Alarmed and Dangerous!

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Researchers fear hackers could soon control minds - Houston Chronicle

There is nothing on Page One of this Forum to Worry.

I always call the OT Bar & Grill the Worrier Forum.

What the heck? You guys are not worried about this?

So you thought Tin Foil Hats were Frivolous, eh?

Get one today!


This one is last year's news and I think a repeat for the OT - but just to rub it in:
  • Profile picture of the author HeySal
    I figured that the aps that react with brain waves are really kewl - but dangerous as hell. I'll never use one. There are already over 150 patents for mind control devices - and they work all sorts of different ways - sonar, visual, auditory, chemical, etc and so forth. As technology advances it's going to become harder and harder to "keep your wits about you". Kinda ashame that Orwell didn't live to see this stuff.

    When the Roads and Paths end, learn to guide yourself through the wilderness
    Beyond the Path

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  • Profile picture of the author Patrician
    Fur shur, "Orwellian proportions"...

    Omigod - airport security x-rays as gross as they are, don't seem as intrusive as this.

    ohwell - I guess the final exploit = even your mind isn't your own.

    "we gotta get out of this place"

    too mucking fuch.
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  • Profile picture of the author socialentry
    Bah, they can barely read people's mind, let alone make them do things against their will.
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    • Profile picture of the author Robert Michael
      Originally Posted by socialentry View Post

      Bah, they can barely read people's mind, let alone make them do things against their will.
      Not exactly...

      There was an experiment a few years back, I forget the name of it but it was VERY interesting.

      A group of people participated in what they thought was a self-confidence seminar, or something like that.

      Throughout the process, the people were ACTUALLY being brainwashed in to robbing an armored truck -- that was the ultimate goal of the person doing the seminar.

      All of these people had NO criminal records at all, and held very good jobs.

      All it took was certain "triggers" being placed in their brain, and then 'activating' those triggers at the right time.

      Something as simple as the Jackson 5's "Can You Feel It" playing from a car as it drove past triggered these people to feel 'empowered' and made them think they could do anything they set their mind to -- even robbing an armored truck.

      In the end, something like 8 out of 10 participants DID rob the guy.

      I'll see if I can find the video again, if I do I'll post it for everyone.

      It was a VERY interesting study.
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  • Profile picture of the author socialentry
    This seems a lot of trouble, I would just hire a mob guy. if I were them
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  • Profile picture of the author socialentry
    I heard David Copperfield could make the statue of liberty disappear, hack women in two and levitate.

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