This is Exactly How Not To Do Marketing
This random guy walks up to us and says hi, I thought he was a security guard at first. He was wearing a fluro vest, had a name tag and clip board.
He asks us who's car it is then proceeds into a sales pitch.
Turns out he was representing a local mechanic.
While he was talking I was sussing him out to see if he was legit.
I was kind of in two spaces in one way I thought he has balls for doing what he's doing and especially cos it's a unique way of getting his business out there.
On the other side he was a bit arrogant and pushy.
One thing led to another and then all of a sudden he pulls out his credit card machine and was prompting us for the sale. I told him it sounded like a good offer and we would take a look at it later but not right there and then.
He decided to get on the defensive and start questioning us. In fact he got a bit aggressive.
I told him it wasn't normal to approach people in car parks with an eftpos machine and then expect them to hand over a credit card no matter how good the deal is, I gave him the benefit of doubt and told him if they had a site i'd take a look.
He then pulls out his phone and starts telling me to take a look. At this point it just got awkward. I told him thanks but no thanks, we are going home to have dinner.
He turns to me and says "everyone is going home to have dinner, why dont you like my deal" this is the point my inner caveman came out, my wife heard the pitch of the conversation change so she went into the car.
I looked at this guy straight in the eye to see if he was drunk, high, crazy or just plain f*cking stupid. I told him "no thanks mate, not interested, turned around and got into my car".
As we drove off I watched him approach another 3-4 people who buzzed him off.
I then proceeded to call the centre management and report him, put a call through to the local police and call his boss over at mechanics and tell him he is giving his business a bad name and that he is scaring people in the car park.
The boss seemed reasonable and said he'd have a talk to him.
If that was me, i'd be whooping some ass and consider legal action.
Moderator's Note: You're only allowed to put your own products or sites in your signature.
Signature edited.
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