UFO Abduction Incident in London.

by Thomas
30 replies
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Just saw this in a newspaper report about the release of some UFO-related files...

"In October 1998, a man in Barnes, West London, claimed aliens had landed in his garden, and abducted him after he fell asleep and woke to find he had lost an hour.

Officials at the Ministry of Defence wrote back explaining the clocks had gone forward that night."

  • Profile picture of the author peterj
    Boy, did I feel stupid!
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  • Profile picture of the author Mikedb

    made my day


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    • Profile picture of the author OlgaH
      I just saw a documentary from the History channel. It is called Ancient Aliens. Pretty interesting stuff. Watching it made me wonder if their theories may be true. Has anyone seen it?
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      • Profile picture of the author whateverpedia
        Originally Posted by OlgaH View Post

        I just saw a documentary from the History channel. It is called Ancient Aliens. Pretty interesting stuff. Watching it made me wonder if their theories may be true. Has anyone seen it?
        Sounds like Chariots Of The Gods, a series of books and documentaries that were pretty big back in the 70's. I remember seeing the original COTG on TV back when I was about 10 or 11 and it opened up my young mind at the time.

        Here's the original on google Video: Chariots of the GODS

        Interesting that every continent on Earth has ancient drawings/carvings that look to modern folk like astronauts.
        Why do garden gnomes smell so bad?
        So that blind people can hate them as well.
        {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[3466336].message }}
        • Profile picture of the author seasoned
          Originally Posted by whateverpedia View Post

          Sounds like Chariots Of The Gods, a series of books and documentaries that were pretty big back in the 70's. I remember seeing the original COTG on TV back when I was about 10 or 11 and it opened up my young mind at the time.

          Here's the original on google Video: Chariots of the GODS

          Interesting that every continent on Earth has ancient drawings/carvings that look to modern folk like astronauts.
          You know, SOME of those don't look like astronauts to ME, and some others are hard to see.

          And cultures come out with weird things. I wonder... If people forgot about elephants, and saw a guy wearing an elephant mask, would they picture the trunk as a tube for air?

          And isn't it funny that people speak about "the goldilocks planet" and about "able to support life", and yet, though those imply all life must be according to our experience, etc... they have people coming here needing to have some sort of alternate gas? In battlefield earth, that gas, when mixed with oxygen, was effectively explosive. The turning point of the domestic war, and the destruction of their planet, was caused by that fact.

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        • Profile picture of the author bravo75
          Erik Van Danikken. I met him in person. Really nice guy.

          Originally Posted by whateverpedia View Post

          Sounds like Chariots Of The Gods, a series of books and documentaries that were pretty big back in the 70's. I remember seeing the original COTG on TV back when I was about 10 or 11 and it opened up my young mind at the time.

          Here's the original on google Video: Chariots of the GODS

          Interesting that every continent on Earth has ancient drawings/carvings that look to modern folk like astronauts.
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  • Profile picture of the author HeySal
    Guess the PM doesn't know about your sh*tweasel reactor, Tommy.

    When the Roads and Paths end, learn to guide yourself through the wilderness
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  • Profile picture of the author seasoned
    Yeah, Thomas has an interesting point. One day I was at home and found I was almost an hour late for an interview! HOW could that be, etc.... Well, I am often not here and, though I have many clocks backed up, and some shift automatically, the 2 on the stove and oen are neither. I didn't change them because I am here so little and usually don't care.

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  • Profile picture of the author tpw
    I always watch Ancient Aliens... I have several of them recorded...

    I was disappointed by this thread however...

    I thought the OP was going to tell us that someone abducted a UFO from the aliens...
    Bill Platt, Oklahoma USA, PlattPublishing.com
    Publish Coloring Books for Profit (WSOTD 7-30-2015)
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  • Profile picture of the author Kurt
    Originally Posted by Thomas View Post

    Just saw this in a newspaper report about the release of some UFO-related files...

    "In October 1998, a man in Barnes, West London, claimed aliens had landed in his garden, and abducted him after he fell asleep and woke to find he had lost an hour.

    Officials at the Ministry of Defence wrote back explaining the clocks had gone forward that night."

    Wow! Aliens use Daylight savings too!?!
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    {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[3469113].message }}
    • Profile picture of the author seasoned
      Originally Posted by Kurt View Post

      Wow! Aliens use Daylight savings too!?!
      YEAH, it saves THEM time too. Want to steal an hour? Just do it ONE SECOND just before the beginning of spring!
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  • Profile picture of the author johnjen246
    Originally Posted by Thomas View Post

    Just saw this in a newspaper report about the release of some UFO-related files...

    "In October 1998, a man in Barnes, West London, claimed aliens had landed in his garden, and abducted him after he fell asleep and woke to find he had lost an hour.

    Officials at the Ministry of Defence wrote back explaining the clocks had gone forward that night."

    Lost an hour? LOL. poor guy.
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  • Profile picture of the author Nookie
    I bet he felt like a real idiot
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    • Profile picture of the author JimmyD
      I once woke up really late for work. I called in and spoke to one of the guys and said I had been abducted by aliens and they had only just dropped me home so I would be late in.

      I turned up about 2 hours later and no one said a word. Spooky...
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  • Profile picture of the author MariusJ
    If you want to at least start on the right foot with the whole UFO phenomen, you really need to ask yourself a few questions.
    Why was Roswell dramatically publicised one day, and the very next, shut down with military force?
    What is the point of billions of dollars spent over the last 6 decades making it a laughable topic? - Why bother if it is total nonsense?
    Where the hell did that 5 trillion dollars go to that to this day, is unaccountable during the Bush administration?
    What is the point of now, all the hype and media exposure on the UFO phenomina, particularly in the UK on the radio?
    What is the point of the Vatican publicly stating only a few short years ago, "It is ok to believe in UFOs and alien beings", despite contradicting it's basic premise - we are the centre of the universe (Earth)? (And a more interesting topic for you to ponder is this: what the hell are all those Ancient Egyptian icons doing sitting in front of the Vatican when Egyptian religions are considered Paganism and therefore, associated with devil-worship according to The Church?)
    Why has this been a yo-yo of approval and denial by the media?
    Why did Jimmy Carter not make his planned announcement that he promised (as Steven Spielberg alluded to) regarding this topic?
    Why has the Press released articles that 10 years ago, always associated any accounts of "alien abduction" or "alien sightings" with laughably, "little green men", whereas nowadays, all articles are printed as a boring report, as though it were no more meanful than that someone saw a UFO, as the Dow Jones dropped .05%?
    Do you know anyone that has seen these things?
    Why did Obama announce on our mainstream tv news in 2009, that "all information regarding the UFO/extra-terrestrial phenomina will be released over the next 4 years"?
    Why did the UK recently actually do this, only this week?
    I could list another 100 questions but I couldn't be bothered.

    A few names that should invite serious attention if you care are:
    * Dr. Steven Grier - The Disclosure Project 2001 at the National Press Club, Washington DC. The Disclosure Project
    Prof. John Searl
    * Dr. Boyd Bushman (Snr. Scientist at Lockheed & Martin) / David Sereda (Nuclear Physicist)
    * Stan Deyo
    * Personal testimony from fellows fratres and sorers at the Lodge
    * Many others
    *Seeing is believing
    {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[3471434].message }}
    • Profile picture of the author seasoned
      Originally Posted by MariusJ View Post

      If you want to at least start on the right foot with the whole UFO phenomen, you really need to ask yourself a few questions.
      Why was Roswell dramatically publicised one day, and the very next, shut down with military force?
      YEAH, AND the military RIDICULED the idea that they had a special area in Nevada! WELL, TODAY they ADMIT it, yet SHTILL threaten to KILL tresspassers and as for satellite images? Well, let's go to GOOGLE!

      groom lake nevada] \ - Google Maps

      And DECADES after the 1945 incident, they claimed it was due to an ODD, STUPID, WEIRD "test" they did in 1954!(Note the transposed numbers) Shades of 1984 which, IRONICALLY, was written in 1948(same transposition).

      http://maps.google.com/maps?hl=en&q=...0CCAQ8gEwAAYEP folks, even the SATELLITES aren't showing it!

      What is the point of billions of dollars spent over the last 6 decades making it a laughable topic? - Why bother if it is total nonsense?
      Where the hell did that 5 trillion dollars go to that to this day, is unaccountable during the Bush administration?
      What is the point of now, all the hype and media exposure on the UFO phenomina, particularly in the UK on the radio?
      What is the point of the Vatican publicly stating only a few short years ago, "It is ok to believe in UFOs and alien beings", despite contradicting it's basic premise - we are the centre of the universe (Earth)? (And a more interesting topic for you to ponder is this: what the hell are all those Ancient Egyptian icons doing sitting in front of the Vatican when Egyptian religions are considered Paganism and therefore, associated with devil-worship according to The Church?)
      Why has this been a yo-yo of approval and denial by the media?
      Why did Jimmy Carter not make his planned announcement that he promised (as Steven Spielberg alluded to) regarding this topic?
      Why has the Press released articles that 10 years ago, always associated any accounts of "alien abduction" or "alien sightings" with laughably, "little green men", whereas nowadays, all articles are printed as a boring report, as though it were no more meanful than that someone saw a UFO, as the Dow Jones dropped .05%?
      Do you know anyone that has seen these things?
      Why did Obama announce on our mainstream tv news in 2009, that "all information regarding the UFO/extra-terrestrial phenomina will be released over the next 4 years"?
      Why did the UK recently actually do this, only this week?
      I could list another 100 questions but I couldn't be bothered.
      Yeah, but even the idea of area 51, aka groom lake, is kind of silly. I mean they HAVE to have delays on all domestic views, whoch must be monitored, so why all the concern? If they DON'T have delays, it is:

      1. NEAR IMPOSSIBLE to make real time.
      2. Secrets can be released.
      3. Anything they hide is likely to be revealed.

      I mean they don't want enemies tracking ships or deliveries, etc...

      BTW IO would have loved to talk about FOIA, but it could become political.

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  • Profile picture of the author MariusJ
    Final note:
    'Truth is treason in the empire of lies.' - Sophocles
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    • Profile picture of the author seasoned
      Originally Posted by MariusJ View Post

      Final note:
      'Truth is treason in the empire of lies.' - Sophocles
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  • Profile picture of the author bravo75
    I believe in the whole UFO thing but I don't see the big deal about Area 51. It's a secret military base. If they allowed all kind of satellite images and publicized everything then it would cease to be a secret, wouldn't it? Every country has secret military installations.
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    • Profile picture of the author seasoned
      Originally Posted by bravo75 View Post

      I believe in the whole UFO thing but I don't see the big deal about Area 51. It's a secret military base. If they allowed all kind of satellite images and publicized everything then it would cease to be a secret, wouldn't it? Every country has secret military installations.
      It HAS ceased to be secret! HECK, I once interviewed for a job at an area that is pretty top secret. A friend of mine works at another.

      And they originally said MANY things about area 51! Even some rather high placed people with TOP SECRET CLEARANCE are NOT allowed in area 51! So is it merely a secret "military base", or is it a place that reverse engineers alien aircraft?

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  • Profile picture of the author Kurt
    The real top secret stuff at Area 51 was moved to somewhere in Utah a long time ago...I'm guessing 8-10 years ago or so.
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    • Profile picture of the author HeySal
      Originally Posted by Kurt View Post

      The real top secret stuff at Area 51 was moved to somewhere in Utah a long time ago...I'm guessing 8-10 years ago or so.
      Really? I've never heard that before. Does that mean if I wander into that area while rockhounding I won't disappear forever?

      When the Roads and Paths end, learn to guide yourself through the wilderness
      Beyond the Path

      {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[3473013].message }}
      • Profile picture of the author bravo75
        Probably deep underground or deep within the mountains. Just don't go on any cave exploration trips and you should be fine. I would also leave my camera at home in future.

        Originally Posted by HeySal View Post

        Really? I've never heard that before. Does that mean if I wander into that area while rockhounding I won't disappear forever?
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        • Profile picture of the author Kurt
          Originally Posted by HeySal View Post

          Really? I've never heard that before. Does that mean if I wander into that area while rockhounding I won't disappear forever?
          Originally Posted by bravo75 View Post

          I also believe that the really exotic stuff that they had at the "top secret" Groomlake has since been moved to a real secret location. To many people know about Area 51 now. Didn't know about Utah though.
          This is actually fairly well known among Las Vegas locals. I have a feeling the reason it is'n't more well known has more to do with tourism than anything else.

          George Knapp is a local Las Vegas investigative reporter, and he's a legit journalist. He's considered the top expert on Area 51 and if you ever see a TV show about Area 51, there's a good chance he'll be interviewed on it.

          I can't remember exactly, but he did a report on how the traffic/busses from McCarran airport (Las Vegas) to Area 51 dropped off severely, pretty much all at once.

          He went it to more detail, but I can't remember them, but I do remember he made a very good case for Area 51 being moved.

          Here's a video of George Knapp, although this doesn't have anything to do with Area 51 moving...There's plenty more George Knapp Area 51/UFO videos on Youtube:

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      • Profile picture of the author seasoned
        Originally Posted by HeySal View Post

        Really? I've never heard that before. Does that mean if I wander into that area while rockhounding I won't disappear forever?
        Kurt IS right about them CLAIMING that. They STILL treat it like such a secret base, etc... though. Still, I am right about how they lied for so long and now ADMIT IT!

        {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[3473281].message }}
        • Profile picture of the author bravo75
          They still treat it like a secret base because it still is a secret base. They might have moved their most exotic technologies to other locations, but the base is still there and I'm sure they still use the facility for other top secret stuff.
          You are right about how they lied for so long but they still are. Just because the MOD releases a few cases of UFO incidents, doesn't mean the government is saying: "People of the earth, aliens are real and they live amongst us."

          Originally Posted by seasoned View Post

          Kurt IS right about them CLAIMING that. They STILL treat it like such a secret base, etc... though. Still, I am right about how they lied for so long and now ADMIT IT!

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          • Profile picture of the author carlo99
            Lost an hour? that was funny. I am glad I have not encountered UFO too.
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            • Profile picture of the author Sam England
              The Aliens just left my pad and they are Fu$$ed up from all the beer we drank and weed we smoked...since they wouldn't share their women with me...I kicked their sorry ass's out...told them to go fly off in the sissy ass spaceship...

              Look out cause they are looking for another party to crash...

              Damn Aliens!

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    • Profile picture of the author bravo75
      I also believe that the really exotic stuff that they had at the "top secret" Groomlake has since been moved to a real secret location. To many people know about Area 51 now. Didn't know about Utah though.

      Originally Posted by Kurt View Post

      The real top secret stuff at Area 51 was moved to somewhere in Utah a long time ago...I'm guessing 8-10 years ago or so.
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  • Profile picture of the author tpw
    That reporter from Jane's Monthly did a 2-hour show on the relationship between UFO's and the US Military.

    He was the only person that I saw mention the fact that Area 51 has been moved to Utah...

    He was unable to say more specifically to where it moved, and he could not find his contacts in the Rachel, Nevada area that he always went to for information about Area 51 activities...

    However, you still cannot enter the area... They still have the signs up and the heavy security that it has always had, so I thought his report somewhat suspect...
    Bill Platt, Oklahoma USA, PlattPublishing.com
    Publish Coloring Books for Profit (WSOTD 7-30-2015)
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