28 replies
Everyone always says take action!


Is taking action necessary?

Hell yeah it is!

However, the feeling from which you take action is MORE important.

In fact, the feeling that propels you to get up off you behind IS TAKING ACTION!

So many people act when they're scared, chaotic or flat out wondering how they're going to pay their bills that are due in a few days...

...and therefore, they're coming from the WRONG feeling place.

Is it really any surprise that MOST PEOPLE FAIL at internet marketing?

We're not taught that the most powerful action we can take is being deliberate with HOW WE FEEL!

We not even really taught that we CAN be deliberate with how we feel.

But you can.

It's just that you're usually in reaction to something (like your circumstances) and making poor decisions... again and again and again and again!

It's what I call the scarcity-snowball-effect.

And notice I said poor just a second ago...

...Because that's the consciousness that creates subpar results (i.e. scarcity consciousness.)

So take a moment...


...And FEEL where your attention is directed, internally.

That's just a fancy way of asking: WHAT ARE YOU FEELING?!?!

Are the emotions you're feeding into worthy of taking PHYSICAL action?

Probably not.

So, how can you tap into the deliberate feeling place that IS worthy of taking physical action?

It might be as simple as closing your eyes and imagining what you REALLY WANT.

What does that FEEL LIKE?

Now, can you keep your attention there and only take physical action as you're inspired to?

Can you?

Results don't lie...

...But they're giving you an amazing chance to shift your deliberate feeling place, aren't they?
#action #feeling
  • Profile picture of the author herrendonald
    The things you do always have an action!!!!thanks for the share
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  • Profile picture of the author George Curtis
    Great post, Reflection Marketing.

    One way that really helps ME to take action is...

    I write on an index card all the things that are important to me. As I am typing this post I am looking at it.

    This list includes my kids, my wife, some of my most important goals, and a few reasons I need to succeed.

    These are my "WHY".

    When my "WHY" becomes in my mind the reason for my actions... it makes taking action so much easier.

    I also include on this list some "negatives" like my enemies or those that want to see me fail. I use this as motivation as well.

    Hope this helps someone, as I have been using this method for quite a while and when I have stuck to it... it has always served me well.



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    • Profile picture of the author Mark Pescetti
      Originally Posted by George Curtis View Post

      Great post, Reflection Marketing.

      One way that really helps ME to take action is...

      I write on an index card all the things that are important to me. As I am typing this post I am looking at it.

      This list includes my kids, my wife, some of my most important goals, and a few reasons I need to succeed.

      These are my "WHY".

      When my "WHY" becomes in my mind the reason for my actions... it makes taking action so much easier.

      I also include on this list some "negatives" like my enemies or those that want to see me fail. I use this as motivation as well.

      Hope this helps someone, as I have been using this method for quite a while and when I have stuck to it... it has always served me well.
      So what feelings are circulating throughout your body when you focus your deliberate attention on the "whys?" How does knowing the reasons you NEED to succeed help you become more at ease with taking inspired action?

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  • Profile picture of the author JoeUK
    I completely agree, our feelings and emotions are a sort of guidance system to let us know whether we're working with or against 'the flow'. You can take as much action as you like but without genuine feeling that matches that action you never quite 'get there'...
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    • Profile picture of the author Mark Pescetti
      Originally Posted by JoeUK View Post

      I completely agree, our feelings and emotions are a sort of guidance system to let us know whether we're working with or against 'the flow'. You can take as much action as you like but without genuine feeling that matches that action you never quite 'get there'...
      And you never will get there. The process of inspiration is endless, just like the action-steps you're going to take are too.

      This is a good thing.

      Sure, if you REALLY follow your inspired-thoughts, you'll make tons of money along the way, but that will become a moot point.

      Only taking action when you're following the lead of a very distinct feeling is about enjoying and appreciating the experience, while watching in amazement as reality mirrors your ATTENTION!

      It's magic.

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      • Profile picture of the author RHert
        Originally Posted by Reflection Marketing View Post

        And you never will get there. The process of inspiration is endless, just like the action-steps you're going to take are too.

        This is a good thing.

        Sure, if you REALLY follow your inspired-thoughts, you'll make tons of money along the way, but that will become a moot point.

        Only taking action when you're following the lead of a very distinct feeling is about enjoying and appreciating the experience, while watching in amazement as reality mirrors your ATTENTION!

        It's magic.
        It's the secret of life.
        Your reality is based on what you feel inside. If you're having a bad day it doesn't matter that it's a sunny beautiful day. You won't see it that way. Conversely, if you are excited and happy it can be grey and rainy outside and you'll see it as a great way to have fun. Who doesn't want to go out and spin in the rain letting the droplets fall across your face and land on your tongue?

        Okay, so the kid in me is coming out again.

        Anyway the point is the way you feel inside directs your life for better or worse.

        Don't like the way your life is going? Change the way you feel.

        People tell me all the time it's not so easy. They can be right, but I long ago discovered a method that helps me. Maybe it will you to.

        Find a quiet place, sit down and close your eyes. Then place two fingers just below your belly button and breath deep, expanding that place.

        Hold it for a second then breathe out.

        And hold it.


        As you breathe don't try to change anything just acknowledge how you really feel. Are you afraid, angry, happy? As you acknowledge those feelings you can start to work through them and as you work through them you can change them. Do this for fifteen minutes a day and your entire perspective on life will begin to change. Guaranteed.
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        • Profile picture of the author Mark Pescetti
          Originally Posted by RHert View Post

          Don't like the way your life is going? Change the way you feel.
          I always say: I see what I feel.

          Do you want a 9 figure copywriter and biz owner to Write With You? I'll work with you, on zoom, to help write your copy or client copy... while you learn from one of the few copywriters to legit hit 9 figures in gross sales! Discover More

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  • Profile picture of the author pheonixrises
    I really appreciate this thread.

    For a long time, I struggled with that block between knowing what I needed to be doing and actually DOING it. There were always all these "things" that were the best reasons in the world for not being able to take action - I'm sure people can relate!

    At one point it started to click for me that I was always pushing me feelings away and trying to "push through them", instead of letting them happen, acknowledging their purpose, and understanding that I can direct them without there being any force involved. As soon as I stopped trying to ignore or change them and simply became AWARE of them, their ability to become an excuse started to vanish.

    Something interesting to note is that as I have become much more positive in general due to this simple awareness and acceptance, I've started to irritate the friends with whom I used to "complain" about things with on a regular basis. Apparently I "don't understand" anymore because instead of sitting around discussing the things holding me back, I like to just get to work! :rolleyes:

    Has this happened to anyone else?

    Thanks again!
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  • Profile picture of the author neeralt
    I think feeling is not exactly an action because the feeling to do the action does not necessarily make you do the action.
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    • Profile picture of the author gudrunsmith
      Originally Posted by neeralt View Post

      I think feeling is not exactly an action because the feeling to do the action does not necessarily make you do the action.

      Feeling and emotion are the ones that start moving you towards your goal, that is the fuel to reach for goals. When you have now feeling or emotion toward a goal, you will never reach that goal!

      Gudrun Marquardt
      Personal and Business Development

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      • Profile picture of the author Mark Pescetti
        Originally Posted by gudrunsmith View Post

        Feeling and emotion are the ones that start moving you towards your goal, that is the fuel to reach for goals. When you have now feeling or emotion toward a goal, you will never reach that goal!
        Often times, we try to convince ourselves to take certain action steps because "that's what everyone else does" or you're following some sort of formulaic approach.

        The action you need to take is determined by whether you're feeling absolutely ecstatic about a direction or action.

        Even when you're uncomfortable or even scared silly because you're growing, you still KNOW when inspiration is pushing you in the direction you REALLY want to go!

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        {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[4874488].message }}
      • Most things happen outside our body,

        but many happen inside.

        both are actions.

        if you were to have an increased heart rate, have dilated pupils, increased muscle contraction, change in blood pressure, etc..,

        those are actions, from "love at 1st sight", or your favorite meal,
        or maybe you jaywalking and about to get hit!

        your right, feelings are actions they just happen internally.
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  • Profile picture of the author skyjoe76
    Actually there is some underlying beliefs for those who didn't take action or procrastinate.

    There are certain context that they perceive that stop them from moving forward. They may have the feelings, but they just wouldn't want to move. This could be a self-sabotaging cycle.
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  • Profile picture of the author kenshin193
    Newton Law: In every action there's always a reaction!
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    • Profile picture of the author Mark Pescetti
      Originally Posted by kenshin193 View Post

      Newton Law: In every action there's always a reaction!
      No, You are the cause and what we call reality is the effect.

      Action/Reaction is old paradigm thinking.

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  • Profile picture of the author DrewBru75
    I definitely agree with this!
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  • Profile picture of the author Mark Pescetti
    The internal world creates the external experience.

    Remember The Observer Effect?

    You cannot separate the observer from the observed...

    ...They are the same thing.

    You create the world, the reality, the circumstances, the people you interact with by focusing upon the sensations (or feelings) in your body, then watching them materialize for you to play with...

    All of this manifests as a result of directing your powerful attention to collapse infinite possibilities into your present experience...

    ...Including your financial results...

    And yes, your beliefs, judgments and stories (what I call The Editor) play a HUGE role in how you allow your attention to FEEL seduced by the appearances and circumstances you GIVE AWAY YOUR POWER TO!

    Give away your power?


    Hey, you created it (your experience of reality)...

    So why is it all the sudden HAPPENING TO YOU?

    Feeling IS action because that's what directs your attention to create your experience of reality...

    And no experience is better or worse.


    They are all EQUAL manifestations, taking the same amount of power to materialize into form.

    Judging your creation (as the observer) only instills within you the illusion of separation from your amazing creation...

    So this is NOT Newtonian Physics.

    That was a lie.

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  • Profile picture of the author Debra Barrow
    Nothing happens until you put your ideas and thoughts into action. As hard as it can be some days to stay focused; that is what we must do to see some progress. Forget about what is going on with the rest of the online community, just concentrate on what you need to get done.
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    • Profile picture of the author writerforhire
      Originally Posted by Debra Barrow View Post

      Nothing happens until you put your ideas and thoughts into action. As hard as it can be some days to stay focused; that is what we must do to see some progress. Forget about what is going on with the rest of the online community, just concentrate on what you need to get done.
      Debra's comment reminded me of advice I read that Danny Thomas gave to his daughter, Marlo, when she was just starting out in her acting career. To find his exact words, I Googled "Marlo Thomas quotes blinders" and found it on Wowowow.com ("The Women on the Web). Here's Danny Thomas' quote:

      "I raised you to be a thoroughbred. When thoroughbreds run, they wear blinders to keep their eyes focused straight ahead with no distractions, no other horses. They hear the crowd, but they don't listen. They just run their own race. That's what you have to do. Don't listen to anyone comparing you to me or to anyone else. You just run your own race."
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  • Profile picture of the author keepgoin
    This is amazing!!

    Just today I sat down for a while to close my eyes and gather my thoughts, because I didn't know what action to take!

    I focused on my priorities and how I can help my family, and then I opened my eyes and knew what to do! So this morning I wrote a good article, changed my internet plan and planned what I was prioritize and what can wait!

    It was all in the "feeling" I had behind the action!


    Learning Fast Right Here :)

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  • Profile picture of the author Tommy Smith
    I agree! Feeling is action. Whatever you feel and act... it is an action.
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  • Profile picture of the author Jarrod
    A great acronym I once heard is TFAR. Thoughts lead to feelings, feelings lead to action, action leads to results.

    Agree with OP though, in a sense feeling is action, and getting the feeling right before taking the action is critical so that the action is inspired.
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  • Profile picture of the author EvanBeck
    I like the ideas presented in this thread. Feel with "emotion". What you think is your reality.
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  • Profile picture of the author PinkVelvet
    Talk will get you nowhere in life but action will do wonders. He certainly has a point here. It's something we all need to learn!
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    • Profile picture of the author Mark Pescetti
      Originally Posted by PinkVelvet View Post

      Talk will get you nowhere in life but action will do wonders. He certainly has a point here. It's something we all need to learn!
      This isn't about talking.

      This isn't even necessarily about taking physical action.

      This is about completely shifting your attention to the internal world of sensations, rather than being fixated on what's happening OUT THERE and feeling like you're constantly jockeying for position to become financial free.

      By acknowledging and honoring how you feel, the physical steps you take to manifest your internal bliss will be enormously different than doing what intellectually makes sense.

      There's an effortlessness to revealing (manifesting) what you feel into your physical experience.

      This isn't about chasing the money or following a blueprint for success.

      This is honoring your experience and carving out a totally new way of doing things.

      That's how the people who create the blueprints you're trying to follow become successful - before they try to impart their knowledge to you!

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      • Profile picture of the author JasonChoi
        Originally Posted by Reflection Marketing View Post

        There's an effortlessness to revealing (manifesting) what you feel into your physical experience.

        This isn't about chasing the money or following a blueprint for success.

        This is honoring your experience and carving out a totally new way of doing things.

        That's how the people who create the blueprints you're trying to follow become successful - before they try to impart their knowledge to you!
        Good stuff! I like how you referred to manifesting as revealing what you feel, suggesting that a physical manifestation of something is a display of one's inward consciousness. The implication, then is that more abundance is an outward sign of an inward reality (i.e. prosperity consciousness)

        Hence the importance of focusing attention on the positive
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  • Profile picture of the author bonnerkareem69
    Sometimes feeling tells your action . It tells us how you behave n how you react etc etc .
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    • Profile picture of the author danstelter
      As an introvert, I have learned that thinking, for me, is action. Whereas extroverts will act right away, I think about it carefully and then do it. In my perception, this leads to less inefficiency on the back end. One of the strengths of introverts, anyway.

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