19 replies
Hey guys,

I have found myself increasingly busy lately. More and more orders are coming in for my services, and on top off that, I also got other projects and tasks on the side that I need to get done.

I think coping with all of this would be made a bit easier if I started writing to-do lists.
I am a huge fan of to-do lists, but not so much of using pen and paper.

Do you know of any good to-do list programs that I could download for free?

Kind regards,

#list #productivity #programs #software #todo
  • Profile picture of the author ryanman
    The best to-do list which has worked for me is the sticky notes program in windows 7...The thing is stuck to your desktop, therefore there is absolutely no way you can ignore it. Helps you stay motivated too...

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  • Profile picture of the author phoebeida
    Using sticky notes also worked for me, instead of writing my daily tasks, I use it to record the things needed to be done for the whole day.
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  • Profile picture of the author TonyBabb
    I use hitask.com for my normal day to day tasks. I also use toodledo.com for my more advanced projects.
    Both have mobile apps available as well.
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  • Profile picture of the author kayebee
    I found a few websites that could be helpful in your search of To-Do List Programs. Hope this helps ya...

    Tadalist (Looks pretty simple, easy to manage and free )
    Keepshare (They have templates there and you can sign up free.)
    RemembertheMilk (cool name, lol. I really like this site. It looks cool and you can use the program on various platforms, phone, e-mail, net, etc.)
    Printable To-do List (you can print to do list on their site. They have 45 templates there.)
    Wippee (another option...)

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  • Profile picture of the author shaynjordan
    I use Evernote and now that I read this, I have sticky notes everywhere LOL. Thanks guys
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    "Insanity is doing the same thing over and over again and expecting a different result." - Albert Einstein
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  • Profile picture of the author JSProjects
    The classic "Notepad.exe" of course.
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  • Profile picture of the author AbeArceo
    As much as i try to use computer programs for this i have found that the most reliable for me has been a dry erase board in my office!

    I write down goals for the week and long/short term projects, and then write down the tasks for the day in red.

    I hve been testing out Informant and Astrid on our android phones and tablets and they are both working out pretty well. I will keep using them but i really like using thw dry erase board!
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  • Profile picture of the author Seo Mall
    Oh, I like To-Do lists too! But nothing compares to paper and pen) I really get so much pleasure crossing out points that I have done!
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  • Profile picture of the author Jerome15
    i post to my personal website and do it as password protected
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  • Profile picture of the author Trevor M
    I'm also a Sticky Notes fan. It's awesome because they're always in front of you and your forced to take notice of them.

    Couldn't forget something you need to do even if you tried.


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  • Profile picture of the author Victoralexon
    Awesome suggestions everyone.

    Thank you very much!
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  • Profile picture of the author Michael Mayhew
    I use Stickies, ToDoList, & Rainlender off this list. Love Rainlender. Put my top 4 priorities for the day.
    Free To-Do and Reminders Freeware downloads and reviews from SnapFiles

    IMO Partnership. A National Insurance Marketing Alliance.

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  • Profile picture of the author unknowncat
    evernote for some things, voo2do for ongoing projects, paper for 'todo list of the day',

    but from this thread i think i've discovered toodledo to be more features than voo2do.

    might end up switching! especially now that I'm rocking the android.

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