POLL: Mental Illness and Internet Marketers

14 replies
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In your opinion:

Do you feel that the % of individuals working in internet marketing suffer from mental illnesses (i.e. Depression, Bipolar, Anxiety) is...
A. Greater than the general population
B. About the same as the general population
C. Less than the general population

Please respond, and share any thoughts with your answer.
#anxiety #bipolar #depression #internet marketers #poll
  • Profile picture of the author HeySal
    So..um...what are we callin' mental illness? Are we talkin' people wielding axes or people who just exist outside the norms of society?

    I think in the first case, not so much - but in the later case.......yeah, we're pretty muchly basket cases. A lot of really smart basket weavers in this place though, so grab your tinfoil beany with the battery operated propeller and join the crowd.

    When the Roads and Paths end, learn to guide yourself through the wilderness
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    • Profile picture of the author Kay King
      Please respond, and share any thoughts with your answer.
      I think you're crazy
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  • Profile picture of the author thunderbird
    Originally Posted by CPApromoter View Post

    In your opinion:

    Do you feel that the % of individuals working in internet marketing suffer from mental illnesses (i.e. Depression, Bipolar, Anxiety) is...
    A. Greater than the general population
    B. About the same as the general population
    C. Less than the general population

    Please respond, and share any thoughts with your answer.
    I personally don't like to partake in clueless speculation, especially if it involves making generalizations that blindly categorize or label people.

    Project HERE.

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    • Profile picture of the author HeySal
      Originally Posted by thunderbird View Post

      I personally don't like to partake in clueless speculation, especially if it involves making generalizations that blindly categorize or label people.
      Would it help out any if we invited everyone to a party so you could come and watch us drool in person?

      When the Roads and Paths end, learn to guide yourself through the wilderness
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      • Profile picture of the author Tina Golden
        I believe it's A. That's an educated guess based on the number of people I've seen actually state their varying diagnoses and based on what I know of certain mental conditions such as bipolar disorder.

        A large number of people with bipolar disorder and similar conditions have a difficult time working with authority figures and other people in general so they have a tendency to start their own businesses, not just in IM.

        Contrary to popular belief, those with bipolar disorder have a tendency to be of high intelligence and creativity - perfect traits for internet marketing success. This type of business also allows them to work around the negative traits they may have because of the illness.

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        • Profile picture of the author Michael Oksa
          Originally Posted by TMG Enterprises View Post

          I believe it's A. That's an educated guess based on the number of people I've seen actually state their varying diagnoses and based on what I know of certain mental conditions such as bipolar disorder.

          A large number of people with bipolar disorder and similar conditions have a difficult time working with authority figures and other people in general so they have a tendency to start their own businesses, not just in IM.

          Contrary to popular belief, those with bipolar disorder have a tendency to be of high intelligence and creativity - perfect traits for internet marketing success. This type of business also allows them to work around the negative traits they may have because of the illness.

          Hi Tina,

          You make some good points, and you may be right. However, there is also the risk of getting "false positives". In other words, it may only seem that way because those without any such conditions usually don't say "I don't have any disorder."

          People tend to identify themselves as what they are, not what they aren't. If you ask me what my gender is, I would answer "male", not "non-female". So, that could skew one's perception. What I mean is you will naturally have more people saying they have a particular disorder, than those who say they don't.

          Add to that the fact that a fairly large percentage of the population suffers from some form of psychological disorder and my guess is that internet marketers have the same OVERALL percentage.

          That being said, it makes sense that people with certain psychological disorders may be more attracted to internet marketing, BUT I'm sure there are also psychological disorders that turn people away from it as well.

          All the best,

          "Ich bin en fuego!"
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      • Profile picture of the author CPApromoter
        Originally Posted by HeySal View Post

        Would it help out any if we invited everyone to a party so you could come and watch us drool in person?
        Sal, I think that already exists: "Affiliate Summit" LOL.
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        • Profile picture of the author Sumit Menon
          Originally Posted by CPApromoter View Post

          Sal, I think that already exists: "Affiliate Summit" LOL.
          No.. It's Affiliate Sumit.
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          • Profile picture of the author HeySal
            Originally Posted by Sumit Menon View Post

            No.. It's Affiliate Sumit.
            Sumit - they haven't even invented a name for your type of strange yet.

            Actually - yeah I was being flippant, but I'm thinking that as a bunch we're a pretty looney batch both at low ends, such as just not being able or willing to conform to society, all the way up to major mental issues.

            I think Tina's right on the mark with the analysis of why there are so many off-kilter personalities in IM.

            When the Roads and Paths end, learn to guide yourself through the wilderness
            Beyond the Path

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            • Profile picture of the author Sumit Menon
              Originally Posted by HeySal View Post

              Sumit - they haven't even invented a name for your type of strange yet.
              Thank You!
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              • Profile picture of the author Tashi Mortier
                Well... Maybe there is the "anonymity" bonus of the internet. People feel a lot more comfortable when they are at home and can talk to you anonymously.

                It's easier to talk about those things in such a way. I suffered from depression, too. A lot of people are ashamed of it because mental illness has a very bad negative connotation. They don't want to be seen as a lunatic so in public they often hide it.

                I'm not ashamed to talk about my depression anymore. I got over it and the experience made me stronger.

                Want to read my personal blog? Tashi Mortier

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  • Profile picture of the author CPApromoter

    I have Bipolar disorder, and Anxiety disorder. And it occurred to me that over the years, a lot of people I have met and gotten to know through Internet Marketing also have these issues.

    I just wondered if it is mostly coincidental that this is the case or if it's really a common thing in this field.
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  • Profile picture of the author amo992
    Well...what an interesting question indeed.

    I'd have to respond with. B (considering the amount of internet marketers in the world 1m+?). The larger the group the closer it gets to normal...which is average .

    However, this thread gets the rating of A.
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  • Profile picture of the author CPApromoter
    Glad you enjoyed even though you disagreed with the hypothesis.
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