Delete google browsing history before they start new policy

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Google is giving people the chance to delete their browsing history. On March 1st, they will start a new policy which enables them to keep a record of your personal information, browsing history, Gmail emails amongst other things. Im not sure what they plan on doing with all this data (maybe personalized ads) but It sounds really dodgy.

Read more about it here

Three simple steps to delete your Google browsing history... before it's too late | Mail Online
  • Profile picture of the author InWait
    They admitted years ago, after denying it first, that they hold on to search history. I guess they've finally decided to make it all official now?

    As has been proven before, when you completely dominate the market you can get away with a lot more. I think it still may come back to bite them though. No company stays dominate forever.
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  • Profile picture of the author icegin
    This sounds really dodgy. I always believed that Google already tracked people's search history to some extent, but saving Gmail emails? Seems to cross a line...
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  • Profile picture of the author Patrician
    They are truly competing with FaceHook.

    Thank you for the warning - I just 'removed and paused' web history on my and my client's accounts.

    I really resent Giggle anyway but now I also hope the FTC will take them to the cleaners. (along with FaceHook)

    It seems trite to say what a huge invasion of privacy this is, especially in this day of rampant identity theft and stalking.

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  • Profile picture of the author seasoned
    You CAN'T keep search history for very long for targeting. First, I never to;d them WHO I was, or WHY I was searching, OR the context. Some things I no longer need after a time. Some things are mistakes. Some things are FADS! So it has a limited shelf life.

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  • Profile picture of the author Patrician
    Read the article Steve.
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  • Remember to do this in All your Google accounts you do not want tracked!

    You may have more than one...
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  • Profile picture of the author HeySal
    Both Google and FB are using LSO (super) cookies. I delete mine through "Better Privacy" FF add-on. Removing regular cookies won't get them. I also only am logged into Google when I need to be logged in.

    About a year ago I read that these cookies were considered illegal and there were court cases over them. I don't know what happened, either those cases have not been tried yet, or the courts decided that it's just fine and dandy to have your nose 6 inches up someone else's business but find this digusting. I don't need Google or FB to give me a "targeted" experience. If I want something - I can "google" it - isn't that what they are for anyway?

    When the Roads and Paths end, learn to guide yourself through the wilderness
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    • Profile picture of the author MikeAmbrosio
      Originally Posted by HeySal View Post

      Both Google and FB are using LSO (super) cookies. I delete mine through "Better Privacy" FF add-on. Removing regular cookies won't get them. I also only am logged into Google when I need to be logged in.

      About a year ago I read that these cookies were considered illegal and there were court cases over them. I don't know what happened, either those cases have not been tried yet, or the courts decided that it's just fine and dandy to have your nose 6 inches up someone else's business but find this digusting. I don't need Google or FB to give me a "targeted" experience. If I want something - I can "google" it - isn't that what they are for anyway?
      They aren't doing this for the end user (no matter what they try to portray). This is for selling advertising. Period.

      Well, probably a few nefarious reasons as well, but still not in our best interests

      Are you protecting your on line business? If you have a website, blog, ecommerce store you NEED to back it up regularly. Your webhost will only protect you so much. Check out Quirkel. Protect yourself.

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  • Profile picture of the author Patrician
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  • Profile picture of the author yukon
    Two words, Incognito (Chrome browser) & Ccleaner (free).
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  • Profile picture of the author dgridley
    Mozilla has a good Do Not Track plugin or addon.. using it now and it works great.

    I also use Ccleaner.
    davew3b tumblr blog | davew3b posterous blog | God Bless You (Facebook)
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  • Profile picture of the author paul_1
    CCleaner works all the time...
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    • Profile picture of the author dgridley
      .. but Ccleaner doesn't stop you from being tracked or data being collected.. it just deletes your cookies, etc after the fact. Do Not Track is what you all need.. it blocks you from being tracked as you browse, then you can use Ccleaner to delte any after browsing traces.
      davew3b tumblr blog | davew3b posterous blog | God Bless You (Facebook)
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  • Profile picture of the author thinkforwrite
    Originally Posted by Optimist Cam View Post

    Google is giving people the chance to delete their browsing history. On March 1st, they will start a new policy which enables them to keep a record of your personal information, browsing history, Gmail emails amongst other things. Im not sure what they plan on doing with all this data (maybe personalized ads) but It sounds really dodgy.
    So we should move from Google to other platform??
    Privacy is much important.
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