insurance/kidney rant-Updated 1-6-11

by KimW
35 replies
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/Start rant
As many of you know now, I need a kidney transplant.
I went through all the required tests a couple of years back and passed them all when it was discovered I had a type of cancer.

I had the cancer removed,but the transplant medical unit requires someone to be cancer free for two years before they will put you on the list.

That two year period was up in November 2010. From about July of 2010 the transplant unit had me go through all the testing all over again. Once again,I passed them all.

We just got a call from my transplant medical unit manager telling me that as far as they are concerned I am good to go as far as getting back on the list,but now the insurance company is requiring a new batter of tests.

From what I was told, I had already been cleared by the insurance company but they now have a new transplant case manager and even though the old case manager has cleared me, I now have to do this new battery.

Though I can't do anything about it but do all the testing, I think its a bunch of Beaurocratic BS.
/End rant
  • Profile picture of the author Steven Wagenheim
    Kim, I'm really sorry to hear this. I hate all the red tape that people have to
    go through in this country too.

    I hope that you get this taken care of quickly, get the kidney you need
    finally and lead a somewhat normal life.

    I don't know if you believe in prayer, but I'll say a big one tonight before
    I turn in.
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  • Profile picture of the author seasoned
    Yeah, it makes sense that they took you off the list for cancer, and waited two years. But can't they PROVISIONALLY put you on the list? The sooner you go on, the higher your priority will be. I hate to say it but, at your age, you may get knocked down the list ANYWAY. So what kind of testing do they need? I mean you ALREADY passed the basic health requirements, clearing for cancer, and had tissue typing, so what else is there? I mean all the stuff I listed, in your case, would be REQUIRED before they even CONSIDERED putting you on the list. They don't just say OH, you need a kidney, you get on the list.

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  • Profile picture of the author KimW
    Steven, yes I do and thank you for your thoughts.

    Steve, I will be getting a letter in the mail in the next day or two I believe listing the aditional tests I need to take, but from what I understand one is another blood workup ( which has been done several times ) and another is a "doppler" of my veins,which I don't have a clue about. I know a few months back they did a "doppler" of the veins in my throat,I believe they are called cartoid veins? which showed some blockage but from what I understand it was normal for someone my age.

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    {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[3120838].message }}
    • Profile picture of the author seasoned
      Originally Posted by KimW View Post

      Steven, yes I do and thank you for your thoughts.

      Steve, I will be getting a letter in the mail in the next day or two I believe listing the aditional tests I need to take, but from what I understand one is another blood workup ( which has been done several times ) and another is a "doppler" of my veins,which I don't have a clue about. I know a few months back they did a "doppler" of the veins in my throat,I believe they are called cartoid veins? which showed some bloxkage but from what I understand it was normal for someone my age.
      The two big arteries running on either side of your neck in front are the carotid arteries. Yeah, it DOES make sense that they would want to check the veins, etc.. because kidneys are VERY sensitive to such things. But you don't seem to be the type that is overeating or eating garbage. ALSO, that is likely a test the kidney list would want.

      Gee, they haven't asked for your blood pressure to be taken again!?!? It's a simple test, but kidneys are sensitive to high blood pressure too.

      Oh well, at least the tests aren't off the wall. After all, if you had too much plaque, or your blood pressure were too high, the kidney could be damaged within a couple years. too much bilirubin, etc... probably could ALSO, of course THEN you would have BIGGER problems. Some insurance plans, and doctors, seem to just want the test done for THEM. SOME even specify certain labs!

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      • Profile picture of the author glchandler
        Oh well, at least the tests aren't off the wall.
        Off the wall if they check only what the previous recent tests checked/confirmed. Seems to me that some one has 'finally' became a manager and has the opportunity to finally swing the BIG hammer......

        And might just be swinging to prove he can, without considering what is hit in the process. Patients simply become numbers/statistics and no longer recognized as a valid/suffering/deserving human.

        There is never a BAD time to help those living with lousy kidneys!

        {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[3122133].message }}
        • Profile picture of the author seasoned
          Originally Posted by glchandler View Post

          Off the wall if they check only what the previous recent tests checked/confirmed. Seems to me that some one has 'finally' became a manager and has the opportunity to finally swing the BIG hammer......

          And might just be swinging to prove he can, without considering what is hit in the process. Patients simply become numbers/statistics and no longer recognized as a valid/suffering/deserving human.
          Agreed. I think I have made it VERY clear how much I hate the medical industry. HECK, I recently had a MAJOR problem that COULD have been MINOR if not for the FDA. It's cost THOUSANDS so far for nothing, and THREE doctors. I could have cured myself for <$400. Maybe the only one that will pay for that stupid stuff is ME. I know it PALES to what Kimw has to go through, but I hate it all the same.

          But HEY, at least they haven't asked kim for stuff that is totally worthless.

          And don't insurance companies pay for the tests? You would think they would save a few hundred dollars and just accept older tests.

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  • Profile picture of the author Andie
    Makes ya wanna rip someone a new one...the idjuts

    you said:
    From what I was told, I had already been cleared by the insurance company but they now have a new transplant case manager and even though the old case manager has cleared me, I now have to do this new battery.

    I would think it should have more to do with your records than changing personnel :/
    think I'd be asking a superior why the new case manager cannot reference and comprehend previous case manager's records???

    (just helping you rant)
    wish I had sound advice that might help....but sadly, we have put ourselves at the mercy of the companies and the red tape.

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  • Profile picture of the author waterotter
    Sorry for all the red tape and bureaucratic bs you have to go through Kim. I can certainly understand why health insurance is so expensive.

    Like you really need this added stress on top of everything else you've had to endure.

    Keep your chin up - there will be better days ahead.
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  • Profile picture of the author KimW
    I am almost always upbeat I think. At least I try to be. I get up every day feeling I am watched over. While I do have sick days, I have more healthy ones than sick. And I look healthier than those that get their treatments in center. The biggest hurdle I face every day is the dialysis. While I am only on the machine about two hours for treatment, there is before and after prep time that adds anouther hour to hour and a half to the whole procedure. But in the big scheme of things, I'm doing ok.

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    {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[3122387].message }}
  • Profile picture of the author waterotter
    Kim, you had good reason for this little rant! The public needs to be aware of this.

    As for your attitude, you are always upbeat. Keeping that frame of mind will serve you well during your recovery - now, just gotta find ya that kidney.
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  • Profile picture of the author Patrician
    Outrageous Kim.

    What else can I say - Ridiculous.

    I know you will always endure and overcome and you have already had a lot of practice.
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  • Profile picture of the author KimW
    "And don't insurance companies pay for the tests? You would think they would save a few hundred dollars and just accept older tests."

    I agree Steve. That's one thing that makes Gordon's theory very believable.

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    {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[3124865].message }}
    • Profile picture of the author seasoned
      Originally Posted by KimW View Post

      "And don't insurance companies pay for the tests? You would think they would save a few hundred dollars and just accept older tests."

      I agree Steve. That's one thing that makes Gordon's theory very believable.
      OH YEAH, I HAVE known people like that. Of course, there COULD be rules in place that he feels haven't been followed, etc. WHO KNOWS?

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      • Profile picture of the author Kay King
        I think it's most likely it's just another insurance company trying to delay paying for anything major as long as possible.

        I'm not sure exactly when we passed the barrier where your treatment is determined by your doctor - insurance took over some time ago and that's just sad.

        I don't understand why you can't be put on the list now and then get the testing. It's ridiculous.

        Good luck!

        Saving one dog will not change the world - but the world changes forever for that one dog
        My ducks are absolutely not in a row. I don't even know where some of them are...
        ...and I'm pretty sure one of them is a pigeon.
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    • Profile picture of the author HeySal
      Originally Posted by KimW View Post

      "And don't insurance companies pay for the tests? You would think they would save a few hundred dollars and just accept older tests."

      I agree Steve. That's one thing that makes Gordon's theory very believable.
      That's where my mind was going. I wonder if the guy above the manager at this office has any clue what he just did. Maybe you should write and inform him that their money is being mishandled.

      You might also want to check and see if they have made other changes that new tests can't pass.

      Good time to start eating cottage cheese with ground flax in it to melt that plaque.

      When the Roads and Paths end, learn to guide yourself through the wilderness
      Beyond the Path

      {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[3127415].message }}
      • Profile picture of the author glchandler

        I just received a call from the case manager and between the hospital and the insurance company they have decided that I do not need to do any more tests at this time after all.
        The insurance company has approved my case and I should now officially be back on the transplant list!
        Hey....maybe that case manager reads the Warrior Forum while he is waiting for his secretary to bring coffee and donuts!

        There is never a BAD time to help those living with lousy kidneys!

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  • Profile picture of the author KimW
    "I'm not sure exactly when we passed the barrier where your treatment is determined by your doctor - insurance took over some time ago and that's just sad."

    You are absolutely right. We as a country need to take that right back.
    Of course, we now let the pharmacutical companies diagnose and prescribe to us over the TV.
    When I was growing up the Drs did make the decisions. NOt insurance companies. The insurance companies should do what they were created to do.

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    {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[3126232].message }}
  • Profile picture of the author KimW

    I just received a call from the case manager and between the hospital and the insurance company they have decided that I do not need to do any more tests at this time after all.
    The insurance company has approved my case and I should now officially be back on the transplant list!

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    {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[3126891].message }}
    • Profile picture of the author seasoned
      Originally Posted by KimW View Post


      I just received a call from the case manager and between the hospital and the insurance company they have decided that I do not need to do any more tests at this time after all.
      The insurance company has approved my case and I should now officially be back on the transplant list!
      Try checking through someone else, to make sure!
      {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[3126974].message }}
      • Profile picture of the author KimW
        Originally Posted by seasoned View Post

        Try checking through someone else, to make sure!
        About 45 minutes ago I got the call from the transplant unit case manager (not the insurance) informing that as of today I am officially back on the transplant list!

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        {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[3131690].message }}
        • Profile picture of the author waterotter
          That's great news Kim.
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        • Profile picture of the author seasoned
          Originally Posted by KimW View Post

          About 45 minutes ago I got the call from the transplant unit case manager (not the insurance) informing that as of today I am officially back on the transplant list!
          THAT'S what I was talking about. It's always better if someone else confirms it.
          {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[3133207].message }}
    • Profile picture of the author LynnM
      Originally Posted by KimW View Post


      I just received a call from the case manager and between the hospital and the insurance company they have decided that I do not need to do any more tests at this time after all.
      The insurance company has approved my case and I should now officially be back on the transplant list!
      Fantastic news, that must have taken some of the weight off your mind.
      {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[3133138].message }}
  • Profile picture of the author seasoned

    I was denied drugs, even drugs I NEEDED, because the INSURANCE didn't want to pay! They didn't TELL me that. They simply said "We can't fill that yet.". I thought, originally, that it was due to the prescription. It WASN'T! After I found that out, I paid for prescriptions about 3 times IN FULL to get what I needed WHEN I needed it.

    That's ANOTHER thing! Doctors and hospitals generally won't even ATTEMPT to quote how much a given procedure will cost! AND, if you DARE to ask what MEDICINE costs, they will tell you your copay, or ask "WHY? Doesn't INSURANCE pay for it?". Yet OTHER reasons why insurance is so high and why the insurance companies hire people to try to limit such thinking.

    Oh, and ROSCHE finally did what I have been expecting for a few years! They, at the last minute, said that their perishible supplies will NOT be replaced! My $2000 meter is now relegated to basically being a piece of junk. To merely REPLACE this NEEDED device, I need ANOTHER prescription! The joke is on them though. I will NOT be getting their new device, which they are trying to trick the world into getting. I'm going to by a competitive device that has an established track record from ANOTHER supplier. Even the SUPPLIES cost less, but the new machine costs $1500, instead of the $2500 their supplier wanted!

    It is ASTOUNDING what the FTC and FDA allow sometimes. The device in question IS subject to FDA and FTC rules.

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  • Profile picture of the author Tim_Carter
    Wow that sucks about the cancerr and all.

    I had one 12 years ago.

    Of course being in Canada the insurance is a non issue.

    Glad the insurance company saw it your way!

    Best of luck.
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  • Profile picture of the author Andie
    Yipeeee --nice to know they are not all simply mindless idiots

    Glad they sorted it out and you have less to suffer through!
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  • great information.. thanks for posting..
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  • Profile picture of the author WD Mino
    I sent you a pm

    I don't know if it is possible but if it is I am real about it


    "As a man thinks in his heart so is he-Proverbs 23:7"

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  • Profile picture of the author Andie
    Kim -
    c' a pic of you doing your Happy Snoopy Dance!!

    mega-happy for you

    {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[3132418].message }}
  • Profile picture of the author KimW
    Your gonna be sorry you said that!


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    {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[3132462].message }}
  • Profile picture of the author Andie
    LOL I love it!!
    Poor Snoop .... I was probably the only (socalled) grownup that watched the charlie brown holiday shows without kids around..
    {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[3132625].message }}
    • Profile picture of the author seasoned
      Originally Posted by Andie View Post

      LOL I love it!!
      Poor Snoop .... I was probably the only (socalled) grownup that watched the charlie brown holiday shows without kids around..
      Gee, stories that spoke of life, and kids trying to act adult, in a comedic way. Nothing wrong with enjoying that.

      {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[3133046].message }}
  • Profile picture of the author KimW
    Agreed Steve!

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  • Profile picture of the author HeySal
    Okay - now that is more like it. Like you said - it should be doctors giving orders on treatments, not corporations. Insurance companies know the risks of their field. If they think too many people are getting sick for them to afford it, maybe they should take on the FDA and Gov and anyone else who allows toxic waste to be spewed all over the planet and dumped in our foods - and maybe make drugs less dangerous, too. No - that would make sense. It's much easier to just make people pay for services they can't get.
    <end of my rant>

    Kim - as slick has you have become at beating odds - I think that we're going to be putting up with your cranky *ss for many long years to come.

    When the Roads and Paths end, learn to guide yourself through the wilderness
    Beyond the Path

    {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[3134855].message }}
    • Profile picture of the author WD Mino
      Originally Posted by HeySal View Post


      Kim - as slick has you have become at beating odds - I think that we're going to be putting up with your cranky *ss for many long years to come.</snip>
      I sincerely hope so kind of fond of the guy! I had an idea I talked with Kim about but unfortunately it will not work but I am looking for the post that says I GOT IT!

      "As a man thinks in his heart so is he-Proverbs 23:7"

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