Would you pay for a Self-development membership site? If yes, what would you expect from it?

3 replies
Hey guys

A short survey. Please help with your inputs.

Would you be willing to pay for a Self-development membership site?

If yes:

1. What would you expect from that site? I mean, what would make you stick to it month after month?

2. What is it that you DON'T WANT from that site?

3. And how much would you be willing to pay every month if you get what you want in (1) above.

4. If you would not like to pay, then what are your reasons?

Your inputs will be highly appreciated!

#expect #membership #pay #self-development #selfdevelopment #site #survey
  • Profile picture of the author Gary Pettit
    I personally would not be willing to pay for such a membership.
    So many sources and resources exist--online and off, in libraries and on television, and even from my own friends and family--that I can't possibly read/hear them all as it is.
    That said, I am just as sure that there is a huge market available for such a site.
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  • Profile picture of the author mariomvr

    Well I would pay if it would solve a really specifc problem that I would had. I wouldn't be there for more than the time that I would need to accomplish the thing I want.

    A good example is:

    I need to start doing some exercise because I've gain a lot of weight since I hurt myself in my foot so I would pay If someone had some sort of motivation program online that would keep me on the gym. But once I would get the habbit of going to the gym I would quit. I wouldn't pay much for it, like $10-$15 a month since my goal is not to learn about motivation or motivate myself but to get back in shape.

    Hope this helped
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    • I agree with mariomvr. Unless I have a specific problem and a membership only for that, I wouldn't pay for it. Every person is different so it's hard to find a self-development product that's 100% suits needs of many people. I'd go for free resources first to find something that satisfies my needs. If I happen to find a perfect membership, I might pay, but as soon as the specific problem is solved, I would terminate the membership, so it wouldn't be a long time membership.
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