My Anxiety Chanting
- I wake up everyday at 5
o am while brushing teeth i check email from office and reply them or schedule tasks assigned for me.
- Get ready and leave home by 5:45 and get in to Bus by 6:00 am.
- Travel 90kms and reach college by 9:00am.
- Teach 5 classes and start back to home at 2:00pm.
- Reach home by 5:30 and take a break for 30 minutes.
- Start working on software job up to 12:00am and go to bed.
- While traveling also i use to prepare for teaching or doing programming.
this situation continued for weeks but fortunately i have worked on my own and developed a habit of talking[chanting] to myself[not in public and not loud]. i didn't try to run away from stress and anxiety instead i tried to find out why i am feeling stress and anxiety.
Can't I Think Positively?
I questioned my self why i am thinking too much, and why i am getting negative thoughts and what i can achieve with negative thoughts.i decided to agree that i am under anxiety and stress so i want to lower them.had my time for brainstorm and designed an action plan for my self.
- Try to think positively.
- Instead of thinking about anxiety/stress divert concentration to relax mind and body.
- Decided to plan my tasks wisely so that i can lower stress.
Each day i will include the following in to my day
- A little walk
- A little patience
- A little slowness [One work at one time]
- A little Relaxation
- A Little Chanting [My Anxiety Chanting]
Human brain is not for multitasking never try to live in past or future.i like this quote very much.

Today is a gift.Everyday you are given with 1440 minutes.Are you living at least one minute in peace?
I want to quote my favorite movie dialogues
- (In time movie) We can do a lot in one day
- (sucker punch movie) Who decides why we live and what we'll die to defend? Who chains us? And Who holds the key that can set us free... It's You. You have all the weapons you need. Now Fight!
rory singh TIKTOK