Marketers With "Clear Eyes, Full Hearts - Can't Lose!"
I absofreakinglootly LOVE watching Friday Night Lights on Netflix (I’m only on season 4) and this phrase, every time I hear them shout it, is just such a wonderful motto for all of us to live by – especially in Internet Marketing.
Clear Eyes, Full Hearts, Can’t Lose!
If you remember this as you make your way into Internet Marketing, and up the ladder of success, you should do well AND be happy with what you accomplish.
Clear Eyes – you have to have this. So many of us don’t watch what we’re doing. We buy in a blur and don’t carefully check out two major things:
1. Who we’re buying from. (Such a biggie – there are scumbags out there and you aren’t even careful about avoiding them). You can do some digging before you fork over any money. If your gut tells you someone might not a.) be knowledgeable or b.) be above the board, find someone else to buy from. If you have to miss out on the next best thing since sliced bread, then oh well. Too bad.
2. What it is we’re buying. Do you know exactly what the product is? Have you considered if it’s something you want to do on a daily basis? Does it look ethical to you and even rewarding for you? After all, one of the biggest perks of working for yourself at home is being HAPPY.
Full Hearts – all that “passion” everyone’s talking about needing? Well why wouldn’t you want that in your business model? Nothing worse than being bored or uninspired when you’re building a business around a topic that doesn’t make you come alive.
Do you really just want to plop some keyword in a tool, have it tell you which phrases to target and then spin some readymade content and slap it up on a site? Yawn! There are those who will love that, but to me, that’s no leader. That’s a robot.
I don’t care if you’re in something like the acne niche – develop some sort of passion for it. Get human with it. Think of the emotions people with major acne problems will have when you help them clear up their face. Having passion doesn’t just satisfy you, it helps you be a better leader.
If you truly care about your target audience, you WILL seek out viable information to share with them. You WILL price it just right for your audience. You’ll naturally become a leading expert because the fact that you CARE will come across naturally.
Your niche should touch your heart. Doesn’t mean it has to make you cry – just fill you with good feelings. Help someone enjoy their golf game more and not feel like breaking a club or tossing it into the lake. Help someone keep their marriage together and transform their lives. Help someone train their dog and know that little pet is even more loved and enjoyed because the owners aren’t so frustrated anymore.
Make the world a better place with a ripple effect. Do the best you can do to fill your heart with passion and let it help others and you’ll be rewarded for that in more ways than just financially.
Can’t Lose – One thing I do know is that the truly successful people I know (and to me, success is measured in more ways than just dollars and cents – I’m talking true happiness) – never focus JUST on “how much money can XYZ make me in X amount of days?”
That’s not the way to develop a business.
Watch what you’re doing as you build your business. Be careful about who you buy from and learn from. Have clear eyes before you go into a JV with someone who might drag down your reputation.
Get to really know and love and care about your target audience. Your passion will guide you to better things; help you be your very best. No excuses. No blame.

==> Zero Cost MMO eClass! <<
~Patti Stafford
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~Patti Stafford
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Marilyn Southmayd aka G-Ma
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