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Unread 12th Jul 2012, 04:24 AM   #101
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Re: Google Ditches QR Codes - Should You?
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Actually the opposite is true. It's you who is looking stupid. Just because you asked a few people a bad question means nothing. Just because you think that no one in The Hague has any clue about anything does not mean that the rest of the world is living in the same dark cave that you do or that the rest of the world also has it's head in the sand.

The evidence is clear and it's clearly and overwhelming against you. It's pretty obvious that upsets you despite your smarmy, smug, ignorant responses. Get over yourself dude. You're wrong - just leave it. You're just embarrassing yourself and misleading others. Your "research" :rolleyes: is (clearly) flawed. I know that must hurt and that you really, really want it to be true because it supports your negative outlook on the world but sadly that doesn't change anything. If you want anyone in here to take you seriously you're going to need to stop beating your...dead horse.

P.S. Stop telling me to have a good day. You obviously don't mean it, your contempt is not even thinly veiled and it's just more evidence of your poor attitude and while I'm at it, do you really think that printing up a dozen table tents is going to cost any more than a few dollars? ONE extra meal sold, ONE extra haircut sold, ONE extra tune up sold, ONE extra plumbing job, ONE extra lesson, ONE extra massage, ONE extra teeth clean, ONE extra check up, ONE extra pair of shoes sold, ONE extra consultation, ONE extra...anything will more than cover it. Really. You're so sad. Try adding something positive to the discussion - if you're capable.
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Unread 12th Jul 2012, 04:26 AM   #102
Dave Zegers
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Re: Google Ditches QR Codes - Should You?
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Sure new techniques take time, but with SMS people knew right away what they had in their hands, it was/is very easy to use... the problem with QR codes is that people need to install stuff on their smartphones and have to learn how to use a scanner etc etc.

Also people just don't know, and i see the ads with the codes, and there is no explanation on how to use it, only scan this for more info... people will not go that extra mile... the only way QR stands a change is that the scanner is preinstalled on their phones (like SMS was) and people get educated about QR codes.

And all our politicians are to stupid to whip their own ass with low tech toiletpaper

Originally Posted by dennism70 View Post

And there is 1 of my 2 best followers Blabla 2. The other is Blabla 1. And just because I find them irritating for selling their app service for 36 pop a month PER app...:rolleyes:

Both closely connected with App29 services...

But for everyone interested, following the sex industry is one of the best ways to see what you can expect in innovation use. They do lots of trial and error and if they keep using it you know that your pretty save in offering it as a service to local businesses. The sex industry is always on the lookout for new ways to market their products and have the money to be early adopters!

And someone said that nobody knows what QR codes are... People didn't know what sms, fax, etc were to in the beginning.

They will be known very SHORTLY since the BIG companies are using them more frequently. When they get even MORE visible they will get automatically MORE known.

These kind of things we're said about a website as well in the beginning. Not many people believed it would become what it is today because it was to expensive for the averedge household. WELL...anybody reacting here is making an income because of that same FALSE insumption

QR codes are a window in making STATIC OFFLINE PRINT become VIRAL and INTERACTIVE at LITTLE extra cost.

Imagine your ad in the personal having a QR code where there can be LOADS of EXTRA and INTERACTIVE content... That for my fellow country men out of The Hague (DEN HAAG) YELLOW GREEN MEDIA.

You have to know that our politicians also reside in The Haque and are not to quickest when it comes to adopting new technologies :p

Just kidding Yellow Green
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Unread 12th Jul 2012, 04:35 AM   #103
Dave Zegers
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Re: Google Ditches QR Codes - Should You?
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Originally Posted by Mr Bill View Post

Actually the opposite is true. It's you who is looking stupid. Just because you asked a few people a bad question means nothing. Just because you think that no one in The Hague has any clue about anything (which may be true given the evidence you are showing us all) does not mean that the rest of the world is living in the same dark cave that you do or that the rest of the world also has it's head in the sand.

The evidence is clear and it's clearly and overwhelming against you. It's pretty obvious that upsets you despite your smarmy, smug, ignorant responses. Get over yourself dude. You're wrong - just leave it. You're just embarrassing yourself and misleading others. Your "research" :rolleyes: is (clearly) flawed. I know that must hurt and that you really, really want it to be true because it supports your negative outlook on the world but sadly that doesn't change anything. If you want anyone in here to take you seriously you're going to need to stop beating your...dead horse.
Here you are again with your personal insults and racial comments about the people of the Hague, the evidence is clearly against you, is that why you get into the personal attacks against me Bill?

So sad to see you eat yourself up over this, just let it go, i have my point of view and you have yours, no need to stoop to personal insults... you're like a fundamentalist. LOL

Again about my research Bill, there is nothing flawed about it, i didn't go in with a negative attitude on the contrary.... I had some great idea's for the use of QR that is why i did my research in the first place... i really was hoping on a good result Bill.

But the results where not good Bill, i can't help it that people have no cleu of what QR codes are, i think it is really to bad because the things you can do with QR codes are endless Bill.

So again i didn't go in hoping for a negative outcome Bill, but the results are the results....
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Unread 12th Jul 2012, 04:42 AM   #104
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Re: Google Ditches QR Codes - Should You?
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Lol, you're the one claiming that people in the Hague (and therefore clearly the whole entire world) are so stupid that they can't learn a new thing or install a simple app or are capable of grasping a new concept.

EVERY single person and business I have asked has seen a QR code and either knew exactly what it was or was curious to find out and thrilled with how easy it made going to a URL from a mobile phone. You're making it out like it's a massive new thing. It's not. It's just a simple way to get people to go to a website using their phone.

It's brilliant, works brilliantly and is a brilliant way to get people to do something easy. It helps business (if you know how to take 12 seconds to explain to them how it works - if they don't already now which 80% of the ones I have approached do) and will undoutedly help them to market themselves better. It's clever and captures the imagination of customers and clients.

Look back, it's you who started the insults dude. You lowered the tone - not me.

Leave it - you're unyielding generalisations are boring us.
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Unread 12th Jul 2012, 05:35 AM   #105
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Re: Google Ditches QR Codes - Should You?
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Just something funny I heard this morning. A headhunter asked a pizzeria to put a QR code made from tomato sauce on a pizza and then sent the pizza as a present to some IT specialist he would like to win for a position.

I don't know the result, however, it shows that QR codes turning up at more and more places.
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Unread 12th Jul 2012, 05:38 AM   #106
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Re: Google Ditches QR Codes - Should You?
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Originally Posted by dtm View Post

Just something funny I heard this morning. A headhunter asked a pizzeria to put a QR code made from tomato sauce on a pizza and then sent the pizza as a present to some IT specialist he would like to win for a position.

I don't know the result, however, it shows that QR codes turning up at more and more places.
Haha, classic!
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Unread 12th Jul 2012, 07:42 AM   #107
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Re: Google Ditches QR Codes - Should You?
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Originally Posted by YellowGreenMedia View Post

Why is it that I see you in every QR related thread and that you hate it so much...? (I'm not trying to pick a fight but I see your responses in a lot of threads so I'm just curios )

QR is just another tool in our IM toolbox. I know some clients who just want and QR code that they can use for their print advertising... I'm the one who is telling them how they can use it but they came with the question first...

I also think a QR can be used as a way to get people's attention. If you explain in your print ad (menu, etc.) what a QR is and how the can use it the will use it. And if not, you still got people's attention because they see something unusual... So the code doesn't need to be scanned to be successful (IMHO).
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Unread 12th Jul 2012, 07:56 AM   #108
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Re: Google Ditches QR Codes - Should You?
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I don't think QR codes are dead but they sure aren't growing like they could of from what I have seen. I see people using them especially in the real estate marketing of things...but I wouldn't doubt that some other technology comes around and makes it obsolete at some point in the near future?

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Unread 12th Jul 2012, 10:52 AM   #109
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Re: Google Ditches QR Codes - Should You?
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Originally Posted by YellowGreenMedia View Post

Sure new techniques take time, but with SMS people knew right away what they had in their hands, it was/is very easy to use... the problem with QR codes is that people need to install stuff on their smartphones and have to learn how to use a scanner etc etc.

Also people just don't know, and i see the ads with the codes, and there is no explanation on how to use it, only scan this for more info... people will not go that extra mile... the only way QR stands a change is that the scanner is preinstalled on their phones (like SMS was) and people get educated about QR codes.

And all our politicians are to stupid to whip their own ass with low tech toiletpaper
Hi Dave,

I understand your opinion FROM A LOCAL POINT OF VIEW.
But world wide its a total different story! Here in Holland people are always sceptical right? Its in our genetics

But even here they start to show up more, although I didn't see many of them except on TV in the "late night lounche" programs. And if the "sex" industry is adopting it, it means they already did the trial and error and the numbers came out positive enough.

And for you how to educate people... make it worth for people to educate themselves, if they can gain something with it THEY WILL

Look at the following and you'll know what I mean:

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Unread 22nd Jul 2012, 10:41 PM   #110
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Re: Google Ditches QR Codes - Should You?
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Boy oh boy. What is happening to this sub-forum...

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Unread 22nd Jul 2012, 11:40 PM   #111
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Re: Google Ditches QR Codes - Should You?
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Not sure what you're focus is, but I would have thought that a mobile marketer's focus is to meet the mobile market with value, and not what is 'right' or 'wrong'.

The market will tell you what is working or not working (for you) with cold hard cash, or the lack of it.

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