True or not.Subliminal power software.

73 replies
Hi.I just want to know if someone is using this subliminal power sofrware.
Let me tel you a bit for myself.I used to work from 8 to 5 almost as 9-5 rat race on a building site as labour for 7£ph.if someone lives in london knows that is not enough money at all.I fed up with it and started looking for ways to make some extra cash.i decided to start with ebay.i had 300£ to invest and start buying and selling.1 year later iam making good money with amazon .3months ago i was already fed up with packing ordering sending items.i wanted to start something new.
i bought 5-6 books about IM and making money online read them as well as lot of articles posts forums etc and started working on it Not results so far .i tested many metods but only got 1 sale so far.I would never give up and keep buying educational stuff.
1 month ago while reading book i found that subliminal power i it.bought it for around 40$ and programed it `I make 10000£ a month`
this message appears every 3 seconds on my screen almost invisible but as i know visible for your mind .i dont know .i dont beleive in such things but this month i have made 10400£ from amazon not only profit but still huge for me.i usualy made around 7000£.
I think of setting it up to make money from IM thats what i wanted.if i start earning good profit from im i will definitely beleive it works.
I will post after 1-2 months
#notsubliminal #power #software #true
  • Profile picture of the author GatoFelix
    That sounds awesome. I have also used the Subliminal Power software in the past, and after reading your post I think I will start using it again. I am a firm believer that a person can reprogram the mind.
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  • Profile picture of the author Ninja Ana
    Really? how do you have any links? very interesting.
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    • Profile picture of the author GatoFelix
      I bought mine on this website


      Originally Posted by Ninja Ana View Post

      Really? how do you have any links? very interesting.
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  • Profile picture of the author IMLearningIM
    I use subliminal power software and yes, it works.
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  • Profile picture of the author Sony Baby
    The whole concept of being conditioned by society and having baggage from our past seems to be something we all are afflicted by.

    Reprogramming your mind would then be breaking free of external input and guiding your unconscious mind towards what your conscious mind (or soul in some cases) wants or believes it wants.
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    • Profile picture of the author BizInsiderClub
      Very interesting .....

      Any links for further investigation or should I just google it
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  • Profile picture of the author BeverlyHills
    Does this software harm one's PC in any way? I remember reading somewhere on the net about someone saying his laptop's motherboard crashed a couple of months after using this software.
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    • Profile picture of the author ares1980
      It doesnt harm your computer.Since my last post i kept using it and still fixed to show message i make 10000£ a month.The things happened quite normal for me as i kept selling but my turnover was around 12-13000£ a month not the profit..Its quite strange if this thing can change your life.I am about to push it to max.I will fix it at something what i dont believe it can happen.Lets say 250k a year.I will update as soon as i make 250k ))
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      • Profile picture of the author colinward
        I invested in the software around 1 month ago and i think it works very well.

        I am using the software to help me have better focus on what i am doing and i have noticed my focus has improved at least 10x.

        I would definitely recommend getting it if you are interested. You can program in whatever messages you want to be bombarded with or just use the very good ones already in the system.
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  • Profile picture of the author filipe2015
    Any updates about u guys using this subliminal program?
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    • Profile picture of the author chriz
      I make my own subliminals. I studied the works of dr Eldon Taylor into Subliminals Technology and then I started making my own subliminals.

      dr Eldon Taylor researched subliminals messaging / programming for more than 20 years. He talks about Neuroplasty which is molding your brain to make new positive connections. He used testgroups, prisoners, psychiatric patiens, normal people and placebo groups.

      In his research he found that it takes a minimum of 21 days to change a limiting belief into a posititive belief. However he states that it is best practice to listen to the same subliminals between 30 - 90 days to completely install a new beliefd. When you've had a limiting belief or fear for more than 20 or 30 years, which is negative programming than 30 to 90 days of counteracting this with positive affirmations is relatively short period.

      Most people can't keep it up and this separates the succesful from the unsucces. The succesful keep visualizing their goals and after the 30 to 90 days they have created new postitive neural pathway that opens them up for possibilities they never saw before. They were blocked from seeing the possiblities. So key is to keep going an visualizing this will mold your brain in a positive way. This is now backupped by science. I have contact with a dr. at the university who is writing a thesis about this. Really cool stuff what he has gained insights too.
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      • Profile picture of the author Sylonious
        Ares1980, What about your settings?

        "Display for:"? I have mine set to 10 ms.

        Originally Posted by chriz View Post

        Most people can't keep it up and this separates the succesful from the unsucces. The succesful keep visualizing their goals and after the 30 to 90 days they have created new postitive neural pathway that opens them up for possibilities they never saw before. They were blocked from seeing the possiblities. So key is to keep going an visualizing this will mold your brain in a positive way. This is now backupped by science. I have contact with a dr. at the university who is writing a thesis about this. Really cool stuff what he has gained insights too.
        That's true. I have both Subliminal tapes, software, and anything else related to programming the subconscious mind and I never seem to stick to it long enough. That's why the software is so good. You forget it's there after a while.

        I would also like some links and the name of the doctor who is doing this study.

        Originally Posted by ares1980 View Post

        I have even heard and read on internet that some big companies and Tv chanels use the subliminal messages in their adverts which appear on your tv every time the advert is shown
        It's illegal. FCC will revoke your broadcast license.
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        • Profile picture of the author ares1980
          What do you mean by 10ms .You mean 10mln or else?My first set up when i bought it was 'i make 10000£ a month.'
          Originally Posted by Sylonious View Post

          Ares1980, What about your settings?

          "Display for:"? I have mine set to 10 ms.

          That's true. I have both Subliminal tapes, software, and anything else related to programming the subconscious mind and I never seem to stick to it long enough. That's why the software is so good. You forget it's there after a while.

          I would also like some links and the name of the doctor who is doing this study.

          It's illegal. FCC will revoke your broadcast license.
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          • Profile picture of the author Sylonious
            Originally Posted by ares1980 View Post

            What do you mean by 10ms .You mean 10mln or else?My first set up when i bought it was 'i make 10000£ a month.'
            10 milliseconds, as in how long the words flash on screen.
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            • Profile picture of the author ares1980
              I set it up to appear every 2 seconds and with 100milliseconds.Its quite lot but it doesnt bother me at all

              Originally Posted by Sylonious View Post

              10 milliseconds, as in how long the words flash on screen.
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              • Profile picture of the author Sylonious
                Originally Posted by ares1980 View Post

                I set it up to appear every 2 seconds and with 100milliseconds.Its quite lot but it doesnt bother me at all
                Thanks, I have some old software that recommends 10 milliseconds for "subliminal programming". Currently I'm running it at 30 milliseconds, but I will try it at 80 milliseconds now and see how things go.
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  • Profile picture of the author ares1980
    I have even heard and read on internet that some big companies and Tv chanels use the subliminal messages in their adverts which appear on your tv every time the advert is shown
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    • Profile picture of the author Freedom Media
      Ok, just picked this Subliminal Power software up.
      Pretty simple and straight forward -
      What I really like about this is it just runs without me
      having to consciously do anything.
      I have a lot of tapes, cd', mp3's, etc....
      But I have to actively remember and take time to listen to them.
      This way I'm getting the subconscious work done (in theory)
      without working at it.
      We'll see how this works, I've just started with the pre-programmed
      messages so far.
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      Re-Engineer Your Life Now!
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  • Profile picture of the author ares1980
    Yes ,you dont have to do anything but using your computer as usual and turn on the software to show the remembered message .Even i have set it up to show the message every 2 seconds quite fast so i am not even able to see it when it appears on the screen.
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  • Profile picture of the author randellz
    Personally i think it works, not sure about all software but many do work. When i was doing my spiritual healers course a while back we learnt quite a bit about this subject and many things lead me to believe it's quite powerful.
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    • Profile picture of the author Freedom Media
      Would love to find or possibly create a software that did the same thing as Subliminal Power but with pictures, preferably pics you would load.
      Kind of like a vision board in motion flashing for just split seconds - may be more powerful than words, we do think in pictures after all.
      I do believe the more you consciously direct the focus of your mind the more of a directors role you get to play in your universe magnetically pulling the scenes you want towards you. Kind of uncanny, almost creepy how well it works sometimes.
      From Starting Over to Self Reliance
      Break Free of Corporate Hell
      Get the Bank Off Your Back and
      Give Big Brother the Finger!

      Re-Engineer Your Life Now!
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      • Profile picture of the author Sylonious
        Originally Posted by Freedom Media View Post

        Would love to find or possibly create a software that did the same thing as Subliminal Power but with pictures, preferably pics you would load.
        Kind of like a vision board in motion flashing for just split seconds - may be more powerful than words, we do think in pictures after all.
        I do believe the more you consciously direct the focus of your mind the more of a directors role you get to play in your universe magnetically pulling the scenes you want towards you. Kind of uncanny, almost creepy how well it works sometimes.
        Subliminal Images - Reprogram Your Subconscious For Total Success

        You can load your own images with that software.
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  • Nice thread, ares1980. Here's a testimonial from Mark Anastasi:

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    • Profile picture of the author ares1980
      Thanks mate.Actually i found out about the subliminal software in mark anastasi book.

      Originally Posted by Alfonso_Montenegro View Post

      Nice thread, ares1980. Here's a testimonial from Mark Anastasi:

      Subliminal Power Software - YouTube
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  • Profile picture of the author ares1980
    Anyway i would use any sort of power in order not to be part of the rat race and 9-5 job.I havent worked for 3 years but in home and wish every one do the same
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  • Profile picture of the author TheOcarlsen
    According to the studies I've read. Subliminal messages work, but not if you are aware of them (or aware that they will come to you outside conscious focus point). You can't fool your own brain, you can only fool others.

    Redesigning your own mind is about reconstructing neurological pathways and connections between brain cells (patterns), not about changing the stimuli they have to process (subliminal messages as one example).
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    • Profile picture of the author ares1980
      I spend almost 5-6 hours a day on the computer even more.Iam only aware of the message once i turn on the software .after that i usually forget about it.
      If you repeat to yourself every day for instance 'Iam happy and healthy' and if you believe in that and visualize it every day even if you are not happy everything will change after that.Or if you imagine and visualize that you are rich or have enough money even if not you will find the way to make some.I think Thats the way it works.

      Originally Posted by TheOcarlsen View Post

      According to the studies I've read. Subliminal messages work, but not if you are aware of them (or aware that they will come to you outside conscious focus point). You can't fool your own brain, you can only fool others.

      Redesigning your own mind is about reconstructing neurological pathways and connections between brain cells (patterns), not about changing the stimuli they have to process (subliminal messages as one example).
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      • Profile picture of the author TheOcarlsen
        Originally Posted by ares1980 View Post

        I spend almost 5-6 hours a day on the computer even more.Iam only aware of the message once i turn on the software .after that i usually forget about it.
        If you repeat to yourself every day for instance 'Iam happy and healthy' and if you believe in that and visualize it every day even if you are not happy everything will change after that.Or if you imagine and visualize that you are rich or have enough money even if not you will find the way to make some.I think Thats the way it works.
        With that logic in mind, would anything happen if you repeated: "I am a rabbit, I am a rabbit" or something of that sort? Would it feel natural to stop eating meat after a while?

        I do believe that you can become more energetic and hopeful from these kind of mental activities, belief can be very powerful and can produce strong momentary highs, I just doubt the long-term effects.

        Recommend reading this: Positive Self-Statements
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        • Profile picture of the author JoyfulLadyJ
          Thanks for the link to the research. I've actually cited that research in some of my books.

          It isn't that those who need it the most don't benefit, it is that they try to leap too far too fast.

          Affirmations only work as long as the mind isn't creating backlash in response to them.

          Someone who is worried about paying the rent or eating can't affirm "I am rich" without getting backlash from their own mind.

          They might be able to affirm "I am finding ways to make my life easier and learning more that will help me thrive all the time" without backlash.

          If that one is still too much they can affirm, "There are people whose lives were once as rough as mine who achieved what I want to achieve." Since this one is factual if they're still receiving backlash they can learn more about people who were once broke and did well. Some examples include the founder of KFC (Harlan Sanders), the founder of Hershey Chocolate, the author of Harry Potter, Oprah, and many more. Most highly successful people experienced failure before success. When that fact becomes understood this affirmation shouldn't get backlash.

          If it does then working on being a good enough person to deserve success may be more productive. I've found the best way to do that is to see everyone worthy of a good life, not attempting to make yourself better than others. "Life is supposed to be good for everyone, including me."

          Basically, if an affirmation creates backlash scale it back. Even baby steps can take you far if you just keep stepping forward.

          Jeanine Joy Human Thriving (stress reduction, employee engagement, resilience):

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    • Profile picture of the author DJL
      If what you say is true, then it seems that installing and using such software on my own computer would be futile, since I would know it is there.
      Originally Posted by TheOcarlsen View Post

      According to the studies I've read. Subliminal messages work, but not if you are aware of them (or aware that they will come to you outside conscious focus point). You can't fool your own brain, you can only fool others.

      Redesigning your own mind is about reconstructing neurological pathways and connections between brain cells (patterns), not about changing the stimuli they have to process (subliminal messages as one example).

      None are more hopelessly enslaved than those who falsely believe they are free.
      --Johann Wolfgang von Goethe, Elective Affinities (1809)

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      • Profile picture of the author TheOcarlsen
        Originally Posted by DJL View Post

        If what you say is true, then it seems that installing and using such software on my own computer would be futile, since I would know it is there.
        We see subliminals pretty much all the time anyway. Its shapes, forms, patterns, alikeness etc. that is found by the subconscious but do not reach our awareness. As one example, subconscious brain processes might locate strong patterns of some sexual reference and suddenly give you "an urge" as preparation for a possible upcoming events. When this happen, and as a result of the urge, you might seek more sexual impressions consciously and thereby continue the process (up to arousal). The same thing could happen with food etc.

        The point is, if you know that you caused the strong pattern to exist in the first place, there do not exist possible upcoming events.

        That being said, these kind of activities can work wonders indirectly. If you believe they have an empowering effect on you, you might end up doing things or take chances that you normally would not. But the activity isnt the cause of the effect. The cause is the belief that it does something to you.
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        • Profile picture of the author opiniones
          I have been using mindzoom for I think almost 2 years now and can testify that my life has changed because of it.

          I have used mindzoom to overcome shyness, become more confident, be more social and have more friends, become more attractive to women. I have used it for pretty much all things self development and happiness related. Not really focused on money with it.

          I have achieved all that and more through the use of mindzoom (type it in google).

          I know everyone here is talking about subliminal power which was the first software I had AND GOT A REFUND so I could buy mindzoom.

          Mindzoom not only does what subliminal power does but more. It lets you create your own subliminal mp3s which many sites charge money for.

          Subliminal power only gives you flashing affirmations on your computer screen, mindzoom does that and gives you silent subliminals + ability to make subliminal mp3s.

          If anyone has any questions i'll be happy to answer by pm. In conclusion yes do buy a subliminal software programs they work, studies prove affirmations work. The best program out there is mindzoom it gives you more for your money and does more than any other program (and i read into all the subliminal programs out there). I have used it to change my life for the better and I use it every day (using it right now actually)

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  • Profile picture of the author smodha
    I use Subliminal Power (as recommended by Mark Anastasi). I bought it because I wanted to review it on my sales blog.

    Here's my experience of it:

    * Don't expect it to turn you into an IM don overnight. That takes hard work, dedication and practise. However...

    * It helps to eliminate procrastination, laziness, and that little voice in your head (ego) that keeps doubting you. Basically, you can pretty much eliminate all the bad habits and poor conditioning you have developed throughout your life.
    I Sell What People Want. The Money Is A Bonus..
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    • Profile picture of the author Freedom Media
      Subliminal Power...looking back at my post, I picked this up on 2-6-13, 20 days ago.
      I have to say, I think this actually works.
      I've noticed that I stay on task much more naturally.
      I also gravitate much more naturally to doing what is on my list to do without having to force myself.
      I've had these weird thoughts "like wow I can't believe I just dropped everything I was doing to do what was most important to my goals and I should have been doing in the first place - with no thought or mental argument - Very Cool
      From Starting Over to Self Reliance
      Break Free of Corporate Hell
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      Give Big Brother the Finger!

      Re-Engineer Your Life Now!
      {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[7763679].message }}
      • Profile picture of the author ckdaro
        I think subliminal power software can help guide your actions a bit and your thought process. Congrats on making 10 grand a month off of it, though
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  • Profile picture of the author Mister Natural
    Body Building MS | Self Hypnosis Subliminal Persuasion | Potentials Unlimited
    I played this every night for at least 30 days then never stopped. And without thinking about it and no effort,, I awoke every day at 5 am, traveled to a gym and worked out every day for 90 minutes
    for over a year.

    Not internet marketing but I achieved amazing results without difficulty and, my personal determination and focus never faltered.

    So from me,,,, YES it works.

    In THEORY ONLY,,,,, with this PC software,,,
    we could install this on a girlfriend's computer with the appropriate romantic affirmations,
    and Super Charge our sex lives ?
    Sneaky huh ?
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  • Profile picture of the author maz1207
    Hi, subliminal power 2 (latest version) is live and at a discounted price with a coupon code of: DJ8374SNBDS

    This is not affiliated links and the launch offer price is valid for March 14th 2013 only.

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  • Profile picture of the author ShiftAgent
    Has anyone found a FREE version for MAC?
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  • Profile picture of the author workdfitness
    I have the software myself and have not really noticed any changes. It runs all day on my computer and my eye barely sees it. I guess it works though so I just keep it running. I might be someone that it just takes longer for this stuff to do anything. All I know is year of being programmed a certain way takes time to reprogram so you think successful thoughts. There are many youtube videos like this. Does anyone recommend any of these. I just came across one that is an hour long and it just flashes money for the whole time. I guess after an hour your mind will be thinking about money all the time. What you think about most of the time is what will manifest into your life right. I think I might try the money thing. They say to do it twice a day. Morning and night. If anyone knows of any shorter videos please let me know.
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  • Profile picture of the author TerryX
    It all starts in the mind, there is such an advantage to programming it.
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  • Profile picture of the author bobcath
    This is an interesting discussion. I do believe that subliminal messages can have an influence on our behavior. There is a correlation between beliefs, attitudes and behavior. If you can change 2 then the 3rd will often follow, this is a protective mechanism to reduce cognitive dissonance, i.e our realization that our behavior is in contrast to our beliefs and attitude. So for example regarding stopping smoking, if we truly believe that it is harmful and our attitude to it is negative then the behaviour of 'stopping' will be so much easier. Someone earlier in the thread suggested the incoming stimuli do not change our pre programmed neuron structures. This is not true, for example if we believed the earth was flat and watched a ship leave the horizon we would panic and most likely be anxious. Someone with different beliefs witnessing the same event would be calm and in control. Our eyes process incoming stimuli and what we read will have an effect on our beliefs. Where I do agree with he early poster is that you do need to believe that subliminal messages can make a change, if you don't then they probably wont! So there is some degree of placebo, but in my opinion if it works for some then it works, full stop!
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  • Profile picture of the author jimmy55419
    nice info.
    thanks for giving such a impressive knowledge.
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  • Profile picture of the author dreamgirl21
    It sounds very interesting. I am always looking for ways for positive thinking.
    Is it like subliminal messages?

    Please do not use affiliate or MLM links.

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    • Profile picture of the author pos
      I'm using subliminal messages software for last few months and I got very good results. I improved my habits, I even quit my job and start my own business. The best is to try by yourself, you can download this one completely free (it's very user friendly): Subliminal Messages - Free Software | Mind of a Winner
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      • Profile picture of the author RichBeck
        Originally Posted by pos View Post

        I'm using subliminal messages software for last few months and I got very good results. I improved my habits, I even quit my job and start my own business. The best is to try by yourself, you can download this one completely free (it's very user friendly): Subliminal Messages - Free Software | Mind of a Winner

        I've been using this software for a few weeks.....

        I love it....

        You can add pictures and custom text!

        An excellent find!


        Rich Beck BCIP, MCSD, MCIS
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        • Profile picture of the author heavysm
          Playing around with this subliminal software a bit more (i own mindzoom, brainbullet and thinkrightnow) and there are ways to tweak the affirmations to get the most out of them.

          Right now in mindzoom i have my affirmations pumping at 2 per second at 10 milliseconds. That's subconscious reprogramming, going from downward upward (subconscious to conscious).

          Now i have recorded my affirmations as questions that presuppose that I have whatever the goal is.

          So "I am always productive and working toward my goals"


          "Why am I always productive and working toward my goals?"

          The question is voice recorded and played on a loop for about 2 hours each day, 1 hour twice daily.

          Then I make sure to work on my computer for about 3 - 4 hours minimum to get the full effect of my affirmations.

          Doing this for like 10 days so far consistently I have noticed a tremendous effect in attracting ideal circumstances and situations where i simply win out. (they say it takes 30 days consistent use to get the full blast of effect - if you fail to do it consistently you have to restart).

          So I think more people should get on this stuff and start using it consistently. Let it rewire your brain for the better
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          • Profile picture of the author snginc
            Now this is an interesting way of doing it. I'm going to have to try this out for myself! (I own mindzoom, subliminal power 1 and 2 and a couple of other subliminal software products)

            Originally Posted by heavysm View Post

            Playing around with this subliminal software a bit more (i own mindzoom, brainbullet and thinkrightnow) and there are ways to tweak the affirmations to get the most out of them.

            Right now in mindzoom i have my affirmations pumping at 2 per second at 10 milliseconds. That's subconscious reprogramming, going from downward upward (subconscious to conscious).

            Now i have recorded my affirmations as questions that presuppose that I have whatever the goal is.

            So "I am always productive and working toward my goals"


            "Why am I always productive and working toward my goals?"

            The question is voice recorded and played on a loop for about 2 hours each day, 1 hour twice daily.

            Then I make sure to work on my computer for about 3 - 4 hours minimum to get the full effect of my affirmations.

            Doing this for like 10 days so far consistently I have noticed a tremendous effect in attracting ideal circumstances and situations where i simply win out. (they say it takes 30 days consistent use to get the full blast of effect - if you fail to do it consistently you have to restart).

            So I think more people should get on this stuff and start using it consistently. Let it rewire your brain for the better
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  • Profile picture of the author snginc
    I have subliminal power and mindzoom. I prefer mindzoom because of the fact that it also does subliminal audios as well.
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  • Profile picture of the author melvinsh
    Anyone who has a ipad can download the subliminal browser, can display as many messages as you like and also change how quickly they show.
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    • Profile picture of the author owen2012
      I 100% believe programming the subconscious mind works, been listening to bob proctor lately and my sales seem to be increasing over the last few weeks.

      I did use the software a few years ago but for forgot to install it again when I got a new computer. Also check out 528Hz on youtube, I have tuned my guitar to this frequency. The tone is amazing.
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  • Profile picture of the author Matt Harrison
    I have been doing a lot of affirmations lately, and listening to subliminal audio recordings containing positive messages, as well as "mind movies" for self-confidence and other topics. Since I have been struggling a lot lately with negative thoughts and emotions, I have found that taking time daily for "re-programming" has made a big difference on my outlook.
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  • Profile picture of the author artyonline
    Hi all,

    I have just started using a soft called My desktop therapy.

    I will keep you posted with the effects. I am using it for relaxing and positive energy purposes.

    Cross my fingers
    {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[9024078].message }}
    • Profile picture of the author tonga07
      Originally Posted by artyonline View Post

      Hi all,

      I have just started using a soft called My desktop therapy.

      I will keep you posted with the effects. I am using it for relaxing and positive energy purposes.

      Cross my fingers

      What that product?
      How much price?
      Join High Payout Affiliate Program Finance.
      Earn 3% of total investment amount. Click Here
      {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[11007388].message }}
    • Profile picture of the author Kay King
      What that product?
      How much price?
      He gave the name of the product in the post - in 2014. The person who started this thread has not logged in since 2014.
      Saving one dog will not change the world - but the world changes forever for that one dog
      One secret to happiness is to let every situation be
      what it is instead of what you think it should be.
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  • Profile picture of the author Moneymaker2012
    Have heard alot about it, think I should give it a try.
    If it can relax and increase mind stability then it's a good gift.
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    • Profile picture of the author Tony Laroche
      Originally Posted by Moneymaker2012 View Post

      Have heard alot about it, think I should give it a try.
      If it can relax and increase mind stability then it's a good gift.
      Yes, it's very effective. Hypnosis helps reach a relaxed state, making it possible to sink deeper into our minds and reprogram our subconscious. It reduces stress and leaves the mind open to new ideas.

      Try it and you'll see the difference.
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  • Profile picture of the author Rainmak3r
    Eh, why not.. seeing as I came across this subject exactly a month into using subliminals from the most powerful underground network around..

    Subliminal Shop | Catalog

    Check out testimonials and user journals on their forum here:
    Subliminal Shop Forums

    This is without a doubt, the Warriorforum of subliminals mp3s.

    Good luck..
    {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[10263423].message }}
  • Profile picture of the author Master Blake
    Try your favorite hypnosis when you're emotionally aroused. This very moment, vibrations are high.
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  • Profile picture of the author sobbycv
    I always used to wonder about these

    nice to know many people are having success

    but just to know

    how much do you have to use it ??

    how many hours how many days ??
    {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[10893832].message }}
    • Profile picture of the author snginc
      This is just like asking how much money will you make online. The answer to both: IT DEPENDS

      Subliminal programs are meant to run in the background on your computer so the more you are on your computer the more exposure you get. Also it depends on the habits you are trying to replace. If you have a negative habit that you have been using for 30 years such as smoking, its not going to change over night. How long? That depends on you! For example if you are in a negative mindset while you are using your computer that compounds the problem so it will take longer to change the habit to your desired outcome.

      I run mine whenever I am on my computer.

      Also preferably work on 1 issue at a time. Once you have achieved the outcome you want, work on another issue.


      Originally Posted by sobbycv View Post

      I always used to wonder about these

      nice to know many people are having success

      but just to know

      how much do you have to use it ??

      how many hours how many days ??
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  • Profile picture of the author Yusei Imafuku
    Mainly I use CM's hypnosis recordings because they are subliminally registered blue moon, I started believing that I'm a confident dynamo who stops at nothing...without actually being aware of it. And up to this day...

    I stop at nothing
    {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[10910940].message }}
    • Profile picture of the author Just Jess
      Originally Posted by Yusei Imafuku View Post

      Mainly I use CM's hypnosis recordings because they are subliminally registered blue moon, I started believing that I'm a confident dynamo who stops at nothing...without actually being aware of it. And up to this day...

      I stop at nothing
      Sure enough but there's still the metaphysical element. Some of the inductions compel the mind to go even deeper and trump limiting beliefs. Then you'll find the exodus to paths that cling to the supernatural.
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  • Profile picture of the author MeelisM
    Ofcourse it works.

    It affects your subconscious mind.

    Your beliefs and thoughts are controlled by subconscious mind.

    The reality around you is controlled by your thoughts.

    So ofcourse it works.

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  • Come on, I think the only reason would want to believe in how "significant the effect" of subliminal messaging is, it's because it's easy. Here is a free link on real workable plans to improve your life: ""
    {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[10912232].message }}
  • Profile picture of the author Tony Laroche
    I can tell you from experience that hypnosis works amazingly well and is life-transforming when done right. I have used it extensively and successfully in the dating niche. A certified hypnotherapist can help get rid of the smoking habit, stress, anxiety, and it works wonders with increasing confidence and self-esteem.
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  • Profile picture of the author Jack Slayton
    I think hypnosis is a very effective method *if* done right.

    Subliminal programs? Not so much.
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  • Profile picture of the author Master Blake
    Hypnosis is subliminal anyway because it bypasses the logical thinking process.

    Then everything is stored within and you begin to have new tendencies, or form new habits that will long serve you.

    So, it works.
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    • Profile picture of the author garyk1968
      Originally Posted by Master Blake View Post

      Hypnosis is subliminal anyway because it bypasses the logical thinking process.

      Then everything is stored within and you begin to have new tendencies, or form new habits that will long serve you.

      So, it works.
      Agreed but I think thats why the messaging (sublimnal) apps mentioned here *wont* work as they are flashing messages that are initially seen by your conscious mind and if you do not 100% believe the message it will not work, you cannot fool yourself.

      You have to bypass the critical factor, the logical thinking brain and then plant suggestions.
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  • Profile picture of the author Just Jess
    If you want to upgrade yourself in all areas and witness dramatic transformation then you'd better swarm into hypnosis with both feet. Me? Never looked back.

    I manifested untold things down the track (with a bit of perseverance).
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  • Profile picture of the author JimmyGraham
    Ive been using subliminal software as well as audio hypnosis programming for 30 years.
    Swear by it and built 6 figure businesses using it.


    It's assumed that you create 65,000 to 70,000+ thoughts per day
    (not sure how "they" came up with that number, but I digress...)

    The bottom line is, if you focus on what you think about, you will be focusing your mind on SPECIFIC THOUGHTS" and therefor you are programming your subconscious to CREATE SPECIFIC REALITIES.

    The MOST IMPORTANT THING is that these programs are not some magic "trick" that creates miracles...

    Your mind is the hardrive... the programs/mindtools are the software

    Subliminal programming & audio hypnosis programs are the tools that are designed to program your mind to get focused on your goals which programs your subconscious to point you in the right direction. :-)
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  • Profile picture of the author write27
    As far as I know, there are no studies that definitively show that subliminal software or audio has any effect other than a placebo effect. But hey, even if it's a placebo, if it works for you, more power to ya.
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