2 replies
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so guys first who plays poker?

1.which sites are best in America for poker
a. most fun without raping you
b. legal :p

2.what do you guys think of subscription based poker sites like clubwpt
not sure of others have yet to look but input is nice
#america #legal #poker
  • Profile picture of the author sammyjdouglas
    Bodog and Carbon still accept US players. A simple google search will get you quite a few.

    Theyre still technically legal, the "illegal" part is the bank fraud thats happening when you deposit/withdrawal, but they work around that.

    Meh, subscription sites aren't profitable enough for me to even bother.
    {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[4929782].message }}
    • Profile picture of the author mikeg355
      Originally Posted by sammyjdouglas View Post

      Bodog and Carbon still accept US players. A simple google search will get you quite a few.

      Theyre still technically legal, the "illegal" part is the bank fraud thats happening when you deposit/withdrawal, but they work around that.

      Meh, subscription sites aren't profitable enough for me to even bother.
      What do you mean by arent profitable enough? are you saying that you as a player do not make enough so they are not worth playing in?
      {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[4929887].message }}

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