by yssync
47 replies
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I'm feeling depressed.. no selfsteem... feel like everything is against me... nothing is working for me.. being a newbie here I feel stupid... Should I just give up my house and move back to a small apartment with my kids??? I know I have to be thankful for what I have, but when I tried so hard to make it work for months after months and still going nowhere is really discouraging... Your encourament or any advise would be greatly appreciated. ... or anyone on the same boat???

Thank you,
#depressed #feeling
  • Profile picture of the author bhola badshah
    God has given you alot of skills, be calm and pray to God to help you. Think positively and go adhead with it. and remember the only way to satisfaction is to pray Almighty God and do good things to make your soul happy.
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    • Profile picture of the author yssync
      Originally Posted by mywebstory View Post

      God has given you alot of skills, be calm and pray to God to help you. Think positively and go adhead with it. and remember the only way to satisfaction is to pray Almighty God and do good things to make your soul happy.
      That's exactly what I needed to hear... Thank you so so much.

      God bless you!
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      • Profile picture of the author Shadowflux
        I believe that everyone is meant for something, sometimes its rather specific and sometimes its pretty vague. I think that once you find what you were meant to do everything will be a lot easier, it will seem like the universe bends to assist you.

        You probably already know what you're meant for, listen to your heart and you will be successful
        Native Advertising Specialist
        Dangerously Effective
        Always Discreet
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        • Profile picture of the author yssync
          Originally Posted by Shadowflux View Post

          I believe that everyone is meant for something, sometimes its rather specific and sometimes its pretty vague. I think that once you find what you were meant to do everything will be a lot easier, it will seem like the universe bends to assist you.

          You probably already know what you're meant for, listen to your heart and you will be successful
          Thank you. I guess I have to be more patient and keep praying, too...

          I already know I'm not meant to sit here in the office 9-5 and work in "corporate" world unitl I die, but don't know what I'm meant for, yet. I'll keep praying.

          Thanks, again!

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    • Profile picture of the author bravo75
      Yeah, I'm sure that's exactly what he wanted to hear.

      Originally Posted by mywebstory View Post

      God has given you alot of skills, be calm and pray to God to help you. Think positively and go adhead with it. and remember the only way to satisfaction is to pray Almighty God and do good things to make your soul happy.
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  • Profile picture of the author Marketing Cheetah
    Giving up is the easiest option

    You are already depressed then why not cash out this opportunity and start all over again with passion ?

    Beleive me all the great people in the world you see today were at the same point you are at this time.

    For your motivation, check this video:
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    • Profile picture of the author yssync
      Thank you for sharing the video! WOW! and he is funny, too.
      It's not that I was giving up. I will never give up. I think I feel really lost, but I will keep praying and working and someday I'll get to where I want to be!

      Thanks, again.
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  • Profile picture of the author drewsg
    Think you're depressed? I've dropped out of college because I can't settle on a damn thing to major, last month I watched them repo away my car, I'm 25, I live with my parents and I'm like $30,000 in debt with creditors calling and I'm stuck at a dead end retail job.. and that's the easy part.

    It's easy to beat yourself up when everything is going wrong. Why? because theres no one to stop you. But when you get that feeling, you seriously need to look it dead in the eye and give it the finger. When the universe pushes you, you push back, and you push back harder. Eventually failure will be a bump in the road, rather than a mountain to climb.

    Remember my friend, failure is one step away from success. Sounds like you have half the battle won. And when you find yourself in doubt, just think of the end result and don't give up on it.

    I know this sounds kind of rambled, but I'm posting from my mobile phone and it's hard to see all the text as I type. I just hate to see anyone bend to depression, because I've been there (and still fight it time to time). Chin up grasshopper!
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    • Profile picture of the author Ian Jackson
      You're feeling depressed...

      My Wife and I have a best friend who's recently been diagnosed with the big "C", and so is terminally ill. However he's showing immense courage, dealing with it stoically, and making the most of everyday with a smile.
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      • Profile picture of the author yssync
        Originally Posted by Ian Jackson View Post

        You're feeling depressed...

        My Wife and I have a best friend who's recently been diagnosed with the big "C", and so is terminally ill. However he's showing immense courage, dealing with it stoically, and making the most of everyday with a smile.
        Maybe I shouldn't have used the word "depressed".. rather sad and discouraged... yes like I mentioned earlier, I am thankful for what I have.

        I'm so sorry to hear about your friend... my prayers will be with you all...

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    • Profile picture of the author yssync
      Originally Posted by drewsg View Post

      Think you're depressed? I've dropped out of college because I can't settle on a damn thing to major, last month I watched them repo away my car, I'm 25, I live with my parents and I'm like $30,000 in debt with creditors calling and I'm stuck at a dead end retail job.. and that's the easy part.

      It's easy to beat yourself up when everything is going wrong. Why? because theres no one to stop you. But when you get that feeling, you seriously need to look it dead in the eye and give it the finger. When the universe pushes you, you push back, and you push back harder. Eventually failure will be a bump in the road, rather than a mountain to climb.

      Remember my friend, failure is one step away from success. Sounds like you have half the battle won. And when you find yourself in doubt, just think of the end result and don't give up on it.

      I know this sounds kind of rambled, but I'm posting from my mobile phone and it's hard to see all the text as I type. I just hate to see anyone bend to depression, because I've been there (and still fight it time to time). Chin up grasshopper!
      Thank you. You and everyone's posts just bring tears to my eyes..
      Sorry for whining here, but I'm glad I posted this now I can get back up and keep going!
      Not just for me, but I hope other warriors can benefit from all of your generous posts here.

      Thank you so much!
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  • Profile picture of the author Steven Miranda
    I think everyone every so often feels down or depressed. I think it is a normal part of being human. Moods are constantly changing and we just have to pick ourselves up and look toward the sky! I always like to watch a motivational video or listening to some uplifting music when this happens to me.
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    • Profile picture of the author yssync
      Originally Posted by imationx View Post

      I think everyone every so often feels down or depressed. I think it is a normal part of being human. Moods are constantly changing and we just have to pick ourselves up and look toward the sky! I always like to watch a motivational video or listening to some uplifting music when this happens to me.
      Thank you! I'm in a network marketing business, too and they always have great motivation videos, calls, meetings, etc, too. I need to stay motivated!

      I just turned 40.. might be the sign of menopose..?

      Thanks, again!
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  • Profile picture of the author 2marketnow
    Depressed, discouraged --- nothing is overnight. It was not overnight you landed in the shoes you now walk. There are many things in IM that do not require investment. Just plain time and patience. Believe it or not, most everyone that has read this post has prayed for you and your kids and/or blessed you in their own way. Take that positive energy and convert it into a good day and fresh start. Remember your own thoughts create your path more than you know. See the end of the tunnel and the train starts moving.

    Julie Gavis Six Figure Income Fast

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    • Profile picture of the author yssync
      Originally Posted by 2marketnow View Post

      Depressed, discouraged --- nothing is overnight. It was not overnight you landed in the shoes you now walk. There are many things in IM that do not require investment. Just plain time and patience. Believe it or not, most everyone that has read this post has prayed for you and your kids and/or blessed you in their own way. Take that positive energy and convert it into a good day and fresh start. Remember your own thoughts create your path more than you know. See the end of the tunnel and the train starts moving.
      Ah i'm such a whiner! and think out loud sometimes...
      Thank you. I just kept paying for all the reports, systems etc. and felt overwhelmed for not getting anything back for months.. but I will keep my head up and work hard! I really really appreciate you all for giving me the positive energy! God bless you!

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      • Profile picture of the author ashleysmith
        If you're often feeling depressed, anxious, or stressed, you're not alone. We're in a bad-mood epidemic, a hundred times more likely to have significant mood problems than people born a hundred years ago.
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  • Profile picture of the author sodette1
    You know something?

    It always amazes me when the best advice someone can give is essentially,
    "Do nothing about it, someone else will take care of it for you, it's okay."

    That is the most damaging and hateful thing to tell a person who is in need of
    a wakeup call or support.

    It's also just pure ignorance. I seem to recall something about "helping yourself"
    as a big piece of getting results. When it all comes right down to it, you are
    responsible for you, nobody else.

    I get depressed - have bad days - wish for a better circumstance. Sure.

    There are times when the millions in equity and hundreds of thousands in cash I've
    lost in real estate since the crash weigh heavy on my mind.

    Taxes, raising kids, the economy, terrorists propaganda, relationships (work and personal),
    learning new things slower than they disappear and new-new things replace them,
    just to find myself starting the learning process over again, etc.

    IM world promises and real world results.

    Trust... support... motivation... death in the family, sickness, health challenges...

    My supply of coffee and red wine are running low - but the electric bill just doubled
    and filling up the gas tank in the car requires a load from "Vinnie" who charges
    more interest than I can pay - so, I now carry a bottle of mace, wear a string of
    garlic around my neck, and chant Tantric verses to keep my mind calm when I go
    to the mailbox, just in case he decides to pay me a visit.

    Here's the thing...

    I think one of the best written lines in all of movie history comes from the great
    Shawshank Redemption... you should watch it if you haven't.

    To paraphrase, and not to sound harsh (though, I'm sure it might)... you have a choice,
    how you internalize or react to the outside things that are or are not happening to
    you in your life... is a choice.

    "... get busy living, or get busy dying."

    Personally, I'd quit listening to people like me... stop waiting for prayers and magic
    well wishing... and start seeking solutions.

    Maybe they won't come fast enough to solve the financial issues you're having...

    Maybe they won't help you pay off the pressure boiling inside due to the financial
    meltdown that you are NOT alone experiencing right now...

    Maybe the solutions won't work as well as they are promised...

    But, I can tell you that "The only way to fix a problem is with a solution."

    That is a Steve O. quote, you can take it to the bank and cash that gold.

    So simple, exactly true.

    Define the problems, discuss the solutions - one-at-a-time.

    Miracles? Maybe they happen, maybe they don't. One thing is for certain either way,
    miracles are random at best and if your not standing in the front of the miracle line
    when they are handed out, you get to wait for the next round to try again.

    I'm all for spiritual help - but I've never cashed a check or found holy money to be
    part of the reward structure in any consistent manner you can budget. So, add
    the beseaching and all to your list of good practices daily - but, get busy working
    on your own solutions also.

    Quantum Mechanics or Physics experts talk about visualizing and manifesting what
    you want... again, okay - maybe, maybe not - who am I to judge? However, while
    you are visualizing and waiting on the sofa watching American Idol waiting for the
    manifesting part of the equation to magically happen for you or the lottery number to
    come in -

    Why not start writing a product about how to cope with the stress, how you are
    coping with the stress, to help others who are maybe going through the same
    things right now - then, sell it in a WSO or something?

    That, at least, is a small step in the right direction.

    You mentioned being in MLM... ugh, if you aren't making any money doing it,
    fix that, get help, find support - or get a job. Focus on something else until
    you find a solution that works.

    Do not let people lull you into the "it will be okay" BS however... it might not
    be okay in fact.

    A lot of Americans right now are not ending up "Okay" - so? What are you going to
    do about it?


    This is the time to find out what you are made of... it's not when things are all
    peachy and fine, when the money is flowing like water, when there are no challenges
    in life that you get to find out who you really are....

    It's when the relationships are stressed, when the kids are caught doing drugs or
    skipping school, when your Mother passes away with a brain tumor, when THE economy
    tanks and YOUR economy is all but bankrupt, when you are fighting to get out of
    the comfortable fetal position in bed each day because it's so hard to face the
    creditors who ruthlessly call every 15 minutes from 9am to 9pm, all freaking day...
    when the pantry is empty and the bank acount is dry...

    This is wheh you get one of the greatest gifts life has to offer...

    An opportunity to find out who you really are and what you are truly made of.

    Now THAT is something worth knowing.

    It's also something worth showing to your kids, friends, family, and peers.

    Stand up, dust yourself off, get to work. You've got things to accomplish, okay?

    With deepest and warmest regards,


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    • Profile picture of the author yssync
      Steve, thank you so much for taking your time to post this! You made a great point - this is the time to find out who I really am (not the depressed, sad face is NOT ME!) and show what I'm made of!

      I really appreciate it for all of your advise.

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      • Profile picture of the author Molad

        Remember that whatever you are going through today is a PHASE. As long as it's not a terminal disease, it will pass and you will come out on the other side.

        Do not forget that you have it in you, to keep at it, until it works for you.

        I support @mywebstory; I pray and it works for me. Believe you will get through this..

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  • Profile picture of the author Avesel
    You'll feel better if you work on something productive. Trust me.
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  • Profile picture of the author clever7
    We all have been in the same boat you are now many times in our lives, for one reason or another.

    Everything will be better for you in the future. Hard times don’t last forever.

    Here is a lens that might help you:

    Take care!
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  • Profile picture of the author craig j

    You mention in one of your posts:

    "I just kept paying for all the reports, systems etc. and felt overwhelmed for not getting anything back for months.. but I will keep my head up and work hard!"

    I've been there and done that and if you don't already know it I can tell you that's definitely NOT the road to riches. Just pick the one thing that you feel offers you the most in terms of profit potential AND your personal fulfilment and satisfaction and focus just on that and ignore all the other distractions of fast money, loop-holes, push-button schemes and "killer" (I detest the stupid use of that word as an adjective - especially in IM!!) systems.

    And read the post from Steve (sodette1) - it's sage advice.

    I wish you all the best!

    @ Steve
    That's some damn good advice in your post. Tough love maybe but very wise advice!
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  • Profile picture of the author sam770
    just keep working hard and read the advices here, he results are likely to come soon
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  • Profile picture of the author Agep_flippo
    hei Yoko..
    I agree with imationx, not just you, everybody often feels down. It happens in everybody. So you no need to worry, it is normal, sometimes we feel depressed too, just like you. Watching your kids maybe can make you feel energize, boost your mood.
    Just believe that we live in the universe that serve us with abundance.
    So, you are not alone.. look, there are so many responses here to support you. We are your brother, sister and your friend.
    Good Luck...
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  • Profile picture of the author Molad
    Maybe you can PM 1 or 2 Warrior gurus that have proven methods to help you review your websites/ pages. They can give you feedback on what you need to change or tweak.
    Frrom what I've read on this forum, there is money to made in IM. All it requires is consistent hardwork using a proven system. The results may take longer, but it will surely come.

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  • Profile picture of the author JonWebContent
    Nothing in life was meant to be easy. You just have to come to grips with it. You'll be amazed at how quickly things will turn around for you if you just keep working hard. One day something good will happen, and then it will snowball on you and you will have good thing after good thing go your way. Life is funny like that!

    Hang in there. Trust me, if you work hard and do things the right way unlike that idiot ReportKing, good things will happen. Good Karma will come your way before you know it.

    If the affiliate marketing thing hasn't worked for you, sit down and do a self analysis. That means you should analyze EVERYTHING you have been doing. Then check out this board and other forums to see if what you've been doing is similar to what the successful affiliate marketers on this board are doing. If not, change it up. Your self analysis should also include an honest assessment of your skills and abilities. Being self employed is not for everyone. Not saying you don't, but you need to be honest with yourself or it will never work. Are there certain skills you could improve on?

    There's a reason it isn't working up to this point, so figure it out and correct it. Once you do..........BAM!..........the money will be flowing in! I guarantee it!

    Oh, and stay positive. You won't get anywhere being down on yourself.

    Get an affordable and reliable Web Content Writer to help grow your online business.

    Learn how to play WINNING poker from me!

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    • Profile picture of the author Dougger1
      I know I've been depressed about my Internet Marketing more than once. I just keep telling myself that I will keep failing until I fail to fail. I've also found that sometimes it's helpful to take a time out for a few days to let me head clear and stop beating myself up.
      Get more logins with a high converting custom report - just $50 for 10-12 pages. Custom articles and posts = $10 for 500 words.
      Skype: doug_hanna
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      • Profile picture of the author Frank Donovan
        Well, at least one thing's crystal clear from this thread, IMO.

        Steve O doesn't post nearly often enough.


        Ever lie awake worrying that you might be the only person who doesn't know what FOMO means?

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  • Profile picture of the author Don Schenk
    Hi Yoko,

    Here is another post from the warriorforum. It describes a technique I have used for more than 20 years now to pull myself out of the "down in the dumps" feeling.

    This really does work. (It starts with post #5)

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    • Profile picture of the author yssync
      Originally Posted by Don Schenk View Post

      Hi Yoko,

      Here is another post from the warriorforum. It describes a technique I have used for more than 20 years now to pull myself out of the "down in the dumps" feeling.

      This really does work. (It starts with post #5)

      Hi, Don,

      OMG! I started the list.. I can see! I can smell! I can hear! I have both of my arms and legs! ... Why was I feeling depressed??? Duhhhhh!!!!!
      It's working! Thank you so much!!!
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      • Profile picture of the author medi50cus
        we are on the same boat but I am trying to surpass it. just believe in your capacities and everything will just follow through. Don't allow anyone pull you down. Negative feedbacks are just normal and will help you grow.
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  • Profile picture of the author HeySal
    Okay - now that everyone is done with the smoosh and goosh.........

    A couple of months istn't very long to figure this stuff out if you're starting from scratch. There are a lot of people that make good money, but they still had to have the idea for their business and acquire knowledge for each part of this they tackled. It takes time and if you don't understand that someone is going to end up catching you with a scam so chill out and continue on.

    If your mood is getting in your way, you're probably sitting at the damned box longer at a stretch than is good for you. Get up. Get outside and let the sun soak some VitaminD3 into you. Take a walk and stretch it out a little bit and let your mind just run. You'll be surprised at how much better you'll feel and function. Then remember that ALL opportunities aren't online - look for a few that aren't to help boost you through the short times if you're money situation isn't good. Look for some even if it is to give you a change of perspective and to get you out some. The isolation of online can get to people sometimes.

    Hang loose. You'll be fine.

    When the Roads and Paths end, learn to guide yourself through the wilderness
    Beyond the Path

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    • Profile picture of the author Jerryl
      I feel depressed from time to time too, but I always keep this in mind...better days are coming...and they always do!

      Your belief in God can work wonders too. Go to a church you like.

      No matter how bad things are/get there is always others who are worst off than you. Volunteering to help some of those less fortunate than you, (there are people who have a better reason to be depressed ;o) can not only take your mind off yourself, but be a light at the end of the tunnel for someone else!

      Sometimes depression can be somewhat chemical too, try taking some good vitamins...especially the 'B' vitamins.

      One other thing I do is just say f**k it (more to myself than anyone else)! I'm doing the best I can, and no matter what happens I've given it my all!

      Love things that make you happy.

      Try not to worry about you realize what a complete waste of time 'worry' is? It doesn't help anything, but just makes you sad and depressed before the thing you've been worrying about even happens...if it even ever does!

      Live your life in the moment...not tomorrow, not yesterday, but live in the here and now!

      If you feel like talking to me will help you, don't hesitate to send me a message...I'm here to help you in any way I can
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      • Profile picture of the author yssync
        Originally Posted by Jerryl View Post

        I feel depressed from time to time too, but I always keep this in mind...better days are coming...and they always do!

        Your belief in God can work wonders too. Go to a church you like.

        No matter how bad things are/get there is always others who are worst off than you. Volunteering to help some of those less fortunate than you, (there are people who have a better reason to be depressed ;o) can not only take your mind off yourself, but be a light at the end of the tunnel for someone else!

        Sometimes depression can be somewhat chemical too, try taking some good vitamins...especially the 'B' vitamins.

        One other thing I do is just say f**k it (more to myself than anyone else)! I'm doing the best I can, and no matter what happens I've given it my all!

        Love things that make you happy.

        Try not to worry about you realize what a complete waste of time 'worry' is? It doesn't help anything, but just makes you sad and depressed before the thing you've been worrying about even happens...if it even ever does!

        Live your life in the moment...not tomorrow, not yesterday, but live in the here and now!

        If you feel like talking to me will help you, don't hesitate to send me a message...I'm here to help you in any way I can
        I agree with you 100%! I feel better already, today thanks to all of you kind warriors!
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    • Profile picture of the author yssync
      Get outside and let the sun soak some VitaminD3 into you.

      I wish! I live in Pacific Northwest.. we won't see the sun till after 4th of July... I think I need to move somewhere sunny...

      Thank you for your advise though!
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      • Profile picture of the author HeySal
        Originally Posted by yssync View Post

        Get outside and let the sun soak some VitaminD3 into you.
        I wish! I live in Pacific Northwest.. we won't see the sun till after 4th of July... I think I need to move somewhere sunny...

        Thank you for your advise though! [/QUOTE]

        Yeah that makes it hard. But there are VitaminD3 supplements (make sure they are D3 - D2 is next to worthless). When I live in the NW (which is usually) I buy a light bulb for reptiles at a pet shop. They have special bulbs that give off the same rays that your body uses to manufacture and assimilate D3. Sit with the light shining on you for around 15 minutes a couple of times every day. You still need to walk - just bundle up and grin and bear it. A walk even on a really hideous day will clean out your bloodstream and make the neurons fire.

        If you think this stuff can be ignored, you need to read some of the posts of people who almost died because they planted themselves at the computer almost as well as trees plant themselves in rocky soil.

        When the Roads and Paths end, learn to guide yourself through the wilderness
        Beyond the Path

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        • Profile picture of the author yssync
          Originally Posted by HeySal View Post

          I wish! I live in Pacific Northwest.. we won't see the sun till after 4th of July... I think I need to move somewhere sunny...

          Thank you for your advise though!
          Yeah that makes it hard. But there are VitaminD3 supplements (make sure they are D3 - D2 is next to worthless). When I live in the NW (which is usually) I buy a light bulb for reptiles at a pet shop. They have special bulbs that give off the same rays that your body uses to manufacture and assimilate D3. Sit with the light shining on you for around 15 minutes a couple of times every day. You still need to walk - just bundle up and grin and bear it. A walk even on a really hideous day will clean out your bloodstream and make the neurons fire.

          If you think this stuff can be ignored, you need to read some of the posts of people who almost died because they planted themselves at the computer almost as well as trees plant themselves in rocky soil.[/QUOTE]

          Wow I didn't know about the light bulbs! I sure need that! Thank you.
          I play soccer so that was my excuse thinking I don't have to walk. You are right I just have to dress right for the weather and still walk.

          Thanks, again Sal!
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  • Profile picture of the author masterlogisticsuk
    You should not believe the lies that your depression obsessive thoughts tell you. If you do you will be making a huge mistake. In fact, the reason why you are having these depression obsessive thoughts in the first place is because of how you talk to yourself. If you learn to change the way that you talk to yourself, you will be in much better shape and you will actually be able to handle the Obsessive Compulsive disorder thoughts that pop into your head. Remember, you cannot control the thoughts that pop into your head, but you can control how you react to them!
    Remember that fear, depression obsessive thoughts and OCD are just coping mechanisms. If you realize this you can start to take back control of your own mind. Remember that there are people all ove the world who have issues with depression obsessive thoughts. I remember so many times when I felt suicidal, but then the next day something really awesome happened and it hit me, "Wow, I would have missed out on this if I actually carried out a suicide!" One of the ways to quit depression obsessive thoughts is to fill your mind with things that you like. When you have a depression obsessive thought ask yourself this question: "What would I rather be thinking about?" When you ask yourself this question it evokes good thoughts naturally.

    I can understand your problems and so many people are suffering from this problem because they have very low self esteem and less courage and negetave thinking. First of all try to develop positive thinking attitude in your self.Whatever happens try to look in to that in positive manner.Suppose if you have been transferred from one place to another place than think that now you have a chance to know another place and travel.You will enjoy the travelling opportunity which many people don't have. So always try to see most of the situation from a positive angle.
    And you will always be happy I hope. Always try to learn new things and be brave to face the challenge of life.
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  • Profile picture of the author Pauline60
    Do not give up - never give up, especially if you have children. If you don't give up you WILL succeed. It may take a while but it will happen. Focus on what you want to achieve, fix your mind on that and that alone. It is just a journey. The common feature of all successful people is that they did not give up - if they had they would not have been successful.
    You are not a failure just because you have not yet reached success, you are just still on your way to success.
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    • Profile picture of the author clint48
      Yoko, it's hard to get yourself to do anything when you are feeling bad. You are not stupid, although I know trying to learn this stuff makes you feel that way sometimes.

      Just ask a lot of questions, I tried to do it without asking the questions and it took me longer than it should have to learn. If I had it to do over again I would ask question after question no matter how stupid I thought the question was.

      Some people will be nice and some will be mean, but you will learn much faster if you ask questions.

      Take care
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  • Profile picture of the author ashleysmith
    Just build up your self-esteem and don't allow anyone to put you down! Be strong!
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    • Profile picture of the author yssync
      Originally Posted by ashleysmith View Post

      Just build up your self-esteem and don't allow anyone to put you down! Be strong!
      Thank you! I received so many positive words and energy on this thread and am very grateful! I've been feeling much better and am sure there will be more down times in the future, but I'll get back up! Thanks, again!

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  • Profile picture of the author andram
    It happens to feel depressed at times, but if it often occurs in you, I suggest you seek a counseling. Cheer up, we all have purpose in life. Prayer is the most important as they say, and socialize, you are already in this forum, there are lots of people who can teach us especially in monetizing
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    • Profile picture of the author yssync
      Originally Posted by andram View Post

      It happens to feel depressed at times, but if it often occurs in you, I suggest you seek a counseling. Cheer up, we all have purpose in life. Prayer is the most important as they say, and socialize, you are already in this forum, there are lots of people who can teach us especially in monetizing
      Thank you! and yes, actually this forum is a great counseling.
      I've made $50 in 5 days thanks to WSO! I'll keep going and never give up!

      Thanks, again!
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  • Profile picture of the author Wsoram
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    • Profile picture of the author yssync
      Originally Posted by Wsoram View Post

      Man here is a life time oportunity I hope you get it.

      Just look in my Signature. Its not a Scam I asure you that.

      I hope this resolve you financial problems.

      Always remember to put your faith in God and he will help you.
      Thank you!
      I tried to open the free report, but my work PC didn't let me for some reason.. Is there a way to send it to me in a different format???

      Thanks, again!
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  • Profile picture of the author ejb2059
    Stay strong and keep the faith!
    I was a self made millionaire before I was 40 42, I was broke ..
    I've gone up and down the "rollercoaster" but no matter what, I always enjoy the ride
    Good luck & God Bless
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  • Profile picture of the author skylarw
    Wow, I am always amazed at how quickly fellow Warriors come to the aid of one another in times of need. I am inspired by those of you who continually use this forum as an opportunity to encourage your fellow human beings. I don't come around often, but anytime that I feel like getting some inspiration I always check in.

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