Do Not Depend On One Stream of Income

48 replies
Remember the good old saying, "Never Put All Your Eggs In One Basket", what this saying implies is that in the event the basket tips over, the chances of all your eggs breaking is very high, however, if you place all your eggs in different baskets, if one tips over, you still have other baskets intact. A lot of individuals were devastated by the events of the 2008 Global economic melt down because, the only source of income they depended upon was their 9:00AM to 5:00PM day job. Thus when most companies began to lay-off and downsize their workforce, a lot of honest hard working folks ended up losing their only source of income.

Things were so bad, some folks ended up commiting suicide, they just couldn't live on knowing their only source of income has been taking away from them. However, looking at the world we currently live in, it will be suicidal to put all your hope in one stream of income, you'll need to have multiple streams of income.

Keep Striving, Keep Believing, Never Give-Up, Winners Don't Quit and Quitters Don't Win.
#depend #income #stream
  • Profile picture of the author TomiPrivately
    Developing a multiple streams of income especially that of online is always recommended and what we should be doing...
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    • Profile picture of the author umairsheikh2002
      Originally Posted by TomiPrivately View Post

      Developing a multiple streams of income especially that of online is always recommended and what we should be doing...
      That's exactly right.
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  • Two excellent books on the subject by Robert G. Allen are "Multiple Streams of Income" and "Multiple Streams of Internet Income". Totally changed my view of making money.
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    • Profile picture of the author brendan9971
      Originally Posted by Bradley J Anderson View Post

      Two excellent books on the subject by Robert G. Allen are "Multiple Streams of Income" and "Multiple Streams of Internet Income". Totally changed my view of making money.
      Thanks for this, Bradley. I'm going to check these out. I'm currently working on diversifying my income so this helps a lot.
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  • I'm doing the same I split my CPA into different accounts, I have google adsense and clickbank and now trying to get into ebay marketing.

    When one goes down I still have back-up.


    "A budget tells us what we can't afford, but it doesn't keep us from buying it"

    William Feather

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  • Profile picture of the author Kieran D
    Originally Posted by Traffic-Genie View Post

    However, looking at the world we currently live in, it will be suicidal to put all your hope in one stream of income, you'll need to have multiple streams of income.
    Hi Traffic-Genie,

    Nice post here and very true indeed.

    Yes, it's never good in any facet of life to "Put all your eggs" in one basket.

    I would also put emphasis on never good as I certainly don't think it's suicidal! :p

    After all, this is what the masses and majority of people in society do every day right? In their everyday jobs?

    Thanks for the post again!
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  • Profile picture of the author Money maker guy
    Thanks for sharing!
    Hi Guys!
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  • Profile picture of the author Seatbelt99
    Great advice! I'm trying to get my IM income up to (and past) my 9-5 job. Double my income + have multiple income streams. Plus my internet income will be coming from multiple places.

    Hopefully it will all go well.
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    • Profile picture of the author naruq
      I concur with You! Everybody must develop Multiple Streams Of Income.

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  • Wow! So much great comments/feedback here, thanks for your inputs.
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  • Profile picture of the author jds626x
    I mostly agree with you Traffic Genie, but I think there is an opposing view that can work once you are at a certain level. If a person were so inclined & ready for the undertaking, they could build a basket themselves on a solid foundation, place all their eggs in said basket, and then place an awesome alarm system around the basket.

    Now if someone were "putting all of their eggs" in the Adsense basket and asked for my advice, I would strongly suggest they think about diversifying their income streams, as Adsense does not provide a strong foundation for sustainable income...

    If someone were an awesome web designer, though, and had a killer portfolio, I would see no problem with them focusing most of their time on an endeavor relating to web design.
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    • Profile picture of the author swilliams09

      When I lost my job a month ago, I had income coming from online video sales, offline video sales, and offline graphic design work. Now I'm just ramping up my efforts. I would have been in a world of hurt if I just depended on one income.

      Also you should tell people, pay off their debts! Having a ton of debt and only one source of income is the way to suicidal thoughts.

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  • Profile picture of the author Shady8
    I agree with OP absolutely
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  • Profile picture of the author filthy
    Nice books about Streams of Income both are very knowledge able and give more perception about focusing income.
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  • Profile picture of the author yesmedia
    I HUGELY disagree. In order to be successful one must focus. And to focus you should not be all over the place. I am speaking out of experience that when you are in a place of being focused you will put more effort out into one thing then you will for many. First you can throw a lot of **** to the wall to see what sticks, but after you have something that sticks I recommend sticking with that full force! People that are all over the place with there work and goals generally do not succeed in anything. Just like the phrase "jack of all trades but master of none." Don't let this happen to you!

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    • Profile picture of the author SEOLady
      Originally Posted by yesmedia View Post

      I HUGELY disagree. In order to be successful one must focus. And to focus you should not be all over the place. I am speaking out of experience that when you are in a place of being focused you will put more effort out into one thing then you will for many. First you can throw a lot of **** to the wall to see what sticks, but after you have something that sticks I recommend sticking with that full force! People that are all over the place with there work and goals generally do not succeed in anything. Just like the phrase "jack of all trades but master of none." Don't let this happen to you!
      Well, it really depends on what works for a person. But I think the point of the OP is to develop a certain fall back system just in case a plan can go awry.
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    • Profile picture of the author swilliams09
      Originally Posted by yesmedia View Post

      I HUGELY disagree. In order to be successful one must focus. And to focus you should not be all over the place. I am speaking out of experience that when you are in a place of being focused you will put more effort out into one thing then you will for many. First you can throw a lot of **** to the wall to see what sticks, but after you have something that sticks I recommend sticking with that full force! People that are all over the place with there work and goals generally do not succeed in anything. Just like the phrase "jack of all trades but master of none." Don't let this happen to you!
      It's a difference between focusing and creating multiple streams of income. You may focus on one stream of income, and once you have it rolling and can maintain it with less effort, you can focus on another.

      Multiple streams of income doesn't mean you aren't selling the same product or service. It can mean that you're selling it in different markets.

      It can mean you hire someone to run one business on the day to day while you work on another. Of course you have to focus. But to say you can't have multiple streams of income to be successful is just not true.

      I'm sure Sir Richard Branson focused like hell on his first business.

      Google Wink and Grow Rich.

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  • Profile picture of the author SEOLady
    To have a better finances, it is always recommended to develop multiple streams of income...
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  • Profile picture of the author yesmedia
    Let me clarify my earlier post. I believe it is very important to hyper focus. For instance, if you do SEO, SEO of mulitple products is great, but the main thing you are doing is SEO. Another example is that I do very well in online marketing, I have many different jobs and product launches going on and different faucets of my company, but still they are under the internet marketing umbrella. For someone to do internet marketing, pizza delivery, dog walking, therapy and all these different jobs they will most likely not be giving them the attention they deserve. Which is why I suggest to hyper focus on one thing, and then go off into different aspects of that. It is better to be an expert at something then mediocre at everything. For example Warren Buffet invests, he is an expert in investing, so I classify all the businesses he owns as his investments. Even though they are all different companies they are still classified under his expert field of knowing where to invest. I hope this clears up my earlier post. It is good to have multiple streams of income as long as they fall under one umbrella of focus.

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  • Profile picture of the author Judith Hill
    don't give up. opportunity is here and there, but many people just don't have the eyes that can seize them.
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  • Profile picture of the author Nereah
    Thanks to you all, but one thing am certain about is that Multiple Streams of Income is a sure way to Financial Freedom!

    Planning an event

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  • Like I said earlier when I started this thread, never ever depend on one source of income. We all know that nothing in life is 100% guaranteed, how the wind blows no one knows, and at what direction the wind will blow no one knows. The absolute form or shape a burning fire will take, no man can predict with absolute 100% confidence, neither can any man predict the number of hairs on his head or the number of sunrise/sunsets he will witness in his lifetime.

    We as humans are just mortals, thus, we can not control anything around us with 100% absolute confidence. Any situation, job or endeavour can collapse or become successful through our actions or in-actions, through ommissions or commissions, thus, to reduce the odds against us as humans, it makes logical and reasonable sense to divest our investments and efforts into various profit generation channels, by so doing, you can hedge your risk(s) without getting burned. For the chances of all income streams failing at the same time (though possible), is very very minimal. The whole concept is to have some form of back-up at all times.


    Keep Striving, Keep Believing, Never Give-Up, Winners Don't Quit and Quitters Don't Win.
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  • Profile picture of the author IrisEyes
    Just some thought : A quitter never wins -a winner never quits...
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  • Profile picture of the author Perseverance
    This was a great read and everyone has a different perspective on the same subject which allows us to view things differently.

    Well done guys and girls...
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  • Profile picture of the author Amrutg
    It is ideal to say and dream of that kind of income from different sources. But not very easy

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  • Profile picture of the author RogerAderholdt
    Totally agree... have more than ONE Basket.

    One of the best things that ever happened to me was getting FIRED from my job.

    I had created two vacation companies from zero in sales to over $1,000,000 in sales in our 1st 120 days in business.

    One day I got sick with a heart infection and while lying in the hospital bed DYING... I told them the LAST Secret to how I was getting so many clients into the office.

    Ten minutes later.. I go a call that I had been fired.

    But guess what... now I have FREEDOM to travel the world and do what I want to instead of working 80 hours a week making them rich.

    Sooo sometimes getting FIRED is a GOOD thing.... it sure was for me.
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  • To Amrutg, IrisEyes, Perseverance and Roger, I appreciate your comments. Wow! I didn't envisage this much inputs when I started this thread. There is no other option to security in this present age, the only option is to have multiple streams of income.
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  • Profile picture of the author WryLilt
    I completely agree about the multiple streams - and it applies just as much online as it does in real life.

    I joined Hubpages a year ago (my first real venture into online money making). Luckily I learnt enough there to pursue other ventures online (websites etc) but I still had enough content there to take a hit during the latest Google update.

    Certainly a good idea to plan ahead and figure out what you'd do if you lost ANY of your streams of income - you never know if you'll lose the biggest or the smallest!
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  • Profile picture of the author GlobalMedia
    It is always better to inculcate new modes of income. The more diversification we will bring in our earning source, the better it will be for us.
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  • Profile picture of the author Shania
    It is very important to create more than one stream of income without losing your focus. There is some truth is the fact that you can lose focus if you spread yourself too thin. I guess the key thing is to be able to select what you can effectively handle.
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  • Profile picture of the author Carol_A
    Because I started with a good coach, I have done this from the beginning....and SO thankful I did.

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    • Originally Posted by Carol_A View Post

      Because I started with a good coach, I have done this from the beginning....and SO thankful I did.

      @ Carol_A, thanks for buttressing the aforesaid post
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  • Profile picture of the author GlobalMedia
    I am very much satisfied with this statement "Never Put All Your Eggs In One Basket". This means that we must not do our income from one source only because once the job is gone , you will have to struggle more.So go for it...
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  • Profile picture of the author lingo
    Yeah man, i defo need to add more to mine.
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    • Originally Posted by lingo View Post

      Yeah man, i defo need to add more to mine.
      @ Lingo, thanks for your taking action. More often than not, action is all that matters.
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  • Profile picture of the author kupang
    Facing the big waves of economic crisis we need to diversify our sources of income. I really agree with the words "Never Put All Your Eggs In One Basket" and I did it online and we shouldn't depend on one stream of income. Currently, I am trying hard to develop another 2 offline source of incomes.
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  • Profile picture of the author gsb005
    Originally Posted by RichesUntold-UnlimitedWealth View Post

    Remember the good old saying, "Never Put All Your Eggs In One Basket", what this saying implies is that in the event the basket tips over, the chances of all your eggs breaking is very high, however, if you place all your eggs in different baskets, if one tips over, you still have other baskets intact. A lot of individuals were devastated by the events of the 2008 Global economic melt down because, the only source of income they depended upon was their 9:00AM to 5:00PM day job. Thus when most companies began to lay-off and downsize their workforce, a lot of honest hard working folks ended up losing their only source of income.

    Things were so bad, some folks ended up commiting suicide, they just couldn't live on knowing their only source of income has been taking away from them. However, looking at the world we currently live in, it will be suicidal to put all your hope in one stream of income, you'll need to have multiple streams of income.

    Keep Striving, Keep Believing, Never Give-Up, Winners Don't Quit and Quitters Don't Win.
    There is a lot of "hype" these days when it comes to making $$$ / millions in a matter of minutes (WSO's) (Clickbank affiliates) is there any truth to that?
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  • Profile picture of the author Coach Louisa
    I agree not to put all eggs in one basket. Yet it is a fine balance not to spread one too thin on too many projects at once. I "like" doing so many things that I may have started too many without good focus. I lesson I continue to learn!

    So balance is the key?


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  • Profile picture of the author Adam J Wagner
    This is one of, if not the most important things with respect to building a successful business in any industry- especially IM!

    Always think of new way to make money, but never stop doing the old... Oh yeah, and make sure all your income isn't going into your Paypal account...
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  • Profile picture of the author tk226
    good reminder that if you lose 9-5 source, what are your alternatives then? only solution is multiple stream of incomes. I think, you must also be sure with the sources from which income will originate ...taking the advantage of internet, we must make it possible to have income from multiple streams from different countries as well. it's how big businesses works.
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  • Profile picture of the author Max Stryker
    Life is a numbers game, so is internet marketing.
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  • Profile picture of the author alcymart
    I have 48 streams of income, that enough? I don't hold more because there is only so much one can do in 1 day...

    Bernard St-Pierre
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  • Profile picture of the author StoneWilson
    There always so many streams out there, the only problem is we need to find out which are suitable for us, and that, never been easy.
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  • Profile picture of the author Gilearn
    this is plenty of information. please tell me apart from the Robert G. Allen book is there any other book or e book that talk about the same topic "multiple streams of income"

    Domain and Hosting Services

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  • Profile picture of the author jtunkelo
    There really is no one answer that applies to all.

    I know millionaires who have had the one and only business for 25 years, and nothing else. I also know millionaires who are constantly adding new revenue streams and cutting off old ones.

    There's a lot of conventional wisdom being bandied about, but ultimately everyone needs to stand up and decide for themselves - based on evidence - which approach works better.

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  • Profile picture of the author eguynth
    This is exactly im trying(sadly) to do.
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  • Profile picture of the author ChrisQ
    I would much rather have ten things making me $10 than a single thing making $100, even if the ten things were more work.

    Just ask all the people who are unemployed and spinning because their "one thing" went away.
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