Lucid Dreaming
I've been experimenting with lucid dreaming for the last couple of months. It is such a fasicinting world. Using dreams for problem solving and inspiration has been documented for so long and is so natural I'm a little suprised it isn't discussed more often.
Tesla, Einsteen, James cameron, Steven King, Thomas Edison
Famous Lucid Dreamers: 10 Celebrities Who Lucid Dream
All use or used the power of dreams to tap into the subconscious. I've read a couple of books on techniques to become lucid and control the dreamscape but would love to hear from other lucid dreamers here on the WF.
I've had pretty good luck in focusing on my hands while in a dream to become lucid. Dreams feel so real that you don't relize it is a dream until something unusual happens. At first I got so excited that I realized I was dreaming I would wake up.
I learned to spin in my dream to bring my focus back to the dream. Looking at my hands does the same thing the top did for Leonardo in inception. I'm able to focus on my surroundings and start to explore the dream reality.
What are your experiences with lucid dreaming?
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