Another suing!
Chloe Jonnson: Transgender athlete sues CrossFit for not allowing her to compete - National Sports |
Isn't the idea to compete in a group and basically show what they can achieve naturally?
They aren't even supposed to allow MEN to compete under some circumstances. Some things are now FELONIES because of it!
I guess the NEXT will be a woman with "SRS" that is competing against the lower levels in the mens class and claiming steroids are simply a drug that person needs and should not be considered steroids. Wouldn't THAT be something. A man and woman taking testosterone, and the man with a 350 rating(in normal range) gets kicked out and disgraced while a woman with a 1200 rating(high even for a MAN, and CERTAINLY for a woman) stays in because it is a drug they "need"!
BESIDES, they NEED to limit the field, and ideally probably want people that rank well in their class and can be good for endorsements. So they likely kick out many.
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