Block chain development as a career?

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Good day everyone,

I hope I am posting in the right area. Two days ago, I spoke to an old friend I hadn't heard from in years. He'd talked about pursuing black chain development certifications and qualifications to forge a "new direction for his existence." His current position as a Trust Officer was draining him of life (and his soul) -- and his salary had peaked. In addition, he'd been in the Bank and Trust Sector for almost 25 years... dealing with, as he'd put it: "contentious, underhanded, double-faced, soul sucking corporate ingrates for far too long." He added he was "middle-aged, drained and tired" of the field. He talked about the vast potential of the block chain (and by extension, cryptocurrencies operations) field to dramatically change a person's fortunes, because the sector was still evolving (it's still in infancy by tech revolutionary standards). It was only a matter of time before its ubiquitous influence would impact every facet of life, whether we like it or not. He even believed the sector was on the same threshold that the internet occupied in the late 1990s. Therefore, any investment in qualifications to become an expert in this sphere could only be a positive direction forward. To him, the probabilities strongly supported the move. And success, as he defined it, was more realistic there, as opposed to opening a fast food restaurant, drop shipping or freelancing/consulting. Statistics proved it. Besides, his present sector was dying.

He emphasized 5 key areas important to him. The first was the amount of time invested as a novice in the beginning. There were 3-month certification courses available to familiarize oneself, and even get work. The second was the expanding types of positions and areas where one could focus -- which led to the third-- a decent income in a relatively shorter space of time as compared to conventional jobs, like the one he had. Fourth, his newly developed expertise as a "problem solver" would make him indispensable long term, hence more valuable, and fifth, the sector was wide open because of constant tech evolution. Therefore, the problem of overcrowding is not a present threat.

My curiosity was peaked as I listened to him and I decided to do some small scale research. The sector appears promising.

I don't know if there are many block chain business development persons on this forum, but I would appreciate any feedback on this inquiry. Finally, I've heard about folks moving away from dead end careers and towards skills in computer coding. Is my friend's proposed transition similar in that respect?
  • Profile picture of the author Frank Donovan
    This isn't a crypto forum, and currently crypto threads are allowed only in the Off Topic section, which is why this has been moved.

    Wherever you post questions like this, you'll get those who say a block chain world is inevitable and a sure-fire sector to get into now, while others will tell you it's a bubble waiting to burst. At this stage, they're all mostly guessing.

    Your friend sounds like he's looking for an instant fix for his mid-life career disillusionment. Only he knows how much of a risk he's willing to take at this point in his life, and how much he needs to rely on a regular income. A background in banking might indicate a degree of risk aversion.

    But he wouldn't be alone in wanting to change course. I'd imagine many people have been reconsidering their career options over the last couple of years.

    Ever lie awake worrying that you might be the only person who doesn't know what FOMO means?

    {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[11713965].message }}
    • Profile picture of the author max5ty
      Originally Posted by Frank Donovan View Post

      This isn't a crypto forum, and currently crypto threads are allowed only in the Off Topic section, which is why this has been moved.

      Wherever you post questions like this, you'll get those who say a block chain world is inevitable and a sure-fire sector to get into now, while others will tell you it's a bubble waiting to burst. At this stage, they're all mostly guessing.

      Your friend sounds like he's looking for an instant fix for his mid-life career disillusionment. Only he knows how much of a risk he's willing to take at this point in his life, and how much he needs to rely on a regular income. A background in banking might indicate a degree of risk aversion.

      But he wouldn't be alone in wanting to change course. I'd imagine many people have been reconsidering their career options over the last couple of years.
      I'm going to have to say that your posts are probably some of the most intellectual posts I read on here.

      I'm becoming a bigger fan of your posts daily
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  • Profile picture of the author savidge4
    BLOCK CHAIN is NOT Crypto... Crypto is dispersed with the use of block chain - but NOT exclusively block chain.

    There will come a time that things like land titles... IBM is using already for for supply chain tracking... it is in the healthcare field... I believe the FDA is using an amount of blockchain for food safety.

    In a nutshell anything that needs a non-changeable record of ownership... Voting would be a good example that Block chain might / should be used. Another great example of this is would be registered PDF files - so only the person that "bought" the file would be able to access the file.

    It is a very interesting field... without question at some point it will be widely used... a drivers license, car insurance, movie / concert / sporting tickets.

    Someone with a background in banking will have a real head start in all of this... but anyone with a decent programming background should really be looking in this direction.

    And I am just pointing out that maybe this type of conversation should be moved to the programming section of the forum - kinda where it belongs.
    Success is an ACT not an idea
    {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[11713973].message }}
    • Profile picture of the author Frank Donovan
      Originally Posted by savidge4 View Post

      BLOCK CHAIN is NOT Crypto...
      That's true. But cryptocurrency was the first application of block chain technology, and most threads submitted on the topic are thinly veiled promotional vehicles for crypto trading. Not saying this is one, but to date we haven't allowed those threads in the main discussion areas.

      There'll probably come a time when members can discuss block chain technology as a topic in itself - either in the programming section or (more likely) as a separate section, but that would be an admin decision.

      Ever lie awake worrying that you might be the only person who doesn't know what FOMO means?

      {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[11713975].message }}
  • Profile picture of the author tagiscom
    Well l was going to say that BC, has dropped 110% since November 2021, and the World Bank doesn't like it, but since you are talking about Blockchain it gets a little more credible.

    Blockchain is a system of recording information in a way that makes it difficult or impossible to change, hack, or cheat the system. A blockchain is essentially a digital ledger of transactions that is duplicated and distributed across the entire network of computer systems on the blockchain.
    So your friend is essentially telling his clients not to do these and do those to avoid being scammed.

    Sounds like your friend is changing fleas on the same dog.

    But if it brings in the money and keeps him happy for a while more power to him.

    Terra, was considered a stable Bitcoin and it went to Zero, so he has his work cut for him.
    {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[11713981].message }}
  • Profile picture of the author Kay King
    Someone with a background in banking will have a real head start in all of this... but anyone with a decent programming background should really be looking in this direction.
    I don't understand blockchain but I thought the same thing as quoted above. I think the 'friend' is a bit optimistic in his 5 'things' but that's something he can adjust if necessary.

    My thought was - he's proposing designing shovels instead of digging for gold...not a bad idea but could be I don't understand his goal. Most dedicated blockchain forums seem to be EU based.

    It was a forum decision that all crypto-related threads go into OT section...because the replies usually end up like:

    l was going to say that BC, has dropped
    Saving one dog will not change the world - but the world changes forever for that one dog
    2024 Patriot's Award for Service to Veterans
    {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[11714047].message }}
  • Wizman888,

    Originally Posted by wizman888 View Post

    [SNIP]but I would appreciate any feedback on this inquiry.[/SNIP]
    Is your inquiry your thread title?
    • Sorry, but you lost me somewhere in your dense retelling.

    --> Well if so, then as long as businesses are hiring people for blockchain dev, and also as long as there are people and orgs that want blockchain-based solutions, then I'd qualify it as a "career".

    As for a "promising" career, then that depends on the currently available options of a person in an arbitrary situation.
    • Opportunity cost, you see.

    For example, I'm a little bit interested in quantitative trading as an on-the-side career option.
    • But that's just me.
    • Why? Well, it's within a domain that I'm significantly interested.
    • Conditional probability, community sentiment analytics, stat and Machine Learning dev.

    --> Besides, rewards are quite lucrative in my opinion = Median U.S. salary is $15K / month.

    But back to blockchain dev.
    • Many say this is the foundation of Web3. And Web3 is in turn the foundation of the Metaverse ...

    Well, blockchain being the consensus mechanism that powers Web3 makes a lot of sense, at least for me.
    • For a Web3 network, you want something non-custodial (decentralized). Trustless. And an immutable transaction ledger. A smart contract ...

    Though right now, I neither have the inclination nor the interest to participate in the dev of these technologies.
    • At this point, I prefer to wait and see what happens in the next 3 to 8 years ...

    Originally Posted by wizman888 View Post

    Finally, I've heard about folks moving away from dead end careers and towards skills in computer coding. Is my friend's proposed transition similar in that respect?
    Sounds like it.
    • If I understand how you described your friend's job, I'd classify it as "administrative" and "managerial" in the banking and finance industry ...

    --> And as long as the "coding" career you're describing here is within the realm of creative dev, then that's a lot different from something "administrative' and "managerial", in my opinion ...
    Need Custom Programmatic SEO or GenAI Engineering Work Done? Drop Me an Email HERE ...
    • Chief Machine Learning Engineer @ ARIA Research (Sydney, AU)
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    {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[11714057].message }}
  • Profile picture of the author DWolfe
    Originally Posted by wizman888 View Post

    His current position as a Trust Officer was draining him of life (and his soul) -- and his salary had peaked. In addition, he'd been in the Bank and Trust Sector for almost 25 years... He talked about the vast potential of the block chain field to dramatically change a person's fortunes, because the sector was still evolving (it's still in infancy by tech revolutionary standards).

    To him, the probabilities strongly supported the move. or freelancing/consulting. Statistics proved it. Besides, his present sector was dying.

    I don't know if there are many block chain business development persons on this forum, but I would appreciate any feedback on this inquiry. Finally, I've heard about folks moving away from dead end careers and towards skills in computer coding. Is my friend's proposed transition similar in that respect?
    If you look at Indeed under Blockchain Developer there are currently over 5 pages and 440 current jobs available. The salaries are all over the place. One company is paying $160,00 a year another in Princeton NJ is paying $ 180,00 to $200,000 a year. Then their are lower-paying jobs for Junior Developers. Some lean towards NFT which is the biggest craze currently. Some jobs are remote if he wants to work at home.

    Depends on the person, and the risk they want to take. Your friend could use those skills in the future for other careers if blockchain dosen't work out for him. He seems to rule out consulting, that could be a mistake. Especially with skills and background. It's worth exploring if you want more information.
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  • Profile picture of the author Kay King
    One caution - if you look at INDEED you'll see a lot of jobs that don't exist.... Probably true of all the headhunter services online.
    Saving one dog will not change the world - but the world changes forever for that one dog
    2024 Patriot's Award for Service to Veterans
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  • Profile picture of the author PostingBay
    The real question would be to make sure that your friend knows exactly what he's doing because if not, then it's going put everything invested in the project at serious risk which might not end well.

    As for cryptocurrency, I'm beginning to lose hope on the project with what's been going on with BTC for a while now. So, just be careful with any decision you make.
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