.

    OMG! This is so true!
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  • Profile picture of the author Geenius
    Procrastination! Procrastination! Procrastination!
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    • Profile picture of the author Kay King
      20. (I think) - You not only do #4 but you read the emails from all of the dozens of lists you're on even if 20 are promoting the same product to you
      Saving one dog will not change the world - but the world changes forever for that one dog
      It actually doesn't take much to be considered a 'difficult woman' -
      that's why there are so many of us.
      ...jane goodall
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  • Profile picture of the author simonstepsys
    I totally agree with the lazy part. I mean, not because you're working online, you can already slack off and do nothing and still expect boatloads of cash getting in, right?
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  • Profile picture of the author jazbo
    Lack of technical or relevant skills.
    Lack of understanding of why people buy or do not buy online and how you effect that.
    CONTENT WRITER. Reliable, UK-Based, 6 Years Experience - ANY NICHE
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  • Profile picture of the author AnneE
    Really? You think the number 1 reason that people fail to make money online is that they are lazy?

    I'm not sure I agree. I think a lot of people put in substantial effort, but then have poor results and they aren't sure if there is a point to continuing to try. I'm not sure that is really laziness, as much as they wonder if their time (and possibly money) is better spent on something else.

    Just my two cents.
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  • Profile picture of the author Ruth P
    Originally Posted by JeffMitchell View Post

    9. You spend to much time "getting ready to get ready"
    So much truth to this! I find that the 'getting ready to get ready' is a really good way to make yourself feel busy and productive, when in fact it's just a complete waste.

    I do agree with AnneE above, though - laziness is of course a factor for many, but I also see some of the hardest workers when it comes to IM. Problem is they're doing the above - not working on what matters. I am guilty of this myself!
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  • Profile picture of the author cjed2061
    Its all about taking action folks! I moped around with most of the above for a long time. I finally found a system that works and I'm sticking to it. I ignore all other offers, courses, programs etc...Once things get going I'll look into the other fancy things but right now I keep focused on what is in front of me but I don't take my eyes off the prize.

    Having trouble figuring out where to start? Try Commission Ritual
    Super easy video based training will get you on your way to Internet Marketing success!
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  • Profile picture of the author Raygun
    Oh man I love this post, it is so true for many people. I actually was trying to explain to my Dad what Internet Marketing is all about ( I explained to him how much I was making and i talked to him about all the potential), he asked me why more people are not involved in it. I told him because 98% of the people are not willing to do this kind of work. Because it is work, I don't care what any one says. It is a lot of smart work to make it to the top and be successful online.
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  • Profile picture of the author AwesomePossum
    28? Laziness: You haven't aligned your goals and values. You don't have the drive to follow through

    29. Laziness: You don't have the big picture in get caught up in the small things and get lost!!!

    30. Time efficiency....working smart!! #2 Reason in my books....drawing parallels is key here...finding where similarities lie in both your mistakes and success.
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  • Profile picture of the author Nicky Papers
    I think many of us have a cross between attention deficit and attention abundance disorders.

    I've come to terms with this condition and it's allowed me to be creative and focus on the areas of Internet marketing that I enjoy and are geared toward monetizing.

    However, becoming sidetracked and testing a new method out is part of this business. This is how some people go from making hundreds a month of tens of thousands!

    There's a time to explore and there's also a time to focus on the more tedious work. Find that balance and embrace who you are.
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  • Profile picture of the author TheGreatestDay
    For me it has been INFORMATION OVERLOAD. At first everything I needed to do seemed quite clear and fairly specific and then, as I investigated one area, I was bombarded with information which led to yet more information and so it went on... until I reached information overload and didn't know what to do first!

    I have now basically wiped the slate clean and am starting from scratch IN ONE DIRECTION, only bringing in more new information when the previous stuff has been thoroughly digested and applied!
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  • Any one new to this system can get carried away. Especially if you buy too many books & skim through them instead of actually studying them - Laziness again?
    Sitting around hoping things will change - lost count...
    I guess it all begins beacuse of not spending time in trying to pick what you can do best - making the right choice; Not making a decision about how much you want to earn...
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  • Profile picture of the author badboy_Nick
    I like that list. The #1 reason people dont make any money from this is because they are ... *drumroll* ... LAZY! Now get off your sorry butt and do something about it!
    Read my incredible story:
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  • Profile picture of the author Aira Bongco
    Okay guys.

    Take action. Implement, implement and implement

    And if does not work, stand up and try again.
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  • Profile picture of the author businessminder
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    • Profile picture of the author turntwo21
      Playing devils advocate...but if you're not making money, maybe this stuff isn't for you.

      Go find what is. You'll naturally rid yourself of 1-13.
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      • Profile picture of the author Mikael-C
        Some of them work together...
        We could resume at 2 important things : lazy and procrastination
        Lazy work with procrastination

        1. Your Lazy
        2. You Procrastinate
        3. Your un productive - Most of the time because you are too lazy and can't stay focused
        4. You check Your email 25 times a day - Again lazy and can't stay focused
        5. You spend to much time "Chatting" on social media - same thing here
        6. Again...Your Lazy
        7. You don't "have time" to work - no time to work = lazy and procrastination - it take time to work - it will better tomorrow - lets have fun for now
        8. You treat your business as a hobby - lazy and procrastination - you want make money overnight - just push a button
        9. You spend to much time "getting ready to get ready" - I could say fear but lazy and procrastination
        10. You don't understand Sacrifice - too lazy to understand
        11. Your too busy with you "J.O.B" or too lazy to change
        12. You don't take any action - procrastination
        13. Again...Your tooooo Lazy.

        to avoid it just do what you love to do and outsource the others things...more fun more passion to do something = more motivation more success
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        • Profile picture of the author mainstreetcm
          I just posted something about this yesterday after coming to this forum and discovering a thread about how everyone here is just a liar and trying to scam the world.

          But, there is no scam here. The simple fact that people are lazy and are talkers instead of doers is what causes people to fail. I researched and read everything I could before I decided to take the plunge and stop being a dreamer. Now two weeks into this thing and I have seen very promising results.

          As I stated previously when first joining this forum, "this" is not easy by any means. I have spent many hours in front of my web editor, building my link strategy, and monitoring results. Yesterday alone I spent 10 hours in the trenches if you will working on my current site and researching my next ideas. On my "day off" from my J.O.B.

          So unfortunately I do not have any pity for those who are not successful at this. Why? Because if you do not have the tenacity to keep going you will never succeed at anything. Motivation is one thing, but if you seriously cannot jump start your engine and climb over those first hurdles you never will. If you do not DESIRE this to be the way you make a living then it won't be.

          I believe the same applies to everything else in life...
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  • Profile picture of the author NicholasX
    Oww! That is just so true!
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