I just QUIT my job to go full time online .... YES !

170 replies
Hey Warriors !

There are many of you I know have followed my journey over the last 8 months both in here and over at my personal blog.

Well as the title of this thread states I have some AMAZING and mega EXCITING news to share ...

....... I just handed in my notice of resignation to quit my job and become a full time internet marketer !!!!!!!

I am buzzing with excitement.. I cant believe Im doing this but heck Im sure as hell gunna make sure I make a success out of my life

Dont get me wrong, Im not making mega amounts of cash right now but next month I launch my first product to the market which I intend to help others get to where I am at so I want to give to those people 110% ...

I guess what I want to say here is ANYONE can do this !

If you are sat thinking perhaps it cant be done... You may think you cant make good money online and live your dreams .... YOU CAN !!

Just 8 months back I had no website, no blog, I didnt even own Aweber to begin building a list.

Today I sit here with a blog that has over 1500 comments, 2 ebooks I wrote myself which have had nearly 1800 downloads and have made around $10,000 online

But most of all at the end of this month I will be my own boss !!!!

I cant emphasise this enough Warriors.... If you want this, and I mean REALLY want this you CAN do it !

What does it take ??

WORK ... WORK ... and more WORK !

This is not get rich quick, it is get rich forever !

Do you think 8 months of consistant regular work is worth it ? To make 1000's online and quit your job ??

I sure as hell do... There were times I felt I couldnt do it but I stuck at it !

YOU can do this my friend, you just gotta work

Best of luck, hope this inspires someone to do what I have done

#job #quit
  • Profile picture of the author Craig McPherson
    Hey Deano,

    Way to go young fella. You have acheived what many of us aspire to.
    You are a great example.
    Congrats mate

    Craig McPherson
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  • Well done man. It takes balls to do what you've done. I took that step few years ago and I was DAMN proud of myself - I am sure you're all puffed up now: you've showed courage and you've jumped off the cliff. Trust me if I say that the majority of the people never get that far.

    Quoting Mark Twain: in 20 years time you'll regret more the things you didn't do, than those you did do and failed... so go give it a shot for Pete's sake! (the last bit is my own).
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  • Profile picture of the author anton343
    To your success Dean

    I am working my way towards that goal and will be with you by the end of the year

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  • Profile picture of the author AtomicFlipper
    Well done, hope you have all the success you deserve mate. Work is the only way you can make it in this market, if you want to stay in it for the long term anyway.
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  • Profile picture of the author ShellySamuel
    well done mate
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  • Profile picture of the author dean_holland
    Thanks a lot guys !!

    Look... something I didnt mention in my post first time round...

    I am SCARED as hell, Im taking a HUGE risk BUT ...

    I have faith in what I am doing... If I didnt then I shouldnt be here right ??!!

    My excitement however for doing this FAR exceeds my being scared... I guess its natural to feel this way when you step so far out of your comfort zone.

    I just hate to see people talk about giving it up or saying it cant be done... PLEASE take big note of what I have done here ... YOU can do this, ask anyone that has done it and Im sure they will say the same

    Thank you once again for your great comments, means a lot to me !

    Follow My Journey To Online Success > www.DeanHolland.com
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    • Profile picture of the author traces2757
      Originally Posted by dean_holland View Post

      Thanks a lot guys !!

      Look... something I didnt mention in my post first time round...

      I am SCARED as hell, Im taking a HUGE risk BUT ...

      I have faith in what I am doing... If I didnt then I shouldnt be here right ??!!

      My excitement however for doing this FAR exceeds my being scared... I guess its natural to feel this way when you step so far out of your comfort zone.

      I just hate to see people talk about giving it up or saying it cant be done... PLEASE take big note of what I have done here ... YOU can do this, ask anyone that has done it and Im sure they will say the same

      Thank you once again for your great comments, means a lot to me !

      Think about it this way, Dean: Working outside the home for someone else, is that any less scary? In today's economy--or heck, in any economy--is it any less frightening to put your financial security in the hands of an outside company who will only keep you around as long as you can help make them money?

      Now you will be in charge of your financial security and your financial future. You. You are now running a business where you and anyone you might be supporting are the most important factor.

      When you look at it that way, it makes you feel a little more confident and little more secure, doesn't it?
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    • Profile picture of the author John Romaine
      Originally Posted by dean_holland View Post

      Thanks a lot guys !!

      Look... something I didnt mention in my post first time round...

      I am SCARED as hell, Im taking a HUGE risk BUT ...

      I have faith in what I am doing... If I didnt then I shouldnt be here right ??!!

      My excitement however for doing this FAR exceeds my being scared... I guess its natural to feel this way when you step so far out of your comfort zone.

      I just hate to see people talk about giving it up or saying it cant be done... PLEASE take big note of what I have done here ... YOU can do this, ask anyone that has done it and Im sure they will say the same

      Thank you once again for your great comments, means a lot to me !

      Dude, awesome! Big ups!

      I too recall having days where I would crap my dacks thinking .."what the hell have I done..? (I quit a high paying government job) Remember these moments will be inevitable. Use these moments as a reminder to stay focused and that it sure beats sitting at a desk punching numbers for the "man".

      High five bro!

      BS free SEO services, training and advice - SEO Point

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    • Profile picture of the author chrisg120
      Originally Posted by dean_holland View Post

      Thanks a lot guys !!

      Look... something I didnt mention in my post first time round...

      I am SCARED as hell, Im taking a HUGE risk BUT ...

      I have faith in what I am doing... If I didnt then I shouldnt be here right ??!!

      My excitement however for doing this FAR exceeds my being scared... I guess its natural to feel this way when you step so far out of your comfort zone.

      I just hate to see people talk about giving it up or saying it cant be done... PLEASE take big note of what I have done here ... YOU can do this, ask anyone that has done it and Im sure they will say the same

      Thank you once again for your great comments, means a lot to me !

      Thats a goal of many people here. Who do you reccomend as a mentor?
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    • Profile picture of the author MissDarling
      In exactly 8 months I plan to quit my job too! I've been trying to do all sorts of things.

      I just now have come up with a better plan of action. I have a success coach and mentor. I have products. I have lots of motivation because I don't have too many more pennies to put into stuff.

      I will see you up there shortly!!!!!


      East Coast, USA

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      • Profile picture of the author Bart Loos
        Originally Posted by MissDarling View Post

        I have lots of motivation because I don't have too many more pennies to put into stuff.

        What is gonna motivate you when you're up there?

        Have fun

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  • Profile picture of the author Alex Blackburn
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    • Profile picture of the author dean_holland
      Originally Posted by Alex Blackburn View Post

      Thank you Dean,
      You have Definitely inspired me. Someday I hope to follow in your foot steps and Quit my job as well. Its good to see things like this, it helps start that engine that slow winds down. Like you, there are times I feel like I can't do this but I stick with it even when i don't want to. As long as we push each other we can accomplish anything!

      Thanks Alex !!

      Go for it brother... You can make it and you will if you stick at it !!

      Best of luck, give me a shout if I can ever help !

      Follow My Journey To Online Success > www.DeanHolland.com
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      • Profile picture of the author Daniel Viau
        You are huge inspiration to me, Im the guy you were 8 months ago. I havent made a dime online yet but yet im still going at it, sometimes i think im crazy and others think im wasting my time. Until one day...
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  • Profile picture of the author Terry Hatfield
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    • Profile picture of the author Dan Briffa
      Hey hey Deano,

      It's good you finally quit your job now huh bro..

      Now you can join in the late sleep ins lol

      Good luck dog..

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  • Profile picture of the author marcus passey

    Blimey didnt expect you to announce that my friend,but I have been following you since January and you have made so much progress.You have also helped me out and your nice comments have always kept me going.

    You just seem to be able to pick this stuff straight up and seem comfortable in what you do.Well best of luck I know your gonna succeed and one day maybe I will join you.

    All the best Dean


    Watch me finally make money this year now I have a mentor follow my journey at www.marcuspassey.com

    Are you building a list? get my FREE report on list building CLICK HERE!
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  • Profile picture of the author TLTheLiberator
    Congrats and I'd like to add...

    ...that everyone that is going to quit their job must be damn sure they can create income on demand or have already created some sort of steady income stream to replace their job's income and benefits.

    My advice is to have that steady stream of income at least 6 months in a row before someone quits their job.

    Once again, congrats are in order.

    All The Best To You & Yours!


    "It's easier to fool people than to convince them that they have been fooled. -- Mark Twain

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  • Profile picture of the author Sam Crowley
    Nicely done Dean!
    Life begins now brother. Stay plugged into to people who have blazed the trail before and eliminate all toxic messages.
    Leaving Averageville and heading towards Champion Estates is an awesome journey.


    The #1 Motivational Podcast www.EverydayIsSaturday.com

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  • Profile picture of the author Oscar D
    Well done,

    That is brave, let us know how it turns out.
    -> FindNewDomains - Domain Finding Service WSO - BONUS: Free Domain Name Included!
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  • Profile picture of the author anthony2313
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  • Profile picture of the author nlfast
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    • Profile picture of the author rcm3rd
      Dean that's AWESOME!

      8 months is a really short time for most people
      to be doing it full time .

      I'll post on you blog!

      all the best


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  • Profile picture of the author Kat Fuschillo
    Hi Dean,

    WELL DONE!!! That's so cool.

    Good luck and I hope you never go back to the 9 to 5 grind.

    Kat x

    Need Killer content? Head to -www.KatFuschillo.com

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  • Profile picture of the author Dave Holmes
    Boy thats good to hear, give.s me some hope. Best of luck with your launch.
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  • Profile picture of the author tranquility
    Awesome! You've done what I'm dreaming about ... congrats and keep us posted.
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  • Profile picture of the author Igor Kheifets
    Hey Dean,

    feels great doesn't it? I have went
    full time 4 month ago, and feel no regret.

    I guess it is about focus. 100% focus on your dream business.

    Good Job and Good Luck!

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  • Profile picture of the author charles4
    This is a greaday for you.

    I have been working to get there, hope to join you soon.

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    • Profile picture of the author MrGoogle
      I envy you.
      I still have 9 to 5 job five days a week.
      I hope to post something like this very soon.

      We Love Free Download

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  • Profile picture of the author Olu Joseph
    Good for you Bro,

    Did same thing in 2004. Men, nothing like being your own boss.
    I have met greatmen and women on this journey. I have travelled
    far and near. I have contributed and still contributes my little
    skills and influence to encourage thousands of people across the

    ...All because I Fired my Boss A Few Years Ago...

    Good luck to those who intend to do the same but be ready
    for sleepless nights, confusion, discouragement, fear, doubt,
    failure, rising and falling and finally smiles when you go to
    your bank or cut a cheque for someone and making people
    feel good because of your success.

    Once again goodluck to you fellas.

    Best Part Time Home Based Business Ever!!!

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  • Profile picture of the author bethennyengland
    Congratulations and good luck; owning and doing your business is a full time job compared with easy 9 to 5. However, the best benefit is that you are your own boss. I wish you the best and hope you enjoy this endeavor.
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  • Profile picture of the author dineshtak03
    Hey Man good luck..I also want to do it..but just want to maintain other thing also..

    But I will do it..

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  • Profile picture of the author Roca
    Congratulations Dean. You have shown more courage and determination in 8 months than many people will show in a lifetime. Great decision, and no reason to ever look back.

    Opportunity turns to profit with risk and discipline

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    • Profile picture of the author jbsmith
      Great work Dean, now that you have made the commitment to apply yourself full time watch your business grow!

      The key to getting this far is having "something" drive your desire to grow your income to the point (and beyond) where you need it to be to go full time.

      Most people have not made it a MUST to get to this point in their life.

      Sure, they would LIKE to or really WANT to or WISH they were at this stage, but unless you make it a MUST - it's just not going to happen.

      What is it for you Dean that made it a MUST in your life...what was your big reason why?

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      • Profile picture of the author Tym
        Originally Posted by jbsmith View Post

        Most people have not made it a MUST to get to this point in their life.

        Sure, they would LIKE to or really WANT to or WISH they were at this stage, but unless you make it a MUST - it's just not going to happen.



        You are so right, but what advice would you have for a beginner who has the "WANT TO". I know if you have a big enough reason you will make it happen...

        At this point I have nothing to invest and I am confused as to which niche to get into so developing my own product is out of the question if I don't even know how to promote someone else's. I am willing to put the in the work. Working for me is not the problem for me, but getting the information I need is...

        I am even interested in the offline arena. I just need some direction.
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  • Profile picture of the author Ron Killian
    Congratz Dean! Walking out of the J.O.B. for the last time was one of the best days of my life, will never forget that feeling.

    To your success
    PLR Affiliate Program Has Launched! Easily Promote Over 5,000 PLR and MRR Products.

    Largest Selection of PLR Articles on the Planet! PLR Ebooks, PLR Video, PLR Websites and more with Private Label Rights
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  • Profile picture of the author Tym
    You know Dean I am now where you say you were 8 months ago. No website, no blog, and no way to capture emails...

    There so many things out there right now promising riches and "THE IM LIFE" I have bought course after course to only find one or two helpful nuggets, but these nuggets left me more confused then when I started.

    When I read post like this it gives me hope that it is possible to have a successful IM business.

    Some of us newbie's don't want a hand out... Well, I can only speak for myself. I don't want a hand out I just need a hand up! I have idea after idea but can't always put all the pieces together. I plan to figure it all out! That's for sure.

    I am so happy to read such excitement in your post, your excitement makes me excited!

    Dean, congrats on your success! I know you may not be any where near where you want to be, but I can tell by the faith and confidence you have in your abilities it will not take you long to make "IT" happen!

    Thanks for sharing!
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  • Profile picture of the author Fairlinks
    I appreciate your brave decision and confidence. The very Best of Luck to you!
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  • Profile picture of the author indie08
    This is great news!! It's stuff like this that inspires me. I'm beginning to see results now that I've become more focused.
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  • Profile picture of the author dean_holland
    Thanks again every one !!

    This is 1 big jump but Im confident !! No doubt I will fail but those are the times you come back stronger as you know what went wrong ....

    Anyone can do it with time and work so go for it !! Work towards your dreams as I am doing right now

    Best of luck !

    Follow My Journey To Online Success > www.DeanHolland.com
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  • Profile picture of the author Best Affiliate
    congrats im looking forward to one day being in your shoes as well! Good luck

    I love SEO and Setting up an action plan for new websites!

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  • Profile picture of the author marketinggt
    Rock on dude!

    I have been on my own since 2005 now. Something to keep in focus:

    I call it the 3 L's to success.

    1) Life
    2) Lifestyle
    3) Legacy

    Your first priority is to create a revenue stream that will produce the money to pay the bills. To take care of your life's expenses. Put the blinders on until you hit that goal.

    Then, once you do that, you can now focus on the second L. For many people this means different things. What do you want? Do you want more time off, awesome trips, etc... Go for that goal.

    Then, the third L is about giving back. Making more money than you can ever spend and showering the world with that abundance. That my friend is where the real fun begins!

    Hoped that helps and MASSIVE GOOD LUCK!

    I'm here if you need anything.
    Leverage the Power of Twitter for Success!
    5-Part Twitter Webinar Series - Twitter Blockbuster
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    http://www.Joey-Smith.com - My Power Blog
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    • Profile picture of the author Les Blackwell
      Well done to a fellow Brit. I should be with you in 3-4 months, can't wait.
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    • Profile picture of the author Jesica-inc
      I am so happy for you!

      I can't wait till my turn!
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    • Profile picture of the author dean_holland
      Originally Posted by marketinggt View Post

      Rock on dude!

      I have been on my own since 2005 now. Something to keep in focus:

      I call it the 3 L's to success.

      1) Life
      2) Lifestyle
      3) Legacy

      Your first priority is to create a revenue stream that will produce the money to pay the bills. To take care of your life's expenses. Put the blinders on until you hit that goal.

      Then, once you do that, you can now focus on the second L. For many people this means different things. What do you want? Do you want more time off, awesome trips, etc... Go for that goal.

      Then, the third L is about giving back. Making more money than you can ever spend and showering the world with that abundance. That my friend is where the real fun begins!

      Hoped that helps and MASSIVE GOOD LUCK!

      I'm here if you need anything.

      Thats AWESOME !!

      Thankyou very much for that, its exactly the type of thing I needed to hear !

      Thanks again

      Follow My Journey To Online Success > www.DeanHolland.com
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  • Profile picture of the author fxteam
    Congrats on quitting the "Just Over Broke"
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  • Profile picture of the author zuberr
    Congratulations. I know it feels so great!
    I became a full-time IMer too in Feb this year.
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  • Profile picture of the author Matt Wolfe
    Congratulations. I went full time about 3 weeks ago. I wasn't quite financially prepared to do so but I had other reasons that I had to quit and decided that instead of hunting for another job, I'd put 100% of my focus on my IM business.

    It's a great feeling but really really scary at the same time.
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  • Profile picture of the author Trixxie12
    go on son!
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  • Profile picture of the author GeorgR.
    There is NO (again: NO) way to be a really successful IM and have a full-time job at the same time. It needs 100% dedication, motivation and work. It will pay off, sooner or later, and you will laugh remembering your old 7am-3pm job, usually
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    • Profile picture of the author Richard A.Cox
      Originally Posted by GeorgR. View Post

      There is NO (again: NO) way to be a really successful IM and have a full-time job at the same time. It needs 100% dedication, motivation and work. It will pay off, sooner or later, and you will laugh remembering your old 7am-3pm job, usually
      'Hats off' George.

      All those people who have been saying, 'Don't give up your day job' or
      'wait until you have been equaling your wages for 9-12 months before quitting your job'. It's amazing.

      Just do it. If you hate your job AND your boss then you basically hate your life.

      Whats the point in living like that?

      Better to try and fail than continuing to live your life in misery.

      Go for it.

      He who dares wins.
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      • Profile picture of the author dean_holland
        Originally Posted by Richard A.Cox View Post

        'Hats off' George.

        All those people who have been saying, 'Don't give up your day job' or
        'wait until you have been equaling your wages for 9-12 months before quitting your job'. It's amazing.

        Just do it. If you hate your job AND your boss then you basically hate your life.

        Whats the point in living like that?

        Better to try and fail than continuing to live your life in misery.

        Go for it.

        He who dares wins.

        YES !!!

        Thats exactly what I have done bro !!

        Im sure not everyone would do it but get this.... I have multiple 1000's of debt, I literally have about 6-8 weeks after Im done in my job at the end of this month to make a full time wage or Im in BIG trouble ...

        However I believe in what Im about to do so much that Ive quit my job to do the 1 thing I have so much passion about.... Internet Marketing !

        Thats the life I want, so that is the life I will work for !

        Great comment, thanks !

        Follow My Journey To Online Success > www.DeanHolland.com
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      • Profile picture of the author YseUp
        Originally Posted by Richard A.Cox View Post

        'Hats off' George.

        All those people who have been saying, 'Don't give up your day job' or
        'wait until you have been equaling your wages for 9-12 months before quitting your job'. It's amazing.

        Just do it. If you hate your job AND your boss then you basically hate your life.

        Whats the point in living like that?

        Better to try and fail than continuing to live your life in misery.

        Go for it.

        He who dares wins.
        This is what I'm thinking about doing. In a couple of months I'll have enough money to last me a year withoug any additional income.

        And what have I got to lose? I have no kids, no mortgage, no debt.
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    • Profile picture of the author red-dayton
      Congratulations! Big step, I know that's got to feel great. For me it was quite the opposite situation, got laid off but luckily had enough savings to see us through until I started seeing some affiliate checks rolling in.

      Best of luck to you,

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    • Profile picture of the author T.I.M.
      Wow! I remember months back when you had a goal to go full time IM within a year... Looks like it happened even sooner for you.

      This is truly an inspiration since I seen you from your blogs beginning to now.

      Great work man.

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    • Profile picture of the author Jackbgd
      Congratulations bro!!! It's really amazing to read posts like this, I get inspired
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    • Profile picture of the author RobbiePringle
      It's awesome to hear of your success; and long may it continue so that you can own the life of your dreams;

      that's what we're all here for, to free our lives up,

      well done again,

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    • Profile picture of the author John Durham
      Congrats Dean! You are a champion and an inspiration to all!

      Your proud moment reminds me of this quote from Og Mandino:

      "The career I have chosen is laden with opportunity however fraught with heart break and dispair. The bodies of those who have failed, were they piled atop one another would cast it's shadow down upon all the pyramids of the earth, yet I will not fail as the others...for in my hand I now hold charts that will guide me through perilous waters to shores which only yesterday seemed but a dream...until even the golden apples in the garden of Hesperides will seem as if they are only my 'just' reward"

      You are a true one in a million Champion Dean!


      Wishing you all the continued success in the world!
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  • Profile picture of the author LKKnecht
    Wow! Way to go Dean! Very scary and exciting at the same time! You have a great attitude, I'm sure you'll do great! I'm glad you posted. It's very inspiring to hear that someone is actually making it. keep us updated on your progress.

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  • Profile picture of the author Ken Leatherman
    Congrats Dean,

    You are right in that almost everyone can get to the same position you have.

    However, they have to be willing to put in the work. And you do that by FOCUS, FOCUS, FOCUS AND MORE FOCUS. And until I did that I was only making a part time income. Now I make more money monthly, month in and month out, than I ever made in a 9 to 5 job.

    Several people in this thread have asked how to get there, when they don't have any money to invest in creating their own product. Take the time to discover what you can do and offer that as a service to other marketers and even in the offline world. And by the way stop jumping from one system to another. Find the one you are comfortable with and focus on it. In other words put what you learned to work for you.

    Then grow your business step by step.

    The Old Geezer
    Ghost Writing Services Coming Soon

    So Check Out My WSO
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    • Profile picture of the author Alminc

      It's a great thing to see your burning passion for IM conquer your fears.
      You just jumped your 'salto mortale', may the water of wisdom bear you
      my friend.
      Congratulations and best of luck.
      No links :)
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    • Profile picture of the author dean_holland
      Originally Posted by Ken Leatherman View Post

      Congrats Dean,

      You are right in that almost everyone can get to the same position you have.

      However, they have to be willing to put in the work. And you do that by FOCUS, FOCUS, FOCUS AND MORE FOCUS. And until I did that I was only making a part time income. Now I make more money monthly, month in and month out, than I ever made in a 9 to 5 job.

      Several people in this thread have asked how to get there, when they don't have any money to invest in creating their own product. Take the time to discover what you can do and offer that as a service to other marketers and even in the offline world. And by the way stop jumping from one system to another. Find the one you are comfortable with and focus on it. In other words put what you learned to work for you.

      Then grow your business step by step.

      The Old Geezer

      Yes Ken !!!!

      You've hit the nail on the head.

      Focus is key, Planning is also vital ! You MUST sit down at your pc with a plan. You have to know what you want to achieve whilest you are there.

      If you are consistant you will make money, just stick at it and never give up !!

      Thanks Ken

      Follow My Journey To Online Success > www.DeanHolland.com
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    • Profile picture of the author Ciara Mac Mahon
      Huge congrats to you Dean & all the others, some great inspiration here for a newbie like me
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    • Profile picture of the author diggy20
      Congrats Dean,

      Your story really is inspirational. I'd love to quit my full-job, but I'm no where close to your level yet. I'm new here, but I'm going to keep learning all I can here and hopefully I can quit my job one day as well.
      SENuke too expensive? Create powerful automated web bots using UBot. Use discount code: BOTSALE before you buy.
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    • Profile picture of the author achivement84
      Hey,Bold expérience!! i think it tooks too much thinking from you.I think to do the same from one year , but i can`t take this step yet.
      I belive that when you have the desire to do something , your welling will motive you towards it`s achivement.Good luck.
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  • Profile picture of the author anonymous123567
    I'm just excited to see what you've got in store for the future Dean.

    Huge congratulations, you've really shown what hard work can do,

    All the best mate

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  • Profile picture of the author Mike Hersh
    That's great dean, smart step I believe. Don't forget to manage your time smartly.

    I wish you the best of luck with your future product.

    MIke G
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  • Profile picture of the author Cornelius G
    Excellent! You are bold as a Lion... "If you think you can - You can. If you think you can't - you can't. You are right!" I beleive that you will succeed. You are encouraging me to. I need a BREAKTHROUGH soon....
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  • Profile picture of the author JeffLam
    All I can say is, Congrats and hope you'll have continued success!

    However, I do believe a 8-5 job do provide most with more confidence of earning money. IM is afterall, a rather risky business as it is similar to entrepreneurship, albeit at a rather smaller scale in terms of start up costs. However, risks of money loss are still involved!

    Being your own boss still rocks though!
    Secret Technique Effortlessly CATAPULTS YOUR Opt-In Rates By: 100%..200%..Even 400% Higher!
    >> Interested? Click to find out more.. <<
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  • Profile picture of the author melanied
    Good for you, it's a huge accomplishment!
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  • Profile picture of the author MunkMurray

    I love these motivating posts!
    Hopefully we will all post one of these in the future

    good luck
    {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[853826].message }}
  • Nice one mate The UK Marketers are taking over!

    I look forward to hearing all about it at that meetup in Sheffield Alex Shelton's arranging. PM me if you ever fancy a chat.

    {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[853848].message }}
  • Profile picture of the author Anthony Tilley
    Well done.

    We are on this earth for a pretty short time and too many people are not brave enough to take that big leap of faith.

    Hats off to you. Good luck
    {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[853884].message }}
    • Profile picture of the author dean_holland
      Originally Posted by Anthony Tilley View Post

      Well done.

      We are on this earth for a pretty short time and too many people are not brave enough to take that big leap of faith.

      Hats off to you. Good luck

      Thankyou Anthony !! Thats my thoughts exactly .. Thankyou !
      Follow My Journey To Online Success > www.DeanHolland.com
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  • Profile picture of the author YseUp
    Has anyone ever quit their j ob before they were making much money online, but maybe had a nest-egg to carry them over until such time?
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    • Profile picture of the author dean_holland
      Originally Posted by YseUp View Post

      Has anyone ever quit their j ob before they were making much money online, but maybe had a nest-egg to carry them over until such time?


      This is me !! I have about 6 weeks of cash to last me before I have $0.00 !

      Yet in the middle of a ressession I am quiting a $46,000 a year salary to do what I love ! I am so unhappy working for a boss, I know what life I want so Im risking EVERYTHING to go for it !

      Like I mentioned I have my first Big launch coming next month which I believe in that much that Im putting my all into it !

      Its a huge step and I would not suggest anyone take that decision unless they have the same belief I do.

      I know I can make it work, I believe I can make it work so why do I need my job ???

      Just 1 mans view, everyone has to make their own decision... Im making a big stand in my life right now at age 24 that this is what I want so this is what I will be.

      Thanks man !

      Follow My Journey To Online Success > www.DeanHolland.com
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  • Profile picture of the author Frank Murphy
    Originally Posted by dean_holland View Post

    Hey Warriors !

    There are many of you I know have followed my journey over the last 8 months both in here and over at my personal blog.

    Well as the title of this thread states I have some AMAZING and mega EXCITING news to share ...

    ....... I just handed in my notice of resignation to quit my job and become a full time internet marketer !!!!!!!

    I am buzzing with excitement.. I cant believe Im doing this but heck Im sure as hell gunna make sure I make a success out of my life

    Dont get me wrong, Im not making mega amounts of cash right now but next month I launch my first product to the market which I intend to help others get to where I am at so I want to give to those people 110% ...

    I guess what I want to say here is ANYONE can do this !

    If you are sat thinking perhaps it cant be done... You may think you cant make good money online and live your dreams .... YOU CAN !!

    Just 8 months back I had no website, no blog, I didnt even own Aweber to begin building a list.

    Today I sit here with a blog that has over 1500 comments, 2 ebooks I wrote myself which have had nearly 1800 downloads and have made around $10,000 online

    But most of all at the end of this month I will be my own boss !!!!

    I cant emphasise this enough Warriors.... If you want this, and I mean REALLY want this you CAN do it !

    What does it take ??

    WORK ... WORK ... and more WORK !

    This is not get rich quick, it is get rich forever !

    Do you think 8 months of consistant regular work is worth it ? To make 1000's online and quit your job ??

    I sure as hell do... There were times I felt I couldnt do it but I stuck at it !

    YOU can do this my friend, you just gotta work

    Best of luck, hope this inspires someone to do what I have done

    It is stuff like this that inspires me and pulls me through all the setbacks. Truly motivating...Thanks!!
    {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[853915].message }}
  • Profile picture of the author Tommy McLaughlin

    The best of luck to you ....

    I have watched your progress from day 1 and can say hand on heart ..... you WILL make it and be SUCCESSFUL !

    Speak soon matey

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  • Profile picture of the author morry
    Nice work Dean, it's so much easier doing this stuff full time. Not to mention way more fun

    And to answer the person who asked if anyone had quit their job before making heaps, that would be me too. I moved in back with my parents and basically sat on the computer for about 3 months.

    Didn't really do anything else in that period except work on my IM stuff and it was a pretty rough time, but a couple of years later it was the best move I ever made

    Stick at it everyone who is struggling to get off the ground.

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    • Profile picture of the author PerryMyk
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      • Profile picture of the author dean_holland
        Originally Posted by PerryMyk View Post

        Best of luck; but I would never recommend to anyone that they tell their employer to go to hell and start an internet company with just 8 months of experience and a few bucks of income. Anyone cheering this thinking is pushing their own product too much; and actually believe in it.

        I'm guessing that most of the folks here work 16 hrs a day, 7 days a week. If you don't then you have no business doing this for a living.

        A better way would be to work, for the man, 10 hrs a day (including travel time) 5 days a week and that leave 48 hrs on the weekend and 6 hrs each weekday to build an internet business. Then once you make more from the Internet you find a part-time job for just 20 hrs a week as a backup. Then its easy to justify dumping the part-time job.

        Some here must actually believe the "Make a fortune in 2 weeks on the Internet" - that does not exist and if you have a family they deserve better.

        Internet marketing is just like any new start up business - 90% of the folks will fail. Most of the folks here are not making any kind of money or could make more flipping hamburgers. This is universally true of any new business - no matter what the "get rich quick" schemes sold say.

        Best of luck in your new adventure - I'm rooting for you but that means absolutely nothing in the scheme of things....

        Don't forget the little things - like your employer's half of social security that you must now pay, self-employment taxes and expenses, health insurance, 401ks, lost sales incentive vacations, etc, paid vacations, job security.

        Unless you make at least 50% more than your current job you can't even break even. Hell, for the risk you need to make double your current salary. Risk is the killer here.

        Dreams are one thing, reality slaps you upside the head each morning...

        Making a fortune via the Internet should be a profitable hobby only. Your odds of making it full time are slim at best.
        Hey Perry

        You make a valid comment and I do agree that the action I have just taken in quitting my job will not be for everyone.

        I do however believe that the attitude a person has towards success and making a full time living online will have a certain level of something to do with the success they achieve.

        If you go into it with the thought that you seem to have above then I think you are already stopping yourself from reaching the level of success you want.

        You have said -

        Making a fortune via the Internet should be a profitable hobby only. Your odds of making it full time are slim at best
        And with a mindset like that then I expect the internet will only ever be a hobby to you, If that is all you want from it though then that is no problem.

        However if like me you really do want to make a huge success online then you must think and believe that that is what you can do.

        You make a point though that I anticipate many will agree on bu tthat is just my way of thinking. I think possitive and that tends to produce better results that going into something with limited belief in it.

        Thanks for your comment

        Follow My Journey To Online Success > www.DeanHolland.com
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        • Profile picture of the author PerryMyk
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          • Profile picture of the author YseUp
            PerryMyk: My close friend makes about $3,500 a month and has never worked for more than 6 hours a day.

            I have a couple of other friends who are full time IM'ers and none of them has worked for more than 10 hrs a day in the initial start up phase and they all work less than 6 a day to keep the whole thing going.

            You have some serious limiting beliefs!
            {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[854023].message }}
            • Profile picture of the author dean_holland
              Originally Posted by YseUp View Post

              PerryMyk: My close friend makes about $3,500 a month and has never worked for more than 6 hours a day.

              I have a couple of other friends who are full time IM'ers and none of them has worked for more than 10 hrs a day in the initial start up phase and they all work less than 6 a day to keep the whole thing going.

              You have some serious limiting beliefs!

              Hey YseUp ...

              Sorry Perry but Im with YseUp on this one....

              Your mindset seems to be so limiting, If I was to think that I will only ever do internet marketing as a hobby I would never get anywhere !

              I have MANY friends doing this full time and I tell you now I dont know of any that put in anywhere near 16 hour days.

              Of course when first starting out and getting your business going well it will no doubt take a lot more commitment. But then you outsource, pass on the tasks that take up the time and you grow.

              Its just not sensible or smart to be putting in so many hours

              You obviously must do well after 23 years but working 16 hour days.. Geez I wont be doing that in afew months time.

              My mentor will make his first million dollars online this year, he worked out recently I think over the next month he will work no more than 20 hours on his business.

              Like said above you have Very limiting beliefs. Make it what you want it to be !

              Follow My Journey To Online Success > www.DeanHolland.com
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              • Profile picture of the author Jack Bastide
                Congrats Dean

                I did the same thing but im not gonna say it was because I was Brave

                It was because I had no choice!

                I got laid off from my 6 Figure mainframe programming job in 2002
                and I couldn't find a Job making anywhere Near what I was making

                So I stopped trying to find a job :0)

                Yes it was scary for awhile but if you persist the world
                is your oyster

                Good Luck!


                If you can drive Biz Op Phone Calls .... I'm Buying

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              • Profile picture of the author PerryMyk
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                • Profile picture of the author dean_holland
                  Originally Posted by PerryMyk View Post

                  Every successful person I know works 16 hrs a day and just loves what they are doing.

                  It's the folks who work less than 16 hrs a day that seem to be unhappy, uninspired, disappointed, and just plain miserable.

                  But if you think making money is so easy and simple don't tell anyone - they will want to do the same thing.

                  Oops...they just happen to be selling a system that lets you do just that - work little and get more.

                  This sound just like Cold-Fusion - that too is a hoax.

                  Making money, no matter what field you are name, is hard work. All the easy work has already been claimed by 95% of the people...

                  Hey Perry

                  Dont get me wrong my friend I KNOW 110% that making money online is not easy... Hell no not one bit !!

                  This is why I quit my job, I just cant fit the 2 into a day.

                  What I am saying is as you grow your online business and you have more funds in the pot you can begin to look at ways to relieve some of your time by outsourcing tasks.

                  Hope you see my point, you are totally correct. It takes a lot of work to get it going and thats what I have been doing for 8 months none stop.. Literally every single day I have worked hard and I will continue to do so for some time no doubt.

                  But with growth comes a time when you can afford to take some pressure off yourself. In fact I think the growth of any business depends on that.

                  Hope you understand my point my friend

                  Follow My Journey To Online Success > www.DeanHolland.com
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  • Profile picture of the author roukarous
    Congratulations with your decision!

    "The biggest risk in life is to never take one."

    Wishing you lots of success
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  • Profile picture of the author claire101
    Great to hear that it has only taken you 8 months to fire your boss, keep on keeping on
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  • Profile picture of the author d0rhk
    Thanks for the motivational post, hopefully one day I can reach my goals as well.

    Good luck in the future mate.
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  • Profile picture of the author thomashoi
    Originally Posted by dean_holland View Post

    Hey Warriors !

    There are many of you I know have followed my journey over the last 8 months both in here and over at my personal blog.

    Well as the title of this thread states I have some AMAZING and mega EXCITING news to share ...

    ....... I just handed in my notice of resignation to quit my job and become a full time internet marketer !!!!!!!

    I am buzzing with excitement.. I cant believe Im doing this but heck Im sure as hell gunna make sure I make a success out of my life

    Dont get me wrong, Im not making mega amounts of cash right now but next month I launch my first product to the market which I intend to help others get to where I am at so I want to give to those people 110% ...

    I guess what I want to say here is ANYONE can do this !

    If you are sat thinking perhaps it cant be done... You may think you cant make good money online and live your dreams .... YOU CAN !!

    Just 8 months back I had no website, no blog, I didnt even own Aweber to begin building a list.

    Today I sit here with a blog that has over 1500 comments, 2 ebooks I wrote myself which have had nearly 1800 downloads and have made around $10,000 online

    But most of all at the end of this month I will be my own boss !!!!

    I cant emphasise this enough Warriors.... If you want this, and I mean REALLY want this you CAN do it !

    What does it take ??

    WORK ... WORK ... and more WORK !

    This is not get rich quick, it is get rich forever !

    Do you think 8 months of consistant regular work is worth it ? To make 1000's online and quit your job ??

    I sure as hell do... There were times I felt I couldnt do it but I stuck at it !

    YOU can do this my friend, you just gotta work

    Best of luck, hope this inspires someone to do what I have done

    congrats bro!

    How true this is, you need to really put your heart and soul into doing this
    internet marketing stuff and treat it as a business.

    I'm sure anyone here can achieve the same results as long as they put in the
    FREE Ebook - Discover The Secrets Of Generating $260,957 Sales In 5 Days!
    {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[854284].message }}
  • Profile picture of the author jjbalagosa
    Congrats Dean!

    What's your blog URL? I'd love to see the progression from when you fist started!
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  • Profile picture of the author thatgirlJ
    Awesome to hear! For some people, the best way to do it is to just jump right in and quit (I did). Yours is a wonderful success story, and we'll all be watching your progress now that you're a full-timer
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  • Profile picture of the author talfighel
    Hey Dean,

    Way to go my friend. I know the great feeling when you don't have to work for nobody else.

    Now, go out there and help as many people as possible to quit their jobs too.

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  • Profile picture of the author morry
    hey Perry, I can't say I agree with you.

    Yeh, this stuff isn't easy, but going out with the mindset that you're probably not going to make it isn't going to help. I don't know too many people who make it on their first go, but most people will make it eventually (to be honest, most give up).

    But hey, nothing wrong with treating it like a hobby if you don't want to do it fulltime. It's still a fun game but I find that it's a lot more fun now I'm making more.

    Sean Morrissy
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  • Profile picture of the author jjbalagosa
    Also, now that you've made it public, there's probably going to be a ton of naysayers out there. But the more naysayers you have, the more confirmation it is that you are on the right track.

    As with ANYTHING in life, statistically speaking, the 80/20 rule exists. Or 80% people will fail as where 20% of people will succeed. And 80% of those successful people will work extremely hard & long days, and 20% will easily be doing it in under 4 hours a week. That's just the nature of the universe.


    The 80/20 principle: The Secret to Success by Achieving More with Less by Richard Koch
    The 4 Hour Workweek: Escape the 9-5, Live Anywhere, and Join the New Rich by Timothy Ferris
    (I actually back up my "statistics." Otherwise it just looks like I'm making up things and blowing smoke up your arse.)

    But who says that you can't be part of the 20%? Why would anyone, with a decent amount of self-esteem, believe they would be on the other side of that?

    Plus, known success result ratios and/or percentages (if any actually exist) for IM would be skewed anyway. There are too many variables to factor in. It's such an accessible business model, that arbitrage is really common. Some people just end up realizing that this business isn't for them, then move on.

    Another thing, I don't think really great people in history pay attention to success ratios. Thank god Thomas Edison didn't. If he did we wouldn't have the light bulb. A 1000/1 ratio of success isn't really all that good in my book. But all it takes is that 1 to change the world!

    People have a tendency to fear the unknown, they project those fears onto others and offer "advice" based on those fears. But "fear" just stands for False Emotions Appearing Real. It's like pixie dust and unicorns. What's real is that you never actually fail, unless you give up.

    I can't help by roll my eyes at people who try to pass off their own negative beliefs as "a dose of reality" or "sage wisdom." Reality is what you make it or "You create your own universe as you go along." as Winston Churchill once said.

    You seem to have a solid foundation and balls of steel, so I know you won't be phased by any naysayers out there. Here's to your success so far, and success with the product launch!

    Nice squeeze page, btw!
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  • Profile picture of the author Clark
    Originally Posted by morry View Post

    hey Perry, I can't say I agree with you.

    Yeh, this stuff isn't easy, but going out with the mindset that you're probably not going to make it isn't going to help. I don't know too many people who make it on their first go, but most people will make it eventually (to be honest, most give up).

    But hey, nothing wrong with treating it like a hobby if you don't want to do it fulltime. It's still a fun game but I find that it's a lot more fun now I'm making more.

    Sean Morrissy
    I suspect that 95%+ on this board will not agree with Perry simply because they are not part of his generation... and I mean that very respectfully too.

    Perry's core concerns and values he has shared here echoes the Silent Generation's conditioning.

    It's not his fault (entirely)... just a product of his times, not unlike the opposite shown by his detractors which, I would venture to guess are The Millennial Generation who are apt to seek out instant gratification and also, feel a sense of entitlement (which annoys other generations who have been raised to believe in working hard for what you get).

    The fact is that nobody is wrong (limiting belief) in their way of thinking provided that each follows a path that will result in their desired end state in a way that works for them.

    Knowing about your market is critical to knowing how to market to your market and your current/future customers are not all the same in your market - Market Segmentation

    To Dean, I wish you well and be sure to let us know how things progress for you.
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  • Profile picture of the author Clark

    You've proven my point very clearly and succinctly with your response.

    I do enjoy your point of view even if "The Wisdom of the Crowds" don't fully agree.

    Just using the well known stats of a 90% failure rate, for new businesses, should be a sobering thought about quitting a full-time job and risking it all on an unproven new activity.
    I'm sure The Wright brothers would disagree and also congratulate you for being an Aerospace engineer and a pilot for over 40 years too

    Have fun on the slopes...
    {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[858112].message }}
  • Profile picture of the author Droopy Dawg
    Hey Dean congrats on your move man I hope it works out for you. You do realize how hard you'll have to work in order to have a successful business, so I have faith that you'll make it work.

    But just remember... Perry did bring up some EXCELLENT points about working for "the man"... and that there are benefits that you're leaving such as 401K and HEALTH INSURACE (just to name a couple).

    You mentioned you've made 10k in 8 months, which is OUTSTANDING "side-gig" money, but to rely on that for a living you'll need to more than double that. I have faith in you that you'll make it work, but just remember its not just about the money... you have to think about other things such as your health expenses (GOD forbid you need it). Also take into account the taxes (not sure of the UK tax laws) that you'll need to pay.

    Lots and lots of variables to consider.

    Anyway... GOD Bless you man, and good luck and GOD Speed in your endeavors.


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  • Profile picture of the author Earl Smith
    I'm on my way too. Well said... See you at the top.

    Grind on Warrior
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  • Profile picture of the author Gallery Sites
    Congrats Dean and all the best to you in your new 'job'.

    You can always find great help in this forum and a few who
    succeed are willing to share their wild ride!
    {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[858198].message }}
  • Profile picture of the author giselle.benites
    Congratulations!! On behalf of everyone here @ Warrior...we are very proud ;-)
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  • Profile picture of the author Clark
    Originally Posted by PerryMyk View Post

    If a newbie thinks they can ignore that 90% failure rate then they just made their first mistake. It doesn't take many errors like this to wipe out a new business.

    Ignorance is the most expensive commodity we pay for...

    ...and that's why it is imperative to understand the diversity of the market one is trying to reach and succeed in.

    A single statistic does not encompass anyone; it's a road sign which requires another road sign on the way to the desired destination.... for that moment. (read: customer behaviour)

    There is a systematic approach to making money online as well as offline that is tried, tested and proven to work.

    The 90% failure rate is a misnomer to those who choose to be business owners who create more that one revenue generating unit (I.e. Diversify) and also, embrace that reality of failure in order to improve upon their system within their market in accordance to the market's behaviour.

    It's much more forgiving to fail online than it is offline in a financial sense.

    Here's a statistic that'll blow you away.

    You only need roughly 0.5 - 1% of visits to your sales page that covert in order to make a full time living from internet marketing.

    That's a 99% failure rate and still, it is possible to "make a living" online.

    Pardon the pun here but Internet Marketing isn't rocket science and actually has a proven scientific method that yields results.

    What doesn't change to a large degree are -> people. People will always need/want something that makes them feel good (Skiing) and something to correct a problem in their life (Retirement income at any age).

    Finding where the herd resides which fits the targeted prospective customer profile of their needs/wants for the product offering is where the so-called 90% fail then quit altogether.

    When you have established your marketing/sales funnel and also, understand your target market and where they reside then what is left is to fail, test, track & tweak for continual sales conversion improvements with the intent to get as many laser targeted eyeballs to the sales page as possible.

    The key variables here and I'll agree that the hypothetical 90% that fail then quit never spent any time learning about project management, marketing, the sales process, traffic generation, leverage, scalability & investment.

    Those people are the perennial "opportunity seekers" and not the focussed entrepreneurs running a business(es).

    Dean has explained that he received mentorship from an established successful entrepreneur and I assume he has all of the variables covered to "give it a go" with all of his entrepreneurial spirit... for the right reasons for him.

    Here's another kicker... we are all newbies at some facet of internet marketing and we're all destined to fail more than one time during our journey yet, we come back for more and more and more just like a newbie snowboarder who just has to "make this thing work" with the understanding of all the calculated risks involved... those folks are the winners in the game and there are many of them right here....
    {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[858293].message }}
    • Profile picture of the author dean_holland
      Originally Posted by Clark View Post


      ...and that's why it is imperative to understand the diversity of the market one is trying to reach and succeed in.

      A single statistic does not encompass anyone; it's a road sign which requires another road sign on the way to the desired destination.... for that moment. (read: customer behaviour)

      There is a systematic approach to making money online as well as offline that is tried, tested and proven to work.

      The 90% failure rate is a misnomer to those who choose to be business owners who create more that one revenue generating unit (I.e. Diversify) and also, embrace that reality of failure in order to improve upon their system within their market in accordance to the market's behaviour.

      It's much more forgiving to fail online than it is offline in a financial sense.

      Here's a statistic that'll blow you away.

      You only need roughly 0.5 - 1% of visits to your sales page that covert in order to make a full time living from internet marketing.

      That's a 99% failure rate and still, it is possible to "make a living" online.

      Pardon the pun here but Internet Marketing isn't rocket science and actually has a proven scientific method that yields results.

      What doesn't change to a large degree are -> people. People will always need/want something that makes them feel good (Skiing) and something to correct a problem in their life (Retirement income at any age).

      Finding where the herd resides which fits the targeted prospective customer profile of their needs/wants for the product offering is where the so-called 90% fail then quit altogether.

      When you have established your marketing/sales funnel and also, understand your target market and where they reside then what is left is to fail, test, track & tweak for continual sales conversion improvements with the intent to get as many laser targeted eyeballs to the sales page as possible.

      The key variables here and I'll agree that the hypothetical 90% that fail then quit never spent any time learning about project management, marketing, the sales process, traffic generation, leverage, scalability & investment.

      Those people are the perennial "opportunity seekers" and not the focussed entrepreneurs running a business(es).

      Dean has explained that he received mentorship from an established successful entrepreneur and I assume he has all of the variables covered to "give it a go" with all of his entrepreneurial spirit... for the right reasons for him.

      Here's another kicker... we are all newbies at some facet of internet marketing and we're all destined to fail more than one time during our journey yet, we come back for more and more and more just like a newbie snowboarder who just has to "make this thing work" with the understanding of all the calculated risks involved... those folks are the winners in the game and there are many of them right here....

      EXCELLENT !!!

      Well said, thankyou !

      Everyone WILL fail on the way to success for sure ! How can you achieve success if you dont make mistakes to learn from.

      Sorry PerryMYK But I just dont understand why you are carrying on like this at all my friend. You have clearly made the decision with your business that you will treat it as a hobbie and only to achieve an income level of a hobby.

      That is your choice though man, doesnt seem right that you keep saying people should think the same as you. What you state is your choice and one you have made.

      You say everyone you know that has success works 16 hours a day online 7 days a week.

      Well I and others know of people hugely successful that dont do anywhere near this now. A business takes time to grow !

      Message to all - You can make it as big or as small as you like !

      You can work as much or as little as you like... AFTER it is built and the business structure is in place. Dont get lazy from the start, work hard, build your business that assess how to grow to the level you want it to be, whether hobbie or full time income.

      Internet marketing can be and is a full time income for a LOT of people. Many it is even more than a full time income ! I have close friends making 10's of 1000's every month online.

      My aim is to do the same so that is what I will do.

      Best wishes to you all, chase your goals and reach them !!

      Follow My Journey To Online Success > www.DeanHolland.com
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    • Profile picture of the author YseUp
      Originally Posted by Clark View Post

      Here's another kicker... we are all newbies at some facet of internet marketing and we're all destined to fail more than one time during our journey yet, we come back for more and more and more just like a newbie snowboarder who just has to "make this thing work" with the understanding of all the calculated risks involved... those folks are the winners in the game and there are many of them right here....
      This is why IM appeals so much to me. There is room to fail (learn) with almost no down side, maybe a loss of time and a little bit of money.

      Also it depends on your individual circumstances, if you have no kids, mortgage or debt then you have almost nothing to lose.

      As for the perceived security of a pension and a stable career.... well I could write a book about that.

      I'm all for investing for your future but I don't think contributing to a pension scheme is the way to go. The numbers just don't add up.
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  • Profile picture of the author TrainerJohn
    Way to go Dean. Looking forward to seeing your success unfold.

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  • Profile picture of the author Peggy Baron
    Way to go Dean! Your excitement and enthusiasm fairly jumps off the page! I believe you will do very well.

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  • Profile picture of the author Vijay M
    Good luck to Dean.

    I loved PerryMyk's posts. Funny, insightful and the experience shows.
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  • Profile picture of the author Jorge05r
    that's great, I did the same like a year ago and I've learned a lot from mistakes and new experiences but it's totally worth it.
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  • Profile picture of the author Lisa Gergets
    Wow, so incredible.

    I'll be there someday too!
    Sign up to be notified when Success on Demand goes live, and receive a FREE mindmap that you can follow to create and launch your OWN IM PRODUCTS!
    {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[888062].message }}
  • That sounds awesome. I actually got fired from my job last year, and couldn't get another one. So i turned to the one place of infinite opportunity... The internet.

    I was exactly the same way - scared and pretty worried.

    And actually it didn't even take off til the first of this year, when I sold my first product.

    Then I knew it was go time.

    Just don't mess around or chase fads. Find something you're intent on making money with and do it.

    No excuses, no regrets.
    {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[888154].message }}
  • Profile picture of the author MustafaKamal
    Hi dean,

    I was inspired by your actions such that 3 weeks ago, I left my job as a
    fitness instructor at a nearby gym so that I can do EXACTLY what you're doing right now.

    Internet Marketing.

    Here's the catch, i'm only 21 days old in this high-speed industry but hey, I'll rather do it now then regret when 20 years later why I didn't even 'try'.

    To your lifestyle mate!
    {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[906568].message }}
  • Profile picture of the author SOT
    Hi Dean!

    Well done mate! Your's is a truly inspiring story and I'm so pleased you have quit. It's waht you said you would do! And I'm so proud you 've done it when you still have the "fear" of **needing** to make more money in the next few weeks. That shows true strength of character and will keep you focused. Keep giving as you have been doing and I know you will do even better.

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  • Profile picture of the author robinincarolina
    Congradulations! I am new here on the forum and I have been doing this since February of 2009. I did not quit, but was laid off and have been online about 12 to 15 hours a day since the lay off and yes it has paid off. I made more last week than I did at my 9 to 5 job. So I believe that I will just keep on going as it can only get better. Never in my life would I have thought this and never in my life do I plan on having a boss again!!!!!
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  • Profile picture of the author jgand
    Congrat's and good luck with your new venture. Quiting that just is tough to do. I hope it turns out ok.
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  • Profile picture of the author summerm
    Very exciting to see you results... thanks for sharing your success.

    A tip to others trying to reach that dream: if you are married, consider living off the income of one spouse while the other tries entrepreneurship. If times get tough, the "nonworking" spouse can always go back into the working world and get a job. Learning to live off of one income is the best security in the world because you always have another manpower at the ready, versus if you're living off 2 incomes and suddenly need more money, you're basically screwed...
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  • Profile picture of the author goalpower
    Great job Dean!!

    I remember when I quit to go full time, some 15 years ago - it's been fantastic. There have been struggles - but that happens in any business. The benefits greatly outweigh them though.

    I agree - never give up people - just keep on trying until you find your niche - then hammer it home!

    Steve Meade

    Steve Meade - Master Motivational Hypnotist and IM Pro

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  • Profile picture of the author Vincelog
    Hey Dean,

    Congrats! I am embarking on this journey too and I will be successful too. You are an inspiration to us and thank you for posting this.

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  • Profile picture of the author EmmaJames
    That's amazing and inspiring. Congratulations to you
    and I hope your business continues to grow and grow.
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  • Profile picture of the author phycent
    Hi Dean!
    Great story and wish you the best.
    A successful mindset should never be underestimated. Quite possibly, the most important aspect of being a successful Internet Marketer. The best way I've found to keep a positive mindset is to limit interactions with those who only seem to criticize and diligently seek guidance from people who already have the results you want. I personally have about a dozen people I look up to in all different areas of life and business. People that have the results that I want to achieve whom I look to emulate as closely as possible. Leveraging other people's knowledge and experience will help to cut down on mistakes and accelerate the process.
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  • Profile picture of the author MR2nice
    Congrats on making the leap. Hope it will continue to bring you success.
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  • Profile picture of the author Steven Heron
    Great stuff Dean, well done! Persistence always pays off in the long term.
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  • Profile picture of the author bobwalk
    Way to go Dean, If put half as much effort in this new venture as you did with
    A J coaching things could be very bright in your online future.
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  • Profile picture of the author netcash4u
    Well Done Dean!

    I believe with determination and confident, we can reach our goals!
    Over 2100+ Warriors Grab wpPopWizard Plugin.... Read their Raving Review Here
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    {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[936301].message }}
    • Profile picture of the author Mark 2
      Keep it up Dean!

      Dedication, hard work and never pull your eyes off the goal.... And you got it...!
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  • Profile picture of the author morwanneg
    You are great!! Congarts!
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  • Profile picture of the author Elena Petrova
    Good luck - I wish you the best of good fortune in all your endeavours!

    Elena Petrova

    *WF Newbie*
    Elena Petrova
    online dating entrepreneur & author
    12 Simple Rules for Building Relationships that Last
    Dont be sc@mmed dating online -get Elena Petrova Scam Busting Book!
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  • Profile picture of the author argon
    I love your comment it's not get rich quick it's get rich forever....

    Great quote.

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  • Profile picture of the author edward_james
    Well done Dean - you are an inspiration to everyone...
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  • Profile picture of the author Delton Doucet
    Congrats to you.
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  • Profile picture of the author mr.schutz
    Well, Dean is one of the many proofs that quitting job is not a wrong decision. Nice doing Dean!
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  • Profile picture of the author prof2200
    Thanks. You are a bold person. Kindly take root to access the deepest wealth that makes your existence colourful and glaring to the people of your days.

    Love you.

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  • Profile picture of the author spazz896
    Congratz, I've heard about you from Alex J.
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  • Profile picture of the author shafindezane
    While this journey will most certainly test your endurance to the limit, its so very worth it. As someone once said "when you walk to the edge of all the light you have and step into the darkness of the unknown, you must believe one of two things will happen.. you will have something solid to stand upon, or you will be taught to fly.."

    Keep the faith, keep taking the next step. This road dissolves wide open.

    Truth Is Not Only Stranger Than You Think, Its Stranger Than You CAN Think!
    Learn some true things today. Join the world famous eCourse
    that has changed thousands of lives before you!

    {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[990616].message }}
  • Profile picture of the author pjlyons1uk
    Congratulations and thats an inspiration for the rest of us.

    Novices like me like seeing and getting the motivation that it is possible

    Still learning the ropes myself which is an experience in it's self but I have the determination to make it work.

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  • Profile picture of the author circle1ne
    Originally Posted by dean_holland View Post

    Hey Warriors !

    There are many of you I know have followed my journey over the last 8 months both in here and over at my personal blog.

    Well as the title of this thread states I have some AMAZING and mega EXCITING news to share ...

    ....... I just handed in my notice of resignation to quit my job and become a full time internet marketer !!!!!!!

    I am buzzing with excitement.. I cant believe Im doing this but heck Im sure as hell gunna make sure I make a success out of my life

    Dont get me wrong, Im not making mega amounts of cash right now but next month I launch my first product to the market which I intend to help others get to where I am at so I want to give to those people 110% ...

    I guess what I want to say here is ANYONE can do this !

    If you are sat thinking perhaps it cant be done... You may think you cant make good money online and live your dreams .... YOU CAN !!

    Just 8 months back I had no website, no blog, I didnt even own Aweber to begin building a list.

    Today I sit here with a blog that has over 1500 comments, 2 ebooks I wrote myself which have had nearly 1800 downloads and have made around $10,000 online

    But most of all at the end of this month I will be my own boss !!!!

    I cant emphasise this enough Warriors.... If you want this, and I mean REALLY want this you CAN do it !

    What does it take ??

    WORK ... WORK ... and more WORK !

    This is not get rich quick, it is get rich forever !

    Do you think 8 months of consistant regular work is worth it ? To make 1000's online and quit your job ??

    I sure as hell do... There were times I felt I couldnt do it but I stuck at it !

    YOU can do this my friend, you just gotta work

    Best of luck, hope this inspires someone to do what I have done

    Congrats man... you have no idea how much reading something like this means to me. Simply put, I needed the inspiration and it just goes to show that hard work can get you anywhere.
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  • Profile picture of the author aQsa08
    congratulation....Hope I'm gonna be like you who quit from the job and totally become a full internet marketer... Thank you for inspiring me..
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  • Profile picture of the author in51der
    Awsome! Congratulations man!
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  • Profile picture of the author mayapearl
    Great, I am next. Well done!
    Maya's Own
    Living green made simple and easy @ Green Living Temple
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  • Profile picture of the author HonestGaz
    He he.. I aint had a real job for 10 yrs+.. Working for someone else sucks ass.. welcome to the land of the free

    Infact i just sold off all my websites the last 2 months. To free myself up.. Took off 2 months lazing around.. And now going to start a new venture. Creating products etc..

    My first one is here: newbiesarticleguide.com - Not perfect by any means, but a good start i think

    If i can give u any advise.. Just dont stress out if it all starts goin pear shaped. Just relax, step back and see the bigger picture.

    - Good Luck
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  • Profile picture of the author usmanuk
    Well done Dean mate, just the kind of inspiration I need to hear !
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    • Profile picture of the author big steve
      Hey Deano just ran into this while lookin thru the forum...well I'm being mentored by Dean Holland at the moment in his Starting With Marketing Academy and he definitely has that focus and fire still burning as he did when he posted this a month a go.

      We've just started our training but I've already learnt a whole lot from Dean in the first lesson.

      Hopefully soon I can also quit my job and work online fulltime like Dean did. Check out my blog for more updates on the Dean Holland mentoring programme.
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  • Profile picture of the author msdobe
    Congratulations Dean!! You'll do just great. This is what all of us strive for. I keep saying next month I'll give my notice, but the money is just coming in too slowly and is not consistent - YET!

    Best of luck to you!!

    If you can read this.... thank a teacher.
    If you can read this in English... thank a vet!
    {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[1033676].message }}
    • Profile picture of the author Richard Essi
      Hey Dean!! Wow! What an accomplishment!!

      Hats off to you bro!

      I am sure you have already established some higher and more ambitious objectives...like you rightly said...this business is all about Work Work Work and more Work!! There is no room for inertia!

      Now you are conscious of your competence, and you have proof and pudding to justify this. The next phase is moving on to unconscious competence, that's where your system gets tighter more and more automated, and can run with less and less of your involvement!

      Looking forward to your next big accomplishments. Success gets easier with every victory, and then you get into the zone.....

      Congrats Dean!

      Sir Charles
      Confused? Frustrated? Overwhelmed? And Tired? Let's Talk...
      How To Think And Become A Successful Webpreneur"By Richard Essi

      Just remember, you can do anything you set your mind to, but it takes action, perseverance, and facing your fears.

      --Gillian Anderson
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  • Profile picture of the author jpjameson

    Jesse P. Jameson
    CEO - Black Box Digital Products

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  • Profile picture of the author guzzmann4
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  • Profile picture of the author SelenaB
    Congratulations! I work from home too and its nothing like it when you have a passion for what you do. I hope to see all the blessings that are in store for me as I continue to help people find their freedom at home and support others in need of healthcare. Congrats again!
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  • Profile picture of the author Tyvan
    LUCKY YOU!..grats for real!
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  • Profile picture of the author Lepinsky
    Well done, How are things going today?
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  • Profile picture of the author ayolov
    Well guys, seems this is a very exited group! Good for you Dean!

    Keep going forward now, it has been a very important decision, very valuable you admit to yourself you are scared; knowing our own feelings is the first step to success. Face your worst fears, it’s not always easy but you will come out stronger and a finer person at the end.
    Keep it up and remember here you are among friends, if you need any help this is the place to be, even if it’s just for a pat in the back.
    Desarrollo Negocios Web Cómo hacer un próspero negocio web, ¡en español!
    A bilungual site to grow and prosper online
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  • Profile picture of the author mgiantm
    Well done!
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  • Profile picture of the author atwellpub
    7 months into the same. Poor but every month is a little bit better
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  • Profile picture of the author ark
    This is very inspiring. I'm still striving to make my site better in terms of traffic.
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  • Profile picture of the author dezsiree
    Congrats! reading your story just inspires me, gives me hope and excites me! ... I just quit my job a week ago, and I'm risking it all, because I decided to trust myself! Which is what you are doing and that is just a great start, isn't it? FAITH!
    I like you didn't have a website or new much about network marketing 8 mo. ago, and I still have tons of more things to learn!
    Wish you the best of luck!
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  • Profile picture of the author seomark09
    Good job Dean!

    Wish you the best in your new full time job, everyone here knows you will love it

    Best Success,
    Mark Gari
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  • Profile picture of the author mark z
    That`s brave decision Dean.
    20 centuries ago Seneca said "He who is brave is free."
    Enjoy your freedom!
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  • Profile picture of the author Dankova
    Wow , owesome !Congratulations and Thank you for sharing and giving us the inspiraton we need !
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  • Profile picture of the author zneve08
    That is awesome news! Best of luck!!
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  • Profile picture of the author wwgroup
    This is fantastic! You are an inspiration to so many. You are a smart guy and I predict you're going to do great. Good luck!
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  • Profile picture of the author jrmnlitt
    Happy days are here...
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  • Profile picture of the author Nik Karlil
    Congratulations. Are your e-book free to download? How do your make the money? was it through list building? or selling your e-book? please enlighten me
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  • Profile picture of the author francisjoubert
    Hi Dean,

    THANKS a thousand times. I have just been to your blog, watched your videos, downloaded some helpful eBooks and am rearing to go.

    You are helping so many people Dean and you know how the saying goes. The more you give the more you get!

    I wish you only the best for the future and I know you will pass that $50K mark you set yourself.

    Looking forward to the next video.



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  • Think you'll love this. Free video series documenting everything and newbie learned to his product launch. Pretty cool. 9-5 REBELS: Your 12 Week Strategy for Online Success!
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  • Profile picture of the author jamestame
    Very Well Done! This is a great motivational post to have here... I would love to see alot more threads like this one, internet marketing needs a good reputation lift among the newbies since over the last few years there has being a few scams and get rich quick schemes

    Threads like this help people believe in it!
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  • Profile picture of the author KatyaSenina
    Way to go! I very much respect people like you!
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  • Profile picture of the author zenmack
    Congrads. I quit my day job way back in the late 80's. I have owned my own business ever since. Now I am trying to move to online business full time and quit my off line business (personal training studio).

    I wish you all the prosperity one can believe he can achieve.

    The worlds best dating coach

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  • Profile picture of the author divinewind
    That's the spirit! Work work... WORK!

    I have been working for myself since 20 and would never go back... it's been 7 years now and I have had a successful company that made millions, and I have left that to work on my own projects and contracting work which made me less stressed and happier, though with not the same amount of dough (personal physical and mental health is more important than money to me)...

    And I'm now selling my own software and helping other internet marketers and webmasters acheive their own goals. I'm a teacher at hart, but an oldschool programmer by trade and I'm so happy that I'm finally putting my skills to use for me myself and I.

    My current money maker took about 5 years of work up till now, and I only started selling it a year ago, but it's picking up steam and has been paying the bills, plus getting me a wonderful community of users, etc. I have plans to release some eBooks or paid newsletters as well on my methods.

    Go for what makes you happy, and always put yourself and your personal health first, cause without that you've lost the point
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  • Profile picture of the author guitarpw
    I left my $3k/mth job to focus on my websites. Although the returns of the website has yet to cover my mthly income, I felt that there wasn't enough time to grow the websites if I had to work a 9-5 job.
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  • Profile picture of the author Dennis-White
    Great post, looked at your blog and loved the content keep it up

    Affiliate Marketer, business builder and Content Creator >Grab My FREE Internet Marketing Profits Book Here<

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  • Profile picture of the author Ruth P
    Congratulations! I loved the energy that came through in your post - really made me smile. I also love the fact that you are very sure you're going to be a success. That's certainly the way to look at things
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  • Profile picture of the author classifiedpvas
    Good job!

    Must feel so refreshing to get out of the daily grind and chase the money the way YOU want to.
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