Explained: The Line That Cannot Be Crossed In Selling

1 replies
It is pretty easy to pile on board a sales trend and ride it as long and hard as it’s popular.

It is an altogether different kettle of fish if you are reaching out to the buyer with what you “think he wants”. It becomes a hit and miss proposition, mostly miss, when the buyer’s most basic desires and motivations are not taken into consideration and the sale targeted accordingly.

This is a seductively easy point to get wrong. Often we get so excited and self motivated when finding a product or service we can offer because “we” think it is so cool it would have to have wide customer appeal. This is a wrong headed assumption.

Nothing can be further from the truth of how things actually are. By pinpointing the targeted sales group’s core motivation and desire and appealing to them with your best work in test mode first, the line that cannot be crossed in selling will vanish.

When the prospect is rooted in the idea that you are his ally and are there to help him obtain his heart’s desire, why would he ever resent your suggestion that he take advantage of it, no matter the media it which it is presented.
#crossed #explained #line #selling
  • Profile picture of the author Rsherwood
    Thanks lasting life,

    I have even bookmarked this post for future reference. I am one of those people that gets excited and will lead to promoting a product I think is awesome yet other people may not.

    Its a good reminder to everyone to not jump the gun and have a well planned out action plan.

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