How to Stop Teens from Texting While Driving

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This anti-texting-while-driving post, on Cool Site of the Day, was motivated by three 6th graders yesterday. I was sitting in a coffee shop in my home town when the three asked if there was anything they could do for me that would pay them $5 (they wanted one of the expensive desserts and didn't have enough money).

At the moment, I was reading about the ATT campaign to stop texting while driving so I made this post and told them that if they can get 100 people to visit it (I setup a unique tracking URL), I would give them $5.

I'll keep you posted on their progress and I encourage you to do the same--incentivize kids/anyone to spread the word about this important issue. If you want, setup your own unique URL to the page I created and create a similar 'challenge'.

#texting #texting while driving
  • Innovative and socially conscious social networking...bring it on!
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  • Profile picture of the author Gorgasm
    It's a nice thing to know, thanks for posting.
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  • Profile picture of the author HeySal
    Parents could always make the kid leave the devices home when they are going out in their car. It seems dangerous to me for anyone to need to be connected 24/7. Kids have to learn to be able to function without being connected. How can we be a free people if nobody knows how to live without being able to function on their own? Gov loves it when we can't. Gives them an easy in to our personal lives.

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    • Profile picture of the author mikecorso
      Originally Posted by HeySal View Post

      How can we be a free people if nobody knows how to live without being able to function on their own? Gov loves it when we can't. Gives them an easy in to our personal lives.
      Ah, yes, Govt AND business (don't us marketers enjoy 'social media'?)

      Mike Corso
      Cool Site of the Day
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  • Profile picture of the author kingofthesouth
    I don't think these teens will ever stop texting and driving. It's almost like they have to respond or send! Even though they know what can happen. SMH!
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  • Profile picture of the author whateverpedia
    Natural selection will gradually eradicate the problem.
    Why do garden gnomes smell so bad?
    So that blind people can hate them as well.
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    • Profile picture of the author mikecorso
      Originally Posted by whateverpedia View Post

      Natural selection will gradually eradicate the problem.
      True, true...but who's got the time?!


      Mike Corso
      Cool Site of the Day
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  • Profile picture of the author tryinhere
    The simple solution is to place a sat nav sensor in the phone / when it detects travel at xyz speed it shuts down the phone.

    probably a few dollars to fix the problem. Many Big kids text while driving.

    borderline self promotional post ?
    | > Choosing to go off the grid for a while to focus on family, work and life in general. Have a great 2020 < |
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    • Profile picture of the author Tayman
      I thought talking on the phone while driving was bad. Texting while driving is just ridiculous.

      At least come to a complete stop before you send that all import "LOL".
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  • Profile picture of the author theimbible
    implement voice activated texting...
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  • Profile picture of the author yukon
    How to Stop Teens from Texting While Driving
    Don't buy them a phone.

    Next question.
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    • Profile picture of the author jerytohn
      Originally Posted by yukon View Post

      Don't buy them a phone.

      Next question.
      Don't let them drive.

      Good Day People! This is my fav search engine: Google

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    • Profile picture of the author Joe Mobley
      Once again, overcome by the merely obvious.

      Joe Mobley

      Originally Posted by yukon View Post

      Don't buy them a phone.

      Next question.


      Follow Me on Twitter: @daVinciJoe
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  • Profile picture of the author hardraysnight
    adults set a good example by not texting and driving
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  • Profile picture of the author John Durham
    My brother Michael was texting while driving and someone (a teenager ironically) saw it, and called the cops, who pulled him over and gave him a tongue lashing... To the best my knowledge he doesnt do it anymore. Thank God. I worry about that boy doing business on the road. He's on the road alot so his probability of an accident is higher anyway...without all that.
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    • Profile picture of the author Joe Mobley
      My first car accident was looking down to change the radio station. Remember push-button radios?

      Joe Mobley

      Originally Posted by John Durham View Post

      My brother Michael was texting while driving and someone (a teenager ironically) saw it, and called the cops, who pulled him over and gave him a tongue lashing... To the best my knowledge he doesnt do it anymore. Thank God. I worry about that boy doing business on the road. He's on the road alot so his probability of an accident is higher anyway...without all that.


      Follow Me on Twitter: @daVinciJoe
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  • Don't know if it the same in the states, but if you get caught texting here in Aus it is a fine.

    Well that is texting while driving.

    Then again I hate texting any way what happened to just bl**dy ringing the person.
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  • Profile picture of the author ernestrategos
    I agree with xuled, an ounce of prevention is worth...

    I think its not only mobile phone misuse but distractions in general. I think driving safety prevention campaigns should focus on it. Of course, preventing our close ones ourselves is THE most important, I'm sure they will remember our words and if we really care we can give them a sticker if they have a bad memory.
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  • Profile picture of the author mojojuju
    I'm mostly concerned about sexting while driving. I had a close call last week when I was trying to take a picture of my junk to send to my son's 2nd grade teacher. To make a long story short, I almost rear ended a pickup truck because my feet were caught in my underwear which almost prevented me from hitting the brake in time.


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    • Profile picture of the author Aussie_Al
      Originally Posted by mojojuju View Post

      I'm mostly concerned about sexting while driving. I had a close call last week when I was trying to take a picture of my junk to send to my son's 2nd grade teacher. To make a long story short, I almost rear ended a pickup truck because my feet were caught in my underwear which almost prevented me from hitting the brake in time.
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  • Profile picture of the author daddykool
    Get them out to work, so they have no time to text
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  • Profile picture of the author GT
    How to Stop Teens from Texting While Driving?

    Well, first you've got to stop adults from using cell phones while driving. There's a "Distracted Driving" law against that sort of thing here in my province, but you still see every third person with their hand and a cell phone stuck to their ear!


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  • Profile picture of the author RyanEagle
    Impressive tactic by letting them spread the word about it. They themselves will be able to realize the danger of texting while driving.
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  • Profile picture of the author Thomas
    Originally Posted by The Aussie Seo Guy View Post

    Don't know if it the same in the states, but if you get caught texting here in Aus it is a fine.
    Here, it's a €2,500 and penalty points on your licence for just holding (not using) a mobile phone while driving!

    Originally Posted by mikecorso View Post

    Re: How to Stop Teens from Texting While Driving
    Show them stuff like this:

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  • Profile picture of the author soulglazed
    I don't know, I feel like a lot of parents don't express the dangers of texting while driving. I've heard a lot say "don't do it" but maybe if they whipped out how many people die per year and maybe a story, it'd have a stronger impression.

    I mean if you just try and take their phone away or make them keep it home, they're only going to find a way around it and become sneaky with it. It'd better to make them learn then to take away things because they might not have their phone but in reality, they're not really going to know WHY. Just my two cents I guess.

    It's shocking how many crashes happen because of it each year but I never hear parents bringing that up. Just "DON'T DO IT, IT'S BAD"

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  • Profile picture of the author glavilla
    This is great thread. As we know that texting while driving is one of the reasons of some major accidents. To stop this, we should tell our kids to stop texting while driving if they did it again, get the phone. It is also good if you don't allow them to drive if they didn't give their phone.
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  • Profile picture of the author atshy21saraf
    Put their sim out of the fone...or jus dont let them drive...:-D
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