19 replies
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I've been lurking here at WF on and off for years.

I believe the site was sold a while back, and I wish the new folks well...honestly. I want them to succeed because I want this site to succeed. I want this site to continue to be here.

I haven't been here in over a year evidently.

It appears to me that some of the more experienced, more helpful, more active, more involved, more thorough and more thoughtful of users have been "banned".

Do you think that may have contributed to the decline in the volume and caliber of comments? Do you think it'll add to the value of the site and encourage others to contribute and to help?

I mean this to be thought provoking and to be constructive... You can ban me now
  • Profile picture of the author yukon
    Can't we all just get along?
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  • Originally Posted by Heywood007 View Post

    I've been lurking here at WF on and off for years.

    I believe the site was sold a while back, and I wish the new folks well...honestly. I want them to succeed because I want this site to succeed. I want this site to continue to be here.

    I haven't been here in over a year evidently.

    It appears to me that some of the more experienced, more helpful, more active, more involved, more thorough and more thoughtful of users have been "banned".

    Do you think that may have contributed to the decline in the volume and caliber of comments, and content and number of knowledgeable users who are willing to help others?

    I mean this to be thought provoking and to be constructive... You can ban me now
    Well, this is a thought-provoking thread.

    All that I can say is "consider yourself lucky that this forum is STILL WELL & ALIVE".

    Perhaps you need a lesson on "perception" vs. "reality".

    Just because what you thought you knew or read from a Veteran Warrior member here was what you thought OR believed was the TRUTH!

    That's probably why they aren't here anymore!

    In most likelihood, they used their persuasion of influence (eg. number of posts, number of years being a member here) ONLY to fleece you for their own selfish ($$$$) purposes.

    Therefore, with that said, this is still an INVALUABLE forum that HAS LEARNED how to continue to weed out the bottom feeders and to protect you from becoming their future prey!

    You should be thankful that those "veteran" members have been banned from this forum!

    Why? Again, they most likely were not here "adding value" to help you, they were only being self-serving to themselves ($$$$)!

    Most importantly, please realize that there are still a lot of real veteran warriors here that are here to help people and not take advantage of the members here!

    Onwards and Upwards!

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  • Profile picture of the author lanfear63
    Originally Posted by Heywood007 View Post

    I've been lurking here at WF on and off for years.

    I believe the site was sold a while back, and I wish the new folks well...honestly. I want them to succeed because I want this site to succeed. I want this site to continue to be here.

    I haven't been here in over a year evidently.

    It appears to me that some of the more experienced, more helpful, more active, more involved, more thorough and more thoughtful of users have been "banned".

    Do you think that may have contributed to the decline in the volume and caliber of comments, and content and number of knowledgeable users who are willing to help others?

    I mean this to be thought provoking and to be constructive... You can ban me now
    Not all of them.. BF's still here somewhere.

    Feel The Power Of The Mark Side

    {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[11169955].message }}
    • Profile picture of the author OptedIn
      Originally Posted by lanfear63 View Post

      Not all of them.. BF's still here somewhere.
      Bow your head in reverence!

      Thank you.

      "He not busy being born, is busy dying." - Bob Dylan • "I vibe with the light-dark point. Heavy." - Words that Bob Dylan wishes he had written.

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  • Profile picture of the author Kay King
    Truth? Quite a few very good people were banned - a few requested that particular category and some deliberately pushed the envelope because they were not happy with the direction of the WF at the time.

    Some did leave because they weren't making the money here from newbies they had made in the past but there's always a 'rollover' in the group.

    Most of the losses were in 2015 and early 2016 - and if some of those members wanted to come back I think they would be welcome today.

    For a while after FL purchased the forum there was a failure to communicate with members. It was a change in management style that caused some problems. What I've seen in 2017 is a return to management that listens and responds and is trying to improve the forum's position as a useful tool for members. I've seen changes this year and all of them for the better.

    On the internet, something that stays the same year after year eventually disappears...WF is still here.
    If you are someone who always 'lurked' - maybe it's time to become part of the community and participate.
    Saving one dog will not change the world - but the world changes forever for that one dog
    2024 Patriot's Award for Service to Veterans
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  • Profile picture of the author ryanbiddulph
    I see it this way; I cannot control what others do, but if I do my best to share my experience in an authentic way, to serve other Warriors, in a generous way, I'll be raising the vibe in the forum and also set an example for the folks who see my posts daily.
    Ryan Biddulph helps you to be a successful blogger with his courses, manuals and blog at Blogging From Paradise
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  • Profile picture of the author tryinhere
    Originally Posted by Heywood007 View Post

    ... You can ban me now
    You don't have the B alls to unsubscribe yourself and walk away, and you now need somebody to do it for you. Sad
    | > Choosing to go off the grid for a while to focus on family, work and life in general. Have a great 2020 < |
    {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[11170038].message }}
    • Profile picture of the author Heywood007
      Thanks for sharing. You clearly don't understand what I've written and your thoughts on this matter will be considered with the level of importance and respect that they deserve.
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  • Profile picture of the author tagiscom
    Originally Posted by Heywood007 View Post

    You can ban me now
    I would rather wait til l get home?

    Ban me now, lol, best to act like a 5 star a****hole, that worked for others, so....

    {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[11170063].message }}
    • Profile picture of the author Heywood007
      Someone may make a decoder ring that would allow me to decipher what you've said. The one word I understood has asterisks in it. I've come to realize that deep thinkers are few and far between in this world, your comment is evidence.
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  • Profile picture of the author professorrosado
    Those of us who weren't banned have been profusely busy on big, complex projects. I am sure some will pop back in from time to time though.
    {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[11170068].message }}
    • Profile picture of the author hardraysnight
      Originally Posted by professorrosado View Post

      Those of us who weren't banned have been profusely busy on big, complex projects. I am sure some will pop back in from time to time though.
      and im still growing cactii but they are getting bigger
      {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[11170576].message }}
  • Profile picture of the author timokeefe
    So I've run through and looked at the list of members with a high post count who were banned in the second half of last year, and so far I haven't found anyone where there wasn't a good reason. I think in a lot of cases the reasons wouldn't be that obvious, particularly in cases where they've spun up multiple accounts to praise their own WSOs.

    Can you PM me any examples of people that were banned that you think shouldn't have been? I'd like to check to make sure that we didn't screw up.

    I'm part of the Warrior Forum team, hit me up with any suggestions that could help improve the forum!

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    • Profile picture of the author Heywood007
      Hi Tim,

      While I haven't posted anything prior to this thread, I've read scores of good articles here and have been a visitor for at least 3 years.

      I don't know any of these people and don't know whether the people I discovered have a "high post count". I simply read some interesting comments from what I thought were helpful members, and noticed that the authors had been banned.

      The comments that I read from people that had been banned I thought were on topic, comprehensive and thoughtful.

      Banning "for good reason" is subjective and there's no way I could know what your reasons were, or what their offense might have been.

      Of the comments I read from people who were banned, I saw no vulgar or insulting comments. self promotion or spam.

      Some of the comments were 3 years old, so you may want to go back farther in a future search.

      I merely scanned various interesting threads and found that people who had made reasonable comments were banned.

      You have a business to run and far be it for me to attempt to tell you how to run it. I can however give you the perspective of a well meaning reader.

      When I read this thread, a couple of the replies have a high idiot factor....yet the people who contributed well written and thoughtful comments have been banned.

      Several of those who replied here in this thread acknowledged that they had been banned or know others who've been, so I think I'm not alone. In fact, some spoke of banning as though it was a common occurrence.

      One more thing before I leave this alone. If these folks have been banned for conducting themselves improperly, their content is still here. If the banned people were offensive or conducted themselves improperly and don't deserve to be here in your mind, why leave some of their content up?

      I have no dog in this hunt other than to suggest that banning good, interesting or helpful members is the slippery slope to a declining site. I see posts that indicate that my concern isn't unique.

      Thanks for responding
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  • Profile picture of the author R0b328
    I've actually been thinking about this a lot and I think you've brought up a super important topic. I actually have been experiencing exactly that, my most recent time on another IM forum.

    I gave someone super in depth of advice on how to post jvzoo links on FB, since any variation of a jvzoo domain is banned on FB, in other words, any and all affiliate links containing jvzoo in it.

    Well, I actually answered the question and walked this OP in this other forum along step by step on how to do it by creating a CNAME record in your domain registrar, and how doing that would give him the ability to pretty much post that link anywhere 100% safe, since it'd be unique to him.

    I even gave him a link to a tutorial on how to do that, since lots of people don't really know how to navigate basic domain and hosting stuff, and I thought it'd be super useful and helpful content

    And guess what? It was heavily edited and tons of the info I gave him was cut out by mods over on that forum, to the point where they should've just deleted the entire reply and be done with it because they had taken so much valuable info out.

    It's such a strange trend,
    Interesting topic you've brought up
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  • Profile picture of the author timokeefe
    Ah ok, so I think I understand part of what you're seeing. There are a handful of members with high post counts that have been banned. The vast majority of their posts are helpful, and so I personally see no benefit in deleting those, as people can benefit from them in the future.

    The reason that they're banned is almost always because they repeatedly post things that break the rules. We've had over 1.2 million people sign up to the forum and they haven't all got along, and so when any member, even a strong contributor, repeatedly breaks the rules we do need to eventually ban them. For good contributors we usually try everything else first, including PMs, warnings, and temporary bans. If they still can't follow the rules then we do need to eventually give them a permanent ban.

    When we do drop the permanent ban, we try to make sure that any rule-breaking posts are deleted as well, so you should only ever see the positive side of that person. That can make bans look pretty stupid, but the only way to get around that would be to delete valuable content, which I'd rather not do. It's not a perfect system, but I think it's the one that preserves the most value.

    All of that said, we do make mistakes, so aside from reviewing many of last year's bans I've also reached out to some top contributors to see if they know of any others that we should review. Honestly, if there are people that contribute good content that were mistakenly banned then I'd like them back

    I'm part of the Warrior Forum team, hit me up with any suggestions that could help improve the forum!

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    • Profile picture of the author Heywood007
      Thanks Tim... Idiots deserve to be banned, thoughtful contributors don't. It sounds like we're in agreement and that you have a good handle on this. My goal is for the Warrior Forum to continue to grow and thrive. I've learned quite a lot here.
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      • Profile picture of the author Regional Warrior
        Originally Posted by Heywood007 View Post

        Thanks Tim... Idiots deserve to be banned, thoughtful contributors don't. It sounds like we're in agreement and that you have a good handle on this. My goal is for the Warrior Forum to continue to grow and thrive. I've learned quite a lot here.

        Mate would you mind dropping a PM I have some questions to ask in private

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  • Profile picture of the author chanks2015
    Everywhere just follow the rule, nothing is going to happen.

    Good Luck.
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