I fight daily with one ugly enemy named PROCRASTINATION.
She's a tough cookie too.
I can't reason with her.
I can't pump myself up and try and trick her.
She's got fangs and rips into me so deep
I feel paralyzed at times...and she loves it!
She takes glee in robbing me of a lifetime of
fulfillment, health and happiness.
With such a formidable foe...
You'd think you'd need just as formidable weapon
to beat her?
I've found a weird way to beat her regularly.
I suspect it's almost as weird as how garlic
wards off vampires?
Even though my way is weird...
In the last few years I've beat her enough times to:
* Go from weighing 227lbs to 187lbs
* Shred my body fat from 20+% to 11% (I'm 42)
* Build my business and bank account to where I confidently quit my job.
* Build and maintain 7 Figure a year business for the last 3 years
* Oh...yeah...I quit smoking 4 years ago.
* Pay off all my debt (I keep a mortgage because rates are so low.)
I won't go on because it makes me seem jerky, but my point is...
I think I'm on to something?
Here's the weird way I beat procrastination.
Whenever I feel procrastination's breath on my shoulder, I
ask myself?
What's the smallest step I am willing to do?
(The smallest step in which I won't trigger procrastination
to bare her fangs and try and fight me.)
Once I know the smallest step...
I give myself permission to do just THAT ONE
matter how small or tiny...without judgment if I don't go
past that step.
Here's what NORMALLY happens...
Let's say procrastination is trying to trick me into
giving up my health priorities and is telling me
I have too much to do to go out and do something
as silly as jogging 4 miles today.
Here's what I do...
I may tell myself...
"okay...Let's just put on our running shorts and shoes, we
don't have to run, let's just 'suit up'."
After that...
If I don't feel like doing more...I DON'T!!!!!!!!!
You know what happens most times?
I fly underneath procrastination's radar and all
of a sudden...I almost automatically say...
"We're already suited up...let's just go outside."
"Don't have to run...just go outside"
So I go outside and suddenly I catch a breath of fresh
air that MAKES ME FEEL like running.
if not...
I might say...
"This feels good...let's just walk up that hill once"
so I do...
"Next thing I know...I'm jogging?"
That's one example...
Another that happens VERY OFTEN is I have
something to write and procrastination has me
under the "I don't wanna" spell.
What I do...
Is I say...
"Do I feel like just OPENING Word?"
"Sure...we'll just go the PC and open Word and if we don't feel
like doing more...we'll stop."
I open word.
Many times that is enough to get me writing like a mad man.
If not...
It's okay!
After Word is open I might say...
"Let's just come up with the headline, doesn't even have
to be good...then we'll stop."
Then...(Bet you know what happens?)
I get so EXCITED by the headline I've got to finish.
Well my friend, that is the weird way I beat procrastination.
To be frank with you, there ARE TIMES when I sit in my
house for hours suited up for my run and never go out to
do it.
and I don't make myself feel bad about it, as long as...
I've done that ONE TINY minimum action.
That's the KEY!
I'd love to hear if this 'garlic' helps you ward
off your procrastination vampires:-)
Live, Laugh, Love,
PS That little winch tried to talk me out of making this post too!
We showed her though didn't we? :-)
I retired in 2005 at 43 and now I give away websites like these for FREE [hosting excluded]
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James Christmas
I retired in 2005 at 43 and now I give away websites like these for FREE [hosting excluded]
If money grew on trees, we'd all die from a lack of oxygen.
30 days of Solid Foundation that Hootsuite and All automation can't do!
Attention! This offer is only limited to 10 copies/orders monthly!
(will create a Warrior thread in 2 weeks)
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