Power of Concentrated Focus...

17 replies
Have you used your Concentrated focus of your
mind to achieve your goals..the power of
concentrated focus can achieve powerful results
to your advantage..do you have that experience
in your day today business and private walks of life...
Be the best..
#concentrated #focus #power
  • Profile picture of the author cashmonk
    Very few people understand this...you are on point.

    A hunter views their target in the cross hairs and thus seizes it.

    This is exactly how to make things happen.

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    • Profile picture of the author Joseph G Spiteri
      If you can develop focus and concentration your on your way to success.
      In the world we live in today there are so many distractions that take us
      away from the tasks we are trying to complete.
      So developing good focus is essential good way i have found which have helped me a lot are NLP and meditation.
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      • Profile picture of the author DanielMilstein
        Well take the example of olympic champions, who beat every other athlete to reign supreme. the only difference between them and others is the focused and better trained mind.
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      • Profile picture of the author orvillehansen
        Originally Posted by Joseph G Spiteri View Post

        If you can develop focus and concentration your on your way to success.
        In the world we live in today there are so many distractions that take us
        away from the tasks we are trying to complete.
        So developing good focus is essential good way i have found which have helped me a lot are NLP and meditation.
        I agree with you Jason, meditation has been a good help for me as well since I started doing it. Helps me keep a clearer mind all day.
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  • Profile picture of the author danlew
    This is actually correct. If you stay focused on your goals, you should be able to achieve it in no time. Without concentrated focus, there's no way that you achieve your goal everyday.
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  • Profile picture of the author megalinktraffic
    As you go back and check in your childhood days
    you might have done this experiment ie burning a
    paper or matchstick using a convex LENS which
    converges the solar light energy to one focal point
    and "whooosh" the paper or match stick is burnt
    by the energy which was concentrated and focused
    on the target object., that's right similarly as you
    concentrate and focus on the target goal may be
    making huge dollars this month Its Possible..
    Be the Best
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    • Profile picture of the author 55sadhikar
      Originally Posted by megalinktraffic View Post

      As you go back and check in your childhood days
      you might have done this experiment ie burning a
      paper or matchstick using a convex LENS which
      converges the solar light energy to one focal point
      and "whooosh" the paper or match stick is burnt
      by the energy which was concentrated and focused
      on the target object., that's right similarly as you
      concentrate and focus on the target goal may be
      making huge dollars this month Its Possible..
      Be the Best
      I know being focus is very important to realize goals but would someone mind to share how do they prepare themselves to stay focused and not deviate to endless distractions!
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      • Profile picture of the author megalinktraffic
        Originally Posted by 55sadhikar View Post

        I know being focus is very important to realize goals but would someone mind to share how do they prepare themselves to stay focused and not deviate to endless distractions!
        Meditation is Good for you to stay focused..
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      • Profile picture of the author tedw
        Originally Posted by 55sadhikar View Post

        I know being focus is very important to realize goals but would someone mind to share how do they prepare themselves to stay focused and not deviate to endless distractions!
        Step 1: Don't work from home with children running amok!

        Step 2: When you get past step 1, can you pls let me know and then maybe we can all move onto Step 3!
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  • Profile picture of the author aatyum
    How to develop focus - one of many techniques.

    Use ancient technology, which strengthens the will so a to allow an individual to enable the focus potential OF their will... Initially do no more or no less than suggested.

    1. Consistently do easy math problems and gradually increase their difficulty. Day one do 1. Day two do two. Day three do three. Day four do five. Day six do eight. Day seven do thirteen. REPEAT SEQUENCE EXACTLY.

    2. Meditate

    Do these things constantly and in sequence so as to align the left and right brain hemispheres within an overall prescription of outwardly projected self induced attention. Don't forget to acknowledge any generated emotional and or physical sensitivities that WILL occur, as you should be able to recall them at will for purposes of redefining focus at any given time.

    Hope this helps - Tom.
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    • Profile picture of the author megalinktraffic
      Originally Posted by aatyum View Post

      How to develop focus - one of many techniques.

      Use ancient technology, which strengthens the will so a to allow an individual to enable the focus potential OF their will... Initially do no more or no less than suggested.

      1. Consistently do easy math problems and gradually increase their difficulty. Day one do 1. Day two do two. Day three do three. Day four do five. Day six do eight. Day seven do thirteen. REPEAT SEQUENCE EXACTLY.

      2. Meditate

      Do these things constantly and in sequence so as to align the left and right brain hemispheres within an overall prescription of outwardly projected self induced attention. Don't forget to acknowledge any generated emotional and or physical sensitivities that WILL occur, as you should be able to recall them at will for purposes of redefining focus at any given time.

      Hope this helps - Tom.
      Can you explain what type of meditation will help in achieving concentrated focus?
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      • Profile picture of the author tagiscom
        Originally Posted by megalinktraffic View Post

        Can you explain what type of meditation will help in achieving concentrated focus?
        lol, he posted this 5 years ago!

        I would say looking at the year of the last post will help!

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  • Profile picture of the author ProScribe
    A book that I'm reading at the moment is "how to get lots of money for anything fast" by Stuart Lichtman & Joe Vitale. The title is kind of retarded but the book itself is actually very good.

    It has a basic and a more advanced goal achievement system. In the basic system which is used to achieve small goals. It uses the idea of repitition to create focus.

    To simplify - you write your short term goal down, read it a hundred times, and then each day handwrite it out again. The thing is it really does focus your mind on what you are trying to achieve. I think the act of handwriting it out again each day is really effective.
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  • Profile picture of the author rdbranson
    This is the second thread that I am seeing here dealing with focus, the other one being at:


    I posted on that thread about the Charles Schwab-Ivy Lee story with some links to get more info and also to get review copies of productivity software partly based on that story. One hundred years later I believe it still is the best story and method relating to being focused. It is supposedly a true story. Here are the links again:

    The Six Things Most Important Things I Must Do Tomorrow : eConsultant

    VRCities Making Relationships and Communities Strong

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    • Profile picture of the author tedw
      Originally Posted by rdbranson View Post

      "The Six Things Most Important Things I Must Do Tomorrow : eConsultant"

      Thanks for that! Brilliant short story! Wish I'd found it ages ago...better late than never I guess!
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  • Profile picture of the author Lin Raj
    fOCUS on the goal automatically avoids distractions and helps reaching it.
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  • Profile picture of the author nik0
    Yeah I can move things with my brain as well
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